Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 169 I am dead, and heaven and earth will be buried with me

Chapter 169 I am dead, and heaven and earth will be buried with me
"it is good."

The Jade Emperor was silent for a moment, then nodded.

He was not surprised that Chen Nuo knew about Journey to the West. Journey to the West belonged to the power transfer event created by them, and it had become the trend of the world.

Chen Nuo's strength has reached Jinxian, and he can use tricks to fabricate his identity, so it's not surprising to learn relevant information from the world and even deduce the follow-up development.

That monkey who only has magical powers for fighting and no other magical powers knows nothing about the general trend of the world.

Time is not valuable to the Jade Emperor cultivators. When Chen Nuo was bored, he played with little foxes and chatted with the fairies next to him. The time passed was not boring.

The only thing that rejoiced him was that the monkey had not been refined for a long time. The so-called 49 days was just a rhetoric. Jun then let the monkey come out by releasing the water.

The Eight Diagrams Furnace was kicked by a monkey and broke through the space barrier of the heavenly court and fell into the lower realm. Chen Nuo obviously saw the Jade Emperor's face twitching. This flaming mountain has been burning for hundreds of years, and it will consume a lot of spiritual energy.

"I see."

The havoc outside the Heavenly Palace reached its climax, and a group of gods and gods were blown away one after another. If it was said that it was still a showman before, now the monkey is the real power.

"Spirit energy and even primordial spirit are integrated into the body to become a golden immortal. It is not an ordinary law to achieve a golden immortal. Is this an improved version of the ancient witch clan's method?"

After Chen Nuo looked at it for a while, he saw something in his heart.

The monkey's current situation is somewhat similar to the cell transformation of the body transformation method, but it is much more advanced than the body transformation method.

If the body transformation method is to reach the Golden Immortal level, the transformation of the cells requires a huge amount of aura energy, and the monkey's previous aura was not enough to fit between the teeth.

The body of the golden fairy achieved by the monkey is many times stronger than before, but the spiritual energy consumed in the battle is actually less. This is undoubtedly the most suitable method for slowing down the consumption of spiritual energy in Journey to the West.

This made Chen Nuo wonder why everyone in Journey to the West is humming and haha ​​playing melee combat. Most gods, gods and monsters rely on the power of magic weapons. Apart from the Jade Emperor, the most powerful of the Tianting Group is Nezha, who is also in melee combat. He and Erlangshen have a clearer understanding that some powerful formations and spells have almost disappeared.

The environment forces people, oh no, the environment forces immortals and Buddhas.

"You said that if the monkey knew the truth of the matter, and knew that Mantian Xianfo and even his master played a scene with him, would he be happy, angry, or resentful?"

Chen Nuo understood why the Monkey King Journey to the West was so important.

Because only his natural stone monkey physique can achieve such a body of a golden fairy, and become a new golden fairy in the world of Journey to the West, so that he can exert the combat power of a golden fairy without consuming much spiritual energy.

"His emotions don't matter, it's fate, it's a catastrophe that this world must face."

The Jade Emperor was not shaken by Chen Nuo's words, looked at the monkeys that kept coming in from outside, stepped up and left.

Lingxiao Palace, smash it.

"Don't waste it."

Chen Nuo picked up a spiritual fruit and left.

Not long after leaving, there was a booming sound behind him, and all the furnishings in Lingxiao Hall were smashed, and even the plaque was knocked down.

After smashing the Lingxiao Palace, the monkey also left, and a group of immortals spontaneously surrounded Chen Nuo.

"Monkey head, don't be rude!"

Chen Nuo didn't care about the actions of the surrounding gods and gods, watching the Tathagata stop the monkey, and after the bet, the palm of the gods formed a five-finger mountain to hold it down. The corners of Chen Nuo's mouth twitched when he witnessed all this with his own eyes.

"Jade Emperor, are you really so poor?"

Yes, really poor.

Emotional Wuzhishan is not a supernatural substance, that is, a spiritual substance formed, or the Tathagata prepared in advance to use space supernatural powers to fill the sleeves, and pour out the rocks in the sleeves to condense into mountains when the palm of the gods is pressed.

Without using supernatural powers, the aura energy consumed by such a magical palm transformation Wuzhishan can be saved by at least 90%, but this is completely lost.

"Benefactor, now you can tell the purpose of your coming to this world."

After finishing the monkey, Tathagata also came to the crowd, seeing that Chen Nuo had already locked on to him.

"You don't have stones on both sleeves, do you?"

Chen Nuo glanced at Tathagata's sleeve and asked suddenly.


The surrounding atmosphere was a bit frozen, so Chen Nuo was really the first to tease one of the two big bosses in the world.

"Since the benefactor is like this, he will have to offend him."

Tathagata sighed, stretched out his palm, and the space froze completely enveloped Chen Nuo, wanting to arrest him and bring him to justice.

"My purpose is simple. I'm a good person. I don't want all beings to be herded and harvested by you. I want you to let go of the control of heaven and earth."

Facing Tathagata's unequivocal attack, Chen Nuo revealed his purpose.

Hands froze.

Not only because of Chen Nuo's words, but also because of the spiritual warning that made Tathagata aware of the crisis.

This is a natural warning from the mind of a cultivator who has reached a certain level. This extraterrestrial demon can cause danger to his life.

This discovery made Tathagata even more vigilant all of a sudden.

"Sir, do you know what you're talking about?

There are many disasters in the world, and if the natural forces are not properly controlled, it will cause great harm to ordinary beings. You are trying to put ordinary sentient beings in the world in disaster. "

Tathagata withdrew his hand and said righteously.

"Sorry, I only see that the natural authority of heaven and earth is completely controlled by you, all living beings are harvested by you, and their fate is arranged by you, and the disasters they have suffered have not diminished."

Chen Nuo said calmly.

Numerous experiences have proved that the power and right to determine one's own survival is best in one's own hands. Survival by relying on others will not end well sooner or later.

Not to mention that controlling the pattern of heaven and earth is not set for the so-called safety of all living beings.

If it is really for the safety of all beings, it should open up some freedom and rights, guide the development of all beings, and gradually rely on themselves to resist natural disasters, instead of completely controlling the world without leaving any leeway, forcing all beings to encounter disasters. When there is a disaster, go to pray to God and worship Buddha.

"Your Excellency, I'm sorry that we can't agree to your request. This matter concerns the safety of the entire world."

At this time, the Jade Emperor spoke, and with his words, the space of the Heavenly Court was suddenly closed, and the spiritual energy was imprisoned.

Heaven is closed!

"Please ask Tathagata to seal this extraterrestrial demon and deal with it afterwards."

The Jade Emperor looked at Tathagata, both of them felt the spiritual warning, and they could only seal Chen Nuo before they figured out the reason.

Tathagata has more energy left in his body, so it is more appropriate for him to do it.

"Benefactor, the poor monk has offended you." Tathagata performed a Buddhist ritual and was about to seal Chen Nuo.

"No, I was offended."

Chen Nuo glanced at Jade Emperor and Tathagata, glanced at Erlang God Nezha and his group, and smiled.

hum! ! !
As if the whole world was beeping, the immortal Buddhas all over the sky suddenly felt that the aura of the environment was fading in an instant, and a picture suddenly appeared in front of them who controlled the authority of the world and their minds were in harmony with the world.

Countless aura energies have suddenly changed, the speed of flow is accelerating, and a large amount of aura is turning into light, matter, and electric waves.
Some weak dragon veins wailed because of the decline of spiritual energy, and gradually dried up due to insufficient spiritual energy.

"you dare!"

Jade Emperor and Tathagata yelled at the same time, no longer caring about the consumption of spiritual energy that would result from their actions, they boldly attacked Chen Nuo.

"When I die, the heavens and the earth will be buried with me, and Taoist ancestors, saints, and countless great powers, including you, will be buried with me."

Chen Nuo said something calmly.

In the instant just now, he not only felt the attack from the Jade Emperor and Tathagata, but also felt the anger, joy, and even fear from the depths of the world. They all woke up or noticed something, and cast their gazes over.

"When I die, the heavens and the earth will be buried with me, and Taoist ancestors, saints, and countless great powers, including you, will be buried with me."

The attacks of the Jade Emperor and Tathagata stopped abruptly and froze in the middle, Chen Nuo chuckled lightly and repeated what he said before.

 I am working hard to code, there should be another update today

(End of this chapter)

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