Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 170 It's Impossible!

Chapter 170 It's Impossible! (300 monthly ticket plus update)

Throughout Journey to the West, the aura is still frantically turning into matter, the continent is expanding, and the four seas are rising.

There is not enough aura energy as a driving force, it is just an enlarged world, which will only increase the burden on the law of heaven.

In this kind of world, if you are not careful, the laws of heaven and earth will fail in wrestling with the basic rules. The world will collapse under the gravitational force of the basic rules, and finally in an explosion of genesis, it will announce the end of the era of the law of spiritual energy. The advent of the cosmic age.

"Stop! Stop!"

"Stop! Please stop!"

After trying to stop the aura that spread all over the world and failed, the Jade Emperor and Tathagata, including all the immortals and Buddhas, roared and begged anxiously.

Chen Nuo didn't stop right away, but waited until the spiritual energy of the whole world had decayed by 5% before stopping.

5% of the aura energy in a world disappears in an instant, which is almost greater than the consumption of thousands of golden immortals in the world. After all, the energy in the golden immortal's body will still dissipate, and it will return to the world after death. not big.

"Now, let's talk about it."

After Chen Nuo's words fell, all the gods and Buddhas present subconsciously took a few steps back.

"Wow, Daxian, you're on fire."

The little fox exclaimed.

The endless karma of heaven and earth was gathering, flocking towards Chen Nuo, turning him into a mass of bright red torches.

"It turns out that karma is like this. There is a law of cause and effect in heaven and earth. There is cause and effect but no karma. This thing is something created by the Taoist ancestor after he joined the heaven."

Chen Nuo's mind flashed, and he instantly understood what it was.

This thing is only useful to practitioners in this world. It is something made by Taoist ancestors after he controlled the way of heaven, and it is the opposite of the effect of merit.

Absorb the aura of this world, cultivate the aura law of this world, if you are shrouded by karma and exceed the limit of your cultivation, the aura energy and even the aura law in your body will backfire.

Of course, it doesn't work for him, an extraterrestrial demon whose aura energy has nothing to do with me.

"I haven't eaten your rice, so it's useless to give it to me."

Chen Nuo waved his hand indifferently.

Before even talking about a saint and Nuwa's name, I had to be sincere, but now I have completely turned the cards, Daozu is directly angry, don't be cowardly.

Above the heaven, dark clouds were gathering, and the highest level of scourge had already locked on Chen Nuo. The terrifying power made the little fox tremble a little.

"Jade Emperor, Tathagata, you don't care about this. I am afraid of thunder and lightning. If I see this dark cloud and lightning, I may do something inappropriate."

Chen Nuo rubbed the little fox's head, and pointed to the dark clouds in the sky.

This is an automatic induction, not someone behind the scenes.


The Jade Emperor and Tathagata, who were threatened by the righteousness, were silent. Before they could use their control of the authority of heaven and earth to cancel the scourge, the dark clouds in the sky dissipated.

At this time, a group of bigwigs had already woken up or were disturbed.

Although the environment has deteriorated and it is not suitable for them to come out, it is still no problem to pay attention to the situation or command remotely.

"What do you want?"

"Let go of the control and restriction of the natural authority of heaven and earth." Chen Nuo continued the request just now.

"This is impossible!"

The Jade Emperor directly refused, and the Tathagata next to him also shook his head to express that it was impossible.

They don't care about that bit of natural authority, but if they let go of the control restrictions, all beings in the world can develop various powers to resist natural disasters, so that they will not be dependent on them for survival, and their destiny will be independent of control, and they will no longer be able to obtain The origin of the world in all living beings.

"It's okay, I will break and develop by myself."

Chen Nuo chuckled lightly.

"Your Excellency, other matters can be discussed, including the position of the co-lord of heaven and earth, I can give you, but this matter is not acceptable."

The Jade Emperor looked at Chen Nuo and said in a deep voice, "I don't think you really dare to decay all the spiritual energy into matter."

"No, but do you dare to stop it?"

Chen Nuo shrugged and fought back without fear.

Indeed, he did not dare to decay all the spiritual energy into matter.

He came to break the predicament of heaven and earth, not here to make trouble.

In addition, even if there is no aura in the world, these immortals, gods, Buddhas and saints will not die immediately, they still have the last life, and they can burst out the last brilliance.

He couldn't resist the final madness of these immortals, gods, Buddhas and saints.

However, he didn't dare to completely decay the spiritual energy. Could it be that this group of immortals, gods, Buddhas and saints dared to stop him?

"5% of the aura energy in the world proves that I am qualified to be equal to you.

In this way, the two sides follow the rules of heaven and earth, and no one can cross the line. Whoever has greater ability will gain greater benefits. "

Chen Nuo stated his position bluntly. He didn't expect that these immortals, gods and Buddhas would give up their own interests with a big weapon in hand.

Everything must be developed by oneself, and everything must be fought by oneself. Only in this way can one obtain one's own interests.

The leader is right, the hydrogen bomb, this thing is to prove that he is qualified and has the right to fight for fair and equal conditions, it is not used to launch explosions.

If you really want to launch, although the enemy will not be able to please you, you will perish yourself.

My own interest standpoint is to seek development, seek to break the situation, and seek equality, rather than seek war and fight the enemy.

Threatening forcefully with a big weapon to demand that these immortals, gods, Buddhas and saints give up their own interests, they may back down, but there is a high probability that they will not back down, because this kind of thing cannot be backed down, and one step back is the abyss.

Once the other party chooses the latter and chooses not to give in, then this is a fool.

At that time, Chen Nuo had no choice but to go up hard, completely turning the energy of heaven and earth aura into matter, and then the other party perished, and he was also killed by a group of immortals, gods, Buddhas and saints before he perished.

"Amitabha, the two sides follow the rules of heaven and earth, but now the authority is in our hands. I hope that the donor can break our restrictions and successfully regain the authority of heaven and earth."

At this time, the Tathagata performed a Buddhist ceremony and agreed to the matter.

The Jade Emperor next to him didn't say a word, apparently the gang behind them had reached an agreement.

"Then I wish the Jade Emperor and Tathagata good health."

Chen Nuo smiled, and took the little fox out of the Heavenly Court. Before leaving, he didn't forget to take a few pots of wine and some fruits.

"Your Majesty, this."

After Chen Nuo left, Li Jing and others dared to ask, they thought it was very risky.

"If we lose all of this, it can only mean that we are really wrong." The Jade Emperor was silent for a few seconds and shook his head.

Both sides follow the rules of heaven and earth, which is the greatest fairness.

Chen Nuo didn't use big weapons, and immortals and Buddhas didn't use the power of heaven and earth to suppress, to test the strength and ability of both sides.

While being fair, this is also the greatest injustice, because now the authority of heaven and earth is in the hands of immortal gods and Buddhas, and Chen promises that he needs to reverse the situation and tear apart the situation of heaven and earth.

If the immortals and buddhas still lose in this way, then there is no injustice, no resentment!
"Three-eyed monster, how do you think this person will break the game? It's not easy to do."

In the distance, Nezha nudged Erlang God next to him with his elbow.

"There's no way this will work."

Erlang Shen simply shook his head.

How tightly the world is controlled, he, Guanjiangkou Erlang Zhenjun who has a temple in the world, knows very well that it is absolutely impossible for a golden fairy to tear apart this prison for sentient beings.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!"

When everyone was puzzled, the clairvoyant from outside ran in and shouted, "Your Majesty, that man is heading towards Wuzhi Mountain!"

(End of this chapter)

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