Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 171 Asking the Monkey

Chapter 171
"Does that man want to tell the monkey the truth?"

"No, if he really wants to tell, wouldn't it be better to tell before."

The gods were talking about it, and Chen Nuo wandered to Wuzhi Mountain.

"My lord, eat a peach."

Looking at the monkey with only one head and half of its arm exposed, Chen Nuo shook his head and threw two peaches over.

"Thank you land."

Although the monkey's mana was blocked, he was still nimble and reached out to catch the wine and peaches thrown by Chen Nuo.

"Well, no, you are not land!"

Just as he was about to chew the peaches, the monkey suddenly came to his senses and looked at Chen Nuo suspiciously.

The land of Pantaoyuan, it is impossible to leave Pantaoyuan.

"Does it matter?"

Chen Nuo didn't answer, but picked up a fruit brought down from heaven and ate it.

Don't look at the monkey who bears the title of Monkey King, the only Golden Immortal who has broken through in the world of Journey to the West.

Fate is arranged and controlled, and life is a drama, a drama led by immortals and Buddhas in the sky.

"Is it important? Well, indeed, it's not important, it's not important anymore."

The monkey was stunned for a moment, picked up the peach and ate it, eating it very slowly, tasting it slowly, instead of throwing it away after taking a few bites like before.

"You're not angry?"

Chen Nuo was a little strange. Although it took him more than two days to wander around, could it be that the monkey had an epiphany in two days?

"Anger, resentment, they all have it, but if you are not strong enough, you will be beaten. No matter how much anger and resentment you have, you must have enough strength."

Monkeys are not stupid, and their strength is not as good as that of humans, so they will not forcefully provoke them.

"I don't know why you are looking for my old grandson? Seeing that you can come down from the heaven safely, you must be not weak, but I'm afraid it's not enough to break the mountain that is pressing on me."

After eating a peach, the monkey looked at Chen Nuo with deep suspicion in his eyes.

"The Great Sage still wants to be the Jade Emperor?" Chen Nuo didn't answer, but continued to ask questions.

"Oh? Be the Jade Emperor?"

The monkey took a bite of the peach and said casually, "Naturally!"

"What do you want to do as the Jade Emperor?"

"Confer all my monkey grandchildren as officials, let them all live forever, and take them to heaven to enjoy endless glory and wealth."

The wish of the monkey after becoming the Jade Emperor is still very simple.

"Life will reproduce, what about the descendants of the great sage monkey and grandson?"

Chen Nuo smiled, seeing that the monkey had finished eating two peaches, he tossed two more.

"It's the same, they are all my monkey grandchildren, I don't favor anyone!"

Monkey is a good monkey king. Apart from not occupying the female monkey, he thinks a lot about the monkey group.

"Then who will serve the Great Sage and your monkey grandson?"

Chen Nuo stepped forward, took out a jug of wine and poured a glass for the monkey.

"There are immortals and Buddhas all over the sky and all beings in the world." The monkey drank a glass of wine happily and replied without thinking.

"Monkeys have monkey grandchildren, monkey grandchildren have monkeys, descendants, grandchildren, and countless generations.

Great Sage, your monkeys and monkey grandchildren are all immortal, so that one day the number will reach the limit of the world, and all living beings in the world will not be able to serve them. What should you do then, Great Sage? "

Chen Nuo looked at the monkey and asked this question with a smile.


The monkey, who was about to drink his second glass of wine, froze.

He hadn't thought about this question.

"Ke you, how dare you ask these weird questions, when the time comes, the world will not know what to do.

Maybe there are heavens and earths beyond heaven and earth, and there are countless heavens and earths. I will let my monkeys and grandchildren be in charge of each heaven and earth! "

The monkey stared blankly for a while, and if he couldn't figure it out, he simply gave up, and made a perfunctory answer casually.


Chen Nuo was speechless, and with a thought, his spiritual power stirred up the luck of the dragon veins in a radius of ten thousand miles, and covered up the information here with a trick.

"What are you doing suddenly blocking the sky? That big bald donkey must still be looking at me. If you are so careful, he will press a Wuzhishan for you."

Hou Zi was taken aback by Chen Nuo's sudden action.

He still only understands monkeys, knowing that Tathagata must still be paying attention to this place at this time, and Chen Nuo's behavior is likely to cause trouble.

He didn't want his friend Chen Nuo to be involved in his troubles, so that no one would send wine, food, or peaches in his future life of being suppressed and imprisoned.

"It's okay, he only brought a Wuzhishan."

Chen Nuo replied and said with a smile, "Does the Great Sage want to leave here?"

"Do you have a way to get out of here?" Monkey's eyes froze, and then he shouted in surprise.

"It is definitely not possible to leave with the golden body, but it is still no problem to leave with the consciousness of the Great Sage.

I calculated that this Wuzhi Mountain will collapse in 500 years, and the Great Sage can follow me for 500 years. Although the golden body is not here and I can't show my strength, it is better than being imprisoned here. "

Chen Nuo smiled and said his way.

What the monkey is pressing on is not an ordinary mountain, but the Wuzhi Mountain with the supreme restriction. If its strength is not comparable to that of the Tathagata, or the conditions for lifting the restriction are not met, it will be impossible to open it.

However, Wuzhishan's suppression cannot be opened. It is still no problem to take away the monkey's spiritual consciousness through deception and certain means.

The two sides followed the rules of heaven and earth, which also included that Tathagata and Jade Emperor were not allowed to make a move, or Da Luo Jinxian, whose strength was comparable to that of Chen Nuo, was not allowed to make a move.

Otherwise, if the Jade Emperor and Tathagata jumped out, or some great power from ancient times jumped out, then Chen Nuo simply surrendered.

If the Jade Emperor Tathagata and a group of Daluo saints do not act personally, according to the rules of heaven and earth, they must not use the authority of heaven and earth to interfere and block them. Based on his understanding of dragon veins and luck, no one can stop him if he wants to do something in this world .

"Consciousness can leave? This makes, this makes"

The monkey quickly agreed that as long as he was not pressed here and counted stones every day, it would be a great thing for him.

"That would offend."

Chen Nuo cut off a piece of flesh the size of a finger from the monkey, which made the monkey grin in pain, and the next moment, the golden body naturally repaired the wound.

Ignoring the monkey's cries of pain, Chen Nuo's spiritual power entered the piece of meat with monkey hair, feeling the cell structure in it.

"Reiki metaplasia? A stone is nourished by aura and slowly transformed into a vital substance. There is no gene but information branding. This is different from the conventional cell structure, but genes are also a kind of information, and DNA is just a carrier of information. , if there is information imprint, it can be regarded as a cell.”

Chen Nuo studied it carefully, and he roughly understood what happened to those stone monsters, water monsters, and cloud monsters.

With a thought, according to my understanding of cells and life, the power of the mind gave birth to this piece of flesh and blood.

The aura energy is gathering, and the piece of flesh and blood cut off from the monkey is rapidly decomposing and multiplying. Every time it reproduces and divides, the aura on it becomes weaker.

When it was differentiated into a monkey shape according to the information above, the aura had weakened to below that of a fairy.

The monkey was growing up slowly, until it was similar in size to the monkey under the mountain, but its breath had weakened to the level of an ordinary person.

"The Great Sage puts consciousness into this body, which is a body cultivated from the imprint of your body, which can accommodate your thinking consciousness."

Chen Nuo pushed the monkey with a stunned and ordinary body forward, and the rocks at several key aura energy nodes in Wuzhishan suddenly decayed materially, and the restraints were slightly loosened. The monkey took this opportunity to integrate its thinking consciousness into the body in front of it
(End of this chapter)

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