Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 172 Chen Nuo: If you don't call me Mr., then shave

Chapter 172 Chen Nuo: If you don't call me Mr., then shave

"Hi, God Erlang, Nezha, how are you all?"

Walking out of the range of Wuzhi Mountain, Chen Nuo canceled the information cover, looked at Erlang God and Nezha who came down from the sky, greeted with a smile, and pulled the ordinary monkey beside him.


Erlangshen and Nezha, who were originally aggressive and wanted to attack, saw the monkey beside Chen Nuo, their expressions froze, and their ready-to-go attacks stopped.

Practitioners don't judge a person by their face. Although this monkey is weak, its breath is indeed that of a monkey.

Erlangshen's three eyes flashed, and he saw the monkey in Wuzhishan who was only breathing weakly with his eyes closed.

Obviously, the main thinking consciousness has been separated from this body, and now it is left to breathe the aura energy to maintain its vitality.

Did Tathagata put water behind his back and be rescued so easily?
The corner of Erlangshen's mouth twitched, he couldn't help guessing.

A Daluo Jinxian, although the Daluo Jinxian has already contained water after the decline of the world, but the restriction imposed by his own hands is so easily exploited by a Jinxian, which is very suspicious of releasing water.

In the sky, Tathagata looked at the monkey following Chen Nuo, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

He already knew what Chen Nuo did to cover up the information just now, and he knew it, but he still couldn't understand it and couldn't prevent it.

What he practiced was the law of aura, that is, the law of heaven, and what Chen Nuo used was the basic law of material decay.

The prohibition of Wuzhishan can defend against any attack of spiritual energy and physical impact, but it cannot prevent the attack from the basic rules and the decay from the depths of matter.

"Go back."

Tathagata sighed, the Jade Emperor next to him nodded, and a message was received by Erlang God and Nezha.

Hou Zi still didn't know that Mantian God was playing him, since that was the case, then it would be difficult to fight Chen Nuo in front of Hou Zi.

"Buddha, boiling frogs in warm water is not good, we must find a way."

Seeing Erlangshen and Nezha turning back, the Jade Emperor suddenly said.

Before Chen Nuo entered the Heavenly Court, the monkeys saw that all the gods were playing him, so they didn't do anything to Chen Nuo.

Now Erlangshen and Nezha intercepted Chen Nuo, fearing that the monkeys would see that all the gods were playing him, but this time the interception failed.

One thing is one thing, two things are not three things, if there is no way to deal with this scruple, Chen Nuo may be indecisive in the future to sacrifice to the monkey.

They were restrained, not only felt aggrieved, but Chen Nuo might have successfully broken this world predicament and ruined their plan.

"The Jade Emperor is right. It seems that this matter can only be done to Empress Nuwa."

Tathagata is not a person who is indecisive, he also understands this, after thinking for a while, he performed a Buddha ceremony in a certain direction of the world.

There was no fluctuation in the world, and it seemed that the people behind agreed.


"The Tathagata."

Avalokitesvara came up and performed a Buddhist ceremony to Tathagata.

"Find an opportunity to put a restraint on the monkey's primordial spirit and imprison his thinking consciousness."

As soon as Tathagata's words came out, the expression of Taibai Jinxing, who was by Jade Emperor's side, couldn't help but change.

The prohibition of the primordial spirit of Buddhism means that monkeys will have no freedom at all in the future, and even their thinking will be gradually controlled and reduced.


Avalokitesvara's expression did not change, she nodded and accepted the matter.

In the Immortal Realm, Chen Nuo and the monkey didn't know what the Tathagata had decided. One person, one monkey and one fox were leaving Wuzhi Mountain and heading for nearby villages and towns.

"Hey, that land, where are we going?"

The monkey followed Chen Nuo. After thinking about the title, he still called it according to the land before.

He doesn't have any strength now, it can be said that he can't even beat an ordinary Orion.

Although the thinking consciousness has been transferred out, Jin Xian's thinking is awesome and powerful, but even the strongest thinking consciousness needs the support of energy. It is not based on the body, but it can be based on aura energy.

This waste monkey's body couldn't support his huge thinking consciousness at all, and the body's instinctive protection silenced most of his thinking consciousness.

"If you go to the human world and call the land at will, there will be trouble. You can call me sir."

Chen Nuo rubbed the little fox that was sleeping like a pig, and motioned for the monkey to call him Mr.

"No, sir, this is a respectful title for the teacher. If you tell me your name, I will call you by your name directly."

After all, Monkey's personality has a rebellious side, even if he has no strength now, Chen Nuo rescued him from Wuzhi Mountain, he would not call him Mr.

"I'm afraid it won't work if you don't call. If you go to a human city with your appearance, others may call you a monster, and they may call you to kill them.

Call me sir, so that I can say that you are a child or student by my side, so that others will not make trouble. "

Chen Nuo looked at the hairy appearance of the monkey, and said with a smile: "It's fine if you don't want to bark, or I'll shave the hair off for you, so that although the face looks a bit weird, it's still in the category of human appearance. You won’t be troubled by anyone.”


The monkey is confused, I just asked you to tell me the name so that I can call it conveniently, why did it suddenly become a matter of shaving.

The appearance of his handsome monkey hair being shaved off and his whole body becoming white appeared in his mind, and the monkey couldn't help shivering.


The person who knows the current affairs is Junhou, and his strength is not there. Houzi struggled for a few seconds, and called Chen Nuo Mr. Chen very wittily.

"Let's go and play chess."

Chen Nuo nodded in satisfaction with the monkey's sense of humor.

The attitude is not respectful, but it's okay, just take it easy.

"Play chess with layout?" Monkey looked at Chen Nuo, unable to understand.

"Yes, lay out and play chess, and let you see the real situation of this world by the way."

Chen Nuo nodded, suddenly raised his head to look at the sky, and chuckled lightly. The power of his mind stirred up the energy of the dragon veins and the aura of heaven and earth. He reached out and grabbed the monkey to restrain his breath and quickly disappeared in place.

In the sky, the Jade Emperor and others were blurred and then cleared in the Haotian Mirror, in which Chen Nuo had disappeared.

The Jade Emperor hastily calculated in his heart, wanting to search for Chen Nuo's traces from the information of Heavenly Dao, but because Chen Nuo restrained his breath and used tricks to deceive the sky, he couldn't calculate at all.

Chen Nuo has studied the movement of heaven and earth in several worlds, and studied the luck of dragon veins in several worlds. The way of luck, that is, the means of shielding the secrets of heaven, is no worse than Jade Emperor, the big Luo Jinxian who has already contained moisture.

"Sigh, Haotian Mirror's one-hundredth of its power can't be displayed."

The Jade Emperor sighed and put away the Haotian Mirror.

The energy of the aura keeps decreasing, the world keeps decaying, and the Haotian mirror, which used to be a combination of offense and defense, is becoming more and more useless.

"Taibai, send a decree to the city gods of the land, search and pay attention to the traces of Chen Nuo and the monkey!"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Standing under the desk, Taibai Jinxing responded respectfully and went out to convey the Jade Emperor's will.

 Well, there will be a third update after eleven o'clock, that's all

(End of this chapter)

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