Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 173 Be a Technology Pioneer Create Momentum

Chapter 173 Be a Technological Pioneer and Build Momentum
"Candied haws, fresh candied haws!"

"Sell cloth, sell cloth, thirteen cents a piece, buy cloth!"

"It hasn't rained for two consecutive months this year. If this continues, I'm afraid this year's harvest will fail. Let's go worship the city god together in the afternoon and let the gods bless us."

"Well, there is a small drought in three years, and a severe drought in five years. If this continues, life will not be able to survive."

Walking into the town with the monkeys, apart from the noisy hawking, all that is left is a group of ordinary people worrying about the drought this year and year after year.

"There are no big clouds in a thousand miles. Worshiping gods is useless, unless the gods are willing to spend their cultivation to turn spiritual energy into rain."

The monkey, who had re-cultivated a little bit of cultivation, sneered when he heard the words around him, obviously not thinking that the gods in the sky would spend their cultivation to transform aura into rain.

"Oh, what is Wukong's opinion on the behavior of sentient beings praying to gods and worshiping Buddha?" Chen Nuo asked with a smile when he heard what the monkey said.

"Stupid, ignorant, immortal gods can be believed but not relied on, one's own survival must be in one's own hands.

Entrust your destiny to the gods, even if the gods work hard for the people, the gods sometimes doze off.

Immortals take a nap for ten or eight years, relying on immortals to live, wouldn't they starve to death for such a long time? "

The monkey looked at the people who were carrying incense candles and fruit baskets to the fairy temples, and criticized them mercilessly. If Chen Nuo hadn't blocked the rumors of his voice, he might have been beaten by the crowd for disrespecting the gods.

"Then what solution do you have for this year's severe drought?"

Chen Nuo smiled. Although the monkey had a rebellious character before he put on the magic spell and converted to Buddhism, he had some good knowledge and opinions.

"Drilling wells to pump water, mountain springs to drain water, there are many ways."

The monkey looked disdainful. He never asked gods to worship Buddha, let alone entrusted his destiny to immortal gods. To worship Bodhi is also to learn his own power, not to ask Bodhi to help.

"There is the Dragon King of Jing in the well, and the mountain god in the mountain. How to solve this?"

"They dare not stop them, if they really want to stop them, they will kill them."

"How do ordinary people kill?"

"Those who know the officials should rely on the human will of the local government to dig a well or draw a spring. The human will is still no problem.

If you don't know it, then use some simple traps and sharp weapons with evil spirits. Even with the help of terrain and mountains, ordinary people can put up some formations, which can count against the dead land mountain god.

It would be troublesome to abide by the rules set by the old Jade Emperor, but if you didn't follow the rules set by the old Jade Emperor, then this matter couldn't be simpler. "

Monkey came up with several methods easily, which he thought ordinary people could implement.

"Then let's make a bet, Wukong, you are now an ordinary person who doesn't know how to be an official. If you want you to dig a well or lead to a mountain spring within a month, it doesn't need to be too big, just enough to irrigate two acres of land."

Chen Nuo looked at the monkey and said, "If you finish, I'll help you release the golden body under Wuzhi Mountain, and you don't have to call me Mr. again."

"Really? What if it's not finished?"

Monkey's eyes lit up, but after Tathagata's bet, he became more cautious and did not agree directly.

"Not finished, I will seal your cultivation base, I will find you a piece of land outside the city, you use the power of ordinary people for 5 years, and experience the life of ordinary beings."

Chen Nuo smiled and said the consequences of the monkey not completing the failure.

"No, 5 years is too long, I will make this bet in 3 years."

Monkey shook his head. Although he didn't think he would lose, he didn't want to be taken advantage of either.

"Okay, then three years."

With a thought in Chen Nuo's mind, powerful spiritual power exploded, completely sealing and imprisoning that little bit of cultivation on the monkey's body, and he could no longer absorb spiritual energy to practice again.

This is a seal restriction combined with his study of the aura law of Journey to the West and his understanding of the basic rules. Unless he is stronger than him and breaks it forcibly, it will be unsolvable in this world.

Chen Nuo chuckled, and continued to conceal the monkey's identity information with tricks, changed his breath, and fabricated a new identity for him
"You will be an ordinary person for a month. If you are hungry, you can come to my place to eat. If you fail, you will be an ordinary person for the next three years. I will not have any food for you here. Work hard."

What the monkey said is right, if you don't abide by the rules set by the gods of heaven, then there are ways to solve the monitoring of the land and mountain gods and even kill them, even ordinary people.

But if you don't follow the rules, these fairy lands are the rule makers, the rule executors, and the rule interpreters. They can also play tricks and don't follow the rules.

Facing shameless land and mountain gods and the like, even if the opponent is the lowest level of immortal gods, this is not something ordinary people can resist.

"Daxian, why do I feel that this monkey is a bit stupid."

"How to say."

"He dared to bet with you Daxian. I feel that he will be caught and eat monkey brains. I heard that some human dignitaries like to eat this."

Ari ate the unfinished spiritual fruit brought from the heaven, watched the monkey's back, and mourned for him for a few seconds.

"No, he is an ordinary person in the eyes of others at this time, not a monkey who can walk upright and talk."

Chen Nuo smiled. The essence of luck is information deception. He used the trick of luck to hide and change the monkey's identity information and aura. People whose spiritual power is not as strong as him will be hypnotized when they see the monkey, thinking that it is a monkey. is an ordinary person.

"Let's go, let's open a shop, and we will stay in this town for the next few years."

Patting the little fox on the head, Chen Nuo casually used the power of material decay to create a piece of gold, which was used to buy a shop.

The gold is smashed down, the power of the local tyrant explodes, and there is nothing in the world that cannot be dealt with.

In just an hour, the title deed of the shop and the government's official letter were all ready that Chen Nuo wanted.

"Daxian, what are you doing?"

Squatting on the counter, the two little foxes wagging their tails behind them watched Chen Nuo make a pile of metal, making a machine that she couldn't understand, and their blue eyes were full of curiosity.

At the end of ancient times, there were some mechanism mechanics, which she knew some information from her inherited memory, but she couldn't understand the stuff made by Chen Nuo.

"A grinding machine is a very useful tool for people's livelihood."

Chen Nuo replied, sealed the sealed cylinder head of the steam engine, engraved formations in the steam generating room, and designed a start switch.

The steam engine is not big, it is about the size of a bucket. Once the switch is pushed up, the formation will work properly.

Install the two grinding discs, connect them to the steam engine with connecting rods and gears, and pour them into the steam generating chamber of some waterway steam engines. Once the switch is pushed, the energy of the aura will be continuously converted into heat energy through the array.

A large amount of steam spewed out from the air vent, Chen Nuo stretched out his hand and pushed up the blocking valve, and the steam was introduced into the cylinder.

Oh oh oh!
The sound suddenly became dull, and the steam pressure pushed the piston.

The crankshaft is rotating, and the power is transmitted through the clutch plate and the mechanical gear, and then a grinding disc is driven to rotate rapidly through the steering gear and the connecting rod.

Chen Nuo adjusted the gear ratio, increased the torque and lowered the rotational speed, so as to control the rotation of the grinding disc at an appropriate speed.

"Ahli, go get some soybeans, let's try the effect."

"Well, Ari will get it now."

The little fox, whose eyes were bright with curiosity, hopped into the house, and soon took out a bucket of soybeans, which were pre-soaked soybeans bought from a tofu shop.

Chen Nuo connected a water source and put the soybeans into the feeding port. The steam engine next to it was roaring, and the grinding discs were turning. Soon, a stream of white soybean milk gushed out from the gap between the grinding discs.

After dipping his hand a little, the grind was quite fine. Chen Nuo increased the feeding speed and adjusted the rotation of the grinding disc. The soybeans at the feeding port of the grinding disc were sinking rapidly.

"Daxian, the grinding speed of this mill is so fast, it's not like the ones that sell tofu slowly."

The little fox's eyes were full of surprise, he looked at the turning millstone, and then at the roaring steam engine.

It's amazing that a simple flame formation can exert such power.

Chen Nuo rubbed the little fox's head, looked at the steam mill and went through his plan in his mind.

"The steam engine driven by the array is considered to have a legal status. It is no problem if the power does not exceed 800 horsepower. We can develop some generators, electric lights, and drilling machines. Let's be a pioneer of industrial technology to create momentum."

Formation is the driving force, which can only be mastered by practitioners, and the industrial driving force that ordinary people can master has to think of other ways.

(End of this chapter)

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