Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 174 The Failed Monkey

Chapter 174 The Failed Monkey

"Well, digging a well is too tiring. This mountain is full of steam, the trees are green, and there is a stream in the distance. There must be enough water on it. I can attract a mountain spring."

When Chen Nuo was preparing to become a technology pioneer, Monkey also started his own irrigation business.

The weather is dry and there is no rain. If you want to irrigate the farmland, besides digging a well, the rest is to divert water from other water sources. There are no rivers to divert water here, so the most convenient way is to divert water from mountain springs.

The monkey aimed at a mountain peak and observed the terrain. It was very suitable. The stream formed by the spring gushing out from this mountain can irrigate not only two acres, but two hundred acres is no problem.

As soon as he said it, the monkey walked up the mountain along the stream, found a suitable interception point and moved stones to block the stream.

According to the observation of the terrain, as long as there is a block here to divert the stream from the side, it will eventually flow to the side of the farmland.

"Bold mortal! Who allowed you to divert the mountain stream!"

The monkeys were working hard to move the stones, and it took several hours to block the stream with stones to allow the water to overflow from the side. When they were about to find mud to plug the gaps in the stones and completely divert the stream, the aura suddenly fluctuated , The mountain god is coming.

"Daxian, can't I change the course of this mountain spring and stream?"

Subconsciously, the monkey wanted to retaliate with a bold mountain god, but it was only on the tip of his mouth that he realized that he was not enough for a mountain god to beat an ordinary person and had no strength at all, so he swallowed the words again and called him Daxian instead.

"Of course not. Mountains have spirits, and springs have spirits. The mountain springs and streams are the manifestation of the mountain's aura flow. If you divert the mountain springs and streams without authorization, this will affect the aura of this mountain and affect the survival of thousands of creatures around."

The mountain god felt very comfortable being called the "ordinary person" by the monkey, but he still did not agree to the monkey's diversion of the stream.

"Then ask Daxian, how can I divert this stream, if I don't divert water, all the farmland below will die from drought, and everyone will have no harvest this year."

The monkey pointed to the farmland at the foot of the mountain. The original runoff of the stream is on the other side. If you want to divert the stream for irrigation, you can only divert it from the mountain.

"The heaven and the earth only have its own movement, and streams, mountains, rivers, lakes, etc. cannot be moved casually because of drought.

If you want to divert the mountain springs and streams, you need to report your will through worship and sacrifice, and you can only do it after the approval of the heavenly court. Before that, you can use buckets to carry water for irrigation. "

The mountain god shook his head and pointed out a "clear path".

The corner of the monkey's mouth twitched, and a fierce look loomed in his eyes. If it weren't for his lack of strength, he would have the heart to kill the mountain god with a single stick.

Buckets carry water to irrigate the farmland, not to mention the drop in the bucket, the distance between the farmland at the bottom of the mountain and the stream is only a few miles apart, such a long distance to carry water can exhaust most ordinary people to death.

"By the way, there is still a quota for water lifting. The water must be lifted under the premise of ensuring the flow of the stream. It can be raised by about one-tenth of the amount."

With a wave of the mountain god's stick in the hand of the mountain god, a divine light blasted away the water-blocking dam that the monkey had worked hard for several hours to move.

To prevent the monkey from diverting the mountain spring and stream, the mountain god left a warning not to allow a second time, and the figure disappeared.

"Ah, ah, it's too deceiving!"

Watching the mountain god disappear, and the dam that he had spent several hours building was pushed away, the monkey gritted his teeth and looked like he wanted to kill.

He observed the surrounding mountains and terrain, and he could use the opportunity to arrange formations, but the corresponding materials and props were expensive, and he didn't have that much money.

A sharp weapon with a sinister aura that can cause damage to a divine spirit body like the land of the mountain god is something that can't be met.

"Forget it, let's dig a well."

The monkey suppressed the aggrieved and angry in his heart, found some wild fruits in the forest, caught a pheasant and roasted it, barely ate it, and went down the mountain to dig a well to pump water for irrigation.

After wandering around the area around the farmland for a few times, the monkey found a place with relatively moist groundwater and started digging with a hoe.

As time went by, the monkey skill was not high but it was great. The sun went down and night fell. Instead of going back, he lit a bonfire and continued digging.

Although Chen Nuo sealed his cultivation and strength, but the energy and essence of the spiritual energy are there, staying up late all night is a trivial matter.

As the sun rose, the monkey got up from the bottom of the well with his body covered in mud, pulling the rope, with a strange expression on his face.

"Strange, I have dug more than four feet deep, why can't I see the water source?"

This is very strange. According to the soil moisture here, let alone more than four feet, three feet should be gushing out of the well water.

"It turns out that you were the one who dug the well at night. Who told you that you can dig wells at will?"

At this time, an old man came from a distance and looked at the monkey covered in mud. Because of the deceitful information, the image of the monkey in his mind was that of a young man.

"Old man, how to dig this well, the farmland is almost dying of drought."

The monkey pointed to the farmland not far away. The soil in the field was hardened and cracked, and the seedlings were wilting and lifeless.

"There is a Jinglong King in the well, and the Dragon King has a spirit. If the Jinglong King refuses to enter your well, there will be no water.

If you want to dig a well to get water, you must first report your wishes to the Dragon King of the Well through a sacrifice. If it agrees, then you can dig a well to produce water. "

The old man shook his head, looked at the dry and cracked farmland, and sighed: "Don't talk about digging blindly like you, Feng Shui is not good, and sacrifices are not good.

We sacrificed eight times this year, but none of the wells Dragon King was willing to settle in. Except for the century-old wells in the village, none of the other wells could dig water. "


After listening to the monkey, he pulled the rope down the well, and after a while, he grabbed a handful of dry soil and came up.

After a while, the soil at the bottom of the well is drier than the soil dug from the upper layer.

The monkey threw down the hoe in frustration, packed up his things, and filled back the wet soil he had dug out.

He was also a golden fairy before, knowing part of the mysteries of the world.

What the old man said is that the rules of the water veins in the world have been changed. If you dig a well without offering sacrifices or consent, the underground water veins will spontaneously wander and change their routes, making the area around the well you dug dry.

This is equivalent to finding a wet place with water in the ground, but illegally dug a well. When a well suddenly popped up and was not declared by the priest, the groundwater here was diverted spontaneously.

The groundwater is diverted, and there is no water in the ground, so it is naturally impossible for the well to gush out the water source.

"I want to kill the mountain god!"

Holding the rope hoe, the monkey bid farewell to the old man, looked at the cloudless and sunny sky, and made a decision in his heart.

Killing a mountain god with the strength of an ordinary person is very risky, let alone killing a god if you are a little careless, you will have to GG yourself.

When the monkey entered the town, he received Chen Nuo's telepathic voice transmission. According to Chen Nuo's voice, he came to the shop, and the monkey put the tools and ropes on the ground.

"I'm back, how are you?"

Chen Nuo, who was researching a generator with high energy conversion efficiency, asked the monkey.

"I want 20 taels of silver."

"20 taels of silver? This is the income of an ordinary peasant family for more than three years. What are you going to do?"

Chen Nuo probably guessed the purpose of the monkey asking for money, but he still asked on purpose.

More than three years of income?

The monkey's expression froze, and he said, "I want to kill the mountain god and lead the mountain spring and stream."

"Yes, but completing the bet is your business, not mine. Then this silver is a loan, not a loan. You have to pay me back within five years."

Chen Nuo nodded and told his conditions, the money cannot be given for nothing.

"Borrow? Yes!"

The monkey thought for a while, gritted his teeth and agreed to the request.

As long as the water source for irrigating two acres of fields is successfully lured and the bet is won, then this silver is a small matter.

Chen Nuo snapped his fingers, material decay casually produced a large piece of silver, and thoughtfully divided it into 20 equal parts for the monkey to spend money.

"There are meals in the pot, and you can come back to eat within a month."

After giving the money to the monkey, Chen Nuo pointed to the inside of the house and continued to study his own generator.

The monkey didn't speak. He wiped off the dirt on the shoes at the door of the shop, and walked into the shop.

(End of this chapter)

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