Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 175 The Monkey Killed by a Mountain God

Chapter 175 The Monkey Killed by a Mountain God
Three days later, the monkey bought the materials and props he needed with money, and returned to the mountain where the stream was blocked before with a big bag on his back.

"This mountain is full of water vapor, and before the mountain god appeared on the stage, he could feel a trace of moist air. In this way, using the fire formation and the confinement formation can kill this mountain god."

The monkey pondered his own plan in his heart. It would not be a bad thing to lose the ability to cross the three realms. At least it would let him learn to think more rationally.

"First use the surrounding mountains to set up a confinement array. Once the mountain god appears, he will be imprisoned. The dry position is here, and the barrier position is here."

The monkey looked at the direction and the mountain, and carefully arranged the formation. Every time he placed a material and prop, his spirit was consumed, and the surrounding mountains would also change.

The essence of the formation is to use a specific rune or item that fits the laws of heaven and earth, and use spiritual power to connect this item with the laws of heaven and earth to guide the aura energy to exert the corresponding ability.

"Arrange this clock, and you're done."

The monkey's eyes were sleepy, and he took out a one-foot-high clock and carefully placed it in the center of the formation. As long as this arrangement is done, the confinement formation will be considered a success.

"Boy, what are you doing again!"

Before the monkey could place the clock, the change in the mountain finally caught the attention of the mountain god.

The mountain god came out from the side, and when he saw that it was the person from three days ago, he immediately yelled, and with a glance, he saw the formation on the ground that was only one step away from completion.

"Prisoning array, flamingo feathers? Well, you, a mortal with vicious intentions, dare to plot against the mountain god!"

The mountain god was furious and didn't give the monkey a chance to explain. With a wave of the mountain god's stick in his hand, a ray of light hit the monkey.

No different from an ordinary person, the monkey who arranged the formation and consumed a lot of spiritual power was knocked into the air like a rag bag, and its body hit a big tree. Blood was slowly overflowing from its mouth and nose, and it gradually lost its vitality.

"You bastard, it's really the materials and props for arranging the fire array. I must play it to the top, so that this mortal who dares to plot and murder the life of the mountain god will be dry for another three years!"

After beating the monkey to death, the mountain god opened the big bag on the monkey's back with his staff, and his expression became even more angry when he saw the formation materials inside. Then pick up the materials and props on the ground and leave.

He is going to report that this group of mortals who dared to plot and murder the mountain god will be dry for another three years. These materials and props are the evidence!

After the mountain god left, the spiritual energy gathered, the smashed monkey corpses gathered, and the cells of the missing flesh and blood were divided and repaired again.

Under the control of Chen Nuo's spiritual power, the monkey recovered after being beaten to death, its heart beat again, and its thinking consciousness regained consciousness.

"Damn mountain god, I'm so mad!"

The monkey who had just woken up immediately let out a roar, but no one paid attention to him except for a few birds in the forest that were startled.

"Don't forget the bet. I've already bought you a piece of land outside the city, and I'm also preparing the same rations as other ordinary people. You can live well for the next three years."

After the monkey roared, Chen Nuo's voice rang in his ears, and the monkey's expression instantly turned bitter.


If it was someone like the Jade Emperor Tathagata, he would be a fool, but he still couldn't do it in the face of Chen Nuo who brought him out from the foot of Wuzhi Mountain.

Furthermore, even if he wanted to play tricks, his strength was not up to him.

In the city, the little fox watched Chen Nuo send the monkeys to farm to experience the life of ordinary beings, and ate the spiritual fruit chilled with the ice formation method, and asked curiously:

"Daxian, do you think that silly monkey will really listen to you and farm for three years?"

"No." Chen Nuo shook his head affirmatively.

"Then you still bet with him?"

"It's the same as whether it will or not. He is now an ordinary person. Even if he doesn't farm, he can't do anything else if he wants to."

Chen Nuo lightly smiled and said, intelligent beings are flexible, and ordinary sentient beings are infinite. Hasn't one of them thought about the truth of the world, studied how to develop better, and studied the mysteries of heaven and earth for so many years?

Certainly not, one person may be mediocre, and 1 people may be mediocre. If the data is expanded to [-] million, [-] billion, [-] billion people, there will be monsters and geniuses in the eyes of ordinary people every day and every moment .

Their thoughts are so different. They think about the truth of the world, study the development of society, and study the progress of technology.

But after so many years, the dilemma of heaven and earth still exists, which means that the immortal god has blocked all possible paths and breakthroughs that he could think of.

Even if the monkey is disobedient and does not farm for three years, his current situation as an ordinary person, his body is so hungry that he can't do anything else if he doesn't eat a meal, on the contrary, it will make him feel the horror of this world predicament even more , to experience what it is like when fate is controlled.

"Come on, don't worry about that monkey, let's promote our automatic steam mill."

Chen Nuo patted the little fox on the head, took out a dozen business cards carved from bamboo slices, and pushed out a millstone with wheels installed at the bottom.

"Sister Liu! Boss Liu!"

Chen Nuo's first stop was the tofu shop in the town, and he stood outside the door and shouted a few times.

A young woman with a good figure, that is, her face and skin is a little rough in the face of life and the sun, came out.

"Boss Chen, today's tofu is sold out, if you want tofu, come back tomorrow."

Seeing that it was Chen Nuo, Sister Liu replied.

The market in the city is so big, whoever opens a store will close down, and this news will spread throughout the city in half a day.

Chen Nuo opened a shop that didn't sell special products, and there were rumbling noises in the shop every day. Such things had already spread throughout the city.

"I'm not here to sell things today, I'm here to sell things. Sister Liu must be bothering about grinding tofu every day."

Wannian is 20 years old, and Chen Nuo, who also feels that he is only 20 years old, calls a 26 and [-]-year-old woman sister, and there is nothing awkward in his heart.

We are young and polite.

"There are two donkeys taking turns pulling the mill, and the amount of soybeans that are ground in a day is almost enough. I can't make more."

When Sister Liu heard that it was a sale, she looked at the millstone in front of Chen Nuo, shook her head and answered truthfully, indicating that she didn't need it.


How can you not play your cards according to common sense? Doing business is not as long as the market can digest it, then the production capacity should be as high as possible.
"Sister Liu, it's difficult to manage a donkey if it eats, drinks, and scatter, and sometimes it will be used non-stop. I have a magical millstone here, Sister Liu. Would you like to take a look at it?
Apart from drinking some water, you don't have to worry about anything else, and it's no problem to pull the mill as efficiently as 10 donkeys. "

Facing Sister Liu, who looked vigilant and thought she was an apprentice in front of the widow's door, Chen Nuo patted his steam engine millstone and said confidently.

"What kind of millstone is it?"

Hearing that there is no need to worry about anything except drinking water, Sister Liu finally became interested, looking at the steam mill in front of Chen Nuo with some curiosity.

"Okay, I'll push in and show you, Sister Liu."

Chen Nuo nodded, and lifted a corner of the mill with all his strength, and pushed it into Sister Liu's tofu shop.

A few shop owners who heard the conversation and came out to check out of curiosity just now also followed in, wanting to see what happened to Chen Nuo's magical millstone.

 There will be another update later, after eleven o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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