Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 176 Technology Pioneer

Chapter 176 Technology Pioneer

"Sister Liu, give me half a bucket of water."

Chen Nuo took half of the bucket of water, unscrewed the water filling switch of the steam generating chamber and poured in water, the steam generating chamber filled with water pressed a buckle below, and pushed the movable switch of the array into the fitting position.

If the amount of water is reduced and the steam is generated, the buckle cannot be pressed due to the weight reduction, and the array cannot be started, thus avoiding the problem of empty heating without water.

"It's enough to add half a bucket of water each time you start it. If the lower buckle can't be pressed, it will prompt you to add more water."

"When you're done adding water, just screw the cap on this one and push those three barriers through."

Chen Nuo pointed to the buckle below, and after the water was added, he screwed the mouth of the water pipe.

In the absence of a rubber ring to improve the seal, the water pipe uses a valve blocking design for the venous blood vessels to prevent blood backflow.

With more than a dozen layers of valve blocking structure, three layers of blocking plates and a sealed cover, even if the pressure is too high to explode, steam cannot be ejected from this water injection port.

"What about after adding water?"

Sister Liu looked at Chen Nuo's operation step by step and asked curiously.

The voice was crisp and soft, making it very comfortable to listen to. No wonder she was the best seller among the three tofu shops in the city.

"After adding water, push this switch on, and just concentrate on starting it."

Chen Nuo pointed to a switch lever linked to the steam generating room, stretched out his hand and pushed it up, the pattern of the formation matched, and a trace of spiritual power activated the formation.

After less than 20 seconds, the sound of boiling water came from the steam generating room half filled with water, and a large amount of steam was gushing out from the vent of the steam engine.

"The water is boiled, and if you see steam coming out here, just push up the three blocking valves and that's it."

Under four or five pairs of amazed eyes, Chen Nuo pushed up the shut-off valve and stuck it, steam was introduced into the cylinder, and the piston and crankshaft were driven to rotate, the steam engine rumbled, and the grinding disc on it also turned suddenly.


Sister Liu's eyes widened, and the shop owners nearby were also stunned.

"This is the power of the fairy god! This is the power of the fairy god!"

"Stop it quickly, we will be punished by the gods, we will be punished by the gods!"

"Boss Chen, stop quickly, you are the power of the gods, and it is a taboo for us mortals. When I was young, I saw someone researching this offended the gods and was struck to death by lightning!"

The shop owners who followed up to check the situation became anxious after being dazed, and hurriedly told Chen Nuo to stop. One of the older men even told what he had witnessed when he was young.

"Boss Zhang, Boss Cai, this is not the power of gods, but the power of scientific machinery and formations."

Chen Nuo pointed to the cloudless sky and said with a smile: "There are no dark clouds or lightning strikes in the sky. As long as the power does not exceed a certain limit, it will not cause punishment. Look, isn't this good?"

The material of the cylinder of this steam engine can withstand more than 400 horsepower, and the steam engine driven by the array has legal status, and the power can soar to 800 horsepower.

Of course, it is not necessary to have such a powerful power to drive a millstone. Chen Nuo limited the power in the array, and added a pressure relief valve to the structural design of the steam engine. Once the cylinder pressure reaches a certain level, it will release the pressure to avoid injury caused by too much power. event.

"You really won't be punished by the gods?"

Boss Zhang, Boss Cai, and the others were still a little scared, especially Boss Cai, who had witnessed others being struck by lightning when he was young.

"will not."

Chen Nuo answered affirmatively, and then asked again: "Boss Cai, you said that when you were young, you saw someone researching this and offending the gods. What's the situation?"

"It happened decades ago. It was the young master of a wealthy family. At that time, I helped their family herd cattle, and that young master was studying these weird things all day long.

In the end, he created a monster similar to yours, which can spout steam, roar, and push objects like this, but his one needs to burn charcoal, Boss Chen, you don't need to burn charcoal.

One day, he built a bigger monster that could blow out air. When the charcoal burning was started, suddenly dark clouds gathered in the sky and a bolt of lightning struck him to death. The young woman who was more than four months pregnant was also electrocuted to death. "

Boss Cai recalled what happened back then, and still had a lingering fear on his face.

Chen Nuo nodded silently. He was a technological pioneer in the mythical world, and of course he might be a time traveler.

"Boss Chen, how much is your millstone?"

At this time, Sister Liu, who was checking the situation of the millstone after being surprised and dazed, asked.

"Sister Liu is not afraid of this?"

Chen Nuo was a little surprised. Originally, he thought it would take a lot of effort to promote it.

"What are you afraid of? When my husband died, it was useless to pray to gods and Buddhas. I haven't seen any gods appear to help me for so many years.

In this case, there is no need to worship the fairy god, and there is no need to be afraid if there is no need to worship, my sister is alone, if they have the ability, they will come and destroy me. "

Sister Liu replied bluntly, pointing to the switch on the steam engine, and asked, "Should I just turn this off and stop?"

"Yes." Chen Nuo asked, "Sister Liu, do you want to try efficiency?"

"No need, I can tell at a glance that this is faster than 20 donkeys. How much is it, Boss Chen, I want it."

"How do I activate this?" Sister Liu pushed the switch up again as she spoke, but the formation did not activate.

"The price is not expensive, 1 tael of silver. If you start it, just focus on it and think about it in your heart. If it doesn't work, then get closer."

Ordinary people also have psychic powers.

This steam engine formation has been specially designed, including a spirit storage formation that can be used as a battery to activate the formation, so that it can also be activated according to the weak spiritual power of ordinary people.

"Thinking about starting"

Sister Liu muttered, and the steam engine that had just stopped started up again.

"Boss Chen, do you still have this kind of disc grinder in your place? I also want one for grinding wheat!"

Boss Zhang next to him saw that Sister Liu had learned to operate all of a sudden, his expression was tangled for a while, and he gritted his teeth and came up to ask.

1 Taels of silver are not expensive. Selling the donkey will cost you a lot. In the future, you can save a pile of fodder for the donkey, eat and drink for the donkey, and take care of the donkey. Moreover, the steam mill is more efficient at work.

"Yes, boss Zhang will come and get it tomorrow."

Seeing that Boss Zhang wanted this too, Chen Nuo smiled.

It can be foreseen that with the use of Sister Liu and Boss Zhang, other people can only keep up unless they want to be eliminated
Benefits will persevere and move people's hearts for a long time. No matter how great the awe of immortals and gods is, they are still not as real as their own interests.

When the steam engine-related equipment that can help people earn more benefits spreads, the term industrial technology will definitely create an incomparable trend among hundreds of millions of sentient beings!
The general trend has come, and there is a way to open the 5 horsepower limit of ordinary steam engines.
(End of this chapter)

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