Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 177 Chen Nuo's mouth escape

Chapter 177 Chen Nuo's mouth escape

"Boss Chen, I want a bright light!"

"Boss Chen, Boss Chen, I want a steam tricycle!"

"Give me a steamer, Boss Chen, I want a steamer!"

Chen Ji Industrial Machinery Store, this is a weird name in this era, but it is the name that has been talked about the most in the past two years, and it is also the most popular term in a thousand miles.

Everyone doesn't understand what industry is. What they understand is that the various equipment produced by this Chenji Machinery Industrial Store are amazing enough.

No need to eat, feed a little water, turn on the thing called the switch, think about starting it, and it will start to move rumblingly with steam.

This monster called a steam engine turns a thing called a generator to light up a thing called a light bulb, which is called a light bulb, and the light it emits is brighter than any oil lamp torch, and it can make the night as day.

Through some gear chains, let the steam engine monster pull the wheels to rotate, then this is a steam tricycle, a steam car, which is much better than an ox cart or a horse cart.

In addition, there are steam water trucks, steam mills, and even steam cold storage built on the principle of the Joule Thomson effect, which can freeze water in summer.

There are so many amazing things, each one is an eye-opener, and even some businessmen who used the magical equipment sold by Chenji Industrial Machinery Store to revive their business even offered incense and offerings to the boss of Chenji Industrial Machinery.

Worship three times a day, praying for a fortune.

"Everyone, today's equipment is sold out, everyone will come back tomorrow, everyone will come back tomorrow"

After a while, the 30 sets of equipment that took half an hour to manufacture last night were sold out, and Chen Nuo called out to signal everyone to come back tomorrow.

"Oh, it's sold out again, I'm leaving here tomorrow!"

"Yes, Boss Chen, can you make more."

Hearing Chen Nuo's words, the businessmen or peddlers who were still queuing outside suddenly looked depressed, but they still left in an orderly manner.

Chen Nuo's reputation and prestige today is not low. Titles such as Chen Xianshi, Chen Immortal, and Chen Benefactor hang on his head. Someone disrespected him before, but the next day he was beaten unconscious, stripped naked and thrown on the street.

"Master Chen, I don't know if you still need apprentices or helpers here. My dog ​​is very smart. If you still need a helper, how about I let him come over?"

The crowd dispersed, but there was still a middle-aged trader who did not leave. Seeing the crowd dispersed, he walked in and asked respectfully.

"No one else can learn my technique."

Chen Nuo saw through the middle-aged merchant's mind at a glance, smiled and shook his head.

In the past two years, more than one person wanted to come over to be an apprentice or send their sons to be apprentices. Some people who were more active even asked Chen Nuo if he had no shortage of maids. His own daughter or the daughter of a relative was pretty and pretty. Bafang's age is just right.

The purpose behind these words is nothing more than to learn this steam monster technology that will not be punished by the gods.

"That will disturb Mr. Chen."

The middle-aged trader just had a try, and he had no choice but to leave regretfully after hearing Chen Nuo's words. As for whether he thought Chen Nuo was unwilling to teach or really couldn't teach, that's unknown.

"Daxian, why do people ask this every day?"

Seeing Chen Nuo closing the door, the little fox squatting on the counter jumped on him and asked curiously.

"Because learning this could make them rich."

Chen Nuo rubbed the little fox's head and asked curiously, "Why haven't you transformed yet?"

"Ah Li is also helpless. Originally, I was about to transform. Who knew that you and Daxian ate too many flat peaches in the heavenly court. The blood manifested and grew a second tail. It will take me a long, long time to transform."

Speaking of this sad incident, the little fox was helpless, she was a grateful fox, and she still wanted to repay Chen Nuo's kindness in the future.


The more powerful the bloodline, the higher the requirements for the environment. Your nine-tailed fox bloodline may not be able to take shape in this world where the aura is decaying.

"Come on, let's go outside the city, that monkey is messing up again, let's go and save him."

Chen Nuo took the aggrieved and helpless little fox and walked out of the city, but just as he walked out of the shop, Chen Nuo stopped.

"Three-eyed monster, stalking and peeping is not a good behavior."

Chen Nuo turned around and looked at an ordinary young man following behind.

"How did you see it?"

The face of the ordinary young man froze, and he returned to Erlang Shen's appearance and asked curiously. The ordinary people who came and went around him seemed to be unaware of his changes and did not respond at all.

His Tiangang method, even the fluctuations of the primordial spirit, have changed, and there is no top-level god who can't see through it.

"You smell like a dog." Chen Nuo shrugged and teased.


Erlangshen looked stiff, looked at the little fox on Chen Nuo's shoulder, and countered, "I think you smell like a fox."

The flames of war suddenly spread to him, and the little fox who was eating melon seeds was stunned, and looked at Erlang Shen angrily with a pair of blue eyes.

This fox is a nine-tailed fox, who eats flat peaches and Jiuzhuan elixir for food, and has long since left his mortal body, so you have the smell of a fox!

The angry little fox thought for a while, and thought that after knowing the flat peaches, they should no longer bear fruit. A 9000-year-old flat peach that she kept and was only willing to eat occasionally appeared in her paws.

As soon as he gritted his teeth and sucked in his mouth, the peach flesh slipped into his mouth like jelly, and the little fox narrowed his eyes with enjoyment.

"Great Immortal, the gods in Heaven are so pitiful. The peaches that have been planted for so many years are not eaten, and they will not bear fruit in the future."

As he spoke, the little fox took another bite of the peach, and used his mental strength to drive the peach fragrance away to Erlangshen.

Fox pretends to be Novi, she is already very skilled.

The corner of Erlangshen's mouth twitched. He was actually despised by a fox who was not a fairy, and he was even shown off with a flat peach.

"Chen Nuo, if you continue to promote this formation steam engine, it will bring disaster."

Not in the mood to argue with the little fox, Erlang Shen turned his gaze to Chen Nuo and talked about his purpose.

"Ordinary people can't engrave formations. You have all the practitioners who can inscribe formations in the world. If monsters dare to study the application of formations, they will probably be killed by you. What are you afraid of?"

Chen Nuo sneered: "Besides, what kind of disaster can this cause? It is nothing more than accelerating the consumption of spiritual energy. Anyway, the spiritual energy of the world will decay sooner or later. What kind of disaster is it that is destined to happen?
How about you lift the restrictions set in the law of heaven and earth, and I teach them the steam engine that can be driven without formations? "

"Chen Nuo, I don't know what your purpose of coming to our world is, maybe you feel angry when you see our situation here, but do you, an outsider, really understand this place?

Great powers perish, saints proclaim themselves, Taoist ancestors are silent, thousands of Daluos in ancient times are no more than ten Daluos today, and hundreds of thousands of golden immortals in ancient times are only thirty today. Do you understand what price we have paid for this world? "

Erlangshen looked at Chen Nuo with an excited and sad expression.

"The price to pay sounds terrible, I really don't know what you are planning to do, and I don't want to know.

But since you asked me this question, let me ask you a question. "

Chen Nuo smacked his lips, shook his head again, and pointed at the ordinary people on the street: "You do this, you understand how these infinite ordinary beings are living hard, and you understand that they have paid so much for your so-called plan. at what cost?

I heard that the Jade Emperor's younger sister, Yao Ji, and a mortal gave birth to your three brothers and sisters. For this reason, they violated the rules of heaven and were sealed by the Jade Emperor. Finally, they were completely exterminated by the Dao of Heaven under your control. Your father was also wiped out under the punishment of heaven.

God Erlang, I'm curious if you could go back to the past at this time, if you were the Jade Emperor, and you were the one who controlled the way of heaven, what would you do? "

Regardless of Erlang Shen's completely changed expression, Chen Nuo asked this heartbreaking question with a smile.

Erlang Shen clenched his fists tightly, his expression so gloomy that it made people frightened.

Just when Chen Nuo meant that he couldn't help but fight with him, Erlang Shen's expression calmed down instead.

"Has anyone ever told you that the way you speak is annoying."

"Really? I really didn't pay much attention to it. Those women would say I'm cool and handsome, and my friends would think I'm awesome and smart.

But it's true that my enemies hate me. Of course, I also like to see them want to kill me but can't kill me. They even try to hold back when they see me, and finally have to smile and say hello to me. "

Chen Nuo was afraid that Erlang's aura would not die, so he upgraded his mouth escape skill to another level.

(End of this chapter)

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