Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 178 Monkey's Ordinary Life

Chapter 178 Monkey's Ordinary Life

Erlangshen could hardly bear it anymore, took a few deep breaths, and said, "Stop the sale of the array steam engine, otherwise the Heavenly Soldiers will dispatch to destroy all these equipments, and it may even affect relevant personnel."

"Oh, if you can't play within the rules, it's time to start a contest of force?"

Chen Nuo seemed surprised for a moment, and said with a light smile: "This matter is simple, if you destroy it, then I don't care, but I like to wander around, and what mountain gods, lands, and city gods I see along the way may be They thought they were an eyesore and wiped them out."

"For this group of ordinary beings who have nothing to do with you, is it really worth it? Don't forget that your technique of aura transformation is not indestructible."

"Then you can crack it, if you can crack it, I give you a thumbs up."

Chen Nuo didn't care, looked at Erlangshen and said with a smile: "Answer my question just now, then maybe I will consider your proposal."

Erlang Shen was silent, and shook his head for a long time: "I will seal my parents forever, as a warning to others."

"As a warning to others? That's nice."

Chen Nuo patted Erlangshen on the shoulder, and said with a light smile, "I will reduce the sales of array steam engines. Before that, it was 30 units a day. Now let's change it to 10 units a day."

If Erlangshen doesn't come to his door, he will reduce sales. This kind of equipment that uses aura energy as a driving force and will accelerate the decline of the world still needs to be controlled.

Otherwise, if the world really wants to decline irreversibly and enter the stage of destruction in a short period of time, those sages and ancestors will definitely go crazy and kill him.

Ignoring Erlang Shen's silence, Chen Nuo walked out of the city with the little fox.

"Daxian, is this three-eyed guy stupid? Wasn't it inspirational for Erlang to save his mother by splitting the mountain before? Why would he answer to warn others?"

After walking out of the city, the little fox asked with a look of incomprehension.

"That's because he's grown up now and has a mature mind."

Chen Nuo rubbed the little fox's head, thinking and solemnity flashed in his eyes.

The choice of eternal seal to imitate others, apart from the fact that Erlang Shen grew up and matured, and learned to think rationally instead of acting emotionally, the reasons and weight behind it must be very important.

Only if the reason behind it is very important, then will Erlang God choose to seal his father and mother forever instead of modifying the rules of heaven.

"Will the combination of immortals and mortals give birth to some innate immortal embryos, which will intensify the consumption of spiritual energy?"

Chen Nuo shook his head, quickened his pace and walked towards the monkey, who was about to be struck by lightning.

Outside the city, a remote village.

"Monkey head, go fetch water to irrigate the fields!"

An old man went out with a load of wooden buckets, and called the monkey head next door.

Monkey head, this is the name of the monkey. Of course, it is not the villagers who know his identity as a monkey, but the monkey's name as an ordinary person is called monkey head.

"My field is still wet. I will go to fetch water for irrigation tomorrow, but I won't go today."

Inside the house, the monkey responded. After more than two years, he has almost adapted to being a farmer and the hard life of a farmer.

It's not that he hasn't thought of other workarounds, it's that he has no other options.

For more than two years, he used his understanding of the habits of wild animals from the monkey life in Huaguo Mountain for many years to become a hunter.

Because he knew the habits of wild beasts very well, he became a powerful hunter and lived a good life. He had meat in every meal, money in his pocket, the rice tank was filled with grain, and the house was refurbished. The matchmaker almost stepped through the threshold to introduce his wife.

But within a few months of this good life, the nearby mountain god entrusted him with a dream, saying that he was hunting and killing, and hunting should be prohibited, otherwise he would be cursed and punished by the mountain god.

After experiencing the monkey who was beaten to death by a mountain god and had to smash his body to pieces, he had the same dream for three consecutive days. He chose Congxin and smashed his hunting tools.

After his career as a great hunter was blocked, he became a herb picker.

Relying on his understanding of the habits of herbs and the knowledge of monsters whose guardian elixir has not yet fully developed their intelligence, he has become an awesome herb picker again, returning home with a full load of medicine baskets every day.

The precious medicinal materials needed by the dignitaries in the city for medical treatment or health preservation were not found by other herb pickers, or they were found because the guardian monsters could not collect the medicinal materials, so he could find them.

Gradually, the matchmaker who had disappeared because he stopped hunting came to him again to introduce her to him. Even the ladies from rich and noble families in the city fell in love with him, a legendary hunter and a legendary herb picker.

It's just that the good times don't last long, and within half a year, the mountain god came to him again in a dream, saying that the herbal medicine is the essence of the mountain, and mortals should take it with restraint, and ordered him to stop collecting herbs, otherwise he would feel the pain from the mountain god. anger.

The monkey endured it, threw away the small hoe for collecting herbs, smashed the medicine basket, and picked up the big hoe to work in the field.

But the life of the farmer is hard. He hasn't eaten meat for two consecutive months, and the matchmaker doesn't come.

Finally, the monkey, feeling unbearable, thought for three days, threw away the hoe, picked up a knife and went up the mountain to chop bamboo.

As an ingenious monkey, he is also known as the Lingming Stone Monkey. In addition, he learned skills from the Bodhi Patriarch, and was once a golden fairy who had comprehended some of the mysteries of the world. He still has some skills.

Monkey invented various bamboo crafts that are not available in the market today, such as various exquisite bamboo baskets, bamboo vases, bamboo carvings, bamboo tubes, etc.

Because of the exquisite shape and novel design, his business suddenly opened up, not only local, but also countless foreign businessmen came to him to buy bamboo crafts.

Because the ingenious weaving speed is faster and the output is higher, and the higher the output, the more money it earns. In this way, the monkey lives a life of meat, and the matchmaker comes to the door. Even the ladies of the high officials and nobles in the city treat him I have a good impression of this talented young man, and I often ask him to customize bamboo crafts.

However, the good times did not last long.

This time it's not the mountain gods looking for trouble, but cheap counterfeit products appearing in the market.

After several vigorous price wars, the profits of monkeys dropped again and again, from every meal to one meal a day, and from one meal a day to three meals a day, and the matchmaker also went to find other A single young man who is more handsome than having learned bamboo weaving.

Of course, the monkey has never thought of looking for a wife, so it doesn't matter, a meal of meat for three days is better than a life of farming without a meal for a month.

What really made him uncomfortable was that the number of bamboos on the mountain was getting less and less, and everyone realized that the bamboo would be cut down if it continued like this. A group of people who learned how to weave bamboo crafts united to occupy the bamboo forest.

After several fights that cost two lives and injured more than a dozen others, the bamboo forest on the mountain was taken over by some powerful local clans.

They made the rules that other people can cut down, but the amount is limited, a family is only allowed to cut down how much in a year.

This quantity is cut to weave a few bamboo baskets for your own use, but if you want to weave them and sell them, it will definitely not work.

Even the raw materials are monopolized, and there is no doubt that monkey's bamboo crafts business has also been ruined.

After three setbacks, all conceivable outlets were blocked, all conceivable workarounds were useless, and the monkey was completely helpless, so he picked up a big hoe and became a real farmer.

From then on, I face the loess and back to the sky every day, looking at the sky, begging the gods, just for a good weather this year.

Maybe it’s because there is a restless heart in his heart. After living as a farmer for more than a year, the monkey’s heart is beating again, eager to be flexible, not to continue to be a farmer, and not to have a meal of meat for a month.

He was in a daze in the room, staring at the stove burning with steam.

 Today I have something to go out and come back late, there is a third update, but it should be later

(End of this chapter)

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