Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 180 This world is like a prison!This Immortal Buddha deserves to die!

Chapter 180 This world is like a prison!This Immortal Buddha deserves to die!
"Little brother, we're here!"

It took half an hour to run into the city, and it took only a quarter of an hour to come back with a big steam mill.

The monkey paid 3 Wen and watched the tricycle driver leave with brighter eyes.

If this kind of power can be mastered by ordinary people, or passed on by his hands, then he will be the real teacher of all ages.

The monkey who always likes fame feels urgent when he thinks of the teacher of all ages.

"Hurry up, hurry up, my old grandson will be able to become the teacher of all ages one day!"

Under the excitement, the monkey even came out to my grandson who hadn't said it for several years.

"burn the stove"

The monkey unscrewed the lid, filled it with a half bucket of water, and then lit a fire in the stove below the steam-generating chamber.

The monkey put pieces of charcoal into it, heard the sound of water boiling, and steam began to spray from the vent, and immediately closed the triple block valve to introduce steam into the cylinder.

Taking a cattail fan, the monkey fanned the stove crazily to make the fire burn more vigorously, and the water in the steam generating room boiled even more fiercely.

When the steam pressure of the cylinder reaches a peak, it starts to push the piston to do work, and the steam engine starts to run rumblingly.

It worked!
The monkey's eyes lit up, and he added a few pieces of charcoal to surround the stove to prevent the heat of the flame from escaping, and then continued to fan vigorously to see the limit of the steam engine.

"Huh? Why is steam spraying here? Didn't I close the isolation valve?"

The monkey, who had already asked the tricycle driver how to use the steam engine, suddenly saw an unknown pipe hole of the steam engine spraying steam, and couldn't help being stunned.

The driver didn't say what the function of the pipe hole is. From his understanding of the steam engine, this is a superfluous thing.

"The steam energy is gone from here, is this designed to prevent the steam engine from being too powerful?"

The monkey pondered for a few seconds, searched in the house, and finally found a piece of wood, whittled it with a knife, and forcibly punched it in through the control of the steam injection to block it.

Thermal expansion and contraction, the high temperature of the steam will make the wood expand, so that the pipe hole will no longer spray steam.

Block the pressure relief valve designed by Chen Nuo, and the monkey continued to fan the wind and burn the fire.

Hearing the obviously louder sound and watching the faster-spinning millstone, the monkey nodded in satisfaction.

"Look, why did a dark cloud suddenly gather over there, is it finally going to rain?"

"This is wrong, this is not a rain cloud, this is the punishment of the gods, this is the punishment of heaven!"

"That's the monkey head's house. The monkey head offended the fairy god! The monkey head offended the fairy god!"

"I've said long ago that Hericium's head is not good. It's hunting wildly, collecting medicines wildly, and it's not intentional to worship the gods in normal times. This finally offends the gods."

The monkey who was studying the steam engine didn't know that a dark cloud suddenly appeared above his house, and lightning flashed on it.

The farmers working in the field saw this scene, and shouted out in horror.

"Three-eyed monster, if you dare to violate the rules, I will destroy the world right now."

Outside, Chen Nuo, who was watching the appearance of the dark clouds, suddenly said something, saying that Erlang God with an ugly face appeared not far away as his spiritual power surged.

Just now Erlang God wanted to stop the scourge and prevent the scourge from falling.

Anyone can be punished by the gods, but it will cause big trouble if you chop a monkey.
"You control the rules made by the world, then you have to accept it even when you kneel.

Either you cancel this rule restriction afterwards, or even make it more stringent, but since the rule has been touched at this time, it cannot be suspended!
I have not violated the agreed rules, if you violate the rules, then I will destroy the world and slap my ass and leave. "

Chen Nuo looked at Erlang Shen, withdrew his spiritual power, and stretched out his hand to signal you to continue.

Erlangshen's expression was stiff, looking at the calm Chen Nuo, he didn't speak.


Without Erlang God's stop, a thick bolt of lightning fell from the gleaming dark cloud in an instant, pierced through the roof of the monkey, and hit the rumbling steam engine.

The steam engine exploded in an instant, and the huge steam pressure inside caused an explosion, and the fragments flew, piercing through the twitching monkey in the thunder and lightning, bringing out bloody flowers.
The dark clouds were dissipating, the explosion stopped, and the lightning energy also dissipated.

With a bang, the monkey fell to the ground, the wound on his body pierced by the explosive parts of the steam engine was no longer bleeding, and his entire body was turned into charred by the lightning.

"A technological pioneer has fallen, Erlangshen, do you think this is the 1th or the [-]th over the years?"

Outside, Chen Nuo chuckled and looked at Erlangshen.

"Your Excellency, please do it yourself."

Erlang Shen didn't answer this question, looked at the monkey corpse buried in the ruins after the house collapsed, and disappeared after saying a word.


Chen Nuo pointed his middle finger to the sky, not hiding his contempt.

The power of the mind radiates, the energy of the spiritual energy gathers, and a new ordinary monkey body is quickly formed according to the imprint of the reserved monkey information. With a thought in Chen Nuo's mind, the monkey's thinking consciousness, which was split by lightning, quickly gathers.

The real foundation of the monkey is that the body of the golden fairy is still suppressed under the Five Fingers Mountain.

As long as there is no accident there, unless someone uses causal secrets or some supernatural powers to attack the monkey outside, let alone being struck by lightning, it will not die if it is tempered.

But if someone really dares to use such causal secrets or magical powers on monkeys, the Jade Emperor and Tathagata will definitely jump out at the first time and tell you what is called a fist, and tell you that they will let the spiritual energy decline and the world be destroyed if they disagree with each other. No way, but it's okay to beat you up.

"Ah!!! I'm so angry!"

As soon as he regained consciousness and opened his eyes, the monkey couldn't restrain himself from roaring angrily.

His teacher of all ages is gone!
"Wake up, stop dreaming."

In front of Chen Nuo, the monkey mind of an ordinary monkey could not be concealed at all, and the monkey's thoughts could be sensed with a slight twist of the mental power.

Aware of the great heart of evangelism in the monkey's heart, the idea that he has dreamed of becoming a teacher of evangelism and being revered forever, he reminded him a little speechlessly.

Stop dreaming.

"What happened just now?"

The monkey calmed down and asked, but he was struck by lightning for no apparent reason, and ordinary people couldn't sense what happened.

"You were struck by lightning."

Chen Nuo's mental power was swept away, and the farmers and villagers in the village were all hypnotized. The material structure of the firewood cut by the monkey next to him was decaying and adjusting, and it was rapidly turning into metal and melting into shape, and finally formed a machine with a burning furnace and a bellows. Large steam engine.

With one move, the water vapor in the air condenses into water and injects it into the steam engine.

"Light it up and start it up?"

Chen Nuo made another pile of charcoal, lit a fire in the stove, and signaled the monkey to light the fire.

Hou Zi gave Chen Nuo a high look. Even the previous him couldn't do such a calm and pretentious look.

"it is good."

The monkey picked up charcoal and added it, pulled the bellows, and the charcoal fire was burning rapidly.

Not long after the gurgling, the sound of boiling water was heard in the ear, and the pressure relief pipe was spraying steam. The monkey closed the valve here, and the steam was introduced into the cylinder.

The steam engine started to run, and as the monkey worked hard to pull the risk, the fire was vigorous, the water boiled more intensely, and the steam engine ran faster.

"Look in the sky!"

Chen Nuo suddenly yelled, and the monkey raised his head subconsciously, and his pupils shrank involuntarily.

A dark cloud was gathering quickly, but within two seconds, lightning struck down.

The lightning was restrained by Chen Nuo's magnetic field control, the temperature control destroyed the steam engine, and the dark clouds in the sky were also rapidly dissipating.

"You were struck by lightning just now, the thunder of divine punishment."

Chen Nuo held the thunderbolt in his hand, looked at the completely dumbfounded monkey, and explained.

"This is impossible!"

The monkey couldn't believe it, how could there be such a limit in the world, it's simply ridiculous!
"You'll be fine if you use the formation. If you use the formation, it's called crossing the catastrophe."

Chen Nuo casually dispersed the weakest and weakest Thunder of Scourge in his hand, and said with a smile, "Got it now?"

"Using formations is called crossing robbery"

The monkey was dumbfounded.

Subconsciously, in his mind, in the past few years, he was stopped or even killed by mountain gods when he led mountain springs and streams.

Thinking of the neighbors who have to worship the gods every [-]st and [-]th day of the Lunar New Year, and then thinking of the sudden scourge I suffered just now when I studied the steam engine that ordinary people can make
His cultivation for more than two years was sealed, and he was thrown by Chen Nuo to this village outside the city to be a farmer to experience the life of ordinary people. The monkey who had already assumed the position and identity of ordinary people showed uncontrollable anger on his face!
"This world is like a prison!!! This immortal Buddha deserves to die!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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