Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 181 The Big Picture of Journey to the West

Chapter 181 The Big Picture of Journey to the West
A roar resounded in a radius of [-] meters, but there were no monkeys.

The goal was achieved, Chen Nuo turned and went back to the city.

Going back to lie on the deck chair, blowing the air conditioner, playing with the little fox, the life is not to mention how comfortable it is.

"Sir! Sir!"

As soon as he walked [-] meters, the monkey caught up from behind, and it was the first time he called Mr. so naturally and happily.

"Is something wrong? You still have 7 months to complete your three-year bet."

Chen Nuo glanced at the monkey, then walked forward.

"Hey, 7 months is not important, I know sir, you don't care about it."

A monkey who is sincerely convinced is playing and joking. Don't look at him fighting in heaven and earth, known as the Great Sage Equaling Heaven. Back then, he was also a monkey who could flatter him when he was with Patriarch Bodhi.

As long as he is really convinced, it doesn't matter if you flatter me, monkey, frankly!

"What do you want to say?" Chen Nuo stopped and looked at the monkey.

"I want to break this prison of heaven and earth, and give freedom to all living beings, sir, please enlighten me!"

The monkey bowed his hands and sincerely asked for advice.

Asking people to be polite, this is what Bodhi taught him with a ruler back then.

"So noble?"

Chen Nuo was a little surprised. In just over two years, this monkey has become a monkey with high morals?
"Of course, although my old grandson is obstinate and stubborn, and looks down on these sentient beings, I can't act like a god or Buddha."

The monkey looked serious and said: "Furthermore, break the prison of heaven and earth and spread the steam power that ordinary people can master. This is even more beneficial to heaven and earth, and it will be passed on forever!"

You still want to be the teacher of all ages.

Chen Nuo saw through the monkey's small thoughts at a glance, but he didn't care about it, as long as he was obedient.

"Want to break the prison of heaven and earth? Yes, let's look at the 500-year-old shop."

Hundreds of years are fleeting, and Chen Nuo's daily life has not changed. Every day, he manufactures 10 formation steam equipment and sells them to monkeys.

The surrounding shops changed one after another, every 20 years, Chen Nuo would change places, but he never left Dongsheng Shenzhou, or he never left the surrounding area of ​​Daxing City for thousands of miles.

Daxing City, this is the name of the Sui Dynasty, and it was called Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty.

The history of Journey to the West is different from that of the main world. The Sui Dynasty here did not die for three generations. Instead, it lasted for nearly a thousand years before gradually starting to turmoil.

"I see."

With a thought in his mind, Chen Nuo concealed the information, and an illusory topographic map of the earth and immortal world appeared in front of him.

With his eyes gleaming and his spiritual power shaking, Chen Nuo stretched out his hand and drew a thick red line on the map, and then added dozens of lines one after another.

The red line is the route of Journey to the West, and the remaining dozens of lines are the general trend of the dragon veins of heaven and earth, or the general trend of heaven and earth created by immortals, gods and Buddhas for thousands of years.

As long as Tang Seng goes through this journey to the west, he can quickly complete the change of the general trend of the world, complete the handover of the power of the world, and transfer the control of the world and the incense of the world from the hands of the Jade Emperor of Heaven to the hands of the Tathagata of the West .

"Great handwriting, really big handwriting!"

Chen Nuo sighed, the Journey to the West and the spread of Buddhism to the East are not only the change of incense in the world, but also the transfer of the fate of the dragon veins of the heaven and the earth, and the transfer of the authority of the heaven and the earth.

This is not Chen Nuo's pre-Chen Nuo rule of conquering the world, let alone the overpowering rule of conquest. Journey to the West, the world is in decline and cannot withstand such a toss.

In this way, in order to complete the change of incense in the world, the transfer of dragon veins and luck, and the transfer of power from heaven and earth, a gentle method must be adopted, and the overall situation of heaven and earth must be created step by step, so as to finally complete this matter.

This is Journey to the West, a change of incense in the world, a transfer of dragon veins and luck, and a road to the transfer of power from heaven and earth.

It took more than 460 years for Chen Nuo to truly understand the overall situation behind this journey to the West.

"The catastrophes on the Westward Journey are all luck plundering or transfer of luck. The dead goblin represents the luck being plundered, and the goblin who was rescued by the big boss has the luck of the big boss being handed over. In the end, all the luck in the world is destroyed." Gathered and returned to the Western Paradise."

Chen Nuo had thoughts in his mind.

Originally, he wanted to take advantage of the power of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty to erode the surrounding countries bit by bit, gather human will bit by bit, and finally break the limit of 5 horsepower, oh no, 3 horsepower, and develop an ordinary Industrial technology that can be used by humans.

Decades after the monkey was struck by lightning, the limit of heaven and earth increased, and 5 horsepower became 3 horsepower.

The aura of the emperor is quite special, it is the only power in the world that is not controlled by the gods.

Of course, because the other powers of heaven and earth are controlled, the human race in the earth fairy world has also been split into individual countries, and the human emperor's spirit can't stand alone and at the same time it is divided, and its power is just like that.

Compared with the human-emperor's qi that could counteract a saint in ancient times, the current human-emperor's qi is not even one tenth of a billionth as powerful.

"The original plan needs to be changed."

Chen Nuo looked at the route of Journey to the West, and a better plan came to mind.

Little by little development gathers human will, which is too slow, and the success rate is not high. During this period, immortals have countless ways to obstruct it.

At this time, seeing through the overall situation of the world created by the immortals, gods and Buddhas for Journey to the West, a better choice was placed in front of Ye Chen Nuo.

Fingers are constantly gesturing on the map of the earth fairy world, and every time you gesticulate, the general trend of the world is changing.

He is calculating the key to the overall situation of Journey to the West.

A few quarters of an hour later, Chen Nuo withdrew his finger palely, with a glimmer of joy in his eyes.

Monk Tang!Emperor Taizong of Tang!monkey!
"To control the world, that cannot reverse the world, and to create the overall situation of the world, it must also be restricted by such an overall situation of the world.

Journey to the West is an open road. For the transfer of power from heaven and earth, there is no limit of 3 horsepower on this road.

Heaven and earth do not stipulate that anyone must be able to walk this path, and whoever can walk through it will recognize his law.

It seems very interesting to change the sky and change the day, and the Buddhism of Journey to the West has become the west of science and education.”

Chen Nuo chuckled, and waved that the topographic map of the Earth Immortal Realm in front of him was shattered, releasing the information shield.

You can't block it for too long. If you block it for too long, the Jade Emperor and Tathagata should think he is doing something.

Over the years, he has engaged in information blocking from time to time, blocking information when chatting with beauties on the street, blocking information while watching operas when he is bored, and occasionally blocking information when playing with little foxes.

Started to block the information with a trick to conceal the sky, Erlang God or Nezha or even Guanyin would come over to check the situation at the first time, but Chen Nuo has been doing this for hundreds of years, randomly, from time to time, and slowly It becomes a wolf.

Although he would come over to check the situation every time, he was obviously not so diligent.

"Daxian, you are laughing in a daze again."

"Send your head, it's been hundreds of years and you haven't changed your shape, how about repaying your kindness by learning how to cook and wash clothes in the future?" Chen Nuo grabbed the little fox and rubbed the fox's head angrily.

"Daxian, you are good or bad, and you always want me to repay your favor. You can't think like this."

The little fox said a word, and became familiar with Chen Nuo, and she became more and more mature.

"Where's the monkey?"

Chen Nuo rubbed the little fox for a while, and asked about the monkey's whereabouts. Today's array steam engine was sold out long ago, and the monkey disappeared.

"I don't know. There is a circus in the city. I guess the female monkey has gone."

"Come on, let's go to the circus anyway."

Throwing the little fox on his shoulder, Chen Nuo walked out of the shop, his footsteps suddenly paused, he looked at a person who appeared on the street and said with a smile.

"Hey, three-eyed monster, you're here again."

 I'm sorry, I'm a little dizzy due to a cold, there are only two updates today

(End of this chapter)

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