Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 182 Tang Seng, Here I Come...

Chapter 182 Tang Seng, Here I Come
Erlang Shen didn't speak, and looked carefully at Chen Nuo. The power of Yuanshen swept the surroundings and prepared to go back after finding no abnormalities.

He is not idle, every day is also very busy.

"How many drinks together? You go, and I will block the secret again in a few quarters of an hour."

Chen Nuo pointed to the restaurant not far away and invited with a smile.

Erlang Shen's face became stiff, and his figure disappeared in place, and the passers-by around him didn't notice it at all.

"Only being a thief for a thousand days is not as good as defending against a thief the day before yesterday. Ah bah, I'm not a thief. How can a thief be as handsome as me?"

Watching Erlang God leave, Chen Nuo snapped his fingers, his spiritual power exploded, and based on his understanding of the luck of the dragon veins in the world here, he once again used a trick to hide the information.

"I don't believe Chen if I can't play you to death."

Chen Nuo shook his head and walked towards the market in the city. He had already seen the monkeys, and they were buying peaches with the wages paid yesterday.

"Three Wen, five Wen is too expensive, three Wen a catty!"

"Your peaches have some worm eyes, and the price of Sanwen is very fair!"

Before he walked in, Chen Nuo heard the monkey bargaining. He is a black-hearted boss. In addition to providing food and lodging, he gives a little pocket money every month. Over time, the monkey also understands that money is hard to come by. If I want to eat more peaches, I will move bricks and do odd jobs.

This monkey head is still sealed and cultivated, pretending to be an ordinary person living in the city, judging by his demeanor and behavior, if you say he is a monkey, he is the Monkey King, I am afraid no one will believe it.

"What are these gods planning in secret? The monkey has been trained like this by me, and it doesn't even seem to stop it."

Regardless of the monkey buying peaches, Chen Nuo suddenly waved his hand to the front as a greeting.

"Hi, Erlang God, you are back again."

"What the hell do you want?"

Erlangshen looked at Chen Nuo almost collapsed, if possible, he really wanted to have a painful fight with Chen Nuo.

But Chen Nuo has been staying in a human city for hundreds of years, with monkeys at his side, which is not suitable for fighting at all.

Although it was decided to put a ban on the monkey, a docile monkey, and a monkey who knew that he was played by the gods all over the sky, knew that his whole life was just a play, and the Monkey King and his prestige and reputation were all illusory anger. For monkeys, the degree of resistance between the two is obviously different.

"It's nothing, you go back."

Chen Nuo waved his hand, and if he continued playing, the three-eyed monster would really go crazy.

Wandering casually in the city, Erlang followed behind him for a while, and left again after noticing anything unusual.

"Really left?"

Closing his eyes, Chen Nuo carefully felt every trace of his mind. There was no sense of peeping.

Swept away with spiritual power, Chen Nuo walked towards the target.

"Second brother, if this steam engine can be greatly promoted, it will definitely bring about a qualitative leap in people's livelihood, the people's living standards will be greatly improved, and the country will become more powerful and prosperous."

"It's difficult to popularize. The above should be the driving energy of formations. Ordinary people can't make them. I asked some Qi practitioners, and they also said that they can usually set up formations. No one dares to set up such a large-scale formation. It is said that it is necessary to ask the gods for instruction."

Li Shimin shook his head, at this time the Xuanwu Gate incident had not yet happened, he was just an ordinary second prince and not so eye-catching.

"There is a way for ordinary people to build this steam engine."

Listening to the conversation inside, Chen Nuo smiled and walked in. The guards stationed at the door didn't seem to see it at all.


Li Shimin and Li Xiuning in the room stood up at the same time, and Li Xiuning pulled out the knife immediately.

"Master Chen?"

Seeing Chen Nuo, Li Shimin's expression flashed with surprise, and he waved his hand to signal Li Xiuning to put away his weapon.

"I don't know what Chen Xianshi said just now so that ordinary people can make steam engines, how to make it?"

Chen Nuo's image can be said to be known to everyone. Although he usually hides his figure when he goes out, everyone knows him when he really shows up.

"I wonder if the second prince has heard of the spirit of the emperor?"

Chen Nuo smiled mysteriously and said a noun.

"I have heard of the air of the emperor, but what does it have to do with ordinary people's steam engines?" Li Shimin was a little puzzled.

"Ordinary people can make steam engines, but gods have restrictions."

As Chen Nuo said, he blocked the information again with a trick.

"Is there a limit to the gods?"

"The second prince went back to buy a formation steam engine, don't turn on the formation switch, just add water and burn it in the stove to understand, remember, find a death row prisoner to light the fire.

The aura of human emperor is powerful, which can deter saints, destroy ghosts and gods, and even interfere with the laws of heaven and earth. "

Chen Nuo stretched out his hand and took out a jade pendant. With a thought, the energy of spiritual energy gathered, and the mixed spiritual power formed a special restriction on it.

"The second prince can trust me. Wear this jade pendant with you. Don't look for me when the second prince is done testing. I will find the second prince."

Chen Nuo put the jade pendant on the table, and his figure disappeared and appeared outside.

This jade pendant has no effect, it is just a weak information shield, so that Li Shimin will not be noticed by the gods when he is doing the experiment, and it will block when he senses the invasion of powerful spiritual power.

"Hey, Nezha, it's your turn."

After walking two streets, Chen Nuo used his spiritual strength to erase the traces just now, and greeted Nezha who suddenly appeared in front of him with a smile.

Information shielding, shielding the information of the entire area, such a big movement, the French Open that controls the world will definitely be able to sense it.

But it doesn't work if you don't block it, who knows if these gods will set up some keyword trigger mechanism.

"Chen Nuo, what the hell are you doing? Tell me, I won't tell the truth. I've long since seen their fate controlled by a group of gods and Buddhas."

Nezha came over with a smile, tiptoed and patted Chen Nuo on the shoulder.

"Okay, I'll tell you if you chopped off the Jade Emperor as a certificate." Chen Nuo glanced at Nezha and smiled.

"Are you serious? I'll go to heaven and kill him now. I've long since disliked the Lord of Heaven and Earth who even killed his own sister!"

Nezha looked eager to try, as if he would go to heaven and kill people as long as Chen Nuo was sure.

"Really, kill the Jade Emperor, and I will take you with me in a few years."

"How many years will it be?"

Nezha looked disappointed.

They are all dramatists.

"Nezha, I'm making lotus root soup at home, do you want to go back and drink two bowls together? The three-eyed guy has a cold face every day, and he refuses to invite him to drink every time."

Lotus Root Soup.
Nezha glanced at Chen Nuo, the corners of his mouth twitched, he shook his head and said, "Forget it, I'm going back to sleep, it's my turn to be on duty, Chen Nuo, don't mess with me like a three-eyed monster, okay?"

"Don't worry, I won't mess with you."

Chen Nuo nodded, watched Nezha disappear, and walked home.

After walking a certain distance, he felt the disappearance of the sense of peeping in his heart, his figure flickered, and he rushed out of the city quickly.

"Tang Seng, here I come."

(End of this chapter)

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