Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 184 The Guess of the Ancient First Emperor

Chapter 184 The Guess of the Ancient First Emperor
"Monkey, I will take care of this child for you."

Taking Jiang Liu'er back to Chang'an City, Chen Nuo called the monkey back and entrusted him with this glorious and arduous task.


Looking at the sleeping baby in Chen Nuo's hands, the monkey looked dazed.

I am a male monkey, no baby!
"Don't be unwilling, I will give you a salary increase. In addition, he is the key to unlocking your Wuzhishan ban. Only he can unravel the ban on Wuzhishan."

There are three key characters in the overall situation of Journey to the West, Monkey, Renhuang, and Jiang Liuer.

Monkey, this is the last golden immortal in the declining world, the only golden immortal born in the Journey to the West era. The other golden immortals are all people from ancient times or even ancient times. He represents the dragon veins and luck of the world.

Tang Taizong, it should be said that the emperor, represented the will of the human race, and represented the incense in the world.

The reincarnation of the golden cicada from Buddhism, the reincarnation of the ninth life, the virgin who didn't even hit the plane in the ninth life, the good man in the ninth life, and the death of the Buddhist scriptures in the ninth life, these special circumstances made the 10th life Jiang Liuer irreplaceable identity of.

These three people can be exchanged by monkeys, but at most the price is high.

Without the flat peach elixir, dismantling ten or eight innate spirit treasures that are almost useless in themselves, and fusing the essence of these innate spirit treasures can also create a golden fairy.

Emperor Taizong of Tang can change, as long as the emperor of another country issues his will.

It's okay to have a weak human-emperor spirit. If you help to expand the territory, expand the population, and expand the scope of the country's rule, the human-emperor spirit will naturally become stronger.

Only Tang Seng Jiang Liu'er couldn't do it, it's not that he couldn't, it's because there was too little time.

Controlling the world cannot reverse the world, and creating the overall situation of the world must be restricted by the overall situation of the world.

The general trend of the world is ready to go, and there is not enough time for the immortals and Buddhas to cultivate a second "Jiang Liu'er".

In this way, Jiang Liu'er grew up and went to Wuzhi Mountain to stop, and shouted: Tathagata, your uncle, quickly lift this restriction!
At that time, if the Tathagata didn't want to understand it, he had to understand it.

This prohibition itself is waiting for Jiang Liuer, he doesn't understand, then the overall situation of Journey to the West will collapse, if there is another backlash from the gathered world trend, then maybe GG will be played directly.

Tathagata, Jade Emperor and the others have the last resort, which is to intercept and suppress Chen Nuo, Tang Seng, Monkey and others on the Westward Journey Road.

Journey to the West is a road of plunder, the dead goblins have their luck plundered, and the defeated goblins have their luck handed over.

The general situation of Journey to the West, this rule also applies to Tang Seng, Chen Nuo and others.

Chen Nuo was defeated on the Journey to the West, so the immortal Buddha has the final say on Journey to the West.

If Chen Nuo got it right, the heaven and the earth would recognize his law, the authority of the heaven and the earth would belong to him, and the restrictions imposed by the immortals and Buddhas on the sentient beings of the heaven and earth would no longer exist.

Originally, this overall situation of heaven and earth was prepared for Buddhism.

Jiang Liu'er worshiped Buddhism again in this life, and Tang Monk and his disciples walked through the Westward Journey. That Buddhism is Daxing, and Buddhism took over the incense of the world from the heaven, and took over the power of heaven and earth.

But it's a pity that Chen Nuo has seen through the world of Journey to the West, and Jiang Liu'er, who was absolutely impossible to be found, was found and intercepted by Chen Nuo.

"Sir, do you think he can break the seal of Tathagata?"

Monkey looked at Jiang Liu'er suspiciously, what can this kid who is not yet one year old do?
"When did I lie to you, you went to the city to buy some goat's milk and cooked it to feed him."

Chen Nuo casually threw Jiang Liuer to the monkey, and he was not worried that the monkey would raise Jiang Liuer to death. This is the real protagonist in the world. Before the official opening of the Journey to the West, it would be difficult to die. At most, he would yell at the monkey. That's all.

"Master Chen."

After handing over Jiang Liuer to the monkey, Li Shimin paid a surprise visit.

After all, he still couldn't hold back the doubt and eagerness in his heart, and came to the door by himself before Chen Nuo could find him.

"It seems that the second prince has already tested it."

Chen Nuo poured him a cup of tea and didn't care that the other party came to the door.

With Jiang Liu'er in hand, I have the world.

Jiang Liuer took it, Monkey took it, the fact that Journey to the West is the transfer of science and education to the West is irreversible, so there is no need to hide from everything.

"Please give advice first!"

Li Shimin cupped his hands and saluted.

"Want to be emperor?"

Chen Nuo asked with a smile, seeing the other party's stunned and flustered expression, she shook her head.

"This matter is related to the greatest secret of the world. If you are not the emperor, or if you don't want to become the emperor, you are not qualified to know.

If you want to be emperor, I will tell you that you are willing to give up the throne to Prince Li Jiancheng, so there is no need to know. "

Li Shimin stood where he was, his expression fluctuating.

After a few seconds, Li Shimin's expression calmed down. Looking at Chen Nuo who smiled and seemed to see through everything, he suddenly bowed and bowed.

"Please advise the national teacher!"

"National Division?"

"The people of the world are emperors, and they should worship their ancestors as national teachers!"

Li Shimin didn't get up, but still kept his bowed posture, but his tone was extremely firm.

Looking at Li Shimin's appearance, Chen Nuo couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

As expected, no one who can become an emperor is easy. This is not only to ask questions, but also to draw him into the camp by the way.

"The words of the national teacher, wait until you become the emperor."

Chen Nuo didn't refuse or accept, and explained: "The heaven and the earth have spirits, and there are countless spirits. All living beings are divided, which restricts the development of ordinary living beings, and makes living beings encounter drought, flood, logging, hunting, drinking water, planting, fire, food, etc. Marriage, study, promotion, getting rich, even begging for a child, including life and death, etc., are all worshiped and begged for the mercy of the gods and gods, and the gods and Buddhas will control the fate of all living beings and obtain the spirits of all living beings."

He didn't say anything about the origin of the world, the development of the world, or the dilemma of the world. Chen Nuo explained this dilemma in the easiest way for Li Shimin to understand.


Li Shimin's eyes widened, and he asked in shock, "I don't know if there is any solution to this?"

"When you become the emperor and Tang Dynasty becomes the first nation of the human race, there will be a solution."

"Is it the air of the emperor that the master said?"

Li Shimin didn't forget what Chen Nuo said before, Chen Nuo didn't agree to the national teacher, so he temporarily changed his words to Mr.

"If you can rule various countries, rule the human race, and prevent the people from worshiping immortals and gods, then the aura of the emperor can break through the confinement of heaven and earth."

Chen Nuo nodded. This is a feasible method, but it is too difficult.

"Could it be that the first emperor of ancient times had this purpose, but he failed in the end."

Li Shimin subconsciously thought of the first emperor who unified the human race in ancient times.

It was the first and most complete unification of the human race after it was divided into eight hundred kingdoms from Zhou Dynasty. However, the First Emperor died prematurely and the Great Qin II died strangely.


The history here is different from that of the main world. Chen Nuo doesn't know exactly what happened in the Qin Dynasty in the ancient period of Journey to the West. The information obtained from the world is all processed information fragments.

"Sir, I don't know what this human emperor's aura is?"

Li Shimin thought for a few seconds and asked.

The human race has been divided into countless countries, and the aura of the emperor has long been scattered, and no emperor of any country can feel his aura of the emperor.

"This is something I can show you."

Chen Nuo didn't refuse this question, Datang's imperial spirit is too weak, he can play as he pleases.

With a thought, Li Shimin's mind was hypnotized, and his thinking consciousness was pulled out. Then Chen Nuo's spiritual power swept over Chang'an City, and a world with less than a certain level of cultivation reflected Li Shimin's thinking consciousness.

This is the perspective of information, or the perspective of the law of heaven and earth.

A golden dragon thinner than a roadside beggar was swimming above Chang'an City. The moment Li Shimin sensed this golden dragon, he naturally understood in his heart that this was the fate of the Tang Dynasty.

Isn't this too weak?

Jinlong's body continued to emit a kind of fluctuation into the palace, and Li Shimin saw the figure of his father.

On Li Yuan's body, an illusory dragon is floating, and it is in harmony with the fate of the Tang Dynasty, but the listless look seems to be about to hang up at any time.

This is the spirit of the emperor?How could such a power shake the heavens and the earth, shake the power of the gods.

Through Chen Nuo's spiritual power, Li Shimin has already felt the power of heaven and earth. Compared with the laws of heaven and earth, this emperor's aura is like a candle under the bright moon.

(End of this chapter)

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