Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 185 The spread of science and education to the west begins

Chapter 185 The spread of science and education to the west begins
"Just take a look, too much is not good for your country's luck."

Chen Nuo casually crushed the bit of backlash that peeped at the fate of the country, and withdrew his spiritual power.

"Sir, this is too weak." Li Shimin asked in disbelief.

"That means the world is under control, and the government pays homage to the immortals and gods in almost everything for the people. Coupled with the division of the human race, it is not bad that the aura of the emperor can still be formed.

If you can make the people believe in yourself and the country, and don't worship the immortals and gods in everything, it will be no problem to increase the aura of the emperor by a million times, and I don't dare to peep at it casually. "

Everything is useful only by worshiping the immortals and gods. The power of the gods is above the imperial power, and the gods of the gods are above the nation. It is a miracle that the aura of the emperor can be born in this way.

Li Shimin's expression was extremely heavy. In a short time, Chen Nuo revealed a corner of the mystery of the world and a shocking fact to him.

"Besides the aura of the emperor, is there any other way for Mr. Qiujia to solve the restrictions of this world?"

"This is when you become the emperor and develop the Tang Dynasty into the first country of the human race. You will issue a decree as the emperor, and I will take care of the rest.

This involves immortal gods beyond your level. Your duty is to manage this country well. The human race is strong. "

Chen Nuo shook his head, but did not reveal anything about Journey to the West.

Although he now has the initiative, Jiang Liu'er is still a nursing baby, so it's impossible to take a baby to teach west.

"The people of the world understand."

Li Shimin bowed and said with determination: "Shimin must live up to my master's advice, be a wise emperor who loves the people like a son, and lead the human race away from the restrictions and shepherding of gods and gods!"

Six years later, when Jiang Liu'erhui followed the monkeys all over the street and shouted like monkeys, Li Shimin launched the Xuanwumen Incident.

This year, Li Shimin was 23 years old, 5 years earlier than the historical Xuanwu Gate.

In the 9th year of Zhenguan, Jiang Liuer was 15 years old, the Tang Dynasty was at its peak, the industry driven by the array steam engine was developed, and the territory expanded three times, becoming the veritable first country of the human race.

"Please ask the national teacher."

Li Shimin, who has been in power for nine years, stood on the high platform and personally invited Chen Nuo to the stage.

"Western barbarians don't understand industry, and don't know the way of science and technology. I invite the national teacher to represent the Tang Dynasty and the human race to spread the way of science and education!"

"Going west, the road is difficult and dangerous, and demons are rampant, please take care of the national teacher!"

On the high platform, Li Shimin stamped his seal on an imperial decree according to Chen Nuo's instructions, and led the officials behind him to thank him.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I hope His Majesty will remember the words of the past."

Chen Nuo maintained a respect for the emperor, and took the imperial decree from Tang Taizong with both hands.

The last qualification item for Journey to the West, complete!

"Great Immortal, there seems to be something wrong with the big event. The whole monster clan is spreading the word that if you kill the Great Immortal, you will be able to see the way of Da Luo."

Just as Chen Nuo was packing up his things and preparing to leave, the little fox who went out to wander around heard something from other monsters.

"Don't worry about it, they're all a bunch of dead ghosts."

Chen Nuo waved his hand.

He had expected this matter a long time ago, no matter whether he or Tang Seng in the original book took this path, the Immortal Buddha would definitely fool a group of goblins to die, otherwise how could this gather the luck of heaven and earth.

This journey to the west will be a road to fight, and the gods and Buddhas are definitely ready to intercept him on the way. As long as he is suppressed, the luck that has gathered will still belong to the Buddhists.

"It turns out that Daxian already knew about it, but how could they be fooled so easily? It's unscientific."

The little fox didn't worry anymore when she saw Chen Nuo's appearance. She had seen Chen Nuo face-on, the Jade Emperor and Tathagata, including a group of gentlemen, left in a cool way. Now that Chen Nuo already knew, it was not a problem.

It's just that I'm a little puzzled that these goblins believe her so easily. Is it so easy to fool those of my own kind who are all mentally retarded?
"Look at this and you'll understand."

Chen Nuo's breath subsided, and in an instant, karmic fire erupted from him like a flaming mountain.

Tang Seng's words, you can use the golden cicada and the reincarnation of ten lives to fool you, but he doesn't need to fool you at all. With such karma, whoever kills him will be favored by heaven and earth.

"Oh, Ahri forgot that."

The little fox understood, she forgot about it.

The monkey is dumbfounded. What kind of evil did Chen Nuo do? This karmic fire is not so terrifying, is it?

"Sir, it's not good for you."

Jiang Liu'er frowned beside her, with a look of compassion.

He didn't practice and couldn't practice, but he knew some things about cultivation, but his spiritual strength was stronger than that of ordinary people, and he could sense the changes in Chen Nuo's breath.

"Tell me what's wrong with me."

Chen Nuo looked at the 15-year-old Jiang Liuer who was already as high as his shoulders, and asked with a smile.

The Buddha was reincarnated and entered the Buddhist gate in the ninth life. Although he cut off his beard in this life, the Buddha has penetrated into his bone marrow and integrated into the imprint of information. Fomen has a good impression.

But it’s okay, just adjust it slowly, Journey to the West still has a long time to go.

Belief is freedom, and he didn't force Jiang Liu'er not to believe in Buddhism, but belief is belief, just don't be convinced.

To be the sustenance of the soul, not to pray for worship, just like the Buddhism and Taoism in the main world, this is good for the development of civilization and not bad for it.

"Sir, you have done great harm and damage to the world, which is why the world has such strong disgust and karma."

Jiang Liu'er spoke out her opinions, not afraid of Chen Nuo's anger.

"Then tell me, what is harm and what is contribution? How should this standard be judged?"

"Karma is the product of the movement of heaven and earth, and it is judged by heaven and earth."

"Then if the world is controlled, the standards for judging the world will be changed? Then how to judge good and evil?"


Jiang Liu'er opened her mouth, not knowing how to answer.

"There is no absolute good or absolute evil in this world. From your own point of view, it is good, but from your opponent's point of view, it is not evil. There is no clear dividing line between good and evil. In this world, the water is still very deep. Take your time." Cognition, learn slowly, don’t be blinded by a single leaf.”

Chen Nuo patted Jiang Liu'er on the shoulder, and stepped onto a steam off-road vehicle.

"Monkey, drive!"

"Good Le!"

The exhaust has been silenced, the body has been sound-insulated, and the sound of the steam engine starting is not loud.

The air conditioner blows a gentle cold wind, the monkey is in charge of driving, Jiang Liuer sits in the co-pilot, Chen Nuo sits in the back and plays with the little fox, and the two of them, one monkey and one fox, set foot on the journey to the west.

White Dragon Horse?
What do I want that thing for?

"It's started, it's finally started"

"I can't help but fight and fight on the journey to the west, stop him!"

The moment Chen Nuo and his party drove out of Chang'an City, sighs and fluctuations came from Heavenly Court, Western Heaven, and even some hidden places in Heaven and Earth.

 Today's two updates, the new plot needs to be carefully sorted out, I have coded more than 1000 words and I am not satisfied and deleted it

(End of this chapter)

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