Chapter 187

Jiang Liu'er's mouth twitched.

The Buddha was reincarnated and worshiped in the Ninth World of Buddhism. He was born with Buddha nature and had a good impression of Buddhism. Although he did not join Buddhism in this life under Chen Nuo's teaching, he could not say such a thing.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Liu'er clasped her fists at Wuzhi Mountain.

"My lord Tathagata, please release the restriction!"

In Xitian, Tathagata, who has been paying attention to the situation after Chen Nuo and others walked out of Chang'an and the Journey to the West officially started, looked at Jiang Liuer's clasped hands and fists in Jianghu manners, his eyelids trembled involuntarily.

This feeling is like raising a gentle student for thousands of years. One day, after being lost, he slapped the table and called you uncle after a few years came back.

"That's right."

After a few seconds of silence, seeing Jiang Liu'er clasped her fists and shouted again, Tathagata recited softly.

The voice resounded in the area of ​​Wuzhi Mountain, the Buddha's light was flourishing, and the forbidden stickers on Wuzhi Mountain fell off and flew back to the west.

As soon as the restraining power disappeared, Wuzhi Mountain shook rumblingly.

"Sir, Jiang Liuer, step back, little fox, my grandson is coming out!"

The monkeys were shouting, and Wuzhishan, which had lost its restraint, was constantly opening cracks.

There was a burst of landslides and ground cracks, and a golden light burst out, and the monkey finally got rid of the place where it had been imprisoned for 500 years!

"Hahahaha! My old grandson has finally come out, Tathagata, Jade Emperor, you wait for my old grandson! If I don't call you father, I won't be called grandson!"

After 500 years of captivity, he escaped with one trick. The monkey turned over a dozen somersaults in the sky, and its hearty shouts almost shook the three worlds.

"Uncle, is this the person you and Duobao selected to represent the luck of the dragon veins of heaven and earth?"

There are already some more figures in the heavenly court.

Standing behind the Taishang Laojun, a young man in a Tai Chi Taoist robe looked a little astonished at the next monkey shouting happily.

Beating the Jade Emperor and calling him Dad, does this mean he wants to be of the same generation as the Taoist ancestor?

From ancient times to the present, this is the first person who dared to yell such wild words.

"Monkey, it's normal to have a stubborn nature. He was transformed from the five-colored stone left over from mending the sky in the past. In this period, it takes less resources to become a golden fairy."

The Jade Emperor didn't look too surprised, the monkey got out of trouble, and it would be abnormal not to scold a few words, so he had to evaluate Chen Nuo's situation more.

As for scolding Daozu, it seems to be serious, but if you scold him, you scold him.

When he reached the realm of Taoist ancestors, he would not be emotionally moved by these words for a long time.


Wuzhishan, Chen Nuo called out.


Hearing Chen Nuo calling him, the monkey immediately descended from the sky.

"Journey to the west, eat a little hard."

Patting the monkey on the shoulder, Chen Nuo didn't say anything.

The boss won't mind the monkey's scolding, and the people below will definitely feel it, beat him hard, beat him hard.

"It's okay, my old grandson has experienced all kinds of life in the past few hundred years. He has chopped firewood, hunted, planted fields, carried bags, poorer than his stomach is full, his clothes are not warm, and he has eaten and been eaten My peach, there is no suffering that I cannot bear!"

Monkey patted his chest, with an expression that it would be okay if the sky fell.

"Well, that looks good, let's go on."

Chen Nuo greeted him to get into the car. The speed of the car was several hundred faster than any horse. It was still early and he could still cover a certain distance.

"Sir, we are walking in the wilderness, and there are no people living anywhere. How can we spread science and education to the West?"

The monkey was driving, and Jiang Liuer looked puzzled when he saw that there was no trace of people in the wilderness outside.

"There are people smoking in the back."

Chen Nuo shook his head. It's not that the Journey to the West is remote, it should be said that the world of Journey to the West is sparsely populated. Except for a few specific commercial roads, the rest of the place is a barren wilderness that spreads for thousands of miles.

These barren fields are natural barriers, separating the human race from one country to another.

If the industry is underdeveloped and the means of transportation are underdeveloped, it is impossible for the human race to unify.

"Sir, there is a Buddhist temple in the distance!"

As Jinwu descended to the west, Jiang Liuer, who had been looking at the scenery outside, suddenly saw a Buddhist temple on a mountain in the distance.

"Buddhism is a quiet place. Our industrial technology is a folk way and is not suitable for boarding. Let's rest here, monkey, and set up a tent."

Chen Nuo glanced at the monastery, and motioned for the monkey to stop here and set up a tent to rest.

In the distance, the Bodhisattva who was about to order Black Bear Spirit to steal things from the Buddhist monastery at night saw Chen Nuo and a group of people parked in place and took out tents, steam generators and other things from the car, looking a little dazed.

Are you still playing by the rules?

Journey to the West requires plundering and gathering luck, the script has been written, and you know it.

The black bear spirit is the representative of luck in this area. If you live in a Buddhist monastery, the black bear spirit will steal your "BMW" car, and I will show up and beat the black bear spirit violently. Is it beautiful?

But what do you mean by resting in place after such a long distance?The black bear spirit doesn't even know you're here.

Avalokitesvara felt a bit of liver pain, suppressing Chen Nuo on the Westward Journey was their plan, plundering and gathering luck was the core of Westward Journey.

If a few rings are missing on the way, and the luck of heaven and earth has not been fully gathered, it will be useless to suppress Chen Nuo. It is impossible to turn around and walk again.

Watching Chen Nuo and his group set up tents, take out steam generators, and cook with induction cooker and rice cooker, Guanyin had no choice but to make a decision.

The white dragon horse in front is one of his own, so it is easy to make up for it later.

This black bear spirit is naturally raised, so it cannot be let go.

call out!
A beam of light appeared, flickering from the direction of Chen Nuo's group of people into the black bear spirit's cave.

The black bear spirit who was sleeping soundly noticed the change in the light in the cave, and opened his eyes in a daze.

"What's the matter, the sunlight can't come in my cave." Getting up, the black bear spirit went out to check the situation.


Just walked out of the cave and looked in the direction of the light shining in.

A strange shining iron monster is parked on the hillside, a monkey is setting up several tents and carpets, and a teenager is skillfully frying vegetables in a black pot.

Grease creaked and splashed, even just looking at it, the black bear spirit seemed to smell the fragrance.

"Such an exquisite tent and carpet must be much more comfortable than my cave, and that strange hot pot seems to be more like a magic weapon."

The black bear hides most of its body in the cave, peeping in the dark with its eyes exposed, the more it looks, the more it likes it in its heart.

"They seem to be going to rest. I will steal some of their magic weapons and tent carpets at night."

Hei Xiongjing had several thoughts in his mind, but despite the difference in strength, none of his thoughts escaped Guanyin's observation.

Phew. Finally got the script connected.

Guanyin breathed a sigh of relief.

Although this black bear spirit is timid or ignorant, and has no plan to steal a BMW, it's fine if he steals it. Even if he steals the garbage Chen Nuo left behind, it will establish a cause and effect, and he can complete the plunder or transfer of luck.

(End of this chapter)

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