Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 188 Monkey Fighting Avalokitesvara

Chapter 188 Monkey Fighting Avalokitesvara

"Where is the goblin who dares to steal from my old grandson!"

In the middle of the night, the monkey yelled loudly, and suddenly there was a bang bang bang outside.

"Daxian, Daxian, the monkey fought a black bear who came to steal from us."

The fox slept relatively lightly, and when he heard the bang bang bang bang, he rushed into Chen Nuo's tent.

"Ah, Daxian, you haven't slept yet."

Inside the tent, Chen Nuo was reading a book, and the darkness of the night could not block his sight.

"Lost or won?"

Chen Nuo asked casually without checking with his spiritual power.

In the original book, the monkey couldn't win against a black bear spirit, but he was curious about how the monkey is doing now.

"Sir, I caught a stealing black bear spirit. This bear paw is not bad. Do you want to stew it tomorrow?"

"Hey! Where are the sneaky thieves coming to snatch my grandson's booty!"

As soon as Chen Nuo finished speaking, the sound of fighting outside stopped, and the monkeys shouted outside, but something seemed to happen the next moment.

Bang bang boom!
The sound and light flashed all of a sudden, and the aura was rioting. It was obvious that they had just started fighting the black bear spirit. At this time, the fighting intensity had risen several levels.


Chen Nuo felt the breath of the person who was fighting with the monkey, stepped out of the tent, and glanced at the imprisoned black bear spirit on the ground.

Buddhism is not only luck, but also people, oh no, even bears?
"Oh, it turned out to be Avalokitesvara. I didn't expect Avalokitesvara of Buddhism to do some sneaky things."

Chen Nuo walked out, and the monkeys who were fighting in the sky in the distance also recognized the identity of Guanyin, the power of the primordial spirit vibrated, and the sound almost spread throughout the three realms.

"Monkey head! Hugh is rude!"

A flash of anger flashed across Guanyin's expression, he no longer concealed his identity, and lashed at the monkey with the willow branch in his hand.

The spiritual power was shaken, and the monkey flew upside down.

"Chen Nuo, don't you want to teach me?"

Seeing the monkey flying upside down, Guanyin made a handprint subconsciously, stopped halfway, and looked at Chen Nuo.

Is mudra a secret?Or ban?

Chen Nuo couldn't help narrowing his eyes.

He didn't speak, and the monkey didn't stop, and rushed to fight Guanyin again.

He has been imprisoned for 500 years and hasn't had a fight. His hands have been itchy for a long time. How can he not have a good fight, let alone a person who is under the seat of the Tathagata this time, so the happiness index is even higher.

Like a sound and light drama, the spiritual energy is rioting, constantly transforming into various sound waves, radio waves, light rays, etc. bursting out.

"Sir, why did the monkey fight Guanyin?"

Jiang Liu'er walked to Chen Nuo's side, watching the battle in the sky, puzzled.

"The monkey has been suppressed and sealed by Tathagata for 500 years, and his hands are itchy." Chen Nuo replied casually.

"Suppressed and sealed by Tathagata for 500 years?"

Jiang Liu'er was a little dazed. He was raised by monkeys with shit and urine, and he has a very good relationship with monkeys. He couldn't imagine the scene of monkeys being sealed and suppressed by Tathagata for 500 years.


Chen Nuo smiled lightly, looked at the monkey who was gradually losing ground, and shouted.

"Hahahaha, get the hell out of here!"

The monkey laughed, and the golden cudgel in his hand shone brightly and knocked Guanyin back a few steps. Although he was defeated, he returned as if he had won a big victory.

Guanyin's face was gloomy for a while, and he looked at the black bear spirit on the ground, and his figure disappeared into the air.

"Great Immortal, Great Immortal, please forgive me! Please forgive me!"

Seeing Avalokitesvara leave, Chen Nuo and others shifted their gazes to themselves, and the black bear hurriedly knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Monkey, give him two rugs and let him go."

Chen Nuo glanced at him, motioned for Monkey to give him two blankets, and told him to leave.


The monkey who was about to beat the black bear spirit to death with the golden cudgel was stunned, then turned around and gave him the two blankets that the black bear spirit had stolen just now.

"Thank you Daxian, thank you Daxian!"

Unexpectedly, the black bear spirit hurriedly kowtowed while holding the blanket. After kowtowing several times in a row, he ran away in a hurry.

"Daxian, why did you let him go, Ali wants to eat bear's paw."

Seeing the prepared bear's paw leave, the little fox became a little unhappy.

We don't kill at will, but this kind of troublesome bear is the food delivered to the door, it's a pity to let it go.

"The number of your monster clan is running out. This black bear spirit has never eaten people, just let him go."

Chen Nuo replied that a demon who was born with wisdom is considered an intelligent life, and Chen Nuo would not kill people without cannibalism, let alone eat them.

"Sir, isn't there a lot of monster races? When my old grandson came out of the mountain, there were tiger spirits and leopard spirits. Then he met the bull demon king, the roc demon king, and the dragon demon king. He even sworn to them."

The monkey doesn't understand, since he was born up to now, it can be said that he has encountered a bunch of monsters one after another.

"You are an exception."

Chen Nuo looked at the monkey carefully, and asked, "Do you feel anything unusual?"

"What's abnormal?"

"What is the 159849th digit of pi?" Chen Nuo asked suddenly.


The monkey answered reflexively, and then was stunned.

Why does my thinking seem to become clearer?

Pi, this kind of pure calculation problem is very simple for his Golden Immortal cultivation.

However, due to the influence of subjective consciousness, simple ones have to think about it and calculate it in their hearts to get the answer.

This time, his thinking was very clear, and in an instant, the answer came naturally.

"This is the journey to the west, and it is the mystery of heaven and earth luck."

Chen Nuo patted the monkey on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Take a good look at it, and come to me tomorrow to receive the learning task."


Monkey was stunned, he didn't want to learn from Chen Nuo's stuff, it was too scary.

"Jiang Liu'er and Ari want it together."

Chen Nuo understood very well that the rain and dew are all covered, and no one favors anyone. Regardless of the changed eyes of Jiang Liuer and the little fox, he walked back to the tent to sleep.

"Daxian, can I not learn?"

On the second day, Monkey and Jiang Liuer received the learning task, and Monkey continued to drive.

In the car, the little fox was sitting in the back row, looking at the pieces of information jade slips with a look full of fear.

"This is the foundation, and the esoteric follow-up will be taught."

Chen Nuo chuckled lightly.

This is just the knowledge of classical mechanics, as well as simple and basic electromagnetic related knowledge,

He will not teach knowledge related to more profound basic forces, nor will he teach related mathematical algorithms, because the great Luo sages and even Taoist ancestors are peeping.

Due to the interference of Reiki energy, the physical experiment here cannot obtain accurate data.

In this way, as long as Chen Nuo didn't reveal the trick, it would be impossible for Mantian Xianfo to study the mysteries of the basic rules of matter.

"Is this still the foundation?"

The little fox exclaimed in surprise, the little mouth opened very cutely.

Jiang Liuer, the co-pilot, shook his hands, and the monkey even veered off the steering wheel, almost driving into the cliff.

"This is the fundamental mystery of heaven and earth, the foundation of the world, what the immortals and Buddhas in the sky pursue all their lives, but their research direction is wrong, and it will be useless for a lifetime."

Chen Nuo laughed, but looked at the sky. He was fishing.

"The fundamental mystery of heaven and earth, the foundation of the world?"

In a hidden place in Journey to the West, a jade slip appeared in the hands of some people on the Westward Journey Road. The power of the primordial spirit penetrated into it, and their expressions were lost in thought.

If Chen Nuo didn't show this information in his mind, no one would be able to perceive it.

But once it is taken out, this group of bigwigs who are compatible with the world will be able to obtain relevant information from the world at the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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