Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 189 Divide the enemy's camp

Chapter 189 Divide the enemy's camp

Everyone knew Chen Nuo's identity.

The extraterritorial demon is still an extraterritorial demon whose strength has reached the level of a golden fairy.

The information of a different world and a different world revealed by such an extraterrestrial demon is undoubtedly worthy of thinking and research.


"A rule that is different from the law of heaven, but it is only on the surface."

"We can also summarize these rules. This is a research idea that has never been seen before."

"There is interference in the deeper rules, and the research cannot continue."

"This electromagnetism seems to be related to the opponent's means and capabilities. This is a system that is completely different from the laws of heaven."

Chen Nuo took out the classical mechanics information, and soon the boss came to conclusions one by one.

"What does he mean by taking out this message?"

After the research, the bosses had doubts again.

They didn't think that Chen Nuo wouldn't know that they were peeping, but since they knew they were peeping, they still provided such information, so the purpose was worth pondering.

Chen Nuo didn't investigate the situation of the bosses, he probably guessed what would happen, but this fishing was a conspiracy.

"Take your time to guess. The more you guess, the more different voices will be generated within the camp. I really don't believe that you are all iron buckets."

Looking at the sky, a smile appeared on the corner of Chen Nuo's mouth.

In addition to teaching the monkeys to learn scientific thinking, he took out this to show these big guys.

A social group is not afraid of desperation, but of too many choices.

If there is no other way for the world, no other rules, then there is no doubt that everyone is united and united, and everyone is determined to mess with him and get him out as a spoiler.

But if there are other methods, other rules, and other ways at this time, can this group of immortals, gods, Buddhas, Taoists, Buddhists, witches, and demons stand together with one heart?

Chen Nuo denied this.

Human nature, unless you completely wipe out your emotions and feelings and turn yourself into a program, or even become a fairy Buddha will be restricted by human nature.

If you really want to be pure-hearted and ascetic, with no interests and no struggles, the world will already be in harmony.

"Great Immortal, you said before that the spirit energy disappears, and the demon clan will perish. Is this true?"

The little fox looked at it for a while, and suddenly remembered a question she asked Chen Nuo hundreds of years ago.

"Why did you suddenly think of this question?"

Chen Nuo gave the little fox a strange look. Just after releasing the homework and showing off his skills, the little fox suddenly asked this question. Could it be that someone is secretly interfering with thinking?

"Last night, Daxian, you said that there are not many monster clans, and I am also a monster clan. If the monster clan is really going to perish, then I will die too."

The little fox did not show any abnormalities.

"It's true." Chen Nuo nodded.


"Because the thinking organs of the Yaozu are not strong enough, if they lose the spiritual energy, they will not be able to support their thinking consciousness. In this way, all the beasts and plants will never be able to give birth to spiritual wisdom, and the Yaozu will naturally perish."

Chen Nuo rubbed the little fox's head and told the story.

"Is there any way to change it?" The little fox blinked and looked serious.


"What is it?"

"Gene evolution, body transformation, makes the thinking organs of the body support the existence of thinking consciousness without the enlightenment of aura energy, and transforms this gene, the body, into a kind of genetic information of the body, which can be passed on without aura energy go down."

Chen Nuo came up with a fundamental solution, but the little fox was in a daze, and the bosses who were peeping in the sky and the ground were also a little dazed.

Before the Journey to the West, 100 of the 99 great masters in the world are considered to be demon clans, and the innate gods are also considered to be demon clans, because they are also spiritual wisdom born from spiritual energy.

They also knew that the birth of the Yaozu was related to the energy of spiritual energy. Regarding this, they also wanted to know the answer to the question asked by the little fox, and wanted to know from Chen Nuo, an extraterrestrial demon, whether there was a solution in other worlds.

But the way is out, why can't I understand?

Evolution can be understood, body transformation can be understood, but what are genes?
Inheritance, this seems a bit similar to inheritance, the blood in it involves related content, but inheritance also requires spiritual energy, the premise of inheritance itself is the birth of spiritual wisdom.

"This gene should be an information imprint, or a true spirit imprint."

After a long time, someone made a guess.

They have cultivated to this level and their bodies are already energyized. They only have imprints of information in their bodies, which is the basis of their existence.

Even if the primordial spirit is shattered and the information imprint exists, it can be resurrected again.

"How to pass on this thing, oh no, it's heredity?"

Many bigwigs were completely dumbfounded.

The foundation of their thinking consciousness and wisdom is aura energy, and aura supports the operation of their thinking consciousness, thus giving birth to wisdom.

The foundation of human thinking consciousness and wisdom is the brain, and the operation and fluctuation of neurons in the brain form thinking and give birth to wisdom.

Just as ordinary human beings cannot understand how a group of stones or a piece of bamboo can give birth to wisdom.

These gangsters also couldn't understand how to exist without aura energy.

There is a generation gap between the two, or in other words, the research directions and research systems of the two are different.

There is no comparison between the two, and neither can they understand each other.

Even if Nv Wa makes a human out of earth, she can explain the existence of human beings from the aura-related knowledge of Zhou Tianqiao point, 33 spines corresponding to 33 heavens, and explain why people are born with spiritual wisdom.

But once there is no spiritual energy, you ask Nuwa to explain what is the brain and what is brain thinking from the material level, from the neuron electrical signal level.

She could only say one thing, sorry, my concubine studied spiritual energy, and didn't know what neurons and electrical signals are.

Without aura energy, can human beings still have thinking consciousness?This is my awesomeness, oh no, I will die without the aura energy, you tell me what the world after death is like, I don’t know what it is like.

I don't understand, none of the bosses understood what Chen Nuo said.

The basic rules, the transmission data of electrical signals, and the specific data of the electromagnetic field are all disturbed by the energy of spiritual energy all the time.

Even if they penetrate the heavens and the earth, it is almost impossible to study the mysteries of the basic rules in the environment of aura energy. As for further research after isolating the aura of heaven and earth, emmm, the source of their power is aura.

Inside the steam off-road vehicle, Chen Nuo was playing with the little fox, feeling the sense of voyeurism that stagnated or disappeared, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Lu Xun is right, if the enemy is united, then try to divide the camp and throw some multiple-choice questions for the enemy to make a choice.

Zhou Shuren also said that the essence of a person is a repeater, but everyone's thoughts and ideas cannot be exactly the same.

Once the enemy's mind becomes different and the choices they make are different, then the purpose of dividing the enemy's camp will be achieved.

Facing the bait of the new rule system, facing the bait of maintaining the existence of thinking consciousness without the energy of aura.

One is that after the aura decays, it can still use the new rule system to retain its power.

One is that after the aura decays, people can still live without dying.

In this way, whether everyone's choices can still be the same, Chen Nuo expressed his interest.

(End of this chapter)

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