Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 190 Chapter 190

Chapter 190: Chapter 190
"Stop, who are you! What is this rumbling carriage?"

Monkey was driving a steam car all the way west, and when he came to a village, he was suddenly stopped by someone.

A five or six-year-old girl with shofar braids.

"Who is here? Why are you stopping us?"

The monkey, disguised as an ordinary person, lowered its car window and poked its head out. Looking at the little girl blocking the way, a golden light flashed in its eyes.

Well, ordinary human children, not monsters.

"I'm Gao Cuilan, this is Gao Laozhuang, the whole village belongs to our Gao family, of course I can stop you! Quickly tell me what are you making that rumbling noise?"

The little girl snorted with her neck raised, and her attitude was a bit savage.

Gao Laozhuang, Gao Cuilan?

When Chen Nuo in the car heard this, he couldn't help poking his head out to look at the savage little girl.

"Cuilan! Cuilan! Where did you go, girl!"

Before he could speak, anxious voices suddenly came from the village.

A young woman with a handsome figure ran out, followed by a maid.

When she saw the rumbling steam car in the middle of the road and Gao Cuilan standing in front of the car blocking the way, the young woman was stunned for a moment, and then panic and fear flashed in her eyes, and she hurried over to grab the little girl That's three snaps.

Little Cuilan burst into tears.

"Shangxian is sorry, children are ignorant and offended Shangxian."

After beating the bear, the young woman hurriedly dragged Xiao Cuilan to the side of the road to make way, and then bowed and apologized to Chen Nuo and the others.

She has a wide range of knowledge, and from the dirt and vegetation debris on the tracks, as well as the marks left by the car passing behind, it can be seen that this steam car is not something that ordinary people can manufacture and own.

It's not an ordinary person, it's a Shangxian who has mastered supernatural powers. If his daughter offends the way, it will bring disaster to the family and even the entire Gao Laozhuang.

"It's okay, can you find a place for us to park and board? We will pay for it."

Chen Nuo waved his hand, stopped the monkey who wanted to drive away, and signaled to stay here for boarding.

He already felt a wave of monster energy, a wave of monster energy entrained with immortal power.

If there is no exception, the Bajie pig should already be in Gaolaozhuang.

I don't know if it was because he participated in Xiaoyu that he descended to the mortal world early to reincarnate, or it was because he descended to the mortal world so early in the first place.

If it's really the second one, judging by Gao Cuilan's age, Bajie is still very fashionable, and he is still playing with it.

"Shangxian, please follow me."

Gao Cuilan's mother did not refute, but bowed meekly and respectfully, and led Chen Nuo and others inside.

The car shook for a while, and the monkey controlled the speed of the car and slowly followed.

He also felt the evil spirit in Gao Laozhuang, and probably guessed Chen Nuo's plan in his heart.

Kill the demon and win luck.

Since he got luck, the monkey who has a lot of pi on his back agrees very much.

"I don't know if the immortal will arrive, but I will be far away to welcome you."

The maid ran back to explain the situation ahead of time. As soon as she entered the Gao family compound in Gao Laozhuang, Gao Cuilan's father, Mrs. Gao, had already brought people to greet her.

"We are not Shangxian, I am the Great Tang Master, here to promote the way of science and technology."

Chen Nuo jumped out of the car and did not admit that he was a god. He came to engage in science and technology, not theology or belief.

Although it will be easier to promote if you really want to put on the skin of a fairy, it is not good for the long-term development of the way of technology.

"It turned out to be the Great Tang Imperial Teacher."

Seeing the imperial decree of Tang Taizong that Chen Nuo took out to confirm Chen Nuo's identity, Grandpa Gao relaxed and asked tentatively:

"I don't know what is the way of science and technology that the national teacher said?
I heard that there are some industries in the Tang Dynasty, some steam engines, and recently they are going to build something called a big railway that runs through the southeast and northwest. Could it be that this is the way of science and technology that the national teacher said? "

The Tang Dynasty has been established for so many years, and in recent years, the rule of Zhenguan has become the first country of the human race, and its reputation has spread far and wide.

"This is the way of technology. For example, this car is also a way of technology. It doesn't need to be fed, and it doesn't eat and drink. It only needs to be fed with water."

Chen Nuo patted the mighty and tall steam car, and explained with a smile that the driver monkey who was still in the car stepped on the accelerator, making the car make a booming sound.

"Can ordinary people master this technology?"

Grandpa Gao couldn't believe it, how could ordinary people master such power.

"It's getting late. Tomorrow, Master Gao will call some clever craftsmen and some smarter children. How about I personally demonstrate my insights to you?"

Chen Nuo nodded, and did not prove it on the spot, but asked Mr. Gao to arrange someone to demonstrate and explain tomorrow.

Journey to the West is a transfer of power from heaven and earth, so there are no restrictions on the law on the journey to the West.

After he took Jiang Liuer out of Chang'an City and started his journey to the west, the horsepower limit set by the immortal gods and Buddhas disappeared.

Datang is also on the journey to the west, relying on years of education and accumulation, relying on its vast territory and strong national strength, after Chen Nuo started the journey to the west, it also officially exploded at a terrifying speed of development, faintly a bit like an infrastructure madman.

"Sir, that demonic aura has gone to the mountain. He seemed to be a wing here before."

Go into the courtyard arranged by Mr. Gao, and the monkey reports his discovery.

"I know, don't worry about it for now, Mr. Gao should know about this pig demon."

Chen Nuo nodded. He is stronger than a monkey, and his spiritual power can sense the traces of Zhu Bajie's life here.

At the level of thinking consciousness, he did not see that Mr. Gao was controlled by hypnosis.

Such a delicious and delicious pig demon stays at his home, if Mr. Gao doesn't know about it, it is definitely impossible.

On the mountain outside Gaolaozhuang, Bajie, who fled in a panic, was looking bewildered and flustered.

"Damn it, why did this monkey come here so soon? Didn't they arrive here 20 years later? Why is it ahead of time? No one has notified me yet!"

"And this Chen Nuo, why did he follow him to Journey to the West, what should I do when they come?
My Cuilan, she is only 5 years old, do I want to snatch a 5-year-old girl as my wife? "

Bajie was stunned, the script was wrong.

As compensation for letting him cast a pig fetus, the higher-ups assigned him a wife, so that he could tie the knot when his wife grew up, and the old man's line was set up.

At the same time, this can also be used as an excuse, a reason to be surrendered by the Westward Journey team and join the Westward Journey Group.

But the wife assigned by the above is only 5 years old and has not yet grown up. The Westward Journey team came here. What should I do?
After reincarnation, Bajie, who has not fully recovered his strength, does not understand what happened to Journey to the West. He only remembers the original script in his heart, but now this script is obviously wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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