Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 191 Teaching Steam Engine Technology

Chapter 191 Teaching Steam Engine Technology

"How about I take Cuilan on the Journey to the West?

Looking at this Journey to the West, there seems to be an accident, and it is obvious that Chen Nuo, the great demon of heaven and earth, is in charge.

The young Jiang Liu'er should be Tang Seng, but he didn't shave his hair to become a monk, and the white dragon horse he mentioned before has also turned into a formation steam locomotive with the BMW brand on it.

Chen Nuo even brought a vixen with her, so it shouldn't be a problem for me to bring a loli, and when Cuilan grows up, they can get married."

Bajie turned a few thoughts in his mind.

Having been single for so many years, his arm strength has become so strong that he can even dance a 48-jin nine-toothed rake flexibly and naturally. He doesn't want to give up the wife arranged by his superiors.

Especially after being reincarnated as a pig demon and no longer as handsome as Marshal Canopy, he understood that it would be difficult to find another wife if he missed this time.

call out!
At this time, a stream of light flashed across the sky and fell into Ba Jie's body.

Bajie was stunned, not only surprised by the information contained in Liu Guang, but also angry.

"Jade Emperor! Wori, your ancestor!!!"

"Tricked me into being a pig demon, and now even the wife who sent it to me has to take it back, and the difficulty of the task has increased countless times!!!"

Bajie, who couldn't hold back the anger in his heart, looked up to the sky and let out a roar.

With the decline of spiritual energy and the decline of heaven and earth, he doesn't care whether the Jade Emperor is not the Jade Emperor!
If you respect you, you are the Jade Emperor, if you don't, even Daozu will scold you.

There is a kind of consumption that is already declining and scarce. Every point is the aura of treasures that wipes out my spirit and form. Look at how much aura energy it takes to destroy the thinking consciousness of a golden fairy.

"Tianpeng, my original shape is Chaos Jade. If my ancestors really want to count it as Chaos, how about I send you to Chaos?"

Jade Emperor's voice sounded in Bajie's mind, his tone was very calm, without any irritation.


Bajie wanted to be rude again, but he restrained himself in the next moment.

"It seems that you have used the source to maintain the existence of Heavenly Court for so many years, and the old pig doesn't care about you anymore."

Bajie sat on the ground dullly.

Not only has he become a pig demon, but even the wife who was originally promised to be distributed is gone.

He is like a poor man who was tricked by his boss to go to Africa.

It was originally agreed that the company would send other colleagues over in two months, including a young and beautiful female colleague who would introduce him.

Who would have thought that other colleagues did not come, and neither did the young and beautiful colleagues, and even his travel allowance, dispatch fee, and year-end bonus were cancelled!

The next day, Gao Laozhuang was awakened by the crowing of cocks.

"National teacher, all the craftsmen and clever children you want are called here."

Taigong Gao led a group of people to Chen Nuo's yard. Among the five craftsmen, except for two from villages and towns, the remaining three craftsmen and children were from the Gao family, and Gao Cuilan was among them.

Obviously this has a small selfishness.

Chen Nuo understood this, but didn't say anything.

It is a good thing that people have selfishness. Without selfishness and desires, society cannot progress.

"The way of science and technology refers to the study and use of the power of natural rules. Here I will teach you to understand a kind of power that exists in natural rules and in daily life."

Chen Nuo snapped his fingers, and the monkey pushed a cart with various parts of the steam engine on it.

He didn't intend to teach the theory bit by bit, he planned to directly teach everyone what a steam engine is, learn how to build a steam engine, and leave a few steam engines to improve the living conditions here.

Intelligent life is smart, yearns for beauty, knows how to think and summarize, and has a certain spirit of experimentation and adventure.

Originally, everyone was only satisfied with the basic survival, and once an accident occurred, they would starve to death without enough food. Such a life that could not tolerate the slightest error did not have the capital to think and experiment.

Coupled with the fact that the world is imprisoned by the immortal gods, even if one or two geniuses occasionally appear, they often fall in front of the restrictions of the immortal gods, which will cause civilization to stagnate for thousands or even thousands of years.

Now that the Journey to the West is open, there are no restrictions on areas and places on the Journey to the West, and there is no limit to the world.

In this way, Chen Nuo only needs to solve people's basic survival needs, and after pointing out a direction for them, people will think, experiment, and explore for a better life, and finally summarize and develop industry and technology step by step. .

"Everyone usually boils water, and they should have discovered a phenomenon, that is, when the water temperature is high or boiled, white gas will float out. When the fire is hot, the lid of the pot will even be shaken by the impact of white gas. right."

Chen Nuo took the combustion chamber of the steam engine, that is, the pot that boils water to generate steam, filled a pot of water in it, and looked at several craftsmen asking
Without asking the children, he asked to bring a few children here, the purpose is to arouse the children's curiosity and yearning, and when they grow up, they will naturally think and develop in this direction.

The most important part of this class is these craftsmen, only they can learn the principles and manufacture of steam engines more quickly.

Journey to the West, he has no time and energy to teach students all the way.

"National teacher, that's right, the white gas is still very hot. I was burned on my hand when I was a child, and now I still have a scar from the injury."

A craftsman nodded quickly, and exposed his arm as he spoke, with an obvious burn scar on it.

Chen Nuo didn't have the slightest bit of domineering, no airs and a gentle look, which made them feel less nervous when they heard that it was the Master of the Tang Dynasty.

"That white gas is called steam, and what I'm teaching you this time is to use the power of this steam."

Chen Nuo smiled, took out a few pieces of charcoal and lit them under the combustion chamber, and secretly used the temperature control to speed up the rise of the water temperature.

Soon the water boiled, and a large amount of high-temperature steam floated up with the sound of chug chug.

"The water is boiling now, and a lot of steam is floating up. What will happen if we cover it with something?" Chen Nuo took a thin iron cover and covered it.

"The lid of the pot can move. The national teacher, your lid is lighter than our wooden pot lid, so it should move more violently."

A craftsman replied that as soon as he finished speaking, the lid of the pot that Chen Nuo had put on began to shake, and every time it shook, a large amount of steam would spurt out from the gap.

"What if it's replaced by this?"

Chen Nuo took a steam engine matching steam pipe and installed it in the combustion chamber, with a pipe extending from it.

"Steam will come out of this nozzle."

In a few seconds, a large amount of steam was sprayed out from there. Obviously, because the pipes converged, the steam was thicker.

"And how do I connect it to this cylinder with the piston installed?"

Chen Nuo smiled, and reached out to take a cylinder with a piston already installed.

In front of several workers, he demonstrated what piston movement is, carefully showing the structure of the cylinder and piston, and then connected it to the intake port of the cylinder with a smaller tube.

"Steam will push this piston out, and it will leak!"

As soon as the voice fell, the piston in the cylinder was pushed out and the steam leaked.

"Then I'll install the crankshaft and connecting rod, and you guys will have a look."

Chen Nuo installed the crankshaft on the piston connecting rod, and then fixed the central axis of the crankshaft.

The steam continuously gathers into the cylinder to push the piston to move, but because of the limitation of the crankshaft, the direction of movement changes again when it is about to be pushed out of the cylinder, the piston moves from down to up, and the piston begins to move in a reciprocating cycle.


Several craftsmen's eyes lit up, as if they could see something from it.

Chen Nuo nodded in satisfaction, took a few gears and put them on the connecting rod, extending the power from the cylinder to the outside machine, and took a chain to transmit the power again, and connected it to the grinding disc next to it.

Rumble boom!

The millstone was turning, and several craftsmen stood up abruptly, their eyes seemed to discover a new world.

"Master, this!"

Mr. Gao's eyes widened beside him, the power of such a novelty was beyond his understanding.

"Master Gao can ask someone to experiment with soybeans or wheat."

Chen Nuo stood up and signaled to Mr. Gao that he could arrange someone to test him, and then asked solemnly, "I would like to ask Mr. Gao a question. Is there anything unusual in Mr. Gao's village recently?"

(End of this chapter)

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