Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 192 Electromagnetic Bombardment 8 Commandments

Chapter 192
"Did the national teacher see something?"

Grandpa Gao's face changed, and he said in a low voice: "There is indeed something abnormal. Some of the food and drinks at home will be inexplicably lost every few days. In order to avoid causing panic, I have blocked the news about this matter."

"You have a goblin here, pig goblin."

With a thought in his mind, Chen Nuo blocked the sound from coming out, and told the truth.

"Fairy, pig demon?"

Grandpa Gao's eyes flickered with fear.

Originally, Mr. Gao had some psychological preparations for weird things to happen frequently, but after the real truth was told by Chen Nuo, fear still subconsciously arose in his heart.

Slaying demons and eliminating demons is the job of practitioners. Ordinary people like them have only fear of goblins.

There is no doubt that Chen Nuo is lying to him. Mr. Gao might not believe what Chen Nuo said yesterday, but today he saw Chen Nuo explaining the structure of the steam engine step by step and teaching everyone to understand the power of steam. is eliminated.

Well, if the person who taught everyone how to make this amazing steam machine is a bad person and a liar.

God, such a bad liar, please give me three dozen more!
"I don't know what the national teacher's plan is?"

Gao Taigong bowed to ask for advice.

"Don't worry, this pig demon has left Gao Laozhuang for the time being and fled to the mountains outside. Let the artisans learn how to make steam engines first, and I will teach you how to subdue the demon later."

Chen Nuo smiled. That pig sleeps on the mountain. He must also have the task of traveling westward.

"We surrender?" Grandpa Gao looked surprised.

"Yes, you surrender, and I will teach you how to use the power of technology to subdue this goblin."

Chen Nuo nodded. People yearn for beauty, and the effect of teaching it 100 times is not as good as letting them experience the power of technology once and then spontaneously pursue and yearn for it.

Of course, it is not true that Taigong Gao and his group are blinded by reason and technology to build equipment. If this is the case, then he may not be able to get it done after living here for more than ten years.

It should be said that he made the technological equipment, asked the group of craftsmen to press the start button, and then dropped a few books for them to chew slowly.

"Then trouble the national teacher."

Gao Taigong was skeptical, bowed down and bowed a big gift, his eyes were full of joy and gratitude.

If it weren't for this national teacher from the Tang Dynasty, he really didn't know what to do with the weird goblin incident in Zhuangzi. Today's eating and drinking would not have much effect, but who knows if it will be changed to stealing and cannibalism tomorrow.

"National teacher, national teacher, why is the steam engine we assembled not working, it will leak air and can't push that piston movement."

At this time, a few craftsmen behind them ran over, pointing their blistered fingers at the steam engine they had assembled with the parts given to them by monkeys, with puzzled expressions on their faces.

Looking back, Chen Nuo saw that the fire was burning hot and the water was boiling, but a large amount of steam was gushing out from the cracks in the cylinder, steam pipe, and combustion chamber.

"This is because the seal is not done well. This steam engine uses the power of steam, so it must have good sealing conditions.

The steam engine you assembled is not well sealed, it is like a leaking bottle, of course it is useless. "

"But we have assembled it very tightly. We have tested it with water and it will not leak."

A craftsman asked curiously.

Fill water to see if there is any leakage to test the airtightness. This is a small skill in life. What kind of bottle or can is leaking? You can tell when you fill it with water.

"This one needs to be more airtight, and the water test won't work."

Chen Nuo picked up the sealing ring next to it and shook his head: "You didn't install this sealing ring."

As he spoke, he turned on the stove and disassembled the steam engine, installed the sealing ring and re-ignited the fire, and the rumbling sound rang out.

"Whether this steam engine can be used or not, the seal must be done first. If the seal is not good, it will be useless."

Chen Nuo took out a book at random, um, Introduction to Steam Engines, with detailed diagrams on it.

"You study this slowly, and tomorrow I will teach you another mechanical device."

After giving the book to the craftsmen to study, Chen Nuo waved his hand and went back to sleep.

On the second day, Chen Nuo demonstrated to the craftsmen what generators and light bulbs were made on the spot, and roughly talked about the basic magnetic field cutting and basic electrical theory, as well as the knowledge of electric shock prevention.

In order to let the craftsmen experience what is called an electric shock, he simply took them to touch the wires to truly experience the feeling of being shocked by electric shock. He also took a few chickens to perform a demonstration of what is called an electric roast chicken.

Believe in this, the prevention of electric shock must be the first in their hearts in the future.

Compared with the first day, today's craftsmen are obviously more enthusiastic and professional. Chen Nuo said that they took out their notebooks and took notes.

To be a craftsman is considered to have a little knowledge. If some vocabulary is not enough to remember, then use symbols that you can understand to describe.

After digesting it for the craftsmen for one day, Chen Nuo demonstrated and explained the relationship between electricity and magnetism on the fourth day, and personally demonstrated how the current generates a magnetic field to make objects float.

This time it took two days for the craftsmen to digest. On the seventh and eighth days, Chen Nuo built a super-large steam engine and two large generators in front of them. The knowledge of electricity and magnetism made two electromagnetic cannons aimed at the hill where Bajie slept.

"I told you about resistors before, resistors heat up
This kind of electromagnetic gun needs a huge current to operate and start, and the resistance will generate extremely high heat to melt the metal. I used a special method to operate it. You need to learn step by step and research what is a superconducting material to manufacture such an electromagnetic gun. gun. "

Chen Nuo didn't care if they understood or not. He was explaining the limitations of the electromagnetic gun, and a group of craftsmen didn't care if they could understand or not.

The national teacher said that he will leave soon.

It will be impossible to listen to the explanation of these high-level mysteries of the way of technology in the future, so write them down first, learn slowly, study slowly, and one day you will understand.

Chen Nuo nodded in satisfaction at the attitudes of the craftsmen. After experiencing a lifetime of hardships and decades of hardships, when a glorious road lay before them, the belief and will that these ordinary people erupted surpassed anyone else. All must be amazing.

"Light the fire, generate electricity!"

Chen Nuo's spiritual power swept over, um, that pig's cultivation level improved in just one week. It seems that the power of the previous life was brought along with reincarnation, and now it is inherited and digested instead of practicing from scratch.

The steam engine was roaring, and the generator was also humming. People who were close to it felt that the pores and hairs were a little strange, which was caused by the magnetic field generated by the strong electric field.

"Aim for that hill."

Chen Nuo signaled the two craftsmen to adjust the muzzle of the electromagnetic gun and aim at the cave where the pig slept.

"Put the projectile in."

Two yo-yo-sized projectiles were put in, and a group of craftsmen were watching the electromagnetic gun nervously, waiting for a miracle to happen.

Chen Nuo built these devices in front of them, and the building process is still being explained. They have heard about how powerful they are, but they have not actually seen them.

"Push the switch up, and everyone stays away."

Chen Nuo gave the electromagnetic gun a cooling package, but he didn't do anything else, he was just directing.

The two craftsmen were pushed up by the switch, and the current output by the generator first flowed into hundreds of simple capacitors as thick as buckets, and the electric energy was accumulating.

"Chen Damo! You can't do this! You can't do this."

The capacitor is storing electricity, and Bajie in the cave sensed the crisis in advance, and ran out and shouted anxiously
At this time, the energy storage of the capacitor reached the limit value, and the accumulated electric energy instantly exploded and rushed towards the electromagnetic gun.

The air at the electromagnetic gun's muzzle burst, and the friction between the projectile and the air turned red, and two thick dark red rays of light flew towards the mountain where Bajie was.

There was a deafening bombardment sound, and the target mountain was instantly filled with mud and rocks, and smoke and dust enveloped the sky, drowning Bajie's shouts.

All the craftsmen were stunned, the power of this electromagnetic gun was beyond their imagination.

"Surrender, I surrender, Damo Chen, the old pig surrendered!!!"

The drowned Bajie shouted again.

 Make up the third update of yesterday, I fell asleep writing the words last night, make up now, sorry
(End of this chapter)

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