Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 196 The Enemy's Great Plan to Divide, Success

Chapter 196 The Enemy's Great Plan to Divide, Success

"The phoenix of the Golden Immortal? Is it the Golden Immortal since ancient times, or the Golden Immortal who descended from Da Luo's self-cultivation?"

Chen Nuo turned his gaze to Jinfeng, and chuckled lightly: "The aura is declining. At this time, the aura of heaven and earth can't support a purebred phoenix flame like yours. It's very hard to burn the fire from the source."

"I'm enough to completely suppress and seal you before the source is exhausted!"

Jin Feng didn't give in at all, the phoenix flame on his body was burning as if he didn't want money, and his eyes were shining with fire, as if Chen Nuo would completely suppress and seal him if he disagreed.

This is really desperate, every minute and every second of Phoenix Flame is consuming the source, once the source is exhausted, she will be considered completely dead.

"It's better to be a lady, don't shout and fight all day long."

Chen Nuo's expression remained unchanged, and he opened his hands: "I'll show you a treasure."

After the words fell, Wuzhuang Temple seemed to have stagnated, and the originally transparent, colorless and odorless air had a hint of yellow, condensing, falling, and solidifying.

The phoenix flame on Jin Feng's body was like a polar torch, the flame shrunk instantly, from burning blazingly to floating like a candle in the wind.


Jinfeng's eyes were full of horror, she didn't feel a trace of aura, didn't feel a trace of power of law, but the temperature of the environment changed instantly.

Outside the Wuzhuang Temple, a strong wind suddenly blew up.

Heat is being transferred, hot and cold are convecting, and the high-temperature air in the periphery is frantically rushing towards Wuzhuang Temple, but it falls into cold stagnation when it gets close to Wuzhuang Temple, and the internal molecular thermal movement and microscopic movement stagnate.

The frost spread around Wuzhuang Temple at an extremely fast speed, and the Drifting Monk who had finally run and chased to the vicinity of Wuzhuang Temple was suddenly frozen and fell from the sky to the ground.

Between heaven and earth, countless gazes cast their gazes over in an instant. Seeing the Wuzhuang Temple as the center, a hundred miles around instantly turned into a world of ice and snow, the pupils of all the bosses couldn't help shrinking.

It wasn't that they marveled at the power of Chen Nuo's temperature control, but that none of them noticed any fluctuations in spiritual energy, and some only had an incomprehensible fluctuation.

This completely subverted their cognition.

After the extreme low temperature, Chen Nuo had a thought, and the surrounding temperature instantly rose, and returned to normal temperature in the blink of an eye.

If it weren't for the frost and snow formed by the low-temperature condensation that is still melting, everyone would have already seen this. This is probably a dream.

"How is it? I wonder what Fairy Jinfeng thinks about this?"

Chen Nuo looked at Fairy Jinfeng who was completely stupefied, and smiled lightly.

"Do you have a solution to the declining trend of the world?" Zhen Yuanzi stood up with an eager and excited expression.

"Want to learn? Want to learn, completely remove the restrictions on the control of the world, I will teach you."

Chen Nuo tapped his finger on the table and said very generously.

Aura energy can mask and interfere with ground rules.

Without him, unless the world collapses and the basic rules are revealed, it is impossible for the immortals and Buddhas in the sky to study the mysteries of the basic rules.

Although it is not clear what the gods and Buddhas are doing, there is no doubt that the key is to control the world and harvest the fate of all people.

"This, pardon the poor and helpless."

Zhen Yuanzi was silent for a few seconds, then shook his head and vetoed it.

To him, Chen Nuo was an extraterrestrial demon after all, and his credibility was uncertain.

Because of Chen Nuo's words, it is impossible and unrealistic to give up the layout and research of all the great powers of the world for countless years.

"It's okay, it's the same if I pass Journey to the West."

Chen Nuo stood up, didn't look at the golden phoenix who had withdrawn the phoenix flame, and snapped his fingers, and the spiritual power swept across, and the little fox monkey and the others woke up from their lethargy.

Well, I ate ginseng fruit and packed 20 of them, so it's time to leave.

"How about giving you the authority to reincarnate in hell?"

Just as Chen Nuo was about to take people away, a voice suddenly sounded outside Wuzhuang Temple, and two men and a woman stepped in.

"Xuan Ming, what do you Wu clan mean by this?"

Jinfeng's expression changed immediately, and Zhen Yuanzi's expression also changed a few times, and finally he didn't speak.

"It's not interesting. We Wu Clan didn't really agree with the messy plan you proposed. Now that we have a new choice, isn't it normal to quit? We will never forget the calculations made back then."

"Xuanming, don't forget the heaven and earth contract that you Wu clan signed together!"

A voice suddenly sounded in the sky, which contained a warning.

"We broke the contract, so what?"

Xuan Ming looked very calm, and said in a relaxed and cheerful manner: "If you have the ability, you can make the contract come into effect, and curse our Wu Clan, and see if the curse generated by the remaining aura in the world is enough to wipe out our Wu Clan.

Why don't you saints, Taoist ancestors, all jump out to suppress me, or simply kill me, everyone, be quick and quick, don't talk nonsense.

I want to look at the environment of the current decline of heaven and earth. After the saint came out, the energy in the saint's body could not be controlled, and the energy leaked out madly and died first, or our witch clan died first.

Or let the Dao ancestor who is in harmony with the way of heaven, let him directly make a few lightning strikes from the gods, I want to see how many can be chopped down in this world. "

It was silent, the Wuzhuang Temple was silent, and the whole world seemed to be silent.

None of them seemed to have expected that such a sudden change would happen. The Wu Clan actually abandoned their camp and turned their backs.

"Chen Damo, well, that's what they call you, and your karma is worthy of this title.

The authority of hell and reincarnation is given to you. From now on, the life and death of all beings will no longer be restricted by reincarnation hell. How about this? "

Everyone in the world fell silent, but Xuan Ming did not forget his purpose, and turned to look at Chen Nuo.

"It's pretty good."

Chen Nuo smiled.

Zhou Shuren's enemies split up their plan and they succeeded.

"In this way, as a fair transaction, perhaps you should provide some information about the rules that are different from aura and the laws of heaven."

Xuanming is very straightforward, or to say that the entire Wu clan has a straightforward personality.

"It's simple. I can tell you part of it now, and I'll tell you the rest when I get to Xitian."

With a thought in Chen Nuo's mind, the power of the mind drew the aura, forming a stream of information that was sent to Xuanming's thinking consciousness.

There is no too esoteric information in it, classical mechanics, a little more esoteric electricity and simple magnetic field.

Other weak interaction forces, strong interaction forces, gravity, and even quantum theory are not involved.

He still kept his hand, who knows if this witch clan is playing a double reed, cheating him of the basic rule information, and then continuing to control and limit the fate of all beings through the reincarnation hell.

"Go through the Journey to the West, and then give everything when you reach the Western Paradise?"

After carefully comprehending the information given by Chen Nuo, a gleam flashed in Xuan Ming's eyes, and he nodded.

"It's easy. I'll take you to fight there. If Da Luo can't do anything, and his aura has declined, then our Wu Clan will be invincible at the same level."

Body training does not rely on magical powers of the witch clan, in this world where Daluo can't do it and the aura is decaying, that's how confident it is.

(End of this chapter)

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