Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 197 The meeting of the bosses of heaven and earth

Chapter 197 The meeting of the bosses of heaven and earth

"He must be stopped!"

"The Journey to the West is the path of luck from heaven and earth, incense in the world, and the power of heaven and earth. Once he walks through it, our layout from ancient times will be completely lost!"

Between heaven and earth, a group of bigwigs entered a mysterious space with the power of their souls, and the simple opening revealed the theme of this meeting.

"How to stop it? The problem of his aura has not been resolved yet, and Da Luo can't do it. How to stop it?"

"Then use the Golden Immortal to stop it, if one is not enough, then two, if two are not enough, then ten, my disciples can all kill themselves and descend to the mortal world!"

Someone was very firm, but everyone tacitly didn't say who he was, for fear of telepathy.

"Everyone said, does he really have a way to stop the decline of heaven and earth?"

"Styx, you and the Wu Clan are neighbors. If you ask this question at this time, do you have to learn from the Wu Clan and renege on the contract?"

"Yuan, I can still go out in the current environment of the world. You are sarcasm. Believe it or not, I will smash all your orthodoxy and temples now. Why don't you try Yuan Yuan? See if your group of disciples and grandchildren are enough for me to chop with a sword!" !"

"Styx, you are presumptuous!"

"I'm presumptuous? I'm presumptuous. The world is in decline, and the immeasurable apocalypse is coming. People who are waiting to die are still putting on airs of a saint?
At this time, let alone you, a saint, I dare to slap Daozu twice when he comes out. No one will forget his account of calculating all living beings in the wild, and it will be settled sooner or later! "

"Styx, Master, he was also for the prehistoric sentient beings back then."

"Yes, his starting point is to solve the problem of the decline of spiritual energy in the world for the sake of all sentient beings.

But the facts proved that he was wrong, and he was so wrong that it was impossible for us to find another way to go another way.

How many years has it been since ancient times?Did he succeed in reversing the aura and solving the decay of the world?No!
From ancient times till now, I have only seen the chaotic aura turn into innate aura, the innate aura into acquired aura, and the acquired aura into matter. The aura will turn into chaotic aura!

His original intention was for the prehistoric beings, but he also believed that his way, his philosophy, and his method were absolutely fine!
It is because of Daozu's stupid self-confidence, because of Daozu's stubbornness, that we have come to where we are today, right?

Daozu?This is the Demon Ancestor. Compared with his sins, Rahu in the early days were all kind children.

Daozu's sins, his evil, his faults, come at the end of the dharma immeasurable calamity, I, Styx, and everyone else will find him to pay for it!

The end of the Dharma is coming, the ancestors of Taoism will be destroyed, and the saints will die again, and then it will be my turn, followed by Daluo, Jinxian, and Tianxian. Don't worry, we will all have a day of reckoning, don't worry. "

The atmosphere fell silent for a few seconds, and a female voice spoke.

"Lao Tzu, Styx, now is not the time to quarrel. Now is the time to find a way to prevent the Wu Clan from traveling westward with him. Journey to the West was really intercepted and failed, and the reception and Zhunti will not be able to survive."

"Yes, Master Styx, I'm not in a hurry to talk, you don't have to be in such a hurry, let's have a good chat."

"Anyway, sooner or later, I'm going to die. If I'm going to die, come out and blow up the world like crazy. There's nothing to worry about."

Ming He answered, but he still calmed down after all.

"Everyone is discussing whether he has a way to prevent the decline of the world, and how we should choose to deal with it next."

"Maybe he has a way to prevent the decline of the world, but I don't believe him. This person is an extraterrestrial demon after all. Do you believe that an extraterritorial demon would be so kind and spare no effort to help us survive the catastrophe?"

"I watched him secretly for a while, analyzing his character and behavior.

He seems to have special feelings for that group of ordinary beings, or he does not regard himself as a powerful person, but as an ordinary person.

If he had his way, I think he would help, but I don't trust the Wu family
The Witch Clan has already joined him, and the Yao Clan will not believe the Witch Clan, so my opinion is to stop and suppress it! "

"Lu Ya, the hatred of the past should also be let go. If he really has a way, is it just because of your little hatred that the world is destroyed?"

"The benefactor of the Queen Mother of the West, please call me Da Ri, or Wu Chao, everyone is united by various forces, so I naturally have to think about my power.

If he really has a way, we are just suppressing him and not killing him. When the end of the Dharma comes and it is determined that we have completely failed, then everyone can ask him to come out for advice.

The end of Dharma is coming and everyone still has a final period of time. I believe that at that time, all of us will "invite" him together, and he will agree. "

Hearing Wu Chao's solution, everyone thought for a few seconds in silence, then nodded.

"I agree that we cannot rule out the possibility of him cheating, so whether he has a way or no way, this is the safest response."

"I also agree, this response is OK."

"Since there is no objection, then this matter is settled. First stop the suppression of the opponent's Journey to the West, and finally let him out if he fails to "ask for advice."

In the Earth Immortal Realm, Chen Nuo didn't know that a group of big bosses had readjusted their response plan against the Wu Clan's sudden betrayal, and he was looking at Xuan Ming with a strange face.

"Research on Reverse Reiki?"

"Yes." Xuan Ming nodded.

"You are a group of mentally retarded, um, yes."

Chen Nuo was not at all afraid of Xuanming's dark face, and the headless Xingtian and Chi You looked like they wanted to beat someone, and they gave a positive evaluation.

Although the power of idealism is quite strong in the period of the law of spiritual energy, it must also abide by the basic law and mathematical logic.

The definition of entropy and the second law of thermodynamics are not only suitable for the era of the material universe of the basic rules, but also suitable for the era of the universe of heaven, earth and the law of spiritual energy.

Heat can be transferred spontaneously from a warmer object to a cooler object, but not from a cooler object to a warmer object;

This is the description and expression of the second law of thermodynamics in the background of basic rules, and it is changed to the description and expression of the heaven and earth period of the law of spiritual energy, that is:
Reiki energy can spontaneously differentiate from high-level to low-level, but it is impossible to spontaneously aggregate from low-level to high-level.

Reversing the acquired aura to create one part of the innate aura must consume more than one part of the innate aura. No one violates this logical truth.

If it is violated, then the logic will be lost, the heaven and the earth cannot exist, let alone the birth of life.

Because life itself is a group of negentropic, orderly and logical aggregates, even without logic, how can life be born.

A group of bigwigs in Journey to the West are studying how to reverse the aura and how to create an eternal world where the energy of aura is always abundant. This is really a group of iron-headed children.

"Then what is it about controlling and restricting the world? What is the purpose of Journey to the West?
Since they are all in the same group, everyone is working together as an iron-headed baby, so there is no need to divide the heaven and the west.

The power of heaven and earth, the luck of heaven and earth, and the incense in the world, there is no need to engage in a journey to the West to hand over these things. "

Chen Nuo praised the group of iron-headed boys here in his heart, and then raised a doubt to Xuan Ming, which was a question he had never understood.

That is, Tianting and Xitian are both mixing oil in honey, so why should they share something, and spend such a high price to make a journey to the West to hand over.

(End of this chapter)

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