Chapter 198

"The saint wants to live."

Xuan Ming was silent, and it took a long time before he could say a word.

"The saint wants to live?"

Chen Nuo shrank his pupils slightly, as if thinking of something.

"Yes, in addition to survival, saints are also the main research force for aura reversal."

After the matter was settled, Xuan Ming no longer concealed it, and continued: "The higher the cultivation base, the higher the demand for environmental spiritual energy.

After conferring gods in ancient times, the aura of heaven and earth declined to the point where they could not support the activities of the saints, so they all closed their own small worlds, and their true bodies would never descend to the realm.

The decline of spiritual energy can be expected. In the beginning, when the world was first opened, a group of practitioners discovered this situation. When the spiritual energy decayed, there would be no environment for them to survive.

It's just that in the face of this situation, the practitioners of the beginning have different ideas about the theory of choice. Obviously, Daozu won. "

"It is normal to find that the aura will decay from the beginning."

Chen Nuo was not too surprised. In the beginning, he discovered that the spiritual energy would decay and the world would be destroyed. This is normal.

The evolution of the rules and the development of the universe are all traceable.

The human beings on the earth have not left the planet yet, relying on the thinking with infinite possibilities, didn’t a group of scientists also discover the heat death of the universe, the expansion of the universe, and the four fundamental forces.

Human scientific theories are infinitely more advanced than technology.

If we really want to realize the most cutting-edge theories of science with technology, then the main artillery of human battleships will destroy ten or eight solar systems without blinking an eye.

Human scientists can research and calculate the development of the universe. A group of cultivators from the beginning of the world are equivalent to the scientists here. It is not surprising that they found that the spiritual energy will decay and the world will be destroyed.

It would be strange if they didn't find out at all, it's all Shi Lezhi, the practice has made their brains stupid.

"However, what does controlling and restricting the world have to do with research and saints?"

Chen Nuo continued the question just now.

"To control and limit the world, there are three purposes.

The first purpose is to reduce the consumption of spiritual energy, which can prolong the time of the world and increase the time of research.

The second purpose is that in ancient times, everyone discovered a unique source in every living being. We call it the source of life, and some people say it is the source of the world. Now it is generally called the power of incense.

To control and limit the world, so that all living beings have to worship immortals and gods, this is tantamount to controlling the fate of all living beings, and then can transfer and obtain the origin of the world of all living beings.

By studying the origin and origin of the world, we may be able to develop a way to reverse the aura.

The last goal is that the aura of heaven and earth decays, and the saint can no longer survive.

This kind of origin can well maintain the life of the saint, maintain the stability of the energy in the saint's body, and will not die due to the decline of the environment and the loss of control of the energy in the body.

Saints don't want to die, and no one dares to let them die, and they are the main research force.

Why do we need to travel to the west to transfer the heaven and the earth? This is related to the two points of Taoism and Buddhism.

Heaven obtains the origin of the world from all living beings, because the cause and effect of worship is not in the west, and this cannot be used by the two saints in the west.

Saints and the laws of heaven and earth are in perfect harmony. We can still self-destroy our cultivation, but they can't. Self-destruction will cause serious damage to the world.

A saint can only perish naturally and return everything on his body to heaven and earth.

In order to ensure that the two sages in the West will not die, Journey to the West was created, and the authority of heaven and earth must be handed over so that the two sages in the West can obtain the origin of the world and will not starve to death. "

"I understand."

Chen Nuo nodded heavily.

Saints never die, but robbers never stop. Sometimes it doesn't mean that saints are afraid of death, and go to shepherd and reap sentient beings in order to survive.

There are actually more human factors behind this sentence, human precautions.

When the saints are in the majority and the heaven and the earth are too weak to withstand the attacks of the saints, the saints, the great robbers, will be determined.

You are a saint, you say that I am not afraid of death, and call other saints to give more life to all living beings, instead of harvesting the fate of all living beings, let me survive with the origin of the world.

But do other saints believe it?
Maybe believe it, but no one dares to bet!
Who knows if you will get nervous before you die, and suddenly think in your heart that since you are going to die, then let me bury you with a world, and with a bang, the world will explode.

As long as this possibility exists, no one dares to bet on it.

So even if you keep shouting that I am not afraid of death and I don’t want the origin of the world, others will assign you a share by default, stare at you and eat it, and force you to be delicious.

Don't blame them for forcing you to be really fragrant, they are afraid that you will suddenly be overwhelmed when you are temporarily, and you will be buried with heaven and earth before you die.

Who doesn't want to eat all the origin of the world and call it really fragrant, but they have no choice.

"So why not divide the authority of heaven and earth into two. I understand."

Chen Nuo asked another question, but before he finished the question, he realized it himself.

If you want to control the fate of all beings, you can only make them have no choice.

The power of heaven and earth is divided into two, which means that all living beings have a choice, and it is difficult to obtain the origin of the world in all living beings.

Furthermore, the authority of heaven and earth is divided into two, which creates competition, and where there is competition, there is defense.

Tianting wondered if Xitian would suddenly launch a VIP service in order to grab incense.

Xitian didn't know if Tianting would suddenly come to a VIP service in order to grab the faith.

This way of competing with each other and being wary of each other, the cost will be high, and it is far less straightforward than everyone taking turns to monopolize. Anyway, the sage is behind me, and I am not afraid of you denying it when it is due.

But no one expected that Chen Nuo, an extraterrestrial demon, would suddenly appear in Tiandihui, and would cut off the transfer of their power in the world and the Journey to the West they held.

"It's good that you understand. I know this group of gods and Buddhas. They will never let you go through this Journey to the West. Boom!"

Seeing that Chen Nuo understood clearly, Xuan Ming couldn't help but nodded, and wanted to remind Chen Nuo again, before they finished speaking, they suddenly felt a bang from the sky and the earth.

This is not a bang in the conventional sense, it needs to be cultivated to a certain level, and only with the mind and spirit can one sense the great changes in the world.

The gods and Buddhas who control the world, although using the rules will be restricted by the rules, they can't interrupt the overall situation of Journey to the West, and they can't drive Chen Nuo out of the overall situation of Journey to the West, but how to set up the Journey to the West, how to go on the Journey to the West, is up to them The final say.

A few minutes later, the world calmed down, Xuan Ming sensed it for a while, then shook his head.

"That's how they always behave, not bad."

Letting go of the spiritual power, Chen Nuo was also sensing the changes in the world just now, took a deep breath, and agreed: "That's right, the specification has been raised by a few levels, let's go, let's see how they want to stop and suppress me."

(End of this chapter)

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