Chapter 199

The aura of heaven and earth has declined, making it impossible for the saint to come out of the closed small world.

If the energy value of the environment is 1, the energy value in the saint's body is 10 billion concentrated.

Once the saint with such a powerful energy osmotic pressure difference appears, it will not take long for the energy to explode out of control.

They could only release a little power of soul to peep, watching Chen Nuo and his group walk past Wuzhuang Temple, and arrived at the place they arranged to intercept.

Gods of heaven.

Erlang God, Nezha, Tota Heavenly King, Barefoot Immortal, Xingjun of 28 Constellations, including [-] Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals.

The lineup is gorgeous, with four golden immortals, 28 heavenly immortals, and a group of heavenly soldiers and generals who are holding a formation map and wanting to fire with full firepower.

Without Da Luo, Chen Nuo's nuclear deterrence, Da Luo can't make a move.

Monkey confused?

This. The script seems to be wrong. Before he broke through, Nezha and Erlang Shen were beaten and ran away by him, so now it seems that their momentum is not weaker than his own.

"Nezha, the three-eyed monster, you actually play me!"

Monkey is not stupid, after a moment of bewilderment, he realized that he was being played.

The aura around him shook, and the monkey felt a strong anger in his heart.

Although I don't understand why Nezha and the Jade Emperor want to play him, it is obvious that the fact that he was being teased is the truth, and his so-called Great Sage Equaling Heaven is even more of a joke, or a pitiful laughing stock for other people to play with!

"Chen Nuo, admit defeat and quit Journey to the West, let's pretend this never happened."

Erlang Shen didn't look at the monkey, but stared at Chen Nuo.

"I have been teased by me for so many years, and I can still pretend that nothing happened. It seems that Shibie will treat Bi Erlang with admiration for three days."

Chen Nuo praised and patted Monkey on the shoulder: "Monkey, don't be angry, pick an opponent and beat him!"

"The kid who played with the rims."

The monkey looked at Nezha.

From opposing the world to wreaking havoc in the Heavenly Palace, he and Nezha had fought three times, which meant that he had been tricked three times.

"Xuan Ming, Xing Tian, ​​Chi You, which one do you choose?"

Chen Nuo was very casual, and motioned for you to choose, and it's OK to leave one for me.

"I'll just be the one who doesn't wear shoes." Chi You, holding a machete, pointed at the Barefoot Immortal.

"Mr. 28 Stars."

Xing Tian looked at the 28 Xingjun. These 28 people formed a formation, which was stronger than most of the golden immortals. This can be regarded as picking a strong opponent.

"Look at the original disciple who has been watching you, so leave him to you, Li Jing and the [-] Heavenly Soldiers to me."

Xuan Ming glanced casually and chose his opponent.

A few of them killed themselves in order to reduce the consumption of spiritual energy, and their cultivation bases were at the Golden Immortal level. They took the Journey to the West to help Chen Nuo fight, which was not considered a violation.

"Beat me, Journey to the West will let you."

Chen Nuo signaled the little fox on his shoulder to go away, and said softly, "Bajie, don't think too hard, or I'll eat pig's ears tomorrow."

"No, no, I'm not familiar with them, I'm not familiar with them."

Bajie, who was watching the play, shuddered when he heard Chen Nuo's tone.

Journey to the West can only play Yangmou, even if he is killed, he will not dare to join Chen Nuo's camp and turn his back on him. In this way, the Jade Emperor can take his skin without waiting for Chen Nuo to trouble him.

Under Chen Nuo's nuclear deterrence, who would dare to violate the rules?No one dares to break the rules.

"Nezha, die for me!"

Before Chen Nuo could chat, the monkey next to him couldn't help it first, and he raised his golden cudgel and rushed towards Nezha angrily.

The aura oscillated, and the land collapsed and the ground cracked within a hundred miles in an instant.

"Monkey, go to the outer sky to fight!"

After a fight, Nezha glanced at him, and saw that no one was hurt except for a bunch of dead beasts in the wilderness, and immediately rushed to the sky while drinking.

"My old grandson is still afraid that you will fail!"

Monkey snorted coldly. He has lived in the human world for hundreds of years, and he is more concerned about the aftermath of the battle than Nezha and hurting ordinary people. His body turned into a golden light and soared into the sky.

On the other side, Chi You and the Barefoot Immortal also soared into the sky, neither wanting to destroy the Earth Immortal Realm by fighting on the ground.

As for Xuan Ming and Xing Tian, ​​a formation against Li Jing's 10 heavenly soldiers and generals, and a formation against 28 constellations, the formation's shroud has little impact on the ground.

The stars in the sky were shining, and the drums were beating loudly. Chen Nuo took a glance and invited, "Zhenjun Erlang, please."

As he said that, Chen Nuo's figure soared into the sky, his spiritual power was flying in the sky, and the magnetic field control used the principle of electromagnetic guns to accelerate himself as a cannonball.

The speed is fast, and it disappears from sight in the blink of an eye.

It's just that compared with monkeys and Nezha's flying spells that turn into golden light escapes, the handsomeness and force index are obviously a notch lower.

The figure flashed to Tianwaitian above the heavenly court, and the breathing of the body naturally stopped to provide energy for the internal rule ability.

Further up here is the boundary of heaven and earth, the outside is gray, and the chaotic energy like waves is hitting the barrier.

With every slap, part of the chaotic energy is absorbed and decays, turning into strands of spiritual energy and blending into the heaven and earth.

But Chen Nuo saw that the heaven and earth's resistance to the erosion of chaos also consumes aura, which is obviously greater than the conversion of absorbing chaos energy.

Telepathy, apart from the Nezha monkeys and Chi You's bare feet who have been fighting together in the distance, Chen Nuo also vaguely sensed that there are 6 special areas at the junction of heaven and earth and chaos, which are frantically transforming the chaotic energy outside and transporting it into the sky and earth.

Saint's little world?

Sage = engine that transforms chaotic energy?

"It's a pity that the power of this engine is not good enough to support the consumption of the huge world."

Chen Nuo sensed it for a while. He had studied the dragon veins and aura of the entire Journey to the West world, and understood how much the countless creatures in the world and the world itself consumed.

Compared with the consumption of heaven and earth, the speed of these 6 saints converting chaotic energy is obviously several levels behind.

If the world consumes 500 parts of aura energy, the 6 saints can only convert and replenish 1 part.

Calculated in this way, if a world wants to realize the eternity of aura energy, it needs 3000 saints to be dedicated to their duties, go to work every day, and 007 must work overtime.

It can be seen that the saint is also a wage earner, a group of wage earners from Tiandi, if they gather 3000 wage earners, the big boss of Tiandi will last forever.

Capital slaves are everywhere.

"A sage can destroy the world, that is the condensed attack energy, if you really want to compare power with a world, the sage is still a child.

This is like an anti-material sniper rifle, the bullet energy is only 1000 joules, but a single shot can blow up an engine with a power of more than 100 kilowatts and an output energy of 10,000+ joules per second. "

Chen Nuo came to a conclusion and shook his head.

At this time, Erlang Shen had already caught up, and the streamer flew across the dark space. Compared with Chen Nuo's flight, it was simply stunning.

"A little upset."

Chen Nuo muttered, his spiritual power burst out suddenly, and his condensed martial arts will burst out in an instant!

The essence of martial arts will is the condensed combination of spiritual power and perception, and spiritual thinking can be used in all worlds. This is Chen Nuo's real capital.

(End of this chapter)

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