Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 200 Kunpeng: I will burn a pillar of incense for Hongyun to thank

Chapter 200 Kunpeng: I will burn a pillar of incense for Hongyun to thank
The dark space of Tianwaitian was lit up, and the thin spiritual energy was instantly disintegrated under the action of this martial arts will, and turned into electromagnetic waves, shining brightly and blooming.

After buying advanced temperature control level 5 from the boss of the main world, Chen Nuo's understanding of temperature control has undergone a qualitative change, and the attack power of Chaos Martial Arts Will can be said to be off the charts.

The attack collided with the rushing Erlang Shen, and the terrifying aftermath of energy exploded, smashing the few dark meteorites in Tianwaitian.

"Chen Nuo, you are not a son of man in a sneak attack!"

God Erlang's roar resounded through the sky.

The Journey to the West is a conspiracy. Erlangshen originally thought that everyone would chat with each other before officially starting the battle, so he couldn't react to the sudden attack of the same level.

The light dissipated, the crown shattered, even part of the hair collapsed from the microscopic level, and Erlang, who was almost bald, appeared in front of Chen Nuo.

The spiritual energy flowed, and the next moment Erlang Shen's flowing long hair grew again, but the tiara, which could be regarded as a treasure, was goodbye forever.

"Sorry, I don't know much about your aura law, which is what you call the law of heaven.

I saw you coming up aggressively, turning into a streamer, and thought you were trying to sneak up on me, so I subconsciously fought back. "

Chen Nuo apologized with embarrassment all over his face, but in the practitioner's telepathy and thinking, he hardly concealed the much more comfortable emotion.

"It's time to start."

After Chen Nuo apologized, his expression was a little eager to try.

He hasn't really fought a fight for a long time. He has been using his ingenuity to break the situation, use his wisdom to lay out, and use his power to overwhelm others.

Erlang Shen didn't speak, but with the three-pointed knife in his hand, the light of the knife was shining, and he rushed towards Chen Nuo.

Both sides are at the Golden Immortal level, and there is no lack of long-range attack methods.

However, facing opponents of the same level, the melee combat of practicing eight or nine profound arts will make the attack more concise and lethal.

"Hey, it's against the rules to use a weapon!"

Chen Nuo shouted, turned sideways and retracted his punches, his martial arts will exploded with all his might.

The fist hit the three-pointed knife from the side, and the light burst out. Erlang Shen seemed to feel the mournful cry of the three-pointed knife.

Such a weird attack.
Standing back hurriedly, Erlangshen looked at Chen Nuo with a look of surprise.

The three-pointed knife in his hand obviously had a faint fist mark, as if the surface had been worn away.

Chen Nuo's attack gave him the feeling that it exploded directly from the inside, from the microscopic level, completely ignoring the surface protection.


Erlang God was suspicious, but Chen Nuo didn't care about it at all, his figure flickered, and charged towards Erlang God!

The magnetic field between heaven and earth, the difference in ambient temperature, and the material decay of his body all provided him with surging energy, and his martial arts will was condensed, and his fist slammed hard at Erlang Shen's face.

"Defeat me, and the Journey to the West belongs to you!"


The fist was blocked by Erlang God, and the light shone brightly. Even with protection, the layer of skin on the surface of Erlang God's palm and even the clothes on his arm still completely collapsed, turning into electromagnetic waves and particles that exploded scatteredly.


After two punches, Chen Nuo, who felt his muscles and bones moving, intersected with his fists and feet. Every punch and kick was mixed with an explosion of martial arts will.

He practiced eighty-nine profound arts and was good at melee combat, but he was suppressed and beaten by Chen Nuo.

Heaven and earth, all eyes looked over.

"What is he saying?"

After watching for a while, a female voice raised a question.

Standing at their height, Chen Nuo's will to martial arts can be seen at a glance, the combination of spiritual power and thinking perception.

Of course, here they call it the combination of the power of the primordial spirit and the way of enlightenment, which belongs to the unique way of every practitioner.

But what Chen Nuo felt here was something they had never encountered before, and it wasn't any kind of law of heaven and earth.

"This is the movement of matter, the microcosmic movement of matter transformed from the decay of aura acquired in ancient times."

A calm and sharp primordial power flashed by, explaining his discovery.

"Tongtian, have you realized what kind of rule this is?"

"I do not have."

Tongtian replied indifferently, remained silent for a few seconds, and then continued: "In ancient times, the acquired aura began to decay and turned into a substance that we had never seen before.

If it is said that before ancient times the heaven and earth were spirits and qi, then the entire heaven and earth were composed of aura.

After ancient times, the heaven and the earth began to change into matter, into matter, and the heaven and earth began to be mixed with matter.

With the appearance of matter, the laws of heaven began to become unstable. This matter seemed to be in conflict with aura.

I have observed and studied ordinary living beings, and their energy patterns are also changing. Acupoints, meridians, etc. absorb aura to maintain life activities, and gradually evolve into half material energy and half aura energy to maintain.

As the aura continues to decline, their acupoints are constantly closing, and material energy begins to occupy most of their life activities.

I have studied this substance, which contains a huge amount of energy, but I can only study the mysteries of the material energy of ordinary beings, that is, the energy application of burning fire in the world, burning wood, and deeper mysteries. Reiki will interfere with the comprehension of this substance Research, unless the aura is completely decayed, it is impossible to research it. "

Tongtian shared his own research results. Other sages are still studying the reversing spiritual energy. He has no birds after the battle of the ancient gods, and he conducts his own enlightenment research.

If Chen Nuo heard what he said, he would definitely pat him on the shoulder and say it.

Brother, congratulations on mastering chemical energy, deeper atomic energy, and spiritual energy are interfering, so there is nothing you can do about it.

As for the previous understanding of temperature, Tongtian has only studied half of it. The real definition of temperature is a kind of thermal motion inherent in particles, not the motion understood in the conventional sense.

"Aura would collapse without the laws of heaven, and we would not be able to survive."

"It's none of my business."

Tongtian arrogantly said: "Oh, no, Lao Tzu, Yuan Yuan, let me tell you a piece of good news that I found.

We are saints, our primordial spirit is in harmony with the laws of heaven, and we are truly immortal.

The aura decays, and the law of heaven still exists, but it loses its driving force and falls into silence. The material rules that appear at this time should also exist all the time, but there was no matter in the world before, and the material rules were silent.

Since the law of heaven still exists, we saints will not die.

This is good news, maybe it will take a few years for the aura to recover, and the law of heaven will be active again, so that we can jump out and do our best again!
The heavenly saints, the saints are immortal, and they are talking about us!

Lao Tzu, Yuan Yuan, Jie Yin, Zhun Ti, and Nu Wa, please be happy to hear the news, we don’t need to die, it’s Yuan Zi from Minghe Town who died, so you don’t have to worry anymore. "

"I'm sorry, I can't afford to offend such immortals, tsk tsk tsk, it's hard to die, so the saint is so terrifying.

Kunpeng, hurry up and burn a stick of incense to Hongyun, thank him for giving up his seat back then so that you are not a saint. "

Styx jumped out, his tone full of gloating.

"I will burn a stick of incense to Hong Yun right now, Zhen Yuanzi, I did not insult, I am sincerely thanking you at this moment.

Thank you brother Hongyun for giving up my seat back then, and thank you brother Bodhi for knocking me down from the holy seat back then. "

Kunpeng's slightly gloomy voice sounded very sincere.

Everyone understands that the probability that they will be resurrected on the day when Tongtian's spiritual energy recovers is almost zero.

Even if he is really resurrected, everything he is familiar with such as disciples, orthodoxy, and friends will no longer exist, so what is the point of such a resurrection.

(End of this chapter)

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