Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 201 Where Chen Nuo is, the Celestial Gods Retreat 3 Houses!

Chapter 201 Where Chen Nuo is, the Celestial Gods Retreat!
He punched Erlangshen head-on, the ball of light shone, and Chen Nuo stepped back.

In a short period of time, he had fought hundreds of rounds with Erlang Shen, his clothes were a little damaged, and a piece of his right sleeve was cut off by the three-pointed knife.

However, compared with Erlang Shen, his image is considered good.

Chaotic martial arts will, attacks erupt from the microscopic level.

Although the essence of chaotic martial arts will is the perception of material temperature, after merging condensed and spiritual power, martial arts will can interfere with aura energy, and can also explode and act on aura shields.

Every time Chen Nuo punched, a strange attack erupted from within, and Erlang Shen couldn't stop it.

His whole body has become a hole suit, which is enough to perform a performance art. There are still wounds on his body, and the power of martial arts is attached to it, hindering his recovery.

"Three-eyed monster, admit defeat."

Standing in the dark sky, Chen Nuo looked at Erlang Shen and said with a light smile.

A group of bosses in Journey to the West were secretly observing, and he felt a faint sense of peeping, but he didn't care.

Some things can't be understood just by looking at them.

The basic rules and the laws of spiritual energy are two completely different systems. The existence of spiritual energy interferes with the research on the basic rules of matter, so experiments cannot yield accurate data. The more you look at it, the more confused you will be.

"I haven't lost yet."

Erlang Shen put away the three-pointed knife, and he understood that the three-pointed knife was actually a hindrance to Chen Nuo's weird attack.

"If you really beat me, you will pass this level!"

Erlang God let out a roar, the spirit energy exploded, and a mysterious force of law emerged from his body. He sprinted forward and launched an attack on Chen Nuo for the first time.

"Bajiu Xuangong? Interesting, but"

Chen Nuo's eyes lit up, and his martial arts will exploded. Erlang Shen, who was rushing towards him, froze involuntarily, as if he had been frozen.

"When is it your turn to attack!"

The figure flickered, and Chen Nuo turned to Erlang Shen and rushed over.

Erlangshen's figure only paused for a while, looking at Chen Nuo who was rushing over, his eyes turned hard, and he punched out with all his strength.

boom! ! !
Tianwaitian suddenly set off an energy tide, and the aura of heaven and earth transformed from chaotic aura from the boundary of heaven and earth jumped and decayed one after another, turning into rays of light, shimmering and illuminating half of the world.


Before the light dissipated, Chen Nuo, who was bleeding from his fists and could not back down forcefully, yelled, stretched out his hand to grab Erlang Shen's arm and pulled it, raised his leg and slammed into it fiercely!
At their level, the long-range attack is powerful, but the attack is not concise enough. Melee combat is the only option to deal with this kind of body-refinement cultivator!

Erlangshen broke out in a cold sweat, he pressed down his palms to block Chen Nuo's knee bump and hugged the bird, but the next moment an elbow hit his face heavily concentrated on his face.

With a bang, Chen Nuo felt a pain in his arm, but the attack failed to cause substantial damage to Erlang Shen.

Eighty-nine Xuangong body training, after breaking out at full strength, this is completely cheeky.

"Chen Nuo, you don't seem to be able to absorb spiritual energy. If you fight with all your strength, you'll lose weight. I don't know how long you can keep fighting."

He received an elbow from Chen Nuo forcibly, and Erlang Shen blocked Chen Nuo's knee bump just now and punched out, aiming at Chen Nuo's stomach, but was blocked by Chen Nuo who responded in a timely manner.

"Tell me, then don't see how long you can hold on, and explode with all your strength, you are simply a firework!"

Chen Nuo smiled. In this outer world where matter is thin, the consumption of his full-strength battle cannot be satisfied by the temperature difference engine of his body and the energy obtained from the magnetic field of heaven and earth. The decay of matter has to consume the mass of his body, which leads to his obvious I lost a lot of weight.

His energy consumption is greater than energy gain, and Erlang Shen is not much better.

Now is the time when the Dharma is coming to an end, Erlang is fighting with all his strength, although he has exploded with all his strength, but the energy in his body is completely unfettered and imprisoned, and it leaks out like fireworks.

With a punch to strike, Chen Nuo thought, the magnetic field controls the rotation, and the strong electric energy gathers and shines in the fist.

"My energy is enough to beat you!"

Facing the magnetoelectric conversion controlled by the magnetic field, Erlangshen's body produces a strong potential difference, and terrifying currents are flowing.

The damage caused by the electric current did not cause substantial harm to Erlang God, who was already a fairy body, whose body was essentially composed of aura energy and did not exist. However, the terrifying electric current made his control over the energy of his body collapse even further. .

The decaying environment of heaven and earth is like a vacuum, the energy in the body is out of control, causing a large amount of energy to leak out, and the concentration of aura in Tianwaitian has risen several levels in an instant.

"You who don't have aura, that's a bunch of trash!"

The fist was shining, and Chen Nuo then punched Erlang God and knocked him flying. The terrifying electric current superimposed the explosion of chaotic martial arts will, almost blowing Erlang God's real body away.

A few metal projectiles appeared beside Chen Nuo, and with a buzzing sound, the projectiles disappeared instantly and accelerated around in the magnetic field.

"There is not enough external energy to study aura reversal in the closed system of heaven and earth, you are a bunch of evildoers!"


Heavenly Court, accompanied by an anxious roar, a beam of light flickered over at extreme speed!

The three sublight-speed mass bombs were blocked, and the impact burst in an instant almost distorted time and space.

The particle flow and electromagnetic waves produced by the shattering of the material mass bullets subsided during the impact. Chen Nuo looked at the Jade Emperor standing in front of Erlang God and smiled.

"Jade Emperor, Da Luo made a move, you violated the rules."

hum! ! !
There was a buzzing in the sky, and the spiritual energy decayed in an instant, turning into light, matter, and electric waves.
The aura turned into a substance, and the light illuminated the entire Tianwaitian, but in the eyes of the immortals and Buddhas in the sky, this light illuminated the greatest fear in the world.

Facing the Jade Emperor's illegal attack, Chen Nuo did not hesitate at all, he activated the nuclear bomb buried in the world of Journey to the West.

This deterrence cannot be used unless it is absolutely necessary, but once the enemy violates the rules, it will be used at will.

This is a front that can only move forward and cannot retreat. You can't retreat at all, and you can't retreat by a single point. As long as you retreat half a step, there will be an abyss behind you.

The world fell silent for an instant.

The Jade Emperor stared closely at Chen Nuo, wanting to see through Chen Nuo's guilty conscience and his attitude.

However, facing the eyes of the Jade Emperor, Chen Nuo did not back down in the slightest.

The surrounding spiritual energy is frantically turning into matter, spreading from the outer sky to the 33rd heaven, and then to the earth fairy world.

According to this speed, within a few hours, the aura will decay to the point that it cannot support the structure of the heaven and the earth. From then on, the heaven and the earth will be destroyed, and all the gods and Buddhas in the sky will die.

"Tianting completely withdraws from this Journey to the West."

The Jade Emperor's voice sounded, however, the aura continued.

This is not enough.

"From now on, where Chen Nuo is, the heavenly gods will stay away!"

The Jade Emperor closed his eyes, and with a trembling voice, he made a shameful promise.

"Jade Emperor! You can't."

Behind him, Erlangshen, who was nearly blasted to pieces by the sublight speed electromagnetic cannon just now, shouted frantically.

This condition is a disgrace!It is a great shame!

However, before he finished shouting, he was completely suppressed by the Jade Emperor.

The aura died down.

Chen Nuo smiled, looked at the monkey, Chi You and others who came over, and chuckled lightly.

"Come on, let's go back."

(End of this chapter)

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