Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 202 Do you want to be so exciting?

Chapter 202 Do you want to be so exciting?

He ignored the trembling Jade Emperor, and also ignored Nezha and the Barefoot Immortal who came to see him move out of the way.

Chen Nuo greeted, and his figure flickered to the lower realm.

Between heaven and earth, the tense atmosphere instantly dissipated.

In the enclosed small world, the sage who was about to rush out also sat down again, looked at the silent Jade Emperor, sighed and did not speak.

The end of the Dharma is coming, and all the gods and gods will go crazy.

At this time, even if the Jade Emperor did something illegal just now, causing Chen Nuo to activate the deterrence to lower the concentration of spiritual energy in the world, there is nothing to say and blame.

Styx, who used to be cowardly and cowardly against the saint, is now shouting to cut the original every day.

In such a situation, it is really not appropriate to blame or provoke the Jade Emperor.

Don't feel bad about Jade Emperor, he didn't need to wait for the end of Dharma Heaven and Earth to be shattered, he directly bombed Heaven and Earth first.

"Just now, during the battle between him and Erlang Shen, what did you see?"

"It is the rule after the aura is transformed into matter."

"Can you do research?"

"This material rule conflicts with the development of the heavens. The spiritual energy is always interfering. We can obtain information on the surface, but we cannot peep into the deep mysteries unless the world is shattered."

"The level we can comprehend now is the material reaction level of ordinary people burning fire and wood. The energy power of this level cannot support our primordial spirit at all."

"Can we deduce it? Use the surface information of this material rule to deduce the deeper rule information, Emperor Fuxi, come out and work!"

"This is a completely different system, and the deep-level rule information cannot be obtained. How can I deduce it?"

Fuxi's calm but speechless voice sounded.

The person who called him out to work was a fourth-generation junior. It seemed that everyone was crazy.

The fourth-generation junior who used to be respectful to him can now call him out to work in a nonchalant tone.

Immortals, gods, Buddhas, and saints all over the sky have determined the rules of matter, but with the interference of spiritual energy, the deeper mysteries of matter cannot be comprehended at all.

The power of the soul and the power of the primordial spirit that carry the thinking consciousness cannot survive independently, and it needs an energy source.

Chen Nuo's powerful spiritual power, which is the basic rule engraved in cells, provides energy through the effect of temperature difference, the magnetic field of heaven and earth, and the decay of matter.

Immortals and Buddhas all over the sky, the energy source of their primordial spirit power must be supported by spiritual energy.

Clearly determined the rules at the molecular level, and determined the mysteries at the chemical level, but obviously, the energy efficiency of chemical energy cannot support their powerful primordial spirits.

This still doesn't work.

Unless nuclear energy, even matter decays, and even matter disintegrates.

Saint, I am afraid that the great unification is needed, and the energy efficiency after the unification of time, space and matter can support it.

A group of people left Tianwaitian and entered the Earth Immortal Realm. When they saw Chen Nuo and others coming down, 28 Xingsu, Li Jing and 10 Heavenly Soldiers and Generals avoided and evacuated.

As the co-lord of heaven and earth, every word and deed of the Jade Emperor will cause changes in the luck of the heaven and the earth. They already know the promise of the Jade Emperor from the information of the heaven and the earth.

"Chen Nuo, if the Jade Emperor didn't back down just now, would you really destroy the world?"

Seeing Chen Nuo coming down and ending the battle, Xuan Ming asked with a frown.


Chen Nuo nodded, the Jade Emperor would not back down, he would definitely not back down, even if he didn't want to destroy the world.

If the Jade Emperor violated the rules and he was the one who gave in in the end, then the so-called deterrence would not exist at all. It is nonsense, and the gods and Buddhas in the sky would not be polite to him.

It can't do without deterrent power, but if you have deterrent power but dare not use it, dare not turn the table, then it is tantamount to waste.

"I suddenly feel that it is a good thing for the Wu clan to join your camp."

Facing Chen Nuo's decisive reply, Xuan Ming was silent for a few seconds, then said suddenly.

If the Wu Clan didn't join Chen Nuo's camp, then Journey to the West wouldn't explode like this, Chen Nuo wouldn't fight Erlang God so viciously, and the Jade Emperor wouldn't run out and cause the aura of heaven and earth to drop further.

Reiki energy drops by one point, but the impact is exponentially 3 points, 5 points, or even 10 points.

If it was said that the heaven and earth could persist for ten thousand years before, then after this time, there will be thousands of years left before the heaven and earth will collapse.

Thousands of years may seem like a long time, but it is a short time for them.

"Good things and bad things, can there be worse things than before?

How long can this last?

Or do you think that group of sages can really research the method of reversing spiritual energy and save the crisis of spiritual energy decay and world destruction? "

Chen Nuo heard the meaning of Xuan Ming's words, and felt a little sad for Journey to the West and the immortals and Buddhas here.

They were like a group of frogs who were boiled to death by warm water, or they were proposed to reverse the aura, and the Taoist ancestor who proposed to control the world was killed.

If we had positively faced the fact of the decline of spiritual energy from the beginning, maybe a group of people would have been detached, so that we would not have fallen into the situation we are in today.

Of course, in the early days, it was Daozu who spoke out with his fists and suppressed all opposing voices and different opinions.

After rubbing the little fox who was sleeping soundly, Chen Nuo reached out and took out a jade slip and threw it to Xuan Ming.

"I'll give you a method, study it carefully, and give me feedback based on the situation of your witch clan."

"what is this?"

Xuanming took the jade slip, and spiritual power penetrated into it, and a lot of information emerged in his mind.

"On the Existence of Thinking Consciousness at the Material Level"

What is this ghost?

"This is a method for you to grow your brains, but I don't know much about your thinking consciousness structure and body structure. After you study it, give me feedback according to the requirements in it."

Chen Nuo roughly said that all the gods and Buddhas in the sky, even the monsters and witches, rely on the energy of spiritual energy to support the existence of thinking consciousness.

After the aura decays and enters the material world, it must be converted to a material-level brain in order to maintain the existence of thinking consciousness.

Of course, this is only for the growth of the brain, the energy supply of the brain, and the energy of the material level, he still holds it in his hands.

"I don't understand."

Xuanming studied it carefully for a while, then shook his head: "Since it's because you don't understand the body of our witch clan, can you help us to study it? We cooperate unconditionally."

It is difficult for the witch clan to comprehend the laws of heaven, let alone such a model that is completely different from the laws of heaven. Facing the information on this jade slip, Xuan Ming expressed complete confusion.

Chen Nuo glanced at Xuan Ming, whose body was protruding forward and backward after being transformed into a big beauty, and a little weirdness appeared in his heart.

Ask me to study your body, and cooperate unconditionally?

Do you want to be so exciting?
(End of this chapter)

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