Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 203 Taiji Figure Blocks Mass Bullets

Chapter 203 Taiji Figure Blocks Mass Bullet (Two Chapters in One)
"Show me your method of incarnation."

The steam car rumbled forward. Inside the car, Chen Nuo withdrew his hand on Xuan Ming's shoulder, pondered for a few seconds, and said.

Just now, he simply used his spiritual power to investigate, and he found a very interesting situation, the transformation of the witch clan and the monster clan, it is better to say it is plastic than transformation.

The transformed body is not an illusion, but a second form after the real body has been reshaped. It refers to Pangu and the laws of heaven and earth here to reshape a form that is more suitable for heaven and earth and more suitable for cultivation.

This method of helping this group of witches grow a physical brain can be improved and researched by using their method of transformation.

Thorough physical examination and research. Well, according to the personality of the Wu clan, if he really wants to do this, I'm afraid he will be the son-in-law of Journey to the West.

In this way, maybe the revolutionary boss Chen Nuo will change to the married boss Chen Nuo.

"Is it enough to study the method of transformation?"

Xuanming asked curiously, and without hesitation, he passed the method of transformation to Chen Nuo.

"Otherwise, what do you think you want to study?"

Glancing at Xuan Ming, Chen Nuo closed his eyes, thinking carefully about the mystery of the method of transformation.

"It's interesting, it's a bit similar to the reconstruction of matter, but this is the reconstruction of aura energy. It seems that countless years ago, the world should be full of aura energy, and then it slowly decayed and turned into matter."

After pondering carefully for a while, Chen Nuo's mind suddenly moved, and the power of the mind drew a bit of aura, and the mind was constantly adjusting the reconstruction of the energy of the aura to verify his conjecture.

"How? No problem."

Seeing that Chen Nuo's hands were constantly changing, the aura turned into matter and dissipated from time to time, and then the new aura was drawn in again, which made Xuan Ming's expression tense involuntarily.

This is a key to their witch clan's ability to survive after the spiritual energy declines and the world is destroyed.

Although the energy problem in the material period after the destruction of heaven and earth has not yet been solved, it is also very important to be able to grow a brain and change the thinking consciousness from relying on aura energy to being based on matter.

"Okay, easy."

After a while, Chen Nuo stretched out his hand and pointed, and a stream of information shot into Xuanming's sea of ​​consciousness. On it was his adjusted method based on the transformation method of the witch clan. It was actually very simple. It only needs to form a brain thinking organ to conform to the basic rules of matter.

The aura on Xuan Ming's body fluctuated, and within a few seconds, she opened her eyes, and there was a glint of joy in her eyes.

A trace of her thinking consciousness is transferred from the sea of ​​consciousness to the newly shaped thinking organ, so that even if the world is destroyed, this trace of her thinking consciousness will not disappear with the decline of aura.

"How to practice this?"

Xuan Ming looked anxious, the energy efficiency of chemical energy could not support too strong thinking consciousness, nor did he have too strong extraordinary power.

In this way, a trace of thinking consciousness will not disappear with the decline of spiritual energy, and it will not be able to escape the terrifying explosion when the world is broken.

"I'll know later."

Chen Nuo shook his head. The basic rule is that he has the trump card in his hand, and he leaked it at will. I'm afraid that group of saints will change their cultivation system and jump out now.


"Sir, there are 9 unknown Taoists who are blocking the way."

The monkey standing on the roof and watching the world reported the situation immediately.

"Xuandu and the Eight Immortals, Lao Tzu's only disciple and eight registered disciples."

The monkey didn't know each other, but Xuan Ming knew about these ancient and even ancient people, so he explained the situation to Chen Nuo
"Understood, one of the three sages of the Taoist sect after defeating the heavenly court, then the next step should be to explain the teaching, the demon clan, and the Buddhist sect. It's really interesting."

Chen Nuo chuckled, opened the car door and went out.

"It turned out to be Xuandu. Did I ask you to come here to give the elixir after I knew my fox had finished eating the elixir?"


The little fox, who was sleeping comfortably with the air conditioner in the car, shook his ears, opened his eyes and woke up immediately, jumped on Chen Nuo, and shouted: "Daxian, how can there be any elixir? I have eaten the elixir for several months." gone."

"Your elixir is still on that Taoist, it's still a nine-turn golden elixir." Chen Nuo pointed to Xuandu.

"Daxian, he won't give it."

The little fox glanced at Xuandu a few times, disappointed.

She has grown up, and she can tell whether it is an enemy or a friend. How could the enemy give her the elixir.

"It's okay, if he doesn't give it to you, let's turn around and go back to Wuzhuang Temple. Isn't there still five ginseng fruits in Zhenyuanzi's place? Let's pick them all and eat them."

Chen Nuo said very casually, now Mantian Xianfo is more anxious and can't afford it. If he doesn't cooperate, then no one will be able to take this journey to the West.


The corner of Xuandu's mouth twitched, this is even shameless, Zhen Yuanzi was blackmailed with 25 ginseng fruits, and now he is going to blackmail the golden pill of Jiuzhuan?
"Chen Nuo, the spiritual energy is declining, and the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir can't get out of the Taiqing Heaven."

Xuandu explained.

In terms of osmotic pressure, besides the law of heaven and earth and the rhyme of Taoism, the elixir itself is also a condensed body of aura, and it is a bomb of aura when it is taken out.

"It's okay, you can seal it to me. It's difficult for a saint to seal himself up, but it's still no problem to seal up some Nine Rank Golden Pills."

Chen Nuo stood where he was, but didn't step forward.

He is the protagonist in this Journey to the West, and if he doesn't cooperate, no one can do anything about it.

Of course, he also wants to go Westward Journey and take advantage of the overall situation of the world to break the restrictions of the world, but in comparison, it is obvious that the immortals, gods and Buddhas are more anxious.


Xuandu was completely helpless, he had lived for countless tens of thousands of years, and this was the first time he met someone as fleshy as a hob like Chen Nuo.

"give him."

Between heaven and earth, a voice resounded, and from the sky, a golden gourd gleaming with heavy restraints flew down.

With a thought, the gourd was in Chen Nuo's hands, and the restrictions on it immediately dissipated.

The moment the restriction dissipated, the rich innate aura erupted from above, and immediately decayed into acquired aura, which increased the concentration of aura in the surrounding area by a few points.


Chen Nuo's spiritual power erupted, and he hurriedly restrained the aura that had leaked out like crazy, and then poured out a golden Nine-Turn Golden Elixir.

"Well, it's quite fragrant. Don't poison me. If you poison me, the world will be destroyed."

Chen Nuo muttered, without any warning in his mind, he threw Jin Dan into his mouth the next moment.

Swallowing a golden elixir into my stomach, I will know what spiritual energy has to do with me.

Under Xuandu's distressed gaze, a tsunami-like spiritual energy poured out from Chen Nuo's body, and the rich rhythm of heaven and earth made the surrounding flowers, plants and trees tremble continuously. In an instant, a thousand-year-old spiritual grass and a ten-thousand-year spiritual tree were covered. Shape it out.

The sage Laozi practiced the real Nine-Turn Golden Elixir, and the aura energy and the rhyme of heaven and earth contained in it can almost be compared to the Daluo Golden Immortal.

This is probably the most extravagant behavior in the world since Pan Gu created the world.

"It's really picky, only 9 pieces."

After enjoying the energy of spiritual energy and the rhythm of heaven and earth washing over his body, Chen Nuo took a look and saw that there were still 8 gourds left in the gourd.

Monkey, Bajie, Jiang Liuer, Xuanming, Chiyou, and Xingtian each have one, and the remaining two are little foxes.


The little fox looked at Chen Nuo generously giving one to each of them, and in the end only two were left for himself, and his eyes were full of distress while holding the gourd.

She thought that after Daxian ate one, the rest would be hers.

"Let me give this to Ari. The Golden Immortal is the limit of the current world environment, and you can't break through it even if you eat the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir."

With a flick of Xuan Ming's finger, the golden pill in his hand flew back into the gourd.

Due to environmental constraints, monkeys have adopted special methods to break through the Golden Immortal, and it is useless to break through with the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir.

"We don't want it anymore. Eating this stuff is not as enjoyable as barbecue."

Xuan Ming didn't want it, and Chi You and Xing Tian didn't want to offend Chen Nuo's favorite little fox. With a flick of the finger, Jin Dan went back to the gourd.

Two turned into five, the little fox's face suddenly became happy, and a pair of blue eyes looked at the monkey and Bajie.

Fox Fake Novi's skills are activated!

Ba Jie, who hadn't eaten the Nine-Turn Golden Pill yet, twitched his face, and put it back full of distress.

He ate it to no avail.

The much calmer monkey shook his head, and then put the golden elixir back. He also understood that no matter how much golden elixir he eats under the heaven and earth's restrictions, it would be a taste, so he might as well give it to the little fox.

"I'll give this to Ari too."

Jiang Liu'er took the golden pill and wanted to return it, but was stopped by the little fox shaking his head.

"Jiang Liuer, eat it yourself, it's useless for them to eat it, but it's useful for you to eat it."

The little fox hugged the gourd and didn't want Jiang Liu'er's golden pill. He took out a golden pill and threw it into his mouth, his eyes narrowed happily.

Xuan Du's gaze was noticed by the little fox, and Xuan Ming and the others also looked over.

It's all digested, and there is no trace of spiritual energy and heaven, earth and dao rhyme leaking out?
"Chen Nuo, what kind of exercises does she practice?"

Xuanming looked at the little fox, and couldn't help thinking that along the way, the little fox took out the spiritual fruit and ate it from time to time, and gnawed on the ginseng fruit from time to time, but no matter how he ate it, there was no spiritual energy leaking from his body, and there was also no spiritual energy fluctuation.

This is unscientific. According to the current environment of the world, eating so many spiritual fruits and ginseng fruits plus elixir and golden pills, the spiritual energy has long been leaked.

"I do not know either."

Chen Nuo shrugged, and the people around looked contemptuous.

You don't know it's a ghost.

"Thank you for my golden elixir, since you guys want to stop my journey to the west, let's start."

After rubbing the little fox's head and putting her back in the car to turn on the air conditioner, Chen Nuo looked at Xuandu and the others.

There are 9 Golden Immortals, among them there are 1 to 3 Golden Immortals who have self-cultivated. This lineup is getting stronger every time.

call out!
Chen Nuo's figure soared into the sky, Xuanming Monkey and others followed, Xuandu and the Eight Immortals looked at each other, and they also turned into streamers and entered the outer sky.

"Chen Nuo, surrender, you won't be able to go on this time."

Without the slightest hesitation, Xuandu took out a black and white picture, and the Eight Immortals and others also took out flags, lamps, swords and other innate spiritual treasures one after another.

One innate treasure and eight innate spiritual treasures, this is a big move at the beginning.

"The world decays, and these innate things almost become waste"

Chen Nuo suddenly paused in the middle of speaking, and raised his eyebrows: "Oh, it turns out that it is interesting to use the material of the Xiantian Lingbao as a shield."

The congenital spirit treasure is in harmony with the heaven and the earth, and the heaven and the earth have not yet been shattered. Even if the function becomes disabled, it is difficult to destroy its own material.

"Aren't you afraid that the Lingbao will be destroyed?"

Xuan Ming was also full of surprise.

In ancient times, a group of great powers could fight in full swing for a top-level congenital spiritual treasure. If there was a congenital treasure that smashed the world, it would be possible to reorganize the earth, fire, feng shui with congenital aura.

Now it is extravagant to use the innate treasure, and even the innate treasure such as the Taiji diagram, as a shield to block mass bombs.

"That doesn't bother Ancestral Witch Xuanming to worry."

Xuandu replied calmly, and suddenly shouted: "Chen Nuo, I will stop it. The remaining three monkeys and the Wu clan are the two of you. Solve the battle as soon as possible!"

"Yes, Senior Brother Xuandu!"

The Eight Immortals responded, and rushed towards the Wu Clan, the three people and the monkey two by two, while Xuandu rushed towards Chen Nuo holding the Taiji diagram.

"Block me? I'm afraid you'll hurt me!"

Chen Nuo smiled, and rushed over with a flash.

The magnetic field was vibrating, and more than a dozen metal projectiles appeared. Xuandu hurriedly took out the Taiji diagram to block in front, but Chen Nuo's electromagnetic cannon did not blast out.

The fist smashed on the Taiji diagram, and the violent and chaotic martial arts will erupted. The chaotic effect from the micro level to the Taiji diagram immediately shocked this treasure that once suppressed the world.

"Haha! Come again!"

Chen Nuo laughed, the metal projectiles were orbiting like planets around a star, and the mass cannon was ready to go, so Xuandu didn't dare to take down the Taiji diagram.

One punch, another punch, one kick, and another kick, Chen Nuo was attacking the Taiji diagram crazily. Every time he punched, his martial arts will was condensed, which made the attack more condensed.

He is using Taijitu and Xuandu as a whetstone.

Enduring more and more attacks, Tai Chi Tu was already trembling crazily.

Xuandu's face changed wildly, and he shouted: "Quick battle!"

This strange Tao, this strange attack does not come from the outside, but directly acts on the inside.

If it continues to withstand the attack, this chaotic riot from the micro level will completely tear the structure of Taiji Diagram and collapse this innate treasure.

"You have no chance!"

Chen Nuo laughed, this feeling of putting the electromagnetic gun on the other side's face, making the other side only a living target for throwing tricks is so cool!
call out!
With a thought, two of the metal projectiles broke away from the magnetic field and accelerated, and suddenly attacked Tieguai Li and Zhang Guolao who were fighting the monkey.

Knowing that Chen Nuo had this trick, he kept a vigilant mind and warned in advance.

Zhang Guolao's position is better to get out of the way ahead of time, while Tieguai Li instantly transformed into a baseball player, and the Tieguai in his hand swung hard and hit the mass bullet.

Matter collapsed, particle beams and light waves exploded, grasping the moment Tieguai Li turned into a baseball player, the monkey's golden cudgel hit his forehead neatly.

The spiritual energy rioted, blood was splattered, Tieguai Li's forehead burst on the spot, and even the Yuanshen was shaken, and his figure flew upside down in the direction of Xuandu.

call out!call out!
Another two metal bullets flew out, while Chen Nuo was attacking the Taiji diagram, the quality gun was always threatening others.

"Chen Nuo, you are too much."

Xuandu hastily threw out the Tai Chi Diagram in his hand to block the mass bullets. Before he could finish speaking, the remaining nine mass bullets around Chen Nuo bombarded him crazily!

Lore!No mercy!

 Sorry, no time for chapters, two in one
(End of this chapter)

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