Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 204 This world is full of tragedies, full of poor people

Chapter 204 This world is full of tragedies, full of poor people
boom! boom! boom!
The sound of violent impact, the mass bomb disintegrates in the violent impact, and a terrible heat, particle beam, electromagnetic wave bursts out
Eight mass bullets were blocked in a row, and a yellow mysterious tower that suddenly appeared was finally unstoppable and flew out, and the last remaining mass bullet accurately hit Xuandu.

The aura energy spread like a tsunami, and Tianwaitian fell into silence. The Seven Immortals, Monkey, Xuan Ming, Chi You and others who were fighting together all stopped at the same time. They watched as they were blasted dozens of miles away by the mass bomb. Disappeared, blood was scattered all over the sky, most of the body was destroyed and fell into a deep sleep in Xuandu.

Chen Nuo didn't stop at all, watching the aura energy on his body leak out crazily, Xuandu, who was on the verge of death, several metal bullets appeared again, then disappeared and entered the magnetic field to accelerate.

"We lost this game."

Between heaven and earth, Lao Tzu's voice appeared, but Chen Nuo turned a deaf ear to it.

The mass bomb accelerated, and 6 sublight-speed mass bombs blasted out mercilessly.

Tieguai Li, who was knocked into a coma by a monkey, had three shots, and Xuandu, whose body was mostly destroyed and was on the verge of death, also had three shots.

The rain and the dew are even, and Chen does not favor anyone!
"Chen Nuo, you are going too far!"

The world seemed to come to a standstill, and the mass bombs blasting towards Xuandu and Tieguai Li suddenly appeared in Tianwaitian.

The projectile is spinning crazily, but it seems that there is a gap between heaven and earth that can never be crossed in front of it, and finally it can only stop when its kinetic energy disappears.

Almost at the same moment, Chen Nuo, Hou Zi and other people who had reached the Golden Immortal level clearly heard the moans of heaven and earth in their minds, trembling as if they were about to collapse at any time.

The energy of the spiritual energy decays, and the limit of the endurance of the heaven and the earth drops, and it is simply unable to withstand the appearance of the power of the saint.

Lao Tzu suddenly blocked the mass bomb, and the life span of heaven and earth was at least hundreds of years.

Frowning, Chen Nuo didn't have the slightest intention to stop, the mass bomb appeared again, accelerated, and continued to blast out!


I don't seem to have expected that Chen Nuo didn't stop after he shot, but this time, before he could stop him, a mirror suddenly appeared in Tianwaitian, and the mirror light shone brightly, annihilating the mass bomb that Chen Nuo fired again.

"Yo? A saint, a top Daluo, Lao Tzu, Queen Mother Xi, it seems that I was too easy to talk to when Haotian violated the rules before."

Looking at the mirror with the word "Kunlun" written on it, Chen Nuo, who knew countless secrets about the world from Xuan Ming, knew in his heart who made the move again.

"Xuandu can't die."

"The saint can't take another shot."

The meaning of Lao Tzu is very obvious, and the meaning of Queen Mother Xi is also very obvious, meaning that if she does not block, Lao Tzu will definitely attack again, and then the horror of heaven and earth will directly GG.

Chen Nuo's eyes were cold, he didn't speak, he showed everything directly with his actions.

The aura is tumbling, frantically turning into matter.

The Earth Immortal Realm is trembling, the aura continues to decrease, the power of the laws of heaven has further declined, and the basic rules have become more and more obvious. The universal gravitational force will collapse at any time. This structure of heaven, earth and continents that does not conform to its own rules.

A layer of yellow light appeared in the Earth Immortal Realm, and Zhen Yuanzi made a move to stabilize the Earth Immortal Realm that was about to collapse. At this time, there is only one possibility for such a forceful attack, and that is to burn the origin.

The law of heaven is trembling, and it will collapse into eternal silence at any time, and fear can't help showing in the eyes of immortals, gods and Buddhas.

"People teach you to quit, where you are, stay away."

Feeling all this, Lao Tzu sighed.

The speed of the aura of heaven and earth decreased, but it did not stop.

Chen Nuo stretched out two fingers to make a comparison, and then the thumb and the middle finger of the index finger kept rubbing back and forth.

The meaning of this gesture is obvious.

call out!
Tianwaitian suddenly flashed two golden lights, and two gourds flew in front of Chen Nuo.

"That's right, welcome to the next violation, oh no, there will be no next time."

Chen Nuo reached out to take the two gourds, tut-tsk shook his head and said, "Poor heaven and earth, it could last tens of thousands of years, because the life it bred was disobedient, and the ten thousand years has less than 2000 years left. Poor, poor."

"Daozu, Laozi, Yuanyuan, Nuwa, we don't need the origin of the world anymore, let's untie the restrictions of heaven and earth, there is no point in fighting any longer."

Just as Chen Nuo sealed the two gourds and was about to take the Nine-turn Golden Elixir to raise the fox, a voice sounded from the sky, persuading him, and then said to Chen Nuo:
"Chen Benefactor, I think your purpose of coming to our world is not to destroy it.

You can say what you want to say, what you want to do, and we, a group of people who are dying and sleeping, have nothing to worry about. "

"Okay, let's talk about the next step after untying the restrictions on the world."

After tossing two gourds, Chen Nuo agreed.

The gods and Buddhas who destroy the world will not die immediately, so the last madness of a group of big Luo and saints is enough to make him hundreds of times.

After all, he is so handsome, so he still needs to pay attention to it every day.

"Our demon clan disagrees, and the lich is not at odds."

The world fell into silence, and before all the forces could make a decision, a resolute voice appeared.

"Lu Ya, your monster race has no authority over heaven and earth."

Suddenly, the Jade Emperor's voice sounded.

With a flash of thought, the world changes.

As soon as the Jade Emperor's voice fell, the general situation of the world changed drastically in an instant.

"It's already at this time, what face do you still want? What hatred can there be?"

In the Lingxiao Palace, the Jade Emperor stretched out his hand, and the list of gods hanging in the air appeared in his hand.

"His Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, don't!"

Down below, Taibai Jinxing, Barefoot Immortal and others were stunned by the Jade Emperor's sudden action, and then hurriedly shouted, Taibai even rushed forward.

Without waiting for Taibai Jinxian and the others to stop them, the Jade Emperor touched the list of gods with his hand, and with a bang, the heavenly court shook.

The heavenly stripes imprinted on the list of gods are dissipating one by one, and the gods on it are also dimly disappearing.

With the dissipation of the heavenly strip branded on the list of gods, and the dim disappearance of the gods above, the control of the heaven and the earth, and the restrictions of the heaven and the earth also dissipate simultaneously.

Journey to the West is not over yet, and the handover of the power of heaven and earth has not yet been completed. At this time, it is still the Jade Emperor who has the final say.

Originally, he was worried that the two sages of the West would cause trouble when they were dying, but Tongtian said that the law of heaven would only silence the sage and never die. In addition, at this time, the reception indicated that he did not need the origin of the world, so he had nothing to worry about.

"His Majesty!"

Taibai Jinxing, who had already rushed to the front of the case but still had no time to stop it, let out a mournful cry.

The many gods in the heaven below also showed sadness, while God Erlang was completely dumbfounded.

"Yao Chi, are you afraid?"

Jade Emperor, oh no, Jade Emperor's god status has dissipated, Haotian ignored the emotions of the gods below, and turned to look at Yaochi next to him.

"Don't be afraid, I've been tired for so many years, and we can repay Daozu's kindness and teaching."

Yao Chi shook his head lightly, without any fear on his face.

"It's good not to be afraid, just not to be afraid."

Haotian smiled, took Yaochi's hand softly, and said with a smile: "I'm really tired after all these years, my little sister has been away for so many years, we should go see her too."

One last look at Erlang God below, Haotian smiled and closed his eyes.

"The debts owed from ancient times to the present, today our husband and wife will help you to repay them together. Brothers and sisters, please take care, and hope that Haotian will never see you again."

In the heavenly court, a gust of wind suddenly blew up out of thin air, and the figures of Haotian and Yaochi were slowly dissipating.

A few seconds later, there was no trace of Haotian and Yaochi in the world.

Controlling the world, which is a simple matter, will eventually have a day of repayment.

Originally, according to the plan, the research on reversing spiritual energy was successful, and the immortals and Buddhas of the sky would bear the repayment together, so that everyone would be fine.

But obviously, they failed.

If you fail, you will loosen the control of heaven and earth, and the debt you owe will eventually have to be replaced by someone.

Heaven, collapsed.

Without the support of Haotian, the current aura environment of heaven and earth cannot support a space like Tianting at all.

Buildings and pavilions are collapsing, turning into pure aura of heaven and earth and returning to heaven and earth.

The immortals sleeping in the heaven were urgently awakened, and Taibai Jinxian and others watched the collapse and dissipation of the heaven with absent-minded eyes.

Heaven and earth.

Chen Nuo looked at Haotian suddenly erasing the sky, removing the heaven and earth restrictions established since the ancient time of conferring gods, his expression couldn't respond,

Haotian Yaochi is dead?Heaven is destroyed?The limit of heaven and earth has been lifted?My mission is done?
He felt a little dazed.

Originally, he planned to fight against heaven and earth, so that he could subdue a group of gods and Buddhas in the end, but he didn't expect Haotian to be so forthright and righteous when he saw that there was nothing to be done, and suddenly lifted the restrictions of heaven and earth.

The script is wrong!

Your IQ can't be lower, let me pretend to be forced a few more times, okay?

"It seems that something happened to Daozu Hongjun."

Xuan Ming, who knew the ancient mysteries and even part of the primordial mysteries, shook his head.

"What happened to Daozu?"

Chen Nuo looked over curiously, what's the matter with Daozu.

"Haotian, Yaochi, and even Yaoji's bodies are all chaotic jade. Originally, it was impossible to transform into a form in the prehistoric world. It was Daozu who enlightened them in the early days, and then taught them to practice bit by bit, taught them to recognize this world.

If the Six Sages are Hongjun's disciples, then Haotian Yaochi is more like Hongjun's children.

This is also the reason why both Haotian Yaochi and Haotian Yaochi are willing to take over the Heavenly Court and even the ancient conferred gods after the Lich War. "

"Wait, didn't you say that the sage's primordial spirit and the way of heaven are united and can't die? How can the ancestor of Taoism still die? The way of heaven is not silent yet?"

Chen Nuo was speechless.

The decay of the world, the conversation between Tongtian and others can hide it from him, but it can't hide it from Houtu who turned into the underworld.

A few days ago Xuan Ming just told him that the sage's primordial spirit and the way of heaven are united and immortal, why now he said that the ancestor played GG.

"I don't know what your definition of death is."

Xuanming shook his head and explained: "From the perspective of energy and matter, saints are immortal, and Taoist ancestors will not perish. Their primordial spirit and the laws of heaven will last forever, and their saints' bodies can be infinitely restored if they have energy. .

But from the perspective of information and thinking, this is not necessarily the case.

For example, if his thinking suddenly changed, like an ordinary person in the world, is he still the same as before?

For example, after a long period of years of rigid thinking and loss of all emotions and desires, then do you think this person is alive or dead?

Saints are also intelligent beings, with emotions, desires, and a human side.

No emotions, no desires, no humanity, those are laws, one after another laws that have no emotion but only mechanical operation.

When the years are long, or the thinking has been in high-intensity operation, the thinking of saints and even Taoist ancestors will become rigid or even dissipate.

They are immortal,
But if there is no thinking, all emotions and desires dissipate, then there is no point in dying.

It's nothing more than leaving behind a meaningless body, leaving behind a meaningless sage primordial spirit.

It is not that simple for Hedao to control the world. Daozu can withstand the impact of information generated by the entire world for so long, which is actually beyond everyone's expectations. "

"So, Daozu Hongjun, his thinking has been obliterated by the information of heaven and earth during the long years of being together?"

Chen Nuo looked outside the chaotic sky, as if he saw the figure of the Taoist sitting in Zixiao Palace.

He is still the ancestor of Taoism, and his body also contains the mighty power to destroy the world, and the primordial spirit is strong enough to withstand the impact of information from the entire world.

He is alive, but he can also be said to be dead.

What is alive is the body, and what exists is the soul, but his thoughts, thinking, emotions, desires, etc. have all been obliterated.

The body, soul, and brain are things that exist objectively.

Thinking, emotions, desires, ideas, these subjective things are the fundamentals that define an intelligent life.

The objectively existing body, soul, and brain of Daozu still exist, but his thinking has disappeared forever.

If heaven and earth still exist countless years later, this body soul that contains supreme mighty power may give birth to a new thinking consciousness, but it is no longer the Taoist ancestor.

He is too tired.

For some reason, Chen Nuo suddenly felt a little emotion in his heart.

Although he already knew the instigator here, the source of everything is Daozu.

However, facing such a person who pursues his own ideals and his own way, and finally has his thoughts and thoughts wiped out alive, it is still difficult to feel bad feelings in his heart.

"Xuan Ming, I found that your world is full of tragedies, full of poor people."

Chen Nuo shook his head.

The tragedy and pity of Daozu is that he has embarked on the wrong path.

The tragedy and pity of the gods and Buddhas all over the sky is because the Taoist ancestors joined the Tao and could only get on the chariot together.

The tragedy and pity of hundreds of millions of ordinary beings, this is because the gods and Buddhas in the sky are harvested and raised because they want to survive.

The source of everything is Daozu, but at this time, Daozu's thinking has disappeared, and it is impossible to find someone to avenge, so if this is not a tragedy, it is not pitiful, then what is pitiful.

It's like harboring blood and deep hatred, and finally gaining the power to revenge after suffering so much, but when the enemy is found, a tombstone has already been erected there, and a letter is written: You are late, I am already dead.

"Perhaps, it doesn't matter if it's a tragedy or a comedy, it's just like what Haotian said, it's this time, and I still care about what to do with so much."

Xuanming shook his head, looked at the world where the restrictions were lifted, and said: "After a good look, the thinking of Dao ancestors will disappear, and the restrictions on heaven and earth will also be lifted. Time and space will no longer be unique, and the most fundamental mystery of Da Luo's time and space will be revealed. gone."

 Two in one, it is not convenient to divide chapters here
(End of this chapter)

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