Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 205 The only mystery of Da Luo

Chapter 205 Da Luo's Only Mystery

The mystery of Da Luo time and space?
Chen Nuo was taken aback for a moment, and then carefully watched the changes in the world after the heavenly court was destroyed.

Daluozhang time and space, this is what he has always been confused about by practitioners of the law of spiritual energy.

The basic rule of time and space is gravity, and there is no such thing as control.

Mastering gravitational technology will allow curvature to exceed the speed of light. This is tantamount to a qualitative change. A civilization that masters gravitational technology can beat countless civilizations below.

The basic rule of time and space is gravity, so what about the time and space of Daluozhang in the period of aura law?

Dao ancestor died, without the obstruction of Dao ancestor's thinking, the control of heaven and earth was also untied, and the heaven and earth reflected in Chen Nuo's mind suddenly changed.

The monkeys not far away suddenly became 23, oh no, it was 78.

The foxes I have raised for hundreds of years have also changed, becoming 365 foxes, oh no, 999 foxes.

The countless creatures in the Earth Immortal Realm, all of them have also changed, some have not changed, some have become 2 people, and some have become 4 people.

The earth fairy world seemed to be covered with a layer of tulle, and in Chen Nuo's eyes, countless double images were reflected, and then the double images dissipated, and the sky and the earth returned to clarity. The monkey was still the same monkey, and the little fox was still the foodie little fox.

But Chen Nuo obviously felt that the world is different
"It seems that Ali's luck is even more unique than that of monkeys."

Xuan Ming, who was standing next to Chen Nuo, looked at the changes in the world and shook his head: "The world is too weak. In the past, hundreds of millions of space-times weighed hundreds of millions, but now they are no more than a thousand."

"Hundreds of billions of time and space?"

Chen Nuo carefully sensed the situation of the world with his mind, and he seemed to have a feeling in his heart, but he was still puzzled.

"Explain explain."

Looking at Xuanming, it seems that it was the reason for self-defeating cultivation. Just now, the monkeys, little foxes and even all living beings have changed, but Xuanming, Chi You, and Xingtian have not changed.

"The big Luo palms time and space, the only time and space achieves the true self, the big Luo divides time and space, and hundreds of millions of time and space play an infinite future."

Xuanming explained patiently: "The cultivators in the early days discovered that the heaven and earth have countless layers of time and space, which is like an illusion, or you can only see the real world when you reach Daluo.

We have a saying that we are blessed by the heavens. In fact, every creature in the world, even a grass on the side of the road, is blessed by the heavens.

Under the Great Law, every living being is a protagonist, and the world gives living beings endless choices.

With a flash of thought, a change in the world, every thought and every choice of a creature may lead to a different time and space.

In these interpretations of time and space, some die young, some do nothing, some suffer all kinds of hardships, some are prosperous and rich, and some become immortals. But as long as one of them becomes a great Luo in this endless time and space, then Countless time and space may collapse to become the true self and become the only one in Daluo.

This interpretation of endless time and space is called the long river of time by some, and the long river of fate by others. The long river of time and the long river of fate are different for each person.

To become Da Luo means to get rid of the shackles of time and the interpretation of fate, and to achieve your true self and embark on a unique path that belongs only to you.

Under Da Luo, it is also because of this that Da Luo has no power to resist in the face of Da Luo. Da Luo can see through all the destiny under Da Luo and all the development possibilities of life in one word.

Da Luo can erase these fates at will, erase these possibilities, and completely erase him in the world. "

"Could it be that every living being interprets countless time and space possibilities? Can the world bear it?" Chen Nuo's eyes widened, this is incredible.

"Of course it's impossible. We found that creatures with strong luck have more possibilities of deriving time and space, and the probability of breaking through to a higher level is higher. High-level chances are also small.

In addition, under the big Luo is false, it is false, and the deductive time and space are more inclined to the evolution of information, rather than the real time and space.

Only by combining countless deduced time and space into one is the real real time and space, so this kind of deduction is not very expensive. "

Xuanming shook his head and explained that a hundred thousand golden immortals are not as good as one big Luo, and this is the essence of it.

Chen Nuo understood now.

Under the Da Luo, the world deduces every choice and even every thought of the creatures under the Da Luo into a possibility of time and space. The stronger the luck, the more time and space may be deduced, and it will naturally break through to a high level.

The sound of a person is very long, and the life of a practitioner is full of endless disasters.

For example, if a person thinks about something while drinking water, the probability of choking to death is one in 10.

If he is weak in luck and less likely to interpret time and space, then drinking water twice a day and tens of thousands of times in his life, then the macroscopic probability shows that he is very likely to choke to death drinking water in this life.

For the same person with strong luck, there are many possibilities of time and space to interpret, so even if there is the possibility of choking to death by drinking water countless times, the remaining space and time possibilities can still allow him to live healthy.

It is the same reason to exchange drinking water for the calamity of cultivation.

There are endless possibilities in life, and the possibility of reaching a higher level of cultivation, achieving the collapse of time and space in Daluo, and becoming the only true self will be even greater.

If the possibility of time and space for the interpretation is small, it would have hit the street early.

"Doesn't that mean that anyone who can achieve Da Luo can see it at a glance?"

Chen Nuo raised a question, if this is the case, wouldn't it be possible for Da Luo to see who can make Da Luo when he looks at Da Luo?

"It's impossible, Da Luo's space-time possibility collapsed and became the only true self, which belongs to completely getting rid of the long river of time and the deductive shackles of fate.

The most possible possibility we can see is to reach Jinxian, but there are many disasters for Jinxian to break through Daluo, and no one knows whether they can break through.

For example, the monkey, he has now deduced 78 kinds of space-time possibilities.

If the solution of these 78 space-time possibilities is death, then he is dead, and if one of them breaks through to Da Luo, then he becomes Da Luo.

If you supplement him now to enhance his luck, then his 78 kinds of time and space may become 780 or even 7800 or even countless.

This is the power and importance of luck, because he can endow creatures with infinite possibilities.

When the possibilities are truly endless and there are many possibilities, it is almost inevitable to break through Daluo.

Da Luo can see the fate of the Golden Immortal level, so he can roughly determine the probability of his breakthrough based on how many possibilities of the Golden Immortal can be deduced.

However, the space-time possibility of living beings and the deduction of the fate of living beings are all changing with the changes of thoughts and choices.

We don't know what the monkey is thinking, so we can't know precisely how his fate will change in the future.

We can use the past performance to analyze what he thinks in his mind, so as to roughly predict his future, but we cannot be sure of his future.

In addition, whether he will be disturbed in the future, such as other Da Luo interfering in his fate, the situation is different.

This is also the root of the conflict between the concepts of elucidating teachings and cutting off teachings in ancient times, and the root of the contradiction between Tongtian and primitive.

Originally thought that since the probability of a creature's time and space breakthrough is small, and even one possibility of becoming a golden immortal is not seen, then such a creature is a waste and there is no need to pay attention to it.

Tongtian believes that the future of living beings can only be predicted, not certain.

Then as long as they are taught carefully, their fate will have a better future, and the possibility of breaking through to Da Luo and breaking away from the shackles of fate is very high, so it can be accepted. "


Chen Nuo nodded, and the last doubt in his heart disappeared.

"What do you want to do next?"

Xuan Ming looked at Chen Nuo, the limit of heaven and earth was opened, and Journey to the West was unnecessary.

"If you don't want to do anything, just keep moving forward. Although Journey to the West is unnecessary, the road of science and technology must continue."

Chen Nuo smiled, glanced around the world, and his figure flickered down to the fairy world.

His mission is completed, and he can go back to the main world at any time, but the crisis of ordinary beings here is still not resolved.

The destruction of the sky and the earth is entirely due to ordinary people who have no power at all, and they have no ability to resist at all.

Immortals and Buddhas all over the sky did not stop them. At this point, they have already lost. The next thing to see is what Chen Nuo wants to do, what he will do, and even learn something from it.

"Chen Nuo, are all the people in your side of the world like you?"

Going back to the fairyland, Xuan Ming suddenly asked curiously.

"How am I?"

After waking up the little fox, Chen Nuo stuffed him with two gourds. In an instant, the little fox who was still a little angry jumped up.

There are jelly beans again!
"do not know what to say."

Xuanming pondered for a moment, then said: "The Almighty One, although he has ordinary sentient beings in his heart, it is just a kindness, a choice.

They choose to save sentient beings when their interests are not involved. If it involves their own fundamental interests, destroying sentient beings can benefit them, so they don't mind doing so.

You are different, you seem to value these ordinary people more than a powerful person. "

"The Almighty?"

Rubbing the head of the little fox who was happily eating jelly beans, Chen Nuo smiled and shook his head: "I'm not a powerful person, you treat me as an ordinary person, an ordinary person with great strength would be more appropriate."

He has never regarded himself as a powerful person.

After so many years, that young man who struggled in 996 is still lingering in his mind.

If the owner of the main world and his hard work are the source of his current strength, then the experience of the 25 years before his life, that 996 struggling young man, is the root of his personality and thinking character.

It used to be a working dog, but now it is also a working dog. It is nothing more than a different boss and a different working environment.

His pursuit has never been an endless Tao, but that he has enough strength to allow himself to live the life he wants, a comfortable life without worries, and that's all.

In ordinary people's society, money can't be earned. If you keep earning money and ignore the people around you, and abandon the beauty of life, it will not end well in the end.

In the world of practitioners, there is no end to cultivation. If you are always pursuing the so-called path and abandoning all the scenery along the way, you will only die of exhaustion in the end.

Money, even if you have all the money in the world, and everything else is abandoned, so what?
Cultivation, even if you really stand on the highest peak and transcend the world, and you are alone and helpless, and you don’t have anyone to talk to, so what?

Chen Nuo has always been unable to understand those people who abandon everything to pursue the so-called Tao.

Pursuing the Tao with all one's heart is only for that little breakthrough, and nothing else is needed. Apart from being moved by oneself, there is nothing left.

Of course, everyone chooses, and Chen Nuo doesn't interfere too much in the evaluation.

"Beauty, take a walk in the mortal world when you have time. The splendor of the world of mortals is not inferior to the mystery of cultivation. If you have the strength to enjoy the beauty of the mortal world, you will find that all your life was wasted before."

Patting Xuanming on the shoulder, Chen Nuo called everyone to set off.

"The splendor of the world of mortals?"

Xuan Ming froze for a moment, then shook his head.

She still couldn't understand Chen Nuo's pursuit. In the eyes of her and even the gods and Buddhas everywhere, Chen Nuo was awesome, but also a weird one.

"Sir, ahead is a place called Fengxian County."

Bajie drove the car, and the monkey who went out to explore the road came back within a hundred kilometers.

"Fengxian County?"

Chen Nuo thought for a while, and the story of three years of drought and no rain appeared in his mind, and he demanded that the chicken with a big fist pecked the rice mountain, the dog licked the rice mountain, and the lamp flame burned the one-foot-long golden lock, so that it could rain. .

Oh, no, the Heavenly Court is destroyed, and the Jade Emperor is GG, so there is no story.

"How's the situation there?"

"Drought, severe drought, no grain harvest, and even drinking water cannot be completely solved."

The monkey shook his head solemnly: "Sir, how about I go to make some clouds and rain?"

"No, let's go to the front and have a look, we can't talk about it if we can't."

Chen Nuo did not agree, and signaled Bajie to speed up.

Although he really didn't want to admit it, Chen Nuo still understood that the time of disaster is the best time to promote a concept, or to promote a teaching and a power.

Clouds and rain can solve the problem, but using this method will only increase the people's belief in immortal gods, entrust more future to immortal gods, and neglect to pay attention to developing their own power.

"The sky here is cloudless and there is little water vapor. You don't need to use clouds to spread rain. How do you plan to solve it?"

Xuan Ming, who was sitting next to Chen Nuo in the car, asked curiously.

Clouds and Rain is to convert spiritual energy into water vapor, and then gather and fall down, even if it is a desert, it can also rain.

But now, what Chen Nuo meant was that he didn't want to solve the drought here by means of spreading clouds and rain, but wanted to use some kind of industrial technology, which was impossible no matter how he looked at it.

"Xuan Ming, no matter whether it is a fairy Buddha or an ordinary person, you still have to rely on yourself in the end.

Not to mention that the world is about to be shattered if the spiritual energy decays, the magical powers of spiritual energy cannot solve too many problems. Even if the spiritual energy does not decay, the world will not be destroyed. Ordinary people use their own means to counteract natural disasters. That is the only right way.

The power of technology, the power of science, is far beyond your imagination. "

Chen Nuo smiled and didn't explain too much.

The weather in Fengxian County used to be good, which proves that the climate here is suitable, but it has become a victim of the Westward Journey, so it can help the people for a while.

 I'm sorry, I'm helping a friend to set up a proposal scene, I'm full of dog food, and it's too late to finish my work

(End of this chapter)

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