Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 206 1 Will Come True

Chapter 206 It Will Come True

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! It's a success, the national teacher has succeeded!"

When the heavens collapsed and the restrictions on the heavens and the earth were completely lifted.

In the Tang Dynasty, a group of Qi practitioners with great thoughts and noble pursuits trained by Tang Taizong also discovered the changes in the world and reported to Tang Taizong ecstatically.

"Success, what is it?"

Tang Taizong didn't react for a while, and after subconsciously replying, he was stunned, and stood up in surprise: "You mean the national teacher has succeeded?"

"Yes, the national teacher succeeded! There is no limit to the world, and we can use various technologies at will!"

Several Qi practitioners answered in the affirmative, with admiration for Chen Nuo in their voices.

"Go and have a look, and find a death row prisoner who burned, killed and raped. I want to see the experiment for myself."

Tang Taizong came out from behind the counter and walked quickly to the martial arts arena.

Although it has only been a year since Chen Nuo left, Datang has been preparing for today for more than ten years.

The huge country has long been ready to go, and the most powerful industrial power will erupt as soon as the restrictions on heaven and earth are lifted.

"Second brother."

In the martial arts arena, Li Xiuning, who came over early, shouted when she saw Li Shimin coming.

"Well, little sister, stay away later."

Li Shimin nodded calmly in front of his family, then looked at an old man in the crowd, stepped forward and bowed in salute: "Shimin has seen his father."

"You are committing a crime against the immortals and gods, and you are bringing Datang into hell!"

Watching a group of craftsmen quickly assemble a steam engine, Li Yuan's lips trembled as he looked at his second son and said.

"No! The people of the world will develop the Great Tang into a truly prosperous country, an eternal country that will survive forever!"

Li Shimin shook his head, not agreeing with Li Yuan's statement.

After Chen Nuo demonstrated to him the power contained in matter and taught him the application of various industrial technologies, he understood in his heart that once the restrictions of the gods and gods are opened and all living beings can use this power at will, then it will explode with incomparably terrifying power , promoting Datang to become the number one country in the ages

"Your Majesty, it's fine."

In just over ten minutes, a steam engine was assembled, and the craftsman came over and bowed to report.

Under Chen Nuo's guidance, Datang's steam engines were divided into specifications, and standard modular construction was adopted, so that the parts of steam engines of the same specification could be shared.

Not only the steam engine, but also other equipment, infrastructure, etc. have been divided into standards and rules.

After Li Shimin ascended the throne, in addition to governing the country, countless craftsmen in the Tang Dynasty were also building various parts day and night, and could assemble a large number of industrial machinery at any time, and prepared a lot of related fuel coal.

"let's start."

Li Shimin nodded, and a death row prisoner started to light the fire and pull the bellows under the pressure of the surrounding soldiers.

The steam engine started to turn, Li Shimin, Li Xiuning and some people who knew the situation looked up at the sky.

The sky was clear and there was not a single dark cloud. The dark clouds and lightning that would appear in many experiments did not appear this time.

"Second brother, we succeeded! We succeeded, and the national teacher succeeded!"

Li Xiuning next to her could hardly restrain her excitement and shouted out loud.

"I saw."

Li Shimin's eyes also flashed amazing ecstasy, but as an emperor, he still had to suppress his excitement.

"Pass my order!"

"His Majesty."

People around put down what they were doing and saluted.

"I announce! The Industry 1.0 plan has officially started, let the whole world and the whole human race see the strength of our Datang!"

Li Shimin took a deep breath, and loudly shouted the plan start command that he had prepared long ago.

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, on the National Day, the world must be amnesty, on the National Day, the world must be amnesty!"

The condemned prisoner who was pressed against the boiler to pull the bellows was shouting loudly.

Although he didn't know what the Industry 1.0 plan was, he could see from the excited expressions of the surrounding officials and attendants that this might be a great event, so he immediately seized this last opportunity and shouted loudly, wanting to take this opportunity to escape from himself. The penalty of beheading.

"Put it down and chop it up, don't wait for the Queen of Autumn."

Li Shimin frowned, indicating that he would cut it off first and don't have to wait for the queen.

Burning, killing, raping and wanting an amnesty?are you crazy.

Li Shimin's order was issued, and through radio waves, it was quickly spread throughout the Tang Dynasty to all places that had been prepared and ready to go!
Beep beep!

"His Majesty's order! The Industry 1.0 plan is officially launched, and the Chang'an Power Plant can run at full power!"

In a power plant outside Chang'an City, a radio watchman saw the radio suddenly rang, quickly recorded the translation of the message, and a hint of surprise burst out in his eyes.


"The plan started?"

When the workers who were using the low-power array steam engine to generate electricity heard this, their faces suddenly showed surprise.

After understanding the phenomenon of magnetism and electricity, and studying electricity hard for many years to become a glorious electrician, they can't help but want crazy explosive power.

"Turn on the fire and generate electricity!"

"Yes, Mr. Zhang!"

Mr. Zhang, who was only 25 years old in the power plant, shouted, and the fuel oil and pulverized coal that had been prepared long ago were transported into a large boiler nearly ten stories high.

The flame exploded in the furnace, the blower was pumping fresh air crazily, and the water temperature was rising rapidly and sent to the steam turbine wheel set in the distance, driving the huge generator to run.

In an instant, the entire power plant seemed to come alive. The transformer in the distance hummed a few times, and the stable voltage surged to Chang'an City through the transmission line.

"woo woo woo woo!"

The tweeter in the center of the city was spinning crazily, beating the air and making a long sound.

As if something was lit up, the streets, alleys, squares, and moats lit up like flowing water.


"Dad, dad, look, it's bright outside! That light is all on!"

"Mother, it's so beautiful!"

The bright light shone in, highlighting the dimness of the oil lamps in the house. It was just dark, and a group of children who hadn't rested suddenly shouted, pointed out, and cheered for their parents to go out and check.

"It's really bright. How did so many electric lights turn on? I didn't see that steam engine."

A group of adults walked out of the street and looked at the bright lights on both sides of the street in amazement.

Master Chen's name has been around for hundreds of years. They have all seen electric lights, but they have never seen such a street, an alley, or a whole city lit up with lights.

What's more, they didn't see the rumbling steam engine. Originally, there was always a rumbling steam engine near the electric light, but they couldn't see it today either.

In the power plant, Mr. Zhang carefully checked the power generation process and the operation of the workers in each position. After he had memorized the relevant precautions and was vigilant, he came to the dispatching room.

If power generation is production, then scheduling is distribution to ensure the stability of current transmission and the balance of the power grid.

"How much power does Chang'an City lighting occupy?"

In the dispatching room, a group of electricians were busy, but Chief Engineer Zhang didn't interfere, and waited for a while before asking.

"Mr. Zhang, less than 2%."

A worker looked at the meter and replied.

In the absence of air conditioners and various high-power electrical appliances, the lighting in Chang'an City only occupies a very small part of the power plant's power.

Most of the electric energy is poured into a closed factory building a few kilometers away from Chang'an City, a steelmaking plant.

This is an electric furnace steelworks.

Before leaving, Chen Nuo taught the relevant theories and models of electric furnace steelmaking in detail, and even built one himself for experiments using array simulation at that time.

In the electric furnace, the arc temperature over 4000 degrees Celsius can melt the iron ore very well, and the subsequent redox, descaling, desulfurization, etc. have achieved an amazing efficiency.

"How is the situation, can the craftsmen use the steelmaking furnace left by the national teacher?"

As night fell, Li Shimin did not rest in the bedroom, but came to this steel factory to check the situation.

If the driving force of modern civilization is the burning of boilers, then the foundation of modern civilization is built on steelmaking.

The former means that except for the small amount of hydropower generation, the rest of thermal power and nuclear power use steam from boilers to drive steam turbines to drive generators to rotate to generate electricity.

The latter is the foundation of all industries, whether it is infrastructure, construction, transportation, or aircraft and ships, it requires steel.

Before the outbreak of the Internet information age, the main world once regarded the annual steel output as one of the important indicators for evaluating the industrial strength of a country.

With enough steel, Datang can realize the real industrial age, and with enough steel, Datang can really take off.

"Your Majesty, there is absolutely no problem. Before the actual production, the workers are doing simulation exercises almost every day. Everyone has been preparing for this day for a long, long time."

The chief engineer of the steel factory is still a young man in his early 20s. They are all a group of talents trained by learning the teaching materials provided by Chen Nuo after Li Shimin ascended the throne.

If it is said that Chen Nuo drew a circle and a cake, and then used his own knowledge to demonstrate the deliciousness of the cake.

Then Li Shimin, this group of young people, and even the entire Tang Dynasty are within Chen Nuo's circle. They are all attracted by the delicacy of cakes, and they are working hard for it, fighting for it, and realizing it.

"Your Majesty, we are ready to start. It will take several hours for the fastest batch of steel to come off the assembly line. Would you like to rest first, Your Majesty?"

Everything was ready, and all personnel were in place according to the strict training day after day. The chief steel engineer walked to Li Shimin and asked if he wanted to take a rest.

"No, don't worry about me if you're busy, I'll just watch here."

Li Shimin waved his hand amiably, and watched from a distance with his attendants. He didn't say anything to interfere with the workers' behavior, nor did he ask curiously why they did this or that.

This is the starting point of Datang Industry. He can rest assured only when he sees that everything is going well and the first furnace of steel comes out.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The chief engineer was relieved to see that Li Shimin didn't ask or interfere.

The national teacher once said that the most afraid of encountering the interference of leaders who do not understand the work of professionals, fortunately, His Majesty is still wise.

The Chief Iron and Steel Engineer flashed through his mind before the national teacher left, and there were various other possible unexpected situations and countermeasures. After confirming that there was no problem, he calmly ordered!

"Start! Power on!"

The surging current from the power plant rushed to the steelmaking furnace, and for a moment, the electric furnace shone with azure blue light.

The arc was flickering, the iron ore in the arc area was melting rapidly, and the blue arc light began to mix with black and red light.

This is the light emitted by the molten iron ore. The strong infrared radiation brings heat, and the temperature in the factory building seems to rise a few degrees out of thin air.

good, no fryer
Seeing this scene, the Chief Iron and Steel Worker lowered his heart, looked at the instrument next to him, and ordered calmly: "Increase the current of No. 1 furnace by 20%, turn on the power of No. 2 furnace, and turn on the power of No. 3 furnace!"

Zizizizi, the blue light is more intense, besides the first electric stove that shines, the second electric stove and the third electric stove also shine blue light.

The surging electric energy generated from the coal mine burning to drive the steam unit, and finally cutting the magnetic induction line is continuously melting the iron ore, producing the cornerstone of the industry.

Melting, oxidation, reduction, converter descaling, desulfurization, the workers who have been waiting for this day for nearly ten years fully demonstrated the knowledge they have learned in these years and the skills of simulation exercises, and the entire steelmaking process is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Although in terms of energy efficiency, burning coal to generate electricity and then using electricity to make steel, part of the energy is lost in the process.

However, in terms of steelmaking production efficiency and environmental pollution, electric furnace steelmaking is much better than traditional furnace steelmaking.

"Give way, everyone! The first furnace of steel is about to be released."

Outside, the east side is already brightly lit, but the atmosphere inside the factory is still in full swing.

The workers were shouting, and the motor drove the hydraulic arm to slowly pour the red and clear subway water onto the heat-resistant mold that had been prepared.

Green smoke rises, molten iron billows, flows continuously on the mold, and the surface begins to cool and solidify.

"How much! How much!"

The chief steel engineer was shouting, wanting to get the final accurate data to determine how much of Datang Industry's first batch of steel was produced.

The electronic configuration is not yet in place, and everything here is controlled by mechanization. Although the molten steel in the furnace can be roughly estimated, the actual data still needs to be determined after the steelmaking is completed.

"Furnace No. 1, 174.8 tons!"

"Furnace No. 2, 168.3 tons!"

"Furnace No. 3, 176.9 tons!"

After waiting for a while, three voices rang out one after another, and everyone could clearly hear the suppressed excitement in the voices!
It worked!
Half a day, 520 tons of steel!The annual output of this steel plant can reach more than 30 tons, which was unimaginable before.

As the restrictions on the world are opened, other power plants, steel plants, and corresponding supporting facilities have been put into construction one after another. It is not a dream to have an annual output of one million tons, ten million tons, or even one hundred million tons.

Solving the heavy industry steelmaking, the follow-up light industry will have a foundation to improve people's livelihood, and people's lives will be better, then there will be more craftsmen and technical researchers, so that a virtuous circle can be formed.

Li Shimin, who had been waiting all night, looked at the factory building in full swing, and couldn't help thinking of a group of troops with steel weapons and crossbows conquering the world.

Oh no, it should be said that a group of soldiers drove tanks and planes, and the railway was roaring, sweeping across the industrial Tang Dynasty of the entire human race!
The world described by the national teacher will definitely be realized, and it will definitely be realized in my lifetime!
The human race is invincible!

(End of this chapter)

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