Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 207 The people of the world welcome Zhang Chao, the national teacher!

Chapter 207 The people of the world welcome the national teacher back to the court!

"Old man, you seal up this well, so that the water in it will not dry up so quickly, and water will infiltrate and be stored in the well every day."

In Fengxian County, Chen Nuo and others helped to dig a well. The water output was not large, but it was enough to meet the living needs of more than a dozen families in the surrounding area.

In order to reduce the dryness caused by water evaporation and prevent the well water from being polluted, Chen Nuo is teaching the people here how to build a pressure well.

"Master Tang, how do we get water if the well is sealed?"

The surrounding farmers saw Chen Nuo put a big bamboo tube in the well, and then sealed the well mouth with stone slabs and layers of mud, and asked curiously.

Although there is a bamboo tube, the water inside cannot flow out.

"Use pressure!"

Chen Nuo wrapped the bamboo tube several times with wire and tied it tightly to prevent the bamboo tube from cracking. He took out a small bamboo doll and stuffed it into the big bamboo tube, and then took a one-way piston made of cork and animal skin and stuffed it into the bamboo tube. With a big rock next to it as a simple lever handle, a crude pressure well is ready.

A pressure well is a very common well in rural areas. The principle of pumping water uses atmospheric pressure.

There is a one-way piston above the pressure well, and there is also a one-way valve at the bottom of the well below. When the lever is pressed to lift the piston up, the air in the large bamboo tube in the well is drawn up.

When the piston goes down, the one-way valve at the bottom of the well is closed, and the air leaks from the piston.

In such a cycle, the big bamboo tube is gradually vacuumed, and the water at the bottom of the well is pumped up under the action of atmospheric pressure.

After checking the tightness, Chen Nuo poured some water on it to act as a seal, and then quickly pressed the handle up and down.

Crunch, crunch!
The environment was dry and the well was drilled relatively deep. It took Chen Nuo more than a minute to pump the water from the bottom of the well at the speed of an ordinary person.


The sound of the piston changed from a hoarse hoot to a thud, and water gushed out from the side of the big bamboo tube.


In an instant, the eyes of the people around them widened, watching this scene in disbelief.

It took only two days from Chen Nuo's explanation that Jinglong King didn't care about anything, to digging the well.

In their experience, wells must be drilled very deep in a dry area around them, and fetching water is a hard work that will kill people.

Unexpectedly, Chen Nuo's well was drilled very deep, but it was not big, and the well had to be sealed.

"Come and try your strength."

Chen Nuo played for a while to get out of the way, and signaled the surrounding farmers to come forward and test the situation.

"Master, let me try!"

A middle-aged man who helped dig a well just now came over, rolled up his sleeves to reveal his tanned arms, and held the handle to fetch water like Chen Nuo.

"Hold your hands a little behind, don't hold them too far forward."

Chen Nuo yelled, indicating to shake hands, which would save effort.


The middle-aged man took a deep breath, held his hands behind his back and began to press down with strength.

He immediately felt something was wrong with this pressure, it was very light, let alone him, a child of six or seven years old could press it.

Goo, goo, goo!

A large amount of clear water poured out from the gap in the big bamboo tube, the eyes of the people around were brightened, and their expressions were almost uncontrollable excited.

"Goofy, come here and try!"

After experimenting for a while, the middle-aged farmer called his son, an eight-year-old child.

"Father, what should I do?"

Children in rural areas have a hard life, and they are sensible early on.

Goudan came over and looked at the water on the ground, licked his dry lips, and asked what to do.

"Hold here, hold it back a bit according to the teacher's instructions, this handle will bounce, be careful not to hit your chin."

The middle-aged farmer taught his son how to press the water. Goudan was very clever and quickly understood what to do. He held the handle and pressed down.


A stream of well water gushed out, reflecting the child's dazed and curious eyes.

"How about it, will it be heavy?"

"very light!"

Goudan looked at the simple pressurized well curiously, and said pleasantly, "Father, from now on I can fetch water when I get up in the morning, so you don't have to travel a few miles to fetch water."

"Good boy, let's go play first."

The middle-aged farmer patted Goudan's head and signaled to go play first. At this time, there were already cheering people running home and carrying buckets to fill the water.

"National teacher, we can drill a few more wells to meet our daily needs. I would like to ask the national teacher how to solve the water shortage of crops in the field?"

"You still have mountain spring water here, which can be used for irrigation."

Chen Nuo pointed to a canyon behind Fengxian County. The surface was dry, but there was water in the canyon.

"National teacher, there is water in the mountain spring, but that is not enough."

Princess Fengxian Shangguan not far away shouted anxiously.

If the problem of drinking water is solved, if irrigation does not solve the problem of grain failure, everyone will still starve to death.

Chen Nuo didn't explain, took a bamboo cup next to it, filled a cup of water and poured it on the stone slab not far away, the water was splashed, and the weather was hot, but the stone slab dried up within 2 minutes.

"Where did the water go?"

Chen Nuo asked.

"This is well water, which was taken away by King Jinglong."

"Infiltrated into the ground!"

"How did the slate penetrate, it flew into the sky!"

The people around were talking.

"Then look at this cup."

Chen Nuo filled another glass of water and poured it on the groove of the stone slab. After waiting for 5 minutes, there was still more than half of the water.

"It's all the same cup of water, why didn't the water dry up so quickly this time?"


The people around were stunned. The two times of water splashing and drying up that Chen Nuo demonstrated are very common in life, but no one has ever thought about why, what is the essence and mystery behind the research.

"Area? National teacher, is it the area!"

A young man who was only [-] years old but with tanned skin shouted: "Master, the first time you splashed water, it was very hot, and the water dried up quickly. The second time you poured water, the water was poured in one place. The water dries slower.

In addition, there should be the sun. Water in summer dries faster than water in winter, and water under the sun dries faster than under the shade of trees. "

Smart, full marks for observation!
Chen Nuo nodded and said with a smile: "You are right. The disappearance of water is related to the area and the sun. If you find a way to reduce the watering area, the same amount of water will naturally irrigate more crops."

Reduce the watering area and water more crops. Guoshi, there seems to be a problem with your logic.

The people around Fengxian County were all stunned, wanting to speak but dare not.

"Chen Nuo, are you dizzy?"

Behind Chen Nuo, Houzi and the others didn't react, but they didn't dare to say anything, but Xuanming looked at him strangely.

Reducing the watering area should not mean watering less crops, but how could it turn into watering more.

Chen Nuo shook his head and explained: "Are there gaps between your crops?
Think of a way to pour water only to the roots of the crops, and not to water other places. Isn't this the same amount of water that can irrigate more food.

Moreover, the weeds in the field will not grow because there is no water, and the food output will be higher in the end. "

Only water the roots of the crops, and not water other places?
The people in Fengxian County suddenly realized, and then shook their heads with a wry smile: "Master, it's not that we don't want to water like this, but it's just that we can't support the watering of crops like this every day."

"That's right, there are tens of thousands of crops in the field, so we can't keep busy from morning till night to water one by one."

The surrounding farmers talked a lot. They all understood the principle of only watering the roots, but no one could withstand the amount of labor.

"You don't need to carry water to water the plants one by one."

Chen Nuo took two long thin bamboos, and randomly cut a hole with his fingers at a distance of tens of centimeters, then tilted the bamboos, picked up a glass of water and poured them lightly.

The surface tension of the liquid allows the water to flow down the bamboo. When it encounters the cut opening, the surface tension is broken and the water drips down.

If the mouth is not opened, most of the water continues to flow forward, and then drips down again when it encounters the next opening.

After passing through two openings, the water continued to flow forward, dripping down every time it encountered an opening, and finally there was almost no water flow at the end of the bamboo.

"Go and chop these thin bamboos, cut a small opening on it, and extend it from the ridge into the field. Each opening corresponds to the position of a crop."

Chen Nuo made gestures with his hands. He reached out and took a piece of bamboo that was as thick as a wrist.

"Put such a thick bamboo across the field ridge, dig through the bamboo, insert these thin bamboos on the bamboo tube, and then build a pool on the field ridge.

In this way, you only need to pick a few loads of water and pour it into the pool every day, and the water will flow from the pool into the thick bamboo pipes and then drip to the roots of the crops through these thin bamboos.

Or instead of carrying water, use bamboo pipes to directly introduce water into the pool and bamboo pipes on the ridge of the field, which means watering experts day and night. "

Chen Nuo demonstrated a simple drip irrigation system in a few words, and the eyes of the farmers in the surrounding Fengxian County went from bewildered to bright, and finally burst into astonishing ecstasy.

Such an irrigation system only requires one labor, and then we only need to weed the crops regularly, and there is no need for tiring watering and irrigation.

A few experienced farmers thought about it quickly in their minds and realized that this kind of irrigation could only irrigate one mu of land before, but now it can irrigate more than two mu of land.

In addition, as Chen Nuo said, it is difficult for weeds in the field to grow without water in this way of watering, and the grain yield will definitely be high in the end.

Even some farmers with more flexible minds have thought that through such irrigation, they can flush out urine, plant ash, etc., and then fertilize crops more accurately.

"National teacher!"

"Thank you, Master!"

The people around thanked them one after another, and a few impatient people rushed home after thanking them, and went up the mountain with a knife to chop bamboo.

There are quite a lot of fine bamboos, but who knows if they will be enough to use? Although there is not enough bamboo, other vines, branches, etc. can be used instead, but since the national teacher said to use bamboo, it must be that the effect of bamboo is better.

"Thanks to the national teacher, you have saved the people of our entire Fengxian County!"

The surrounding farmers and people went to work, and Princess Shangguan of Fengxian County stepped forward to thank him deeply.

"Princess Shangguan, you are being polite. In fact, this knowledge is hidden in daily life, hidden in the nature of the world. As long as we study it carefully, we will naturally discover the mysteries in it."

"Shangguan understands that this is like the steam locomotive of your national teacher. Ask the national teacher, we want to learn related skills, where can we learn from a teacher."

Princess Shangguan thanked her again, and then asked about Chen Nuo's learning.

He understands the truth of giving a man a fish and giving a man a fish. He knows that Chen Nuo can't stay for a long time, so if he knows where to go to learn such a skill, there will be no risk of disaster in Fengxian County for a hundred years from now.

"I will stay here for a while, during this time I will teach you all kinds of skills as much as possible, and I will still be here in the future"


Chen Nuo hadn't finished speaking when he suddenly sensed a tremor in the sky and the earth. In the east, golden light was shining, and a soothing breath was impacting and radiating.

Chen Nuo, Hou Zi, Jiang Liu'er, Little Fox, and even the Princess Shangguan of Fengxian County all felt a sense of comfort, but only Xuan Ming and Ba Jie felt a sense of depression.

"This is."

Xuanming's eyes widened. This kind of aura has never been experienced in the Earth Immortal Realm since ancient times.

"The spirit of the emperor!"

Bajie swallowed his saliva, and in his heart he was crazily cursing Haotian, who was already dead and couldn't die anymore.

The aura of the emperor reappeared to suppress the luck of the human race. Originally, he was a fairy god of human origin, but he was coerced and lured into a pig demon.

The original promise to send a wife was cancelled, and now even if the human race rises again, he can't enjoy the benefits because of becoming a demon body.

In a word, it is a blood loss, it is simply a loss to the wife and a loss of the army.

"The human race will be united again."

After Xuan Ming was shocked, a trace of complexity flashed in his eyes.

The monster race is about to be extinct, and the witch race is completely in disarray. Only the human race has been ups and downs for so many years and still stands in the center of the world.

"I see."

Chen Nuo looked at the golden light in the east, felt the changes in the world, and understood in his heart how the scattered human races could achieve unity in a world that was so huge that it was almost impossible to describe it in words.

It is the spirit of the emperor.

When the Qi of Human Sovereign gathers, it not only suppresses the luck of the human race, weakens or even suppresses the strength of the powerful in the human race's territory, but also has another function, which is to change the space environment.

The battles of the army, the trips of the emperor, and even the roads of the human race are like the journey to the west that was branded and shrunk down to an inch.

It is this effect that allows the human army of ordinary people to cross thousands of rivers and mountains, across the huge world, and realize the unification of the human race in just over ten years.

Of course, it is impossible for every road that the human race has come out to be like this. Except for the travel of the army and the travel of the emperor, other official roads that have to be opened up by various countries and governments can have such an effect of shrinking the land to an inch.

"Princess Shangguan, the unification war of the human race has begun. It won't take long for you to go to the Tang Dynasty to learn from teachers and master the industrial technology exclusive to the human race."

Chen Nuo turned her head and looked at the completely confused Shangguan Princess.

Originally, he planned to spread the way of science and education in Tianzhu, so that Princess Shangguan could go to Tianzhu to study nearby, because ordinary people without supernatural powers and extraordinary strength, when the Tang Dynasty came here, it was a distance that could never be crossed.

But not anymore.

Datang's aura of human emperor has gathered, and the luck of the human race has gathered again. Chen Nuo, who understands Datang's industrial strength, understands that this unification war will not take long to end.

People in Fengxian County wait for a while, then they can go to the Tang Dynasty to learn art through the official road.

Before the Princess Shangguan of Fengxian County could react, there was no wind around him, golden light from all directions gathered on Chen Nuo, and an inexplicable aura emanated from him, and the whole person turned into a lighthouse shining with signals.

The emperor's aura enveloping the world in the east seemed to sense something, a condensed golden light flickered, and the message came to Chen Nuo.

The golden light exploded and turned into a line of words.

"The people of the world welcome the national teacher back to the court! Congratulations to my human race!"

 There is still the last day of July, and the progress requirements of the project at the beginning of the month are not so busy, Mantis will keep up with the update (﹏)
(End of this chapter)

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