Chapter 208
In Chang'an, Li Shimin has obviously become much younger with the gathering of the emperor's aura.

"Your Majesty, the national teacher has been found, and the national teacher is rushing back."

Yuan Tiangang is reporting Chen Nuo's news to Li Shimin, who is reviewing the memorial.

"how much longer?"

Li Shimin put down the memorial in his hand and asked about the situation.

"Probably another hour and a half."

Yuan Tiangang pinched his fingers and calculated, and gave a relatively accurate time.

"an hour and a half"

Li Shimin nodded, put down the memorial in his hand, stepped off the desk and walked outside.

"Prepare the car, I'm going to the west city gate, let all the officials make preparations, I want to welcome the national teacher back in person."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

A few quarters of an hour later, a convoy of 9 steam cars with the flag of the Tang royal family on the front drove out of the city.

Li Shimin sat in a steam car in the center, blowing the air conditioner, watching everything that was prospering outside.

"Electric fan, sell electric fan! 130 ren for an electric fan, let you get rid of the summer heat and enjoy a cool and beautiful summer!"

"Electric fan, buy an electric fan! 130 Wen a piece."

Suddenly, a newly opened shop attracted Li Shimin's attention, and the electric fans sold by the shop caught his eye.

"Stop the car, let's go down and have a look."

The convoy stopped, and simple radio waves had already been used. This is one of the reasons why Datang has been able to coordinate with each other over the years, and the army is like a finger.

"His Majesty!"

"His Majesty!"

Seeing the motorcade stop, Li Shimin got out of the car with two attendants, and the surrounding people and shopkeepers hurriedly put down what they were doing and bowed to salute. From the reverence and excitement on their expressions, it could be seen that this salute came from the heart.

"You don't need to salute, you don't need to salute."

Li Shimin stepped forward and looked at a fan that was turning and blowing wind at the door of the store, and stretched out his hand to turn a Fengshan that was not connected to electricity.

The fan blades are bent from sheet metal, and the edges are passivated without cutting hands.

"How was this electric fan invented?"

Li Shimin asked curiously.

When Chen Nuo left, the restrictions on the world had not yet been lifted. Although electricity appeared through a small number of formation steam engines and generators, because the formation steam engines could not be widely promoted, steam engines are generally used to drive production tools, and many light industrial products for the convenience of the people. Not manufactured, of which the electric fan is one of them.

Of course, Chen Nuo's game is relatively high-end, and he just passed the fan session and played with the air conditioner.

Although the air conditioner also has a fan, which is a more advanced silent fan, don't expect a group of people who still respect ghosts and gods and regard the steam engine as the power of gods and gods to dare to disassemble and study it.

"Your Majesty, I came up with this myself. I saw something called an electric motor in the technical manual sold by the government. The rotor of the electric motor can rotate when connected to the electric motor.

Now that the weather is hot, I just thought of this kind of fan blade structure, which can blow out wind when driven by an electric motor.

I bought a batch of motors, asked a craftsman to customize these fan blades and bases, and finally assembled this fan. "

People in this era have almost no awareness of patents. Faced with Li Shimin's inquiry, the shopkeeper who invented the electric fan simply explained his invention skills.

Li Shimin nodded, and the eyes of some people in the surrounding crowd couldn't help but brighten up.

"Electricity can hurt people, how do you prevent electric fans from hurting people?"

Li Shimin raised a question. For him, the interests of electric fans are not important, the important thing is not to hurt people and cause safety incidents.

"Electricity will spread through metal and wet wood. I wrapped a layer of dry wood around the motor and wiring, and wrapped several layers of oiled paper on the outside of the wood to prevent electricity from reaching people."

The shopkeeper took an electric fan and pointed to the gap exposed by the lack of processing precision. In the gap, dry wood and oiled paper can be vaguely seen.

"Very good, install this fan in an Internet cafe, so that children will not be hurt if they accidentally touch it."

Li Shimin nodded approvingly, pointing to the exposed fan blades without a trace of protection, indicating to add a net.

Although the fan blade is passivated, it may still be cut at high speed.

"Your Majesty is wise!"

The shopkeeper was stunned for a moment, and then he also realized that he thanked him gratefully.

If there is an incident of hurting people in the sold things, even if it is afraid that the family will go bankrupt, it will not be enough to compensate.

"In addition, you report this electric fan invention to the Datang Technology Management Office. In the next two years, if someone else produces an electric fan, unless the technology is completely different, they will pay you a certain amount of money as an invention reward."

Li Shimin remembered that Chen Nuo once said that in order to protect the rights of inventors and to protect the patent protection of the people's enthusiasm for invention and research to the greatest extent, he gave this store an opinion.

As an emperor, observing the emotions and psychology of others is a basic skill. Just now when the store saw the specific manufacturing and invention process of the electric fan, the changes in the eyes of the people around him did not hide it from him.

"It depends on my memory, thank you Your Majesty, thank you Your Majesty for reminding me!"

The shopkeeper suddenly slapped himself with gratitude.

Fortunately, Li Shimin reminded, otherwise a big business, an opportunity to make him rich and prosperous, would have disappeared because of his negligence.

"This is what you deserve."

Li Shimin nodded, turned his head to look at the people around him, and shouted loudly: "Datang is always developing and improving, and technology and craftsmanship are changing with each passing day. In this era of Datang's industrial explosion, everyone can give full play to their ingenuity. , To explore and research more technologies and invent more products.

Your technologies and inventions can all be reported to Datang's Technology Management Office.

As long as you are the first inventors, Datang guarantees your rights and interests, and anyone who uses your technology needs to pay you a fee. Datang will never let the efforts of the inventors go to waste ! "


"Long live Your Majesty!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The people and businesses around were stunned for a moment, and then shouted repeatedly.

After doing business and making inventions, everyone understands that it is one of their own ideas, one of their own inventions, and it took several years to perfect it. Before making any money, the streets and alleys are already frantically imitating and imitating the despair of copycats.

Datang's decision is undoubtedly the best news for businessmen like them.

"You're welcome, this is what you deserve, and this is the reward you deserve for your efforts."

Li Shimin waved his hand, took a few guards and did not get in the car, but walked along the street to watch the development of the people.

The sky and the earth are no longer restricted. When the appropriate stage is used, the people will always burst out with amazing ingenuity.

Electric fans, iron cast woks, sharper iron plows, iron hoes, even simple bicycles, human tricycles, new looms, etc. can improve people's livelihood and improve people's livelihood. Food, clothing, housing, transportation, and products that improve production conditions have begun to appear on the market.

Every time he came to a novel invention that had never been seen before, Li Shimin would stop and inquire. If he didn’t understand, he would ask, and if he understood, he would help to propose improvements. At this time, Datang had unprecedented vitality. .

"Your Majesty, the national teacher is coming back soon."

Li Shimin was walking slowly, and Yuan Tiangang, who had been paying attention to the time, walked to his side and reminded him softly.

"I see, playing music, I want to go out of the city to welcome the national teacher back!"

Li Shimin's expression was serious, and he ordered his left and right attendants to follow him.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The attendant gestured.

The tweeter standing in the center of Chang'an City gave out a different long sound, and a guard of honor holding flags appeared and stretched out along both sides of the West City Gate.

The sudden sound of the whistle and the guard of honor made the people of Chang'an City stunned.

This kind of whistle rhythm seems to be played happily in the Chang'an City Management Regulations. Could it be that the Empress has given birth again?
No, there was not such a big battle when the empress was born last time. Could it be that this time it was two at once?
"Xicheng! Everyone go to Xicheng! The national teacher is back, the national teacher is coming back!"

It didn't take long for everyone to wonder, a group of people who ran over from West City were preaching and explaining the situation.

The national teacher is back.

That mysterious anomaly is said to be Master Chen who lived for hundreds of years, the national teacher who instructed Datang to become the first country of the human race, and guided Datang to embark on the industrial road has returned.

The crowd roared, and the people gathered in the west city, wanting to catch a glimpse of the national teacher who guided the Great Tang to take off.

It's been too long, and everyone's memory is a little fuzzy, but the family heirloom kept by some families in Chang'an is the array steam engine that they once bought from Master Chen.

The welcoming etiquette team has stretched for several miles. Li Shimin and all the civil and military officials stood in front of the crowd, looking at the shining golden light in the sky.

"Your Majesty, there is less than half an hour left."

Yuan Tiangang murmured softly, the golden light in the sky was getting stronger and stronger, and it seemed that it was about to appear in front of his eyes.

There is no wind around, and the space seems to have ripples. The roar of the steam engine appears, and a steam car roars from the distant official road.


Li Shimin shouted, and the surrounding civil and military officials and soldiers of the guard of honor fell silent for a moment.

"Sir, shall we go there?"

In the car, the driver Bajie saw Li Shimin and other people from a distance. After recovering most of his strength, he sensed the emperor's aura in Li Shimin, and asked Chen Nuo with a frightened expression.

Damn, why did this Human Emperor escape from the Imperial City if he didn't sit in the Imperial City?

"Drive over."

Chen Nuo was a little surprised, and calmly signaled Bajie to drive over.

This is to meet him.

Chen Nuo didn't expect that Li Shimin, who had become the current number one emperor of the human race, would not forget his original aspirations, and greet him a few miles away from the city.


The car stopped in front of the crowd, and Chen Nuo got out of the car with the little fox, and the monkey and Jiang Liuer who were sleeping on the roof and disguised as humans also got out of the car.

Li Shimin stood in front of the crowd, looked at Chen Nuo who came forward, led the soldiers of the guard of honor and all the civil and military officials of the Tang Dynasty, and suddenly bowed to salute.

"Shimin, welcome the return of the national teacher!"

"Da Tang, welcome the return of the national teacher!"

The sound was loud and resounded for miles.

 Thanks to the typhoon, I got off work early. I am trying to code, and there will be another chapter in the early morning. Brothers who go to bed early will read it tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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