Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 209 Industrial Development of Datang

Chapter 209 Industrial Development of Datang (seeking monthly ticket)
Inside the car, Bajie's eyes twinkled with envy. Being able to be bowed by a human emperor like this was only given to Nuwa in ancient times. After the Shang Dynasty collapsed, the Zhou Dynasty split, and the human race entered the era of hundreds of families , no one can bear the bow and salute of the emperor of the human race.

Of course, the only one who can be called the emperor after the hundred families is Lao Qin, who once again unified the human race, and Handu is still a little bit behind.

According to that Qin Chao's personality, it's not bad if he doesn't kill you, but he still wants to salute?
Xuan Ming, who was sitting in the back of the car, looked at Li Shiren who was saluting to Chen Nuo and did not speak.

It is different from Bajie who was a human race in his previous life and has a certain relationship with him, he is different from the monkey who is almost a disciple of Chen Nuo and has lived in the human race for hundreds of years and almost integrated into the human race, and he is even more incomparable with the little fox who has always been by Chen Nuo's side .

After she entered Chang'an, the pure ancestor witch of the witch clan who cut her self-cultivation, her cultivation was almost completely suppressed, most of her spiritual power was suppressed, and she could hardly exert half of her strength.

"The human race is indeed the protagonist of the destiny. Even if Hongjun guided Nuwa to create this race, I'm afraid I didn't expect it to happen today."

"It's so scary."

Xuan Ming sighed, the only word in his mind to describe it was what he heard from Chen Nuo.

It is different from the monster clan who will almost lose their wisdom when their aura decays, and will never give birth to new spiritual intelligence. It is also different from the witch clan whose physical functions begin to decline and even lose their wisdom as their aura energy decays.

Although the human race is inherently weak in body, its thinking is inherently self-contained, and the brain organs can support the existence of thinking wisdom even if the world decays.

In this battle of the three clans, the Lich has already lost from the very beginning.

"Your Majesty doesn't need to be like this!"

Chen Nuo shook his head and reached out to help Li Shimin up.

Although it's cool for an emperor to bow and salute himself, am I, Chen, a vain person?

"This is what it should be. Without the national teacher, there would be no Shimin today, let alone the Tang Dynasty."

Li Shimin stood up, glanced at the monkey, and said sincerely: "Guo Shi let your friend get off the car, Shimin takes Guo Shi to take a good look at the Tang Dynasty today, and see how the seeds you planted before grow up. , Shimin should have lived up to the great trust of the national teacher!"

With the aura of the emperor gathered, although Li Shimin would still suffer from old age, sickness and death, he also possessed some extraordinary abilities.

He saw through the monkey's real body, and also sensed the real bodies of Ba Jie and Xuan Ming who hadn't got out of the car.

But he didn't say anything about it, as long as they abide by the laws of the Tang Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty welcomes all races, no matter if they are demons or witches, let alone Xuan Ming and the others are Chen Nuo's friends.

"it is good."

Chen Nuo nodded, and waved to Bajie Xuanming to get off the car.

"Master, please get in the car."

Li Shimin took Chen Nuo and a group of people to the convoy, and the car started rumblingly, driving towards the basic industries around Chang'an City.

Ten minutes later, the convoy arrived at the power plant first, which is currently the core driving force of Datang Industry.

"National Teacher, this is the power plant you built when you left. The electricity generated here not only supplies the people's livelihood in Chang'an City, but also supplies the operation of other production bases.

According to the established standard unit, the power generation here has reached 3000MW, consisting of four large generator sets. "

A group of people and several electrical engineers walked into the power plant, and Li Shimin personally introduced the information of the power plant to Chen Nuo.

As an emperor who manages everything every day, he can still remember these parameter information, which is enough to see that Li Shimin really put his heart into it.

"not bad."

Chen Nuo nodded.

The moment you walk into the power plant, the pores of your body seem to be touched a little, and the magnetic field induction can sense the magnetic field fluctuations caused by the strong electric field here.

The monkey Jiang Liuer who was next to him didn't respond, but Xuanming and Bajie's eyes widened.

Tribulation thunder?

Oh no, this is not thunderstorm, the will of heaven and earth is missing.

Although he was suppressed by the emperor's spirit and the will of humanity, he could still sense some situations.

"Hey, hey! You can't touch this!"

Unable to help being curious, Xuan Ming stretched out his hand to touch a thick power line with a fence and a warning sign, which made the electrical engineer who was following him wide-eyed and shouted hastily.

The electric sparks flashed, and the clothes on Xuanming's body instantly caught fire, and the surrounding air was even ionized.

The turbulent electric energy landed along her "pedestrian conductor", and the momentary strong step voltage caused Chen Nuo to feel it in the distance, so he had to use magnetic field control to eliminate the electric energy flowing from Xuanming's body to the surface to avoid hurting people.

Really disobedient.

Reaching out to grab Xuan Ming, Chen Nuo pulled her over.

The electronic control is not yet in place, the industry has just started, and here is all mechanized control. If Xuanming didn't pull Xuanming, she would be sucked in there until she exploded.

"Master, is she alright?"

The corner of Li Shimin's mouth twitched as he looked at the blackened Xuan Ming.

In order to better understand the damage caused by electric shock, he conducted an experiment with pigs. A pig weighing hundreds of catties touched the wires of the power plant and died almost instantly and turned into a roasted pig.

Xuan Ming touched the wire like this, in his eyes, he really didn't know how to describe it. Could it be that the witch clan is all brainless?
"It's okay, she won't die if you shock her."

Snapping his fingers to adjust the material structure through material decay, Chen Nuo made a suit of clothes to cover Xuan Ming who confiscated the damage but was embarrassed to say anything.

The strength of the Wu clan lies in their bodies. Although they were suppressed when they entered Chang'an, the foundation of their bodies was there, so Dian Dian would only be healthier.

Chen Nuo glanced at Xuanming, who was a fair-skinned beauty, and shook his head, "Stop touching things, it doesn't matter if you die, don't affect Datang's industrial production."


Xuan Ming didn't speak, but silently followed behind the crowd, shut himself up without speaking.

"Guoshi, Datang plans to build 5 more large power plants like this in the next five years. The electricity produced will make Datang's industrialization process go a step further."

"What about other production bases?"

Chen Nuo asked about the situation of other factories. If there is electricity, it will not work if other equipment can't keep up.

"The iron and steel plant is not far from here, and everything is in good condition. The annual output can reach more than 30 tons."

Li Shimin took Chen Nuo and others to the steel factory.

Except for maintenance, the steelmaking furnace here hardly stops at all times, and a steady stream of steel is produced from here, which has become the cornerstone of Datang's industry.

Looking at the azure blue arc light that makes one's scalp tingle, watching a large amount of iron ore melting rapidly, and watching more than 100 tons of molten steel pouring out, not only Xuanming and Bajie were stunned, but Monkey and Jiang Liu'er looked at this scene in disbelief.

How could the power of ordinary people reach such a level?
"Except for part of the steel produced here for people's livelihood, most of it is used to produce heavy industrial machinery, steam cars, and steam ships. In addition, Datang's first railway is already being laid."

Li Shimin didn't need to look at the information, he could read the whereabouts of the steel by heart.

"How is the engine development going?"

Chen Nuo asked one of the key questions.

The development of industry needs power, without an engine to provide driving force, the so-called industry is just a pile of iron.

"The main thing is the steam engine. The chemical refining you mentioned, the national teacher, and the fuel engine are still being explored and researched. The results will be available in about two years."

"Yes, yes, industry is speeding up, and the unification of the human race cannot be left behind.

Unify the human race as soon as possible, then the human race and Datang will have new tribulations to conquer. "

After squatting down and knocking on the steel a few times, electromagnetically sensing the internal metal crystallization, and confirming that the steelmaking technology has passed, Chen Nuo stood up and signaled that Li Shimin's industrialization process should not be left behind, and the process of unifying the human race also needs to be accelerated.

"The people of this world know."

Li Shimin nodded, and the next moment he reached out and waved to the guards. After the surrounding guards and steel engineers left, Li Shimin's face showed a trace of solemnity.

"National teacher, is there an accident in the world, and the immeasurable calamity that the gods said is coming?
Datang launched the industrial plan, and the people of the world gathered the aura of the emperor, and there was always a feeling in their hearts that disaster was coming, and the world was about to be destroyed. "

 Please ask for a guaranteed monthly pass. It’s the beginning of the month, Mantis is not so busy at work and will write seriously (ˊoo`)
(End of this chapter)

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