Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 210 Daozu He Left You a Way Out

Chapter 210 Daozu He Left You A Way Of Life

Facing Li Shimin's question, Chen Nuo didn't hide anything and nodded.

"Yes, if there are no accidents, the world will be destroyed in less than 2000 years."

Li Shimin's breathing was stagnant, and he asked eagerly: "I wonder if the national teacher can do anything?"

In 2000, he was dead at that time, but the human race must still exist in this world.

If the human race did not find a way to avoid catastrophe at that time, what awaits the human race will be extinction.

As a human emperor, he is not only thinking about the past, but also the aftermath.

As soon as Li Shimin asked this question, Xuanming Bajie next to him also looked at Chen Nuo, as if he wanted to get an answer from him.

Even at this moment, eyes from all directions in the world looked over.

"Yes, mastering the mystery of material energy can overcome calamities."

Chen Nuo stretched out his hand, and a light ball emitting heat suddenly appeared in his palm. This is the light and heat emitted by the air constantly decaying in his palm.

Xuanming's eyes widened. This was the first time she saw matter erupting with energy. Chen Nuo didn't reveal anything except the electromagnetic cannon and martial arts will. Even if he used matter to decay, it provided energy for the battle inside the body and did not go outside. revealed.

This is not the point, the point is that Chen Nuo admitted that he has a way to survive the immeasurable calamity when the spiritual energy decays and the world is destroyed.

"National teacher, is this the nuclear energy you mentioned earlier?"

Li Shimin looked at this ray of light, his eyes seemed to see a ray of hope.

"This is more advanced than atomic nuclear energy. Of course, if you have mastered atomic nuclear energy, you can stay away from the earth fairy world and enter the outer sky to avoid danger. With a series of protective measures, you can also survive the destruction of heaven and earth."

Chen Nuo explained that the shattering of heaven and earth is the essence of spiritual energy decaying into matter.

The continuous reduction of spiritual energy decay makes the power of heaven weaker and weaker, and the gravitational rules of matter do not support the structure of heaven, earth and continent.

As the aura continues to decay and turn into matter, the power of heaven is weak, and the basic rules of matter are strong. In the end, the structure of the heaven, earth and continent can no longer be maintained, and the entire continent collapses into a material universe.

At the moment of disintegration, the basic rules that have been suppressed by the laws of heaven will explode and form a period of inflation. The space-time expansion of the universe accelerates, and the distance between matter is rapidly widening.

The expansion of space lowers the temperature of the cosmic background, and the matter re-converges under the rules of gravitation, gradually forming a planetary cosmic environment similar to the main world.

As for the gods and gods of the heaven and earth period, sorry, they rely on aura energy to survive.

After the world is destroyed, there will be a small amount of spiritual energy left in the universe to keep them alive, but these spiritual energy will eventually decay and turn into matter. If the immortals, gods and Buddhas do not find a way out before that, they will only perish in the end.

And at the moment when the world was destroyed, the concentration of aura plummeted again. The top cultivators directly turned into aura bombs due to poor energy penetration, and those who survived the shattered world were cultivators under the heavens.

As for the saints, although their primordial spirit and the way of heaven are united and immortal, the sky and the earth are shattered, the world has entered the era of basic material rules, and the laws of the way of heaven gradually become silent with the disappearance of aura, and the saints can only fall into a deep sleep.

"So, Hongjun is not wrong, he lied to all of us?"

After Chen Nuo finished talking about the subsequent evolution of Tiandi and lifted the cruelest veil, Xuan Ming's eyes were a little lost, and Tiandi seemed to have fallen into silence.

Originally, they could probably feel the subsequent evolution of the world, but no one dared to speak or think about it.

At this time, Xuan Ming thought of a realm in the beginning, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

This is a realm that can break away from the prehistoric times and completely enter the chaotic existence.

But the cultivators in the whole world, and even all living beings, were attracted and tempted by the immortal saint depicted by Daozu.

At that time, their cultivation base was low, and they could not accurately see the speed of the decline of the world.

Hongjun said that by collecting a few saints to convert the chaotic aura and then controlling the number of practitioners, the decline of the aura can be balanced so that the world can last forever, and when the mystery of reversing the aura is researched, the world can be completely eternal.

In this way, coupled with Hongjun's selfless preaching and the wanton distribution of spiritual treasures, the way of killing three corpses and saints is indeed easier to practice, and the future prospect of immortality looks taller, so they all believe it.

Or believe it or not.

Because the way of beheading the three corpses of the saint is easier to practice. I am still slow, and the enemy is slowly breaking through. If I don’t keep up, I will be hacked to death by the enemy later.

In ancient times, there were still very few practitioners who walked the path of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the world.

At that time, they were still laughing, laughing at their stupidity, laughing at them not pursuing the realm of immortality and eternal law, but running to pursue a realm that can be killed.

It turns out that the most stupid people are themselves.

Cutting the three corpses, cultivating the path of the saint, and the path of the heaven and the earth, it seems easier to cultivate and improve, and the future prospect is the realm of immortality, but this is actually poison, drink it and you will not be saved poison!
They can't see the decline of heaven and earth, so Dao Patriarch, who was already above the saints at that time, was in the realm of Hunyuan Daluo, absolutely understood the decline of heaven and earth.

However, for his own way, for his own ideals, for that almost delusional reversing aura, Taoist Patriarch gave his Hunyuan Daluo's life.

Originally, he could escape from the prehistoric world and get rid of the final extinction situation, but he chose the way of harmony to bind himself in the prehistoric world, and at the same time pulled the entire prehistoric world onto the chariot.

"Xuan Ming, in fact, you have another way."

Chen Nuo looked at Xuan Ming who was absent-minded, and said suddenly.

These immortals and gods still have to point out a way out, otherwise the world will be shattered, and they will not die in an instant and will survive for a while.

If they have no way out, the madness under the despair is enough to drag the entire human race to be buried with them.

"any solution?"

Xuanming's eyes froze for a moment, and a glint of hope flashed in the eyes of Bajie next to him, and the atmosphere of the world seemed to become tense.

"This method is very simple, isn't Hongjun's mind dead?

He is the ancestor of Taoism, and he has been in harmony with the way of heaven for countless years. It can be said that he is almost a copy of the laws of the way of heaven.

You can use his body to open up a world, and use his mindless primordial spirit to copy the laws of heaven, then this is equivalent to a world.

Although this world is not as huge as this one, it can still accommodate your various races, and finally transfer the aura of this world to Hongjun World.

The bigger the world, the faster the spiritual energy will be consumed and decayed.

Using Hongjun's body to open up the world, the six saints in the world will convert the chaotic aura, and then control the number of practitioners, that is enough to maintain the balance of the aura in the world.

Of course, saints also need to pay a little sacrifice. They have to cut off the primordial spirit that is consistent with the laws of heaven here, and then transfer them to Hongjun Tiandi.

The saint is only the fusion of the soul, not the fusion of the soul. Cutting off the connection should only lose a part of the soul and cause serious injury, and will not die. "

Chen Nuo grinned and said: "The world opened up by Hongjun's body is called Immortal Realm, or Wild Continent, Great Wilderness, etc.

If the aura is taken out here, the world will be shattered. Of course, you will not be able to completely evacuate the aura.

After the destruction of the heaven and earth and entering the period of the material universe, many planets and even the starry sky will still be permeated with spiritual energy, and even because of the different planetary environments, the magnetic field of the planet will lock the spiritual energy, and some planets will still have a high concentration of spiritual energy.

At that time, you can pass down the orthodoxy and guide the cultivation of life on these planets.

After they have cultivated to a certain level, you will lead them to the fairy world, which is equivalent to completing a spiritual energy recovery, gathering most of the spiritual energy scattered in the planetary universe.

Such a cultivation planet with spiritual energy passing down the orthodox tradition is called the cultivation world, or the lower realm.

Of course, you must be careful not to let Hongjun's body and primordial spirit conceive and give birth to thinking consciousness again.

If Tiandao has thinking, what kind of horror it is, I think you should understand better than me.

If you really want Hongjun to reborn his thinking consciousness, then I'm afraid you will have a battle against the sky.

Either you annihilate Hongjun's new thinking consciousness, or you are refined by Hongjun's new thinking consciousness. After all, you are in the world opened up by their bodies.

In addition to avoiding Hongjun's rebirth of thinking consciousness, you also have to pay attention to Hongjun's primordial spirit not to be taken away by practitioners.

Here, the laws of heaven and earth naturally formed cannot be taken away, but the copy of heaven carried by Hongjun Yuanshen is not necessarily the case.

Hongjun's primordial spirit carries the laws of heaven. If he is deprived of his primordial spirit, it means that heaven has acquired consciousness, and the consequences are no less than Hongjun's birth of a new thinking consciousness. "

Xuanming was completely dumbfounded, Bajie opened his mouth wide, and all the immortals, gods and Buddhas in the sky seemed to be dumbfounded.

Can you still play like this?

"There are countless spiritual treasures in the world, and there are also many supreme treasures, but apart from the chaotic spiritual treasures, none of these spiritual treasures and supreme treasures can open up an independent world.

Because their mighty power is based on the laws of the heavens, they cannot copy and carry the laws of the heavens alone. Once the heavens are silent, the Lingbao will also be silent.

Being able to independently carry the laws of the Dao of Heaven, the only one who can save you is the Dao ancestor who has been in harmony with the Dao for countless years, and is almost a replica of the manifestation of the Dao of Heaven, and is incomparably compatible with the laws of the Dao of Heaven. "

Chen Nuo looked at Xuan Ming and Ba Jie who were foolish, felt the emotions between heaven and earth, and couldn't help sighing:

"Xuanming, although Hongjun lied to you, coaxed you onto a road of no return, tied you on a warship sailing into the abyss, but he also left you a way out.

I don't know if he left this path on purpose.

But if it were me, I would definitely destroy my body completely before my consciousness could no longer hold on.

I will not give future generations the opportunity to defile me, I will not give future generations the possibility of taking my body, and I do not want my body to give birth to a new thinking consciousness to replace me and live.

From this point of view, Daozu is worthy of being Daozu, and I feel ashamed that I can't be as open-minded as him. "

Xuan Ming didn't speak, she was carefully deducing and analyzing the method proposed by Chen Nuo. After a long time, she suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and the pressure in her heart also dissipated.


"This is probably not the way you thought at first."

When the crisis of genocide was eliminated, Xuan Ming looked at Chen Nuo, and said with a smile on his face: "The sudden demise of the Dao ancestor is definitely beyond your expectations, so your method at the beginning will not be this one, I am curious what you did before? What would be the solution?"

 Trying to move bricks and code words, there should be another chapter in the early morning

(End of this chapter)

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