Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 211 Chen Nuo: It's not that I'm handsome, I don't have this kind of treatment

Chapter 211 Chen Nuo: It's not that I'm handsome, I don't have this kind of treatment
"The previous method?"

Chen Nuo stretched out his hand, and a ball of light appeared.



Xuan Ming looked at the ball of light in Chen Nuo's hand, shook his head and said: "I can perceive the energy contained in matter, but I can't apply it. There is a conflict between the rules of matter and the rules of spiritual energy, and I can't study the mystery of the rules through comprehension."

"Do you want to learn? It's easy, I'll teach you."

Chen Nuo looked at Xuan Ming, smiled lightly and said, "I can teach you how to use the power of the basic rules to survive the catastrophe of the shattered world, and when the shattered world enters the material universe, without the interference of spiritual energy, you can continue to study the basic rules in depth. mysteries."

you teach?

Xuan Ming was stunned.

Before Chen Nuo proposed to use Hongjun's body and soul to open up the world and copy the laws of heaven, which can only guarantee survival.

Whether it is the size of Hongjun Tiandi or the quality of spiritual energy, it is difficult for them to go further and transcend to survive in the chaos.

Their witch clan is okay. If the ancient times are endless, other cultivators and even saints who cut corpses above Daluo have gone wrong and cannot get rid of the world.

Perhaps intelligent life has infinite possibilities. After countless years of research, they can find a way to directly use the aura of chaos to escape.

Or after countless years of accumulation, one or two more saints or Hunyuan Daluo can be born.

But this is all at an unknown time, and it is far from convenient to directly transfer to the basic rules.

If you switch to practice, you have completely changed the system from spirit energy to matter, so the influence of beheading the corpse, and any wrong path will no longer exist.

"You don't know the value of the mystery of the basic rules?"

Xuan Ming looked at Chen Nuo with a strange expression, and said it seriously, this sentence has existed for countless years.

"I know, but if you want to learn, or others want to learn, I don't mind teaching."

Chen Nuo didn't care at all, and said: "The basic rules are different from the laws of heaven.

If the law of the Dao of Heaven still has an idealistic and subjective element, everyone has a different way, and everyone can reach the peak through their own research and study, then the basic rule is objectivity.

A person's comprehension and study of basic rules can never compare with the scientific research of a civilization, or the multi-angle comprehension of a group.

If you switch to basic rules, then I don’t need to say that you will guarantee the inheritance of the human race and the progress of human civilization.

Because the human race has developed, and the scientific research strength of the human race has improved, then you are the ultimate beneficiaries. "

In the period of the law of aura, relatively idealistic and subjective, even if you are wrong, as long as you can persist in making mistakes to the end, you will be an awesome character.

In the era of material rules, the basic rules are absolutely objective.

Even the quantum idealism extended from the double-slit interference experiment, and the anthropomorphic theory, the mainstream believes that there are unstudied mysteries in the quantum field that cause the wave-particle duality to collapse to the particle.

Human thinking has dead ends, and the thinking of sages also has dead ends.

If there are dead ends, the research ability of the individual will never be as good as that of the group when studying objective rules.

Cultivation improves IQ, which refers to memory, computing power, etc.

To put it simply, a person with a high IQ is equal to being born with a computer, and a top practitioner is equal to wearing a supercomputer plug-in all the time.

However, it is the thinking that determines the research ability. You can't think of it, even if you are given the computing power of the whole universe, you still can't think of it.

Unless everything is in vain.

However, if you want to use the exhaustive method, you must first castrate your emotions, obliterate your own character, and be completely calm like a procedure before you can truly exhaust.

If Xuan Ming and others, all the gods and Buddhas in the sky, switched to the basic rules, then they would definitely guarantee the civilization inheritance of the human race, and this journey to the west would be considered a complete success.

"I'll think it over."

Xuan Ming nodded, but did not directly agree.

"No, I saw your situation before. These material rules are directly engraved on you. This is similar to your innate supernatural power. How do you teach and pass it on?"

Before Chen Nuo could speak, Xuan Ming seemed to think of something suddenly, and looked at Chen Nuo with some confusion.

Matter and aura are different. Life can directly absorb aura for purification and transformation. Material humans and other ordinary life use chemical energy, which cannot support extraordinary power.

The material energy at a deeper level, such as atomic nuclear energy, is beyond the body's tolerance, and can only be applied by using various mechanical equipment and technological equipment.

The extraordinary ability used by Chen Nuo, Xuan Ming and the others observed that the basic rules of matter are directly imprinted on the cells, directly improving the essence of the cells.

The basic rules are directly imprinted, which is equivalent to innate supernatural powers. Can innate supernatural powers still be taught?

If life cannot be directly applied and needs technological machinery to be able to use it, then it is useless for them to learn it.

"Aren't you fooling me?"

Xuan Ming looked at Chen Nuo suspiciously.

"Tricking you?"

Glancing at Xuanming, Chen Nuo said speechlessly: "I really want to fool you, I can make you limping."

"But how do you explain how life itself uses the deeper material energy? Without stronger energy support, the power of the mind cannot be strong at all, and this cannot support our strong thinking consciousness."

Xuan Ming was still skeptical.

"Xuanming beauty, trust me and wait patiently. During this period of time, you can go to the school of Datang to learn some basics. When the human race is unified, I will personally explain the deeper mysteries of matter and how to cultivate and apply the foundation of matter. rule."

Patting Xuan Ming on the shoulder, Chen Nuo didn't answer now.

He still has a lot of things to do. After solving the problems of the human race and pointing out the way out for the immortals and Buddhas in the sky, then the problem of the monster race will also be solved.

The fox I raised has always been thinking about the inheritance of the demon clan. Although the fox has not been able to transform into form, and the promised future repayment has not been realized, but after raising it for so long, I still have feelings.

Without spiritual energy, animals and plants would not be able to give birth to wisdom, so the monster race would be extinct.

It would be fine if all the monsters went to Hongjun Heaven and Earth, there is spiritual energy there, but if some of them don't go, the innate spiritual defects of the descendants of these monsters must be solved.

There is a big boss behind these monsters. Since he wants to leave, he must not leave hidden dangers for the people. Furthermore, if civilization wants to develop, it cannot live without foreign enemies. A civilization without foreign enemies is doomed to collapse.

For the long-term development of human civilization, in order to prevent the human race from disintegrating and killing each other one day, it is necessary for Chen Nuo to leave behind an enemy who will not shake the foundation of the human race and can bring threats.

"Sure enough, he is handsome, so there are so many troubles."

Chen Nuo sighed to himself, and looked at Li Shimin: "Your Majesty, please speed up the unification of the human race. After the unification of the human race, I will personally teach you the way to overcome the catastrophe."

"It's no problem. The army will be ready in three days. Thank you, the national teacher, for worrying about the human race."

Li Shimin bowed and bowed.

He is not stupid, he heard the extraordinary from the conversation between Chen Nuo and Xuan Ming, and understood that Chen Nuo made some concessions for the inheritance of the human race.

Since this is the case, Chen Nuo can bear this obeisance!

"Your Majesty, there is no need to do this, this is what I should do."

Chen Nuo stretched out his hand to help Li Shimin up, suddenly he didn't know what to say.

Can he say that he is working so hard to make more money and pretend to be coercive?

After solving the inheritance of the monster clan, the source power rewards will obviously be much more, 200% settlement, how about getting rich?

To teach the way of basic rules, Yuanli will reward a lot, not to mention, he is the ancestor of Taoism in this new era of the world.

Earning source power, pretending to be aggressive, but also getting admiration and gratitude, even beautiful women are not good-looking people, it is impossible to have such treatment.

(End of this chapter)

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