Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 212 The Longer You Live The More Shameless You Are

Chapter 212 The Longer You Live The More Shameless You Are

"Kill! Soldiers follow me to kill!"

"Long live the Tang Dynasty! Long live the Tang Dynasty!"

"Aolai Kingdom surrenders!"

"The Kingdom of Wuji surrenders! The Kingdom of Chechi surrenders!"

"Long live the Tang Dynasty!"

"Your Majesty will personally conquer Tianzhu, Your Majesty will personally conquer Tianzhu!"

Under Chen Nuo's instruction, the process of unifying the human race was accelerating, and the war machine of Datang was fully activated.

Industrial Datang, the strong logistics capabilities brought by industry allowed the Datang army to divide into multiple routes and attack multiple countries at the same time.

The powerful electric furnace steelmaking and the research and development of alloy formulas made Datang's swords extremely sharp and his armor hard to hurt.

The large-scale siege machinery is equipped with a large-scale steam engine, and no city can resist the violent steam power.

The mass production of smokeless gunpowder is still under development, the internal combustion engine cannot be mass-produced, and the industrial base is not yet complete. Modern firearms, modern tanks, aircraft, and cannons have not yet been equipped with Datang, but even so, Datang troops attacked multiple countries at the same time and broke out The battle still made the whole world look sideways.

For immortals and Buddhas, the battles shown by the Tang army are still mortal wars, but it has only been a few years since the restrictions on heaven and earth were lifted, and it is really unexpected that Datang has developed such strength.

Datang's army was fighting, and even Li Shimin, the emperor, was dispatched.

The army went first, and Chen Nuo and Li Shimin's managers and technicians trained by more than ten years of farming education followed the army, digesting and recovering the territory that the army had conquered.

Chen Nuo's life has returned to a leisurely life, back to the time when the monkey was farming the land and he was selling formation steam engines in the city.

Playing with little foxes and chatting with Xuanming every day, life is very good, even Jiang Liuer and Monkey are arranged by him to go to the school of Datang.

"Daxian, are you leaving?"

The little fox squatted on Chen Nuo's knees, flicked its two tails, looked up at Chen Nuo with big blue eyes.

"how do you know?"

Chen Nuo rubbed the little fox's head, the fluffy feel is very nice, even more comfortable than petting a cat.

"The Great Immortal is an extraterrestrial demon, not a person from this world, so he will definitely leave sooner or later. I guessed that the Great Immortal asked this human emperor to speed up the unification of the human race."

Under the stroking of Chen Nuo's palm, the little fox narrowed his eyes comfortably, flicked his tail and said.

"You've become smarter." Chen Nuo didn't deny it, but smiled.

"Ah, Daxian, you really have to leave."

Hearing this confession, the little fox immediately opened his eyes, broke free from Chen Nuo's palm, jumped onto his shoulder, and put his ear to it: "Ahri hasn't repaid his favor yet, what kind of skill did you ask Daxian to practice? Can't take form."

"Peerless skills, Ahri should study hard and practice, and it will be no problem to hang and beat saints in the future."

Chen Nuo grabbed the little fox that had jumped onto his shoulder, and continued to hug and stroke the fox.

"Then will Ari see Daxian again in the future?" The little fox looked up at Chen Nuo, his blue eyes were full of attachment and reluctance.

"Ari will transcend the universe in the future, and then he will be able to meet the Great Immortal."

Chen Nuo chuckled and set a goal for the little fox.

This is a lazy, delicious, coquettish and cute fox. If she doesn't have a target and no one is watching, she will probably turn into a dead house fox.

"Well, Ari must practice hard. The Immortal is not allowed to lie to Ari." The little fox nodded seriously.

"Don't forget to study, your cultivation method cannot be separated from study and research."

Chen Nuo tapped the little fox on the head, and suddenly asked: "What's wrong with the number theory I taught you a few days ago, tell me how to solve Goldbach's conjecture?"

It is not convenient to teach the mysteries of the basic rules of physics for the time being, and Chen Nuo is training the little fox to become a mathematician.

Mathematics and science are the same, put your math skills to the top and then learn the basic rules of physics, that is, chopping melons and vegetables.

Although there is no detailed scientific and technological information on the super battleship Xiaoqi, there is a lot of mathematical knowledge. After all, interstellar navigation, curvature navigation, etc. are inseparable from mathematical calculations.

Among them, the 1+1 Goldbach's conjecture is considered small knowledge there. Of course, Chen Nuo is the porter of knowledge, and the person who learns and understands this knowledge is the little fox.

"Daxian, can I stop learning such number theory, space-time geometry, you are deliberately embarrassing Ahri!"

Hearing Chen Nuo asking about homework, Ah Li froze immediately, and looked at Chen Nuo with aggrieved eyes.

too difficult.

Too much torment for the fox.

"Study hard, mathematics is the essential truth of the world."

Chen Nuo ignored the little fox's grievances, and took out the jade slip of information again and put it in front of the little fox: "Here is a piece of new knowledge about space-time geometry, study hard, Daxian will check your homework in two months, if you don't finish it, you can type it out." butt."

"Come on, spank Ahri's ass now, I don't care anymore."

The little fox is completely loveless, and the big fairy is simply a devil.

Before Chen Nuo could spank his ass, Datang's national fortune suddenly trembled, and Chen Nuo, who was closely connected with Datang's national fortune as a national teacher, frowned.

A fairy god came.

"The original apprentices."

Xuan Ming, who had been reading in the room, sensed the presence of the person coming, frowned, and explained to Chen Nuo.

"Since you're here, come here."

Chen Nuo nodded, and said calmly, this attitude of directly entering Chang'an City by touching the national fate made him very unhappy.

If Xuan Ming hadn't spoken in time, he would have used his human will to suppress the other party to death.

Li Shimin's imperial conquest, he handed over all the relevant rights to him before leaving, and now he can mobilize the national destiny and human will of the Tang Dynasty at will.

According to the current territory and power of the Tang Dynasty, although the national fortune and human will of the Tang Dynasty cannot deter and suppress the saints like in ancient times, it is like eating and drinking water if you have a few golden immortals.

"I have seen Mr. Chen."

A few seconds later, three people came from outside the door, the original disciple Guang Chengzi, Nezha's master Taiyi Zhenren, and Erlang God's master Yuding Zhenren.

"Something happened."

Chen Nuo glanced at the three of them and asked indifferently.

"Master would like to invite Mr. to go to Yuqingtian."

Sensing Chen Nuo's disliked attitude, Guang Chengzi bowed and saluted without changing his face.

"Why did Yuanyuan ask me to go to Yuqingtian?"

"Master, I want you to explain the mystery of the basic rules of matter."

Guang Chengzi told his purpose of going down to earth, and then looked at Chen Nuo.

"Let me come and explain?"

Chen Nuo looked at Guang Chengzi who seemed to be forcibly detaining him if he disagreed, and sneered: "Go back and ask Yuan, where did he have such a big face."

"Since Mr. refuses, then Guang Chengzi will only be offended."

Guang Chengzi's face remained unchanged, he bowed again and saluted, then got up and stepped forward to make a move.

"Isn't Yuan Yuan taking our Wu Clan seriously?" Xuan Ming stood up.

"The Xuanming Ancestral Witch, please don't stop me, the Houtu Ancestral Witch's master will explain it on his own."

Before Xuanming came over, Master Taiyi stopped her.

In ancient times, 10 Taiyis would not be enough for Xuanming to hiss alone, but now that Xuanming has killed himself, she may not be able to match Taiyi in terms of strength.

"Don't you think that with the way of avoiding Hongjun's body and primordial spirit, you don't have to worry about it anymore?

Or do you think that the Emperor has left, so you can do anything in Chang'an City at will? "

Chen Nuo's face turned completely cold. He looked at Guang Chengzi who continued to walk forward, and shook his head.

"Sure enough, the longer you live, the more shameless you become. Since the original is shameless, don't go back, the three of you, and return to the source of spiritual energy to nourish and prolong the life of the world!"

(End of this chapter)

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