Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 213 Chen Nuo: This teaching, could it be an MLM organization?

Chapter 213 Chen Nuo: This teaching, could it be an MLM organization?

hold head high!
After Chen Nuo's words fell, the earth and fairy world suddenly shook, and a dragon's chant resounded through the heaven and earth. The national destiny of the Tang Dynasty was boiling, and the will of humanity was gathering.


"It's impossible, how could the Emperor give you control over the power of the entire country!"

Guang Chengzi and the others stared wide-eyed, their figures bent down by the terrifying human will, and their voices were full of disbelief.

The emperor was suspicious, how could the emperor hand over all the rights of his country to others.

Not to mention the Three Emperors in ancient times, not to mention the Five Emperors, the subsequent Shang and Zhou Dynasties, the tyrant of the ancient Qin Dynasty, who didn't hold the power in their hands.

Even in the ancient system of abdication of the Three Sovereigns and Five Sovereigns, during their reign, they kept their promises and were the only ones who respected me.

This is not only for fear of others taking the throne, but also for the stability of the country, to avoid the split of the country, and to avoid the split of luck.

"Sir, we"

Seeing Chen Nuo stretching out his hand, Guang Chengzi and others shouted eagerly.

Before they finished speaking, the expressions of Guang Chengzi and others froze, and then their bodies disintegrated, turning into strands of spiritual energy, dissipating in the environment and returning to heaven and earth.

In an instant, Chang'an City and the surrounding hundreds of miles seemed to have entered a fairyland. Under the telepathy, the rich aura almost filled into mist.

At this moment, millions of people only feel a burst of diligence all over their bodies, and the fatigue and hidden diseases caused by long-term labor are quietly disappearing, and the whole person seems to be young and torn.

"Well, the concentration of aura in heaven and earth has increased a lot, and the lifespan of heaven and earth has increased by a thousand years. It seems that the aura contained in Da Luo Jinxian is still huge. Even Da Luo Na, who has been hydrated due to the decline of heaven and earth, cannot be underestimated."

Chen Nuo swept away his spiritual power, nodded in satisfaction, then reached out and grabbed and flicked the three light clusters floating in front of him.

"Yuan, return your disciples to you, arrange them to reincarnate when you have time."

The light group flew out of the sky above Chang'an City, and was then led away by a force.

Chen Nuo didn't kill the three of Guang Chengzi, but it was almost the same as killing, the body was scattered, the soul disintegrated, leaving only the thinking consciousness waiting to be reincarnated.

"Your Excellency, you are going too far."

The world was silent for a few seconds, and suddenly there was a voice. This voice cannot be heard by ordinary people.


Chen Nuo sneered and said mockingly: "Yuan, are you out of your mind?

You three disciples want to tie me to your bastard Yu Qingtian, is it not too much if I want to arrest me without a fight?
Or do you really think that with Hongjun Tiandi's escape route, you don't have to have any scruples anymore? "

Chen Nuo was very straightforward, and when the words fell, the aura of heaven and earth was turning into matter in an instant.

The void is shaking, the sky and the earth are shaking, and the earth fairy world seems to be unable to sustain the collapse of the continental structure at any time.

The aura formed by Guangchengzi's three watery big Luo bodies and primordial spirits disappeared after a short while, and even the heaven and earth lost part of the aura.

"Chen Nuo."

Xuan Ming shouted hurriedly from the side, for fear that he would accidentally overplay and the world would collapse.

"It takes a lot of aura to open up a new world, why don't you try again?
See if I have completely decayed the aura. If you don’t draw out the aura energy here, can the transformation of the six saints alone accumulate enough aura energy before the world is destroyed, and then use Hongjun’s body to open up a new world? Yuanshen copied and evolved a new way of heaven. "

Chen Nuo stopped moving and said indifferently.

He finally understood that some of these immortals and Buddhas had a bottom line, and most of the rest were just a group of shameless people.

It was impossible to hide the fact that the three disciples of the Primitive School went down to earth to do things, but the others did not stop them.

The purpose of this is nothing more than to test Chen Nuo's bottom line, thinking that there is a way out for Hongjun Tiandi, so there is no need to estimate his nuclear deterrence.

But don't even think about it, if Chen Nuo didn't bring up the matter of opening up the Hongjun world, they might not even think of it until they die.

"Haha, little friend is domineering, I have long since disliked shameless people like Lao Tzu and Yuan Yuan.

Jiejiao is willing to follow the children to learn and understand the mysteries of the basic rules of matter, and will not stay in the same world with these shameless people in the future, it's disgusting! "

The world fell into silence, and after a short wait, a bold voice resounded through the world.

Accompanied by the appearance of this voice, it seemed that a fairy god was dispelling the soldiers, and a large amount of aura energy poured into the heaven and earth, and the concentration of aura energy in the heaven and earth almost doubled in an instant.

This is?

The Saint Soldiers are gone?
No, not saints, but a large group of gods, including digital Da Luo.

"Wudang, Guiling, Jinling, Yunxiao, Qiongxiao, Bixiao, Zhao Gongming and others were ordered by their master to come and listen to the master's instruction."

Before Chen Nuo could sense the situation carefully, a group of people suddenly appeared outside the city of Chang'an, all of them were cultivators under heaven.

Chen Nuo telepathically saw Wudang and Yunxiao who suddenly appeared, his eyes widened instantly.

All are ordinary cultivators, and none of them are above the heavenly immortals.

Apparently this is after the soldiers are disbanded, the aura energy of the body and the primordial spirit is returned to the heaven and earth, and then the body used to accommodate the thinking consciousness is reshaped.

After Tiantiao and Conferred God List were wiped out by Haotian, a group of Jiejiao immortals who were on the list in the Conferred God Battle all returned to their free bodies, and then they performed to Chen Nuo just now what is the sense of community and what is the sense of ritual.

Hundreds of immortals and gods slammed together to return the aura energy back to the heaven and earth, and Wudang Yunxiao, a serious figure who didn't die in the battle of the gods, caused the concentration of aura in the sky to double in an instant.

This part of the teaching is a lunatic, if you say that you will solve it, you will solve it.

The corner of Chen Nuo's mouth twitched, and he was speechless.

I just pretended to be a wave of coercion after the decline of the heaven and earth aura, and you cut off the teacher to steal the limelight, not only replenishing the energy of the heaven and earth aura, but also coming to the door as a group.

"Sir, the master said that it is not convenient for him to come out now. After the matter is over, if the husband has not left, he can have a few drinks with you."

When Chen Nuo was speechless, a group of people had already arrived outside his residence. After knocking on the door and entering, they bowed and saluted with a sincere and respectful attitude.

"Don't you regret it?"

Looking at the hundreds of people who couldn't stand in his own yard, Chen Nuo couldn't help asking a question when he looked at Sanxiao, the Holy Mother of Wu, who was saluting respectfully.

Abandoning immortality and embarking on an unknown path, it would be understandable if it was before he pointed out the way out of Hongjun Tiandi.

Now that he has pointed out a way out, he doesn't have to die with the shattering of the world, and he really can't understand that a collective military solution will come just for a teacher's order.

Could this teaching be an MLM organization, a brainwashing sect?
(End of this chapter)

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