Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 214 You, Yunxiao, Are You Fake?

Chapter 214 You, Yunxiao, Are You Fake?


The Holy Mother of Wudang and the others were stunned for a moment, a flash of memory flashed in their eyes, and then he chuckled and said, "There is nothing to regret. Without Master, we would not be where we are today."

"Nothing to regret?"

Chen Nuo nodded, took out a few jade slips and threw them over.

"This is some basic knowledge, let's learn it first, and then teach the mystery of the basic rules after the human race is unified."

Wudang and the others took the jade slip, spiritual power penetrated into it, a lot of information emerged in their minds, and their brows were frowned.

"This, sir, can you explain it?"

A lot of definitions and knowledge of mathematics, a system completely different from the laws of heaven, even if some of them have better comprehension ability in body, mind, mind and thinking than ordinary people, they still can't understand it for a while.

"Let's ask Ari about this. If you have time, you can go to Datang's academy to attend lectures."

Chen Nuo rubbed the little fox's head, indicating that he could ask her if he had any questions.

"Daxian, can I be a teacher?"

The little fox was a little unresponsive.

She was tortured by Chen Nuo for hundreds of years, and she never thought that she would have the day to become a teacher.

Thinking of this, thinking of his previous learning experience, the little fox's eyes showed a light of surprise, and his blue eyes looked at Wudang Sanxiao and his group of teachers.

For some reason, feeling the little fox's gaze, Wudang and the others couldn't help but shudder, as if some great horror was about to come.

"Well, when you are a teacher, you have to help them answer any questions they don't understand, and let you make their study plans."

Chen Nuo simply delegated authority, the current math master of the little fox is more than enough to teach the beginners Wudang and others.

He believes that as long as they get used to the refinement of mathematics and the objectivity of physical rules, Wudang's progress will definitely be very fast.

After all, this is a group of cultivators whose thinking and computing ability is comparable to that of a supercomputer. Although they are not as good as Da Luo, their learning ability is still thousands of times that of ordinary people.

As for the follow-up research progress, in addition to computing power, it also depends on their inspiration and their thinking mode.

The inspiration is great, the thinking is sharp and you can see the angles that others can't think of, then you can break through naturally, otherwise you will stop.

"Yeah, thank you Daxian, Ari will definitely teach you well."

Thinking of his previous experience, someone finally wants to feel it, and the little fox feels a lot better.

Thinking about the study plan that Chen Nuo made for her before, well, this group of people used to be Daluo or Jinxian, so the amount of learning should be increased by 50%, oh no, 80% will be fine. Should not be difficult.

Soon, the little fox had a plan in mind, jumped up from Chen Nuo wagging his two tails, and shouted like an adult.

"Come with me, everyone, and I will give you some study materials."

Wudang Yunxiao and the others looked at each other, suppressed their uneasiness, and followed up.

"Yes, Miss Ari."

Behind him, Xuan Ming couldn't help showing a trace of sympathy when he saw this scene.

The disciples under the Tongtian Sect are warriors, well, they must be warriors.

The unification of the Tang Dynasty was still going on, and a group of people from Jiejiao came, and Chen Nuo's yard was obviously much more lively.

"Daxian, they are so stupid. It takes a few days to understand very simple number theory."

On this day, the sun was shining brightly. After the little fox assigned today's homework, he told Chen Nuo about their difficulties in studying, and used their stupidity to set off his own intelligence.


In the distance, San Xiao, Wu Dang and the others twitched their mouths.

They feel that they are awesome, okay? This is a completely different system. It is a miracle that they can change their thinking habits so quickly and keep up with the learning progress.

"You're proud again, aren't you?"

Chen Nuo glanced at the little fox, and said with a faint smile, "How about the stability of space-time after it is twisted around? What is the curvature value, and how to carry out specific calculation and analysis ideas?"

The little fox stared blankly, then jumped away from Chen Nuo as if nothing happened.

"Ari is going to check everyone's homework. Ari is very busy. Don't come to me if Daxian has nothing to do."

Seeing the little fox running away in a hurry, Chen Nuo shook his head.

Ahri's ability to learn is faster than Wudang's, which is expected.

Mathematics is not about computing ability, but about thinking and understanding ability, which is about abstract thinking ability.

Not long after she was born with Lingzhi, the little fox followed Chen Nuo when her thinking was not yet determined. Under the guidance of precepts and deeds, her thinking mode and way of thinking are closer to the scientific thinking mode of the main world.

Wudang and the others have comprehended the laws of heaven for countless years, and the habit of thinking is the model for cultivating the Tao and comprehending the laws.

In comparison, the little foxes are obviously more suitable for mathematical thinking, but they still need to turn a corner to understand, and they may even never be able to turn the corner.

Students who have studied quadratic equations in one variable and space geometry will understand that boys can see the tricks of many math problems at a glance, and girls are confused after racking their brains.

There is no essential difference in IQ between the two sides. In terms of memory and memorizing English words, girls still crush boys, but the gap in mathematics is obvious.

The gap is the difference in thinking mode and the way of thinking.

Of course, in exchange, if the little fox comprehends some laws of heaven, it will obviously be separated by a layer of veil.

Lying on the chair with eyes closed, Chen Nuo was pondering and perfecting the cultivation method under the basic rules.

Not long after, Yun Xiao, who had completed today's learning task, came over suddenly.

"Sir, I have a question that I don't understand?"

"For study problems, ask Ari." Chen Nuo didn't even open his eyes, and returned quickly.

"It's not a question of learning."

Yun Xiao shook his head.

Chen Nuo opened his eyes, glanced at Yun Xiao, shook his head and said, "You can ask your brother or sister for emotional questions, and only relatives can give you the answer. I'm so handsome, it's not good to give too many emotional suggestions."


Yun Xiao resisted the urge to take out the Hunyuan toilet, oh no, it was the Hunyuan Jindou that buckled Chen Nuo's head, shook his head and said, "Actually, we can't figure out what the purpose of Mr. coming to this world is."

"Why can't I understand this? I am kind and full of positive energy. I am not used to seeing the world here destroying all beings and suffering."

Chen Nuo made up a random reason, he said that this kind of cliché is as proficient as it can be found.

"That's right, even sir, you, an outsider, can't get used to the suffering of all living beings. Why did the Taoist ancestor in ancient times open the Conferred Gods, set limits for the heaven and earth, and control and limit the fate of all living beings?"

A memory flashed across Yunxiao's eyes, and he shook his head with emotion.


Girl, don't you believe my words?

Chen Nuo looked at Yun Xiao with a strange expression, as if he was looking at a pure little girl who called her uncle to take you to see the goldfish, so that she could successfully see the goldfish.

Your legend that you used the Hunyuan toilet to cut off the clouds with three flowers on the top of the Twelve Golden Immortals in one fell swoop must be false.

(End of this chapter)

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