Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 215 The Secret of Conferred God

Chapter 215 The Secret of Conferred God
"We used to be like this. A group of seniors just gathered together to study and practice together. Everyone drank tea and wine, chatted and played chess, comprehended formations, and discussed the Dao."

Yun Xiao ignored Chen Nuo's weird expression, and with a memory on his face, he said to himself: "But one day, after Master went to Zixiao Palace and came back, everything changed."

"The Dao ancestor said to enshrine the gods, asking to enshrine the gods in the heaven, control the natural power of the heaven and the earth, limit the heaven and the earth, and control the fate of the gods?"

Chen Nuo became interested now, stood up and continued the conversation.

This is his guess based on the information he has learned. In the Battle of the Conferred Gods, the witch clan is not the protagonist, and even Xuan Ming has only a half-knowledge.

At this time, there is a Jiejiao Xian, and a Tongtian disciple who tells the secrets of the past, so he is still very interested.


Yun Xiao nodded: "Three merchants enshrine the gods, Laozi is quiet and inaction, and what he pursues is the balance of heaven and earth, so I don't agree or disagree with this.

His family is also a Xuandu, and there is no one who wants to agree or disagree.

Originally explained the operation of the laws of heaven and the operation of heaven and earth, and agreed with this.

Because in his eyes, he has always been a living being with qualifications, luck, and background, and an ant without qualifications, background, and luck.

At that time, it was already the end of ancient times, most of the innate aura had decayed, and most of the heaven and earth were acquired aura and creatures, so restricting a group of acquired creatures, restricting the fate of a group of ants and obtaining the origin of the world would only be beneficial and harmless.

Only Master has been refusing, he can't do such a thing, and Jiejiao can't do such a thing. "

"This is the idea of ​​Tongtian, and it is the teaching of your interception. It is normal for you to refuse."

Chen Nuo shook his head, he remembered the situation of Yuanyuan and Tongtian in Sanqing said by Xuan Ming before the restriction of heaven and earth was lifted.

Originally thought that since the probability of a living being breaking through in the evolution of time and space is small, even if there is no possibility of becoming a golden immortal, then such a living being is a waste and there is no need to pay attention to it.

Tongtian believes that the future of the living beings can only be predicted, not certain, and the future changes with the thoughts of the living beings.

So as long as you teach it carefully, no matter whether they are innate creatures or acquired creatures, they all have a better future and the possibility of breaking through Daluo and getting rid of the shackles of fate, then they can accept it.

From here, we can clearly see how big the differences are between the teachings of elucidating teachings and cutting off teachings, and the concepts of primitive and heaven-reaching.

According to such a situation, it is normal for Tongtian to refuse to enshrine the gods, and he is determined to follow his own way. If he does not refuse, he will violate his own way and his own philosophy.

A cultivator's philosophy carries power, and the way of the soul carries extraordinary power, which violates one's own way?

Well, self-doubt, confusion, loss of mind, and even loss of energy control. The mind will show you what it means to bloom a flower of the heart.

"Yeah, we refused the teaching, but we still lost."

Yun Xiao's eyes flashed dimly, the Battle of the Conferred Gods, the Jiejiao was shattered, and the Jiejiao Wanxian fell.

In addition to her and Wudang, there is also Duobao who has turned into a Tathagata, hundreds of Jiejiao immortals who have been conferred gods, a small number of them have been captured by the West, and their minds have been obliterated. His brothers and sisters all disappeared together with the destruction of the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation.

"You are already doing well. The thing that living beings fear most is not death, but to flinch and escape in a daze."

Chen Nuo shook his head, he understood the situation of Conferred Gods from Yun Xiao's few words.

Transferring the power of heaven and earth requires a journey to the west, enshrining the gods, and controlling the power of heaven and earth, which is even more difficult, and it can only be done if the heaven, earth and people are in harmony.

God, Taoist Ancestor He Dao is overwhelmed.

Land, there is no problem with reincarnation, the Wu clan has been suppressed.

For the rest, if Jijiao agreed back then, there would be no need for any Xiqi logging merchants at all.

If Jiejiao refused, then there would be the battle of Shang and Zhou, and the battle of conferring gods that almost exploded the world.

Although Chen Nuo didn't understand the mentality of this group of gods and Buddhas who could abandon everything in order to seek the Tao, but died for the idea, well, he is a revolutionary boss, and he still understands this, and he is even the person who leads the idea.

However, his philosophy is different. His pursuit of philosophy is a better life, not for an illusory goal.

Even if he propagated the revolution, when he was a revolutionary leader, he was doing propaganda for a better life, not pursuing the so-called awesome state of detachment.

"Thank you sir for agreeing."

Yun Xiao smiled slightly, looked at Chen Nuo and said suddenly: "Sir, in fact, sometimes he is very similar to our master, he also likes to teach us how to cultivate, and usually chats with us when he has nothing to do.

However, the difference from my husband is that the master is more dignified in daily life, like a father, and you are more easy-going, like a teacher and friend. "

"Little Aunt Yunxiao, don't compare me with your master."

Chen Nuo glanced at Yun Xiao, shook his head and said, "Your master has lived for countless tens of thousands of years, and I'm only less than 700 years old. Oh no, I'm only 20 years old. Can this be compared? Besides, I think I should Brother Tiandao is handsome."


The corner of Yunxiao's mouth twitched, she admitted that she was wrong, Master would not be so cheeky.

"No, Yunxiao Guliang is a creature born in the early days of ancient times, and it has lived for an unknown number of years."

Chen Nuo seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly added something.

"It turns out that Mr. was born less than a thousand years ago, so he is still a child here."

Looking at Chen Nuo with beautiful eyes, Yun Xiao said with a smile on her face.

"Yeah, I'm still a baby, Miss Yunxiao give me a hug."

Chen Nuo raised his eyebrows, his eyes swept over Yun Xiao's bumpy body aggressively, and he opened his hands to signal for a hug.

Are you kidding me?Who did he, Chen Nuo, ever fear!
"Okay, Yun Xiao once swore that if any man hugs me and survives, then I will be his woman."

Yun Xiao smiled sweetly, opened his hands and stepped forward, looking at Chen Nuo with beautiful eyes: "Sir, hug Yun Xiao, how about staying with Yun Xiao in this world from now on?"


The corner of Chen Nuo's mouth twitched, and he sat up straight and restrained his expression, shaking his head: "Miss Yunxiao, men and women are different, let's keep a little distance."

Although I don't know whether Yun Xiao's oath is true or not, but if I hug her, I will be raped, so forget it. Although this is a big beauty, she is still a mythical beauty.

If the two sides get to know each other deeply, he is captured by love, and the boss will not strike lightning across the world, then he is willing to stay.

But if you just hug, you have to put yourself on the mat. Lu Xun said that men can't be so vulgar, and they can't think about things like this.

"Sir, you are so cowardly."

Yun Xiao sneered, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, obviously satisfied with his counterattack.

"This is not cowardice, this is called following the heart"

Chen Nuo shook his head, his expression was startled before he finished speaking, he stood up and looked towards the west.

hold head high!
Dragons chant in the void, the fate of the Tang Dynasty is boiling, and the will of humanity soars several times in an instant.

The human race is unified.

(End of this chapter)

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