Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 216 Practice Method of Basic Rules

Chapter 216 Practice Method of Basic Rules
Chen Nuo sensed the changes in the luck of the human race, and Yun Xiao Wudang and other Jie Jiaoxians also discovered this situation one after another.

Although the cultivation base has regressed a lot, there is still a certain degree of agreement with the heaven and earth.

Li Shimin's imperial conquest, the army of the Tang Dynasty fought from the Eastern Tang Dynasty to the foot of the Western Heaven, to the Tianzhu Kingdom, and once again unified the human race after the collapse of the Qin Dynasty in ancient times.

"Da Xian."

The little fox that ran out came back again, and jumped onto Chen Nuo, looking at him with a pair of blue eyes.

With the unification of the human race, Chen Nuo also taught the basic rules of cultivation, and then left.

Chen Nuo didn't speak, but stretched out his hand, a stream of information gathered on his fingertips, and then he pointed his fingers at the little fox's forehead.

A large number of basic rules of cultivation method tricks emerged in the little fox's mind, which also contained the complete mystery of atomic nuclear energy.

"Cultivate well, and there will be a chance to meet in the future."

Rubbing the little fox's head, Chen Nuo chuckled.

The human race is unified, and there is no need to keep the basic rules of practice completely secret.

"Daxian, is this my cultivation method?"

The little fox was still sensible, felt the information in his mind, and asked in amazement.

"Yes, you also have part of the credit for this exercise."

"Ari also has a share of the credit?"

The little fox's eyes flashed with confusion, why didn't she know?
"Because this is a practice that has been researched through your body changes."

Chen Nuo explained that the little fox inherited the cultivation method of the ancient Tianhu clan because the decline of spiritual energy energy was not enough for cultivation, so he changed to the body transformation method.

The practice trick of this basic rule is to observe the mystery of the little fox's cell metamorphosis.

The material cells themselves are using chemical energy, and the cells can be controlled through the method of body transformation, which can gradually adjust and expand the "recipe" of cells, just like Wang Kairui did before.

Chemical energy goes a step further, and atomic nuclear energy is fine, but cells cannot withstand the intensity of atomic nuclear energy, which involves cell metamorphosis, and further cell metamorphosis combined with the mystery of basic rules can form a chemical melting pot, an atomic melting pot.

The transformation of cells requires aura, or the energy obtained by other people's cultivation after absorbing aura, which is simply impossible in the era of the material universe.

However, in addition to aura, there is another kind of power that can also transform cells, and that is spiritual power.

Chen Nuo traveled through the world for the second time, and Wang Chao discovered the essential mystery of the state of immortality, so he used spiritual power to strengthen the metamorphic cells.

The foundation of spiritual power lies in the body and energy, and higher energy efficiency is needed to support stronger spiritual power.

Chemical energy, atomic energy, material decay, even material disintegration, energy of material space-time, which require extremely high physical strength to bear.

The body with powerful cells bears stronger basic rule energy, and the higher energy efficiency of the body supports stronger spiritual power, which in turn transforms the cells and enhances the strength of the body cells.

This is a perfect cycle, and the driving force is the understanding of basic rules, physical rules, and the four fundamental forces.

Only by understanding the mysteries of matter can one grasp and use the energy of matter and the ability to master the basic rules step by step.

In addition, for biological heat dissipation, the higher the energy efficiency, the higher the heat generated by the body. This can use the mind to interfere with the reality. Otherwise, there is no external force to dissipate heat, and no matter how powerful the cells are, they cannot withstand the terrifying temperature.

This is the result of Chen Nuo's research on the transformation of the little fox and the process of her body transformation.

If he guessed correctly, this is also the secret of the basic rules of cultivation that Meier discovered in the world of swordsmanship.

"Sir, your technique"

If Chen Nuo revealed the exercises, he would not be able to hide it from those big bosses in the world. Yun Xiao Wudang and the others got relevant information from Tong Tian, ​​and their expressions flashed in amazement.

"Sir, do you come from a world where the aura energy has completely decayed?"

Chen Nuo had already proposed the concept of atomic nuclear energy in Datang, and there were more than one person who wanted to explore the mysteries of atomic nuclear energy.

However, spiritual energy is a source of interference, and the deep mysteries of matter are completely covered up and interfered by spiritual energy.

Scientific research Scientific research, if even the data obtained is not true, and the data is completely different every time, then there is no research at all.

So when Chen Nuo proposed the deep-seated mysteries of matter, some people guessed that Chen Nuo should come from a world where the aura has completely decayed.

It's just that Chen Nuo has never admitted it, nor revealed the mystery of the relevant basic rules. Everyone is just guessing but not sure.

Now that Chen Nuo has presented the complete data and mysteries of nuclear energy, everyone's guesses are truly certain.


Chen Nuo nodded.

"What kind of world is that?"

A trace of curiosity flashed in the eyes of Yun Xiao and others. For them, a world without aura and all matter is completely unimaginable.

"It is a world of matter. Under the action of gravity, electromagnetic force, strong force, and even weak force of matter, matter converges into stars, planets, and meteorites. These stars, planets, and meteorites form a star system with each other. Galaxies, galaxy clusters, etc."

Chen Nuo stretched out his hand, and the spiritual energy gathered to display a picture.

This is the image evolution of matter from the microcosm to the macrocosm, from the concept of the Planck scale to atoms, molecules, meteorites, planets, stars, galaxies to the macroscopic observable universe, and even the unknown and unobservable universe.

"Sir, is the universe you live in so big?"

The eyes of Yun Xiao and the others widened. In their eyes, such a world structure was simply unheard of and unseen.

"In the universe I live in, it has been 138.2 billion years since the universe collapsed and entered the period of cosmic inflation. At present, the observable diameter is 960 billion light-years, and the unobservable diameter is temporarily unknown. A light-year refers to the distance that light travels in one year."

Chen Nuo said a terrifying value.

Unobservable diameter, which refers to the universe where the expansion speed is greater than the speed of light, and the light there can never be observed and can never be observed.


"960 billion light years!"

Yun Xiao and the others were shocked.

Unlike the expansion of the universe, the sky and the earth are shrinking, and energy pours into the void every moment and disappears without a trace.

According to this light-year calculation method, the current diameter of the sky and the earth is only 3 light-years, and it was only a million light-years before the Battle of the Ancient Conferred Gods, and it was about tens of millions of light-years before the beginning of the Great Desolation.

Maybe the energy density and space intensity of the two sides are different, but 960 billion light years is far beyond the imagination of Yun Xiao and others.

"The gorgeous scenery of the material universe, keep your mentality young, keep your thinking from becoming rigid, and you can see it in the future."

Chen Nuo chuckled, looked to the west, where the golden light was shining like a sunset, and ordered: "Get ready, when the Emperor returns, that's the day when the basic rules will be preached."

Journey to the West is the world with the most calculations, the most difficult layout, and the most difficult actions in his several world travels.
Seeing the knowledge he brought blooming here, seeing groups of immortal gods honoring him as immortal gods, and seeing groups of bigwigs from heaven and earth full of helplessness towards him made him deeply gratified.

That's the meaning of life, that's how handsome people do whatever they want.

However, it has been hundreds of years since he came to Journey to the West, and the original mission goal has been completed or even exceeded, so it is almost time for him to go back.

(End of this chapter)

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