Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 217 Li Shimin's Inspiration

Chapter 217 Li Shimin's Inspiration
Chang'an, lights up.

Today is the time for Li Shimin to come back from his personal expedition.

Outside the west gate of Chang'an, the dust was flying, and a steam and steel army roared over.

"His Majesty is here!"

The guard of honor who had been waiting for a long time saw this scene and immediately shouted.

The horns of Chang'an City blared long, welcoming the return of the fighting army.

"Congratulations to Your Majesty on his return!"

"Congratulations to Your Majesty on his return!"

The people who spontaneously gathered at the city gate shouted, the steam steel army stopped outside the city gate, Li Shimin got out of the car, nodded to the welcoming team but did not step forward.

"Send the soldiers home first!"

Li Shimin stepped aside and shouted in a deep voice.

The convoy separated, and dozens of black cars with white flowers on them slowly drove towards the city gate.

The white flowers, white steam, and black car body instantly silenced the originally elated atmosphere.

"Send the soldiers home!"

"Send the soldiers home!"

A number of soldiers got off the steam car, shouting loudly, and a small number of people had red eyes.


At the city gate, the person in charge of the guard of honor reacted instantly, motioned everyone to put down the instruments in their hands, and bowed silently.

There are no immortals in war, whether it is a war between gods or ordinary people, the Great Tang unified the human race in a few years, behind it is the sacrifice and death of tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions of soldiers.

In a solemn atmosphere, the vehicles transporting the personal nameplates of the sacrificed soldiers slowly entered Chang'an City.

Behind the car are Li Shimin and thousands of soldiers following him on foot.

"This is the human race? This human emperor really gave up the supreme glory that should belong to him for the sake of the dead soldiers. Isn't the emperor ruthless?"

In Chang'an City, Yun Xiao and the others looked at Li Shimin who was slowly walking into Chang'an City after the hearse like an ordinary soldier, their expressions were full of doubts.

The unity of the human race, and the return of the emperor himself, should belong to the supreme glory of an emperor, but Li Shimin abruptly turned a festive welcome ceremony into a funeral ceremony.

"The emperor is ruthless, but people are merciful. This glory belongs not only to him, but also to these soldiers."

Chen Nuo nodded in satisfaction.

A general will last forever. Everyone has only seen the honor of the general, but no one has seen the billions of dead bones behind the honor.

It was beyond his expectation that Li Shimin could do this.

"Sir, is this the emperor's show?"

Qiong Xiao, who was younger and kept a girlish heart, came over to ask.

"Whether it's a show or not, does it matter?"

Chen Nuo shook his head.

It doesn't matter whether it's a show or not, the important thing is that you have the heart and do it.

People are forgetful, and they will subconsciously forget bad things.

If there was no such ceremony, apart from the mourning of the relatives of the sacrificed soldiers, no one else would have remembered how much the price was paid behind the unification of the human race, and how difficult it was to achieve peaceful reunification.

Now that there is this ceremony, it is tantamount to bringing the blood and pain of the unification of the human race behind the war to the front, so that people can remember it.

Only by understanding the cost of war, that person will cherish the preciousness of peaceful reunification and the life in front of him even more.

As for whether Li Shimin was putting on a show during this process, it didn't matter at all.

"National Division."

Not long after Chen Nuo waited in his yard, Li Shimin came to the door himself when he came back.

Seeing Li Shimin coming to the door, Yun Xiao and the others retreated tactfully.

"Sit down, how do you feel about this imperial conquest?"

Chen Nuo pulled a chair, waited for Li Shimin to sit down, and asked.

Compared with a few years ago, Li Shimin's face was obviously tired, but his eyes were brighter.

"It doesn't feel good."

Li Shimin shook his head with a heavy face, remained silent for a few seconds, and continued: "It's too tragic, the price of war is too great.

Shimin thought that the wars and things I experienced in the past were tragic enough.

But compared with the war of millions of legions between countries, I realized that my previous experience was like a child's play.

National teacher, I am very interested in the constitutional monarchy that you mentioned earlier, is it convenient to explain it to Shimin in detail? "


Surprise flashed in Chen Nuo's eyes, and he asked, "Do you know what this system means?"

"Retain the monarchy but limit the imperial power, and return the power to the masses and the people."

Li Shimin took a few deep breaths and said softly: "Shimin has witnessed the tragedy of large-scale wars in the past few years. I watched my guards fall one by one, and I watched soldiers fall.

Screams, cries, pain, fear, despair, limbs and arms in front of my eyes, blood pooled into a stream, and vultures in the sky were singing and circling. They were all waiting for the end of the war to have a feast. .

Because of the urgency of the war, it was too late for the sacrificed soldiers to be cremated, so everyone could only collect their identification tags and bury them on the spot at will.

The people of the world know that when we leave, groups of vultures will rush down, dig up the buried soil with their claws, nibble on the bodies of the soldiers, and devour their flesh and blood.

They sacrificed their blood for the Tang Dynasty and their lives for the unification of the human race, but in the end they couldn't even be cremated or buried in the ground for safety. Their bodies were dug out, and their flesh and blood were eaten by vultures and scavengers.

To be honest, if it weren't for the national teacher, you said that the ark that survived the catastrophe of the destruction of the world would have to use all the strength of the entire human race to research and build it before the catastrophe.

The people of that world are willing to use the method of economic erosion and cultural assimilation to unify the human race more slowly but more gently.

Over the past few years, the people of the world have been thinking, what caused the emergence of war?What caused the division of the human race?I thought a lot, and finally figured out five points. "

"Oh, what about five o'clock?"

There was a flash of interest in Chen Nuo's eyes.

Although in his previous contact with Li Shimin, he did not conceal that he inadvertently revealed many ideas of modern civilization, but he did not actually teach Li Shimin how to behave and how to govern the country.

"Education, desire, human rights, needs, channels of ascension."

Li Shimin was silent for a few seconds, but still said: "Education is not popular enough. When the needs are not met, people will not use more civilized ways to fight for them. They will only use the most primitive violence.

Desires, people have desires, no matter when the human race has no shortage of careerists.

If the popularization of education keeps up with the popularization and understanding of things and reason, then the possibility of careerists wanting to incite public opinion will be even less.

Human rights, to ensure the personal safety of the people.

Executives and even me, the emperor, are not allowed to infringe at will and have no right to infringe on the personal rights of other people, so as to establish a transition full of security.

Needs, everyone will pursue a better life, whether it is name or power or money or love, we should try our best to meet the needs of the people, and the needs have been met.

Then naturally there will be no rebellion and division, and then there will be no war.

Development space, this is a channel for ordinary people at the lower level to rise up and change their destiny through hard work.

Or the imperial examination, or joining the army, or doing business, or art, or technology, or knowledge, etc.

With an upward channel, hard work can be rewarded, and the people will naturally have a sense of happiness and will not rebel and split.

The people of the world think that I can be a diligent king, and the next king of the Tang Dynasty can also be diligent, but whether the descendants can do it after leaving home, the people of the world can't guarantee it.

Every time I think of the situation of the end of the Sui Dynasty when the whole world was turned against and the eighteen generations of the Yang family were exterminated, it would happen to the Tang Dynasty and the Li family one day, and the people of the world would feel trembling.

In order to avoid such a thing from happening, and also to ensure that the Tang Dynasty can be passed on forever, and that the human race can be united forever without internal bloody wars, the people of the world decided to do something in their lifetime.

Shimin thought a lot, after much deliberation, and finally found that only the constitutional monarchy that the national teacher once said can achieve this.

A constitutional monarchy can not only guarantee the rights and interests of the Li family, but also guarantee the rights of the people. It may not be perfect, but the world itself is not perfect. "

Chen Nuo was silent, looked at the sincere Li Shimin, and sighed: "Your Majesty's wisdom has surpassed this world."

"Thank you for the praise of the national teacher. Without the national teacher, the people of the world would not be today, let alone the Tang Dynasty, and the human race would not be today. The strategy of the national teacher is beyond the world."

Li Shimin shook his head, stood up and bowed to Chen Nuo.

"I also hope that the national teacher will fulfill the will of the people of the world, fulfill the wishes of the people of the world, and teach the people of the world a more advanced civilized social system."

(End of this chapter)

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