Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 218 The Sermon Begins

Chapter 218 The Sermon Begins


Chen Nuo looked at Li Shimin who was saluting respectfully, pondered for a moment, and reached out his hand to touch Li Shimin's forehead. A large amount of information was transmitted into Li Shimin's mind through the technique of information flow.

These are all the sickle and hammer system of the main world, as well as the knowledge, advantages, disadvantages, deduction and application of various social systems such as constitutional monarchy and capital theory.

There is no perfect system in the world, but he hopes that Li Shimin can integrate the three major social systems into a more advanced and perfect social system.

"Thank you, Master, for teaching the Dharma!"

Li Shimin carefully comprehended the information in his mind, and bowed again to thank him.

"Your Majesty, you don't need to be too polite. I call on all the scholars of Datang. Next, I will explain the mystery of the basic rules to you."

Chen Nuo shook his head and looked at the square of Chang'an City. Li Shimin came back, so his preaching work will begin.

"Shimin will arrange it now."

Li Shimin nodded, he followed a Yuan Tiangang, and he knew Chen Nuo's decision through the technique of sending letters before he came back.

"All the immortals and gods in the original heaven asked to see Mr.

When Li Shimin left, a group of people suddenly came from outside Chang'an City and saluted respectfully towards the inside of the city.

"Come in."

Chen Nuo seemed to see the person coming and nodded. With his agreement, the Great Tang's national destiny and human will, which were originally suppressed on the people in the heaven, were also loosened.

Nine Heavens Xuannv Chang'e Barefoot Immortal and others breathed a sigh of relief and walked into Chang'an City.

Just now, when the fate of the Tang Dynasty and the will of humanity were suppressed, they had a feeling that if there was a slight change or if Chen Nuo wanted their lives, their souls would fly on the spot.


Yun Xiao waited for a group of people to come out from the back of the yard, and respectfully followed behind Chen Nuo.


The little fox sprang out, jumped onto Chen Nuo, put his head on it, and muttered, wagging his tail, "May the immortal speak slowly, I'm afraid Ari won't understand."

"Are you afraid you won't understand?"

Chen Nuo knocked the little fox on the head angrily.

The body cells have transformed many times, and the mathematics master has reached the space-time geometry. After acquiring the basic rules of practice and the mystery of nuclear energy, the little fox has already surpassed chemical energy and started to master nuclear energy.

If she still doesn't understand, all the gods and Buddhas in the sky will have to fail the make-up exam.

"Ahri is stupid, it's normal if you don't understand."

"Okay, speak slowly."

Chen Nuo shook his head helplessly.

Compared with preaching, he still likes to throw out a few information jade slips and assign homework to finish.

However, in order to successfully win the title of Dao Patriarch in the Material Cosmic Era of this world and let his reputation be passed on forever, he still decided to give a lecture.

Well, pretense still needs to be formal.

Holding the little fox in his arms, Chen Nuo walked towards the square of Chang'an City.


Walking out of the residence, a group of immortals and gods in the heavenly court stood on the side of the road and bowed to salute under the leadership of Chang'e and Nine Heavens Xuannv.


When did the atmosphere of Journey to the West change? Didn’t the group of female fairies who went to the Heavenly Court for a walk in the past couldn’t even see the chain bones?

Chen Nuo was stunned for a moment, and the little fox in his arms looked at Chang'e and Jiutian Xuannv with vigilance.

Most of the gods in the Heavenly Court are from the Three Sects. After the Conferred God List dissipated and the Heavenly Bar was untied, only Jiutianxuannv, Chang'e, Barefoot Immortal, Taibai Jinxing and others remained in the Heavenly Court.

"Follow me."

Chen Nuo shook his head, signaling to follow behind.


Chang'e and Nine Heavens Xuannv responded like well-behaved little daughter-in-laws, and then led everyone in the heavenly court and Jiejiaoxian to follow behind Chen Nuo.

"Sister Xuannv, why are you dressed like this today?"

Nine Heavens Xuannv and others followed behind. The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, who had been conferred the gods in the Heavenly Court before, looked at Nine Heavens Xuannv's attire and asked suddenly.

With a long white dress, a graceful figure and a beautiful face, coupled with that fairy temperament, she is quite a female fairy in the Three Realms.

The only thing I want to talk about is a group of styles. Although it is not very low-cut, it is quite different from before.

The ethos before Tianting was still very conservative. Nine Heavens Xuannv and Chang'e and other female fairies were dressed in plain clothes, and the collar bones could not be seen, let alone the sexy style now.

"Women like to be beautiful, the heavens collapsed, and the restrictions of the heavens are gone, so naturally there is no need to be the same as before."

Nine Heavens Xuannv smiled sweetly and asked, "Sister Jin Ling, doesn't Xuannv look good in such a dress?"

"It's beautiful, very beautiful. I think the men chasing Xuannv's sister will line up outside the Chaos after today."

Jin Ling carefully looked at the costumes of Nine Heavens Xuannv and Chang'e, and found that they were indeed much more beautiful than before, and wondered if he should also change his costumes.

Women, no matter if they are ordinary women or fairy women, they all hope to be more beautiful.

"The national teacher is here!"

"National teacher is good!"

The Barefoot Immortal Taibai Jinxing and Zhao Gongming followed at the end. When Chen Nuo led a group of fairies to the square, the guards outside shouted, and the researchers of Datang who were already waiting inside stood up immediately. Stand up and bow to salute.

In a sense, these are Chen Nuo's students or disciples.

This sermon is not all for the immortals and Buddhas in the sky, Datang and the human race are also the main listening groups.

"You can sit anywhere you want."

Chen Nuo spoke to the Immortal Jiejiao and the Immortals in Heaven behind him, and walked to the center of the square.

"Before understanding the basic rules, first, we need to understand the composition of matter"

After the words fell, Chen Nuo's spiritual power was released, and the technique of visualization displayed a screen, and the screen was a map of the entire earth fairy world.

"In ancient times, the heavens and the earth were composed of aura energy, and auras were divided into basic categories such as fire aura, earth aura, and water aura, and substances also had their basic categories.

Whether it is the water we see, the air we breathe, the flames that burn, the ground under our feet, metal, etc., they are all classified the same at the microscopic level. "

Following Chen Nuo's words, his spiritual power also enveloped the audience. Without the method of preaching with supernatural powers, the effect of spiritual hypnosis to assist understanding is similar.

"First of all, it is macroscopic substances, and substances at the macroscopic level are various compounds."

As the voice fell, the map of the Earth Immortal World on the screen was rapidly enlarged, finally revealing the situation of Chang'an City, revealing the bricks and stones in the city.

The picture continued to zoom in, and finally it was the material crystallization of bricks and stones. The compound structure of the material appeared on the screen, and at the same time, rows of chemical formulas also appeared on the screen.

"This is the masonry we see, magnified a thousand times, and what is revealed is their compound. From this structure, we can see that they are composed of multiple elements, and they are combined through something called a chemical bond."

Chen Nuo's lectures are not humorous at all. If the teacher in the main world lectures like this, everyone will surely fall asleep.

But now he uses spiritual power to hypnotize to assist in understanding, such blunt dry goods are the fastest teaching efficiency.

(End of this chapter)

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