Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 219 Chen Nuo: Preaching is pretending

Chapter 219 Chen Nuo: Preaching is pretending

"Every day we burn fire, the activities of the human body, and eating to obtain energy, all of these sources of energy are chemical bonds.

The chemical combination and disassembly of substances need to absorb energy, and the chemical combination will release energy. If the released energy is greater than the absorbed energy, the overall reaction is energy release, otherwise it is energy absorption.

This is carbon element, oxygen element, hydrogen element, iron element. The air we breathe every day is this oxygen, the oxygen molecular temperament formed by the combination of two oxygen atoms. The water we see is formed by the combination of an oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms. There are more than 118 kinds of elements between heaven and earth. "

Every time Chen Nuo mentioned an element, the related diagram would appear on the screen, along with the related basic chemical reaction formula.

The people listening to the lecture in the square were fascinated by absorbing this knowledge, and the spiritual energy was converging, being continuously inhaled into the body and transformed into the energy of cell transformation.

Chen Nuo not only hypnotized them to listen to the lectures to understand, but also hypnotized them to perform the body transformation method.

"Amplify the elements and atoms again, and we will enter the microscopic field of matter, which gradually becomes the field of atomic nuclear energy."

Chen Nuo's voice fell, and the screen instantly expanded to almost cover the entire sky. The 118 elements on it were continuously enlarged, and finally the smooth and substantial surface became transparent, revealing the substantive sunspots inside and the constantly rotating electron orbits. Formulas and data pop up on the screen.

Around the square, the aura suddenly vibrated, and avatars of primordial spirits descended quietly.

"Entering the interior of the atom, we can see a compact core and fast-moving electrons. This is a schematic diagram of electrons, and the depiction is only part of the mystery of the interior of the atom.

The inner mystery of the actual atom has entered the quantum microcosmic level, and only mathematical formulas can truly understand and describe it.

Through this schematic diagram, we can clearly see the basic composition of atoms - protons, neutrons, electrons.

The so-called difference in elements is actually the difference in the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons that make up the elements.

We use the number of protons to classify elements. Elements with different numbers of protons must be different elements. Elements with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons are isotopes.

The protons and neutrons of the nucleus are tightly bound together by the nuclear force, which is a branch of the strong interaction force, and this binding force occupies 0.6% to 11.3% of the mass of the nucleus. "

A large number of formula data flickered on the screen. The mysteries contained in these formula data, Chen Nuo used the method of mind hypnosis to hypnotize the understanding of everyone present, and at the same time, it was clearly and completely displayed in this world.

These data and mysteries, because of the interference of aura energy, cause the data to be different every moment. Originally, it was almost impossible to study it in the world before the world collapsed and entered the era of the material universe.

But now Chen Nuo's sermon says that there is no need to study it. I will tell you all the mysteries and all the data.

Looking across the figures that appeared around the square, Chen Nuo stretched out his hand and said with a light smile:

"The binding force of the atomic nucleus occupies 0.6% to 11.3% of the mass. The conversion formula of mass and energy is E=mc, where m is the mass and c is the speed of light.

Through this formula, we can know that the binding force inside the atom contains extremely huge energy, so if we open the nucleus to release the binding force, we can obtain a huge amount of energy.”

The atomic nucleus can control the explosion, and a small fiery red mushroom cloud emerges from Chen Nuo's palm.

Chen Nuo personally demonstrated that nuclear energy seemed to touch something, and there were two bangs in succession from the audience.

A mushroom cloud rises in front of the little fox, and the owner of the other mushroom cloud is Yunxiao?

Chen Nuo couldn't help being stunned. Although he used spiritual hypnosis to help everyone understand while preaching, this is not forced hypnosis. The efficiency of everyone's understanding is related to the degree of cooperation and the degree of spiritual resistance.

Most people can understand half of it right away, and the remaining half can be digested and understood slowly in the next few days. Yunxiao is completely up to date. Could it be that the mastery of atomic nuclear energy is another hidden Meier-type genius?

"Ask sir, what is the deeper structure of neutrons and protons?"

At this time, an incarnation of the primordial spirit around the square suddenly bowed and asked for advice.

"Neutrons and protons belong to hadrons, they can be converted into each other, and the deeper structure of hadrons is quarks."

After Chen Nuo's voice fell, the schematic diagram on the screen changed again. The neutrons and protons were independent and quickly zoomed in, revealing the internal structure. At the same time, a large number of data formulas were displayed on the screen.

The inside of hadron has completely entered the high-energy level, entered the quantum field, and the quantum uncertainty theory, the schematic diagram can only show part of the information forever.

To truly understand the mysteries inside hadrons, this can only be understood through mathematical formulas.

After the schematic diagram appears, a large number of data formulas are displayed on the screen.

These are the quantum chromodynamics and gauge field theory of the main world. In addition, Chen Nuo has studied the data mystery of the strong interaction force for many years, and has mastered the decay of matter. Although this is the field of weak force, it has also penetrated into the interior of hadrons. Comprehending the powerful characteristics of the auxiliary is equivalent to cheating.

"Quarks are roughly divided into up quarks and down quarks, of which protons are composed of two up quarks and one down quark, and neutrons are composed of two down quarks and one up quark.

It is the strong interaction that binds quarks together to form hadrons, and neutrons and protons can be converted into each other through the decay of matter.

70% of the mass of a proton comes from the strong interaction between quarks inside the proton.”

Chen Nuo stretched out his hand, the air was gathering, the matter decayed and exploded, and the matter decayed and disintegrated in an instant, and even greater energy was released.

The power of the primordial spirit flashed by one after another, and the avatars of the primordial spirit around the square fell into deep thought.

After a long time, a person spoke out.

"Dare to ask, sir, calculated by the previous mass-energy formula, the energy released just now accounts for only about 43%, and it has not reached the 70% that sir said."

As big bosses, quasi-sages and even saints, their thinking speed is amazing enough.

In the past, it was impossible to study the basic rules because the spiritual energy interference could not obtain the data and could not be enlightened.

Now that Chen Nuo has disclosed the formula data, they quickly understood the mystery, and even a few big shots are already trying to switch to the practice.

"The way is endless, I have not mastered the application of the strong interaction force yet, but the specific mystery of the disintegration of matter can be understood through mathematical formulas, and I have a video that can also demonstrate to you the disintegration of matter under the strong interaction force Practical Application”

Chen Nuo was humble, and then with a thought, he demonstrated the full-power attack image of the super battleship Xiaoqi's matter disintegration cannon.

In the dark starry sky, time and space are distorted, and the curvature super-light speed attack suddenly descends on a neutron star that is spinning violently and frantically.

Just like the explosion of Genesis, the neutron star that was rotating at a high speed and releasing terrifying magnetic fields and rays seemed to pause for a moment, and then the entire neutron star exploded.

The matter disintegration cannon completely destroys the material structure of the neutron star, the neutron structure collapses, and the endless rays of light, gamma ray bursts, and terrifying particle streams completely erupt, sweeping across the surrounding star field of nearly ten thousand light years! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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