Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 221 Choice

Chapter 221 Choice
"Everyone, I, Styx, have decided to change the basic rules of Mr. Xiu!

Yuan Yuan, you can rest assured that I won't kill your apprentice anymore, although you don't have any apprentices for me to kill. "

Before Chen Nuo could react, an incarnation of the primordial spirit shrouded in blood-red light bowed to Chen Nuo.

With his prostration, the sky and the earth trembled, the concentration of spiritual energy increased rapidly, and at the same time, the illusory incarnation of the primordial spirit slowly solidified.

"Fellow Daoist Minghe, wait a minute, this matter counts with me, Kunpeng!"

In ancient times, there were still grievances. Kunpeng, whose relationship has eased after so many years of decline in the world, shouted and bowed to Chen Nuo. The world shook again, and the concentration of spiritual energy increased rapidly.

People who have cultivated to this level are determined people. Once they make a decision, they will go back and do it, and they will not hesitate to hesitate.

"This matter counts as a part of our witch clan, and there is no need to watch this hell reincarnation."

A cold voice resounded between heaven and earth, it was not Xuanming, but the backland of hell.

Following her words, the sky and the earth rumbled loudly, and the energy of the aura doubled extremely quickly.

Compared with Styx, Kunpeng, and even Jiejiao after being beaten and disabled, the Witch Clan, as a major force in the world, obviously has more cards, and the number of reproductions in recent years cannot be underestimated.

Except for Houtu who stayed behind as a guarantee, all the other Wu tribes were disbanded collectively. The aura energy released at this moment brought the concentration of aura in the world back to the ancient times almost instantly.

After all, compared to ancient times, the current world has shrunk by more than a hundred times. Originally, 100 parts of spiritual energy could be filled, but now 1 part of spiritual energy can be filled.

Spiritual energy filled the air, spiritual rain floated in the air, and the stars outside the sky also bloomed with brilliant star power.

Ordinary plants are absorbing the spiritual energy and the power of the stars, oh no, the rich spiritual energy of the environment is pouring in, and they squeeze into the body without absorbing the energy of the spiritual energy.

Plants are turning into spiritual grasses, spiritual plants, and elixir medicines one after another, and at the same time, a large number of animals and plants are also being born with spiritual intelligence and turning into monster races.

What's the situation, and suddenly there is a collective military solution in horror?
Shouldn't it be me who calls the girl, oh no, those who practice the basic rules stand on the right, and those who don't practice and follow Hongjun Tiandi stand on the left, and after distinguishing them, follow my unified password?
Why are you making your own claim again!

Chen Nuo was speechless towards Minghe Kunpeng and the Wu clan.

"Nuwa, the spirit energy has been given to you monster clan. The basic rules for the cultivation of all the witch clan. After the world is destroyed, the lich will have both grievances and grievances eliminated, and there will be no day to meet again."

When Chen Nuo was speechless, the queen of hell continued to speak, and simple words would determine the future of the world.

"Houtu, the whereabouts of the monster clan is not up to you. The basic rules of your witch clan's cultivation, so why can't our monster clan not practice?"

"Hey, without the aura, do you monster race still have brains?"

Houtu chuckled.

The innate intelligence of the human race is activated, and the situation of the witch race is almost the same, but the birth and reproduction of the witch race need to consume more energy and resources.

Only the thinking consciousness of the Yaozu is completely based on the foundation of aura. Once there is no aura, it will be mentally retarded.

"What should our demon clan do? This will not bother Hou Tu Zuwu to worry about it."

Nuwa replied calmly, which was the end of this quarrel.


The little fox who ran to Chen Nuo's side pulled his clothes again, and looked at him pitifully with blue eyes.

"gone back."

Chen Nuo didn't answer, but yawned, and walked towards his residence.

Although it only took a few hours to explain the mystery of the basic rules, which is far less exaggerated than Hongjun Daozu's 3000-year preaching, but he has been using spiritual power to hypnotize the people present, which still makes him feel a burst of emotion. Fatigue is almost unbearable.

"Congratulations sir!"

"Congratulations sir!"

Seeing Chen Nuo leave, everyone present stood up and bowed to thank him, including the avatars of the masters of heaven and earth.

As the spiritual energy gathered, Chen Nuo then made a bunch of jade slips of information, and recorded the complete formula data of the sermon just now.

"This is the content just now. Those who don't understand can review it slowly afterwards."

The laws of the Dao of Heaven are not passed on lightly, and there is nothing in the world that can carry the mysteries of the Dao of Heaven, but the basic rules are different, and the relevant formula data can be recorded in any notebook.

At present, the premise must be understood.

Ordinary people can subscribe to the most cutting-edge scientific literature in the main world, but it is useless to subscribe, you have to understand it, otherwise it will be put on the bookshelf to pretend.

No one sent a copy of these information jade slips with a wave of his hand. Chen Nuo yawned, hugged the little fox, and went back to the residence to sleep.

I was so tired, I hadn't experienced this feeling of being hollowed out for a long time.

After Chen Nuo's sermon ended, the heaven and earth would vibrate from time to time, and after the shaking, the aura energy of the heaven and earth would increase again.

"Ah Li, sir, are you asleep?"

The next day, the monkey who didn't come home yesterday came back with a gloomy expression, looked at the little fox who was practicing and studying the mysteries of the basic rules outside, and asked.

"Well, monkey, what's the matter with you?"

Ari gave the monkey a strange look, which was rare for a monkey.

"Ari, are you planning to go to Hongjun Tiandi after Mr. leaves, or to practice the basic rules?"

The monkey didn't answer, but asked Ahri a question.

"I must practice the basic rules. Daxian said that if I practice the basic rules to the peak, I will be able to transcend, and then I will be able to see him again."

Ahri waved his little paw, his blue eyes flashed with anticipation and reluctance.


The monkey looked at the little fox, opened his mouth and shook his head, but still didn't say anything.

Anyone with a discerning eye understands that Chen Nuo's statement that there is a high probability that he will see him again after being detached is a lie, a white lie to comfort the little fox.

They understand, and the little fox must also understand, but since they are willing to believe, the lie is also true.

"Monkey, are you going to go to Hongjun Tiandi or switch to basic rules?"


A gloomy look flashed across the monkey's eyes: "I don't know, I haven't figured it out yet, I went to find the patriarch yesterday."

"did not find?"

The little fox asked curiously. She has known each other for hundreds of years, and she has also heard the experience of the monkey apprenticeship.


The monkey shook his head, his eyes were confused: "I went to Fangcun Mountain, and there was nothing there, no Fangcun Mountain, no Taoist temple, no former brothers, and no patriarch.

I didn't look in the wrong place, but there was nothing there"

"You didn't find the wrong place, it's only possible that they left, or it was a dream of yours."

The little fox said in a straight line.

In front of Chen Nuo, she has always looked like a cute and coquettish scumbag, but she is still very sensible and a domineering student in front of other people alone.


The monkey shook his head, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He is no longer a stupid monkey, he and Chen Nuo have become more stable over the years, and have also learned how to think about problems.

After Erlangshen and others intercepted them to reveal their true strength, and realized that he was being played, he was thinking about his past life experience.

In fact, he already had an answer in his heart, but he didn't dare to admit that answer, let alone admit it.

It turns out that I am still a timid person after all.

Monkey smiled bitterly, turned around and walked to his room.

"Ah Li, I'm going back to my room, sir, wake up and call me."

"it is good."

Ari responded, ignoring the monkey's state, this kind of thing can only be figured out by himself.

She was believing that the lie Chen Nuo gave her was true, so Monkey also believed that the beauty of the past was true.

(End of this chapter)

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