Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 222 Immortal, Immortal, Not Immortal

Chapter 222 Immortal, Immortal, Not Immortal
He didn't make any effort to recover, and slept for seven days and seven nights naturally. Chen Nuo was woken up by a bang.

What the hell, who is smashing the house?

After being woken up, Chen Nuo didn't go back to sleep. He got up and did a cleansing technique, and walked outside.

Extraordinary is good, you can wake up without brushing your teeth.

"Wow! Daxian, you woke up!"

As soon as he opened the door and walked to the yard, a white figure bumped into his arms, and the little fox shouted happily.

Playing cute again.


Yun Xiao and the others stepped forward to salute.

where is this?
Looking at the yard like a small world, Chen Nuo was stunned.

When did my home become like this?

"Sir, the mystery that we need to practice and verify the basic rules is not convenient in the original Chang'an City.

After the dissolution of many immortals, gods, Buddhas and witches, the concentration of spiritual energy in the heaven and earth has risen to that of ancient times. With the consent of the emperor, the master opened up a cave world here. "

Seeing the doubt in Chen Nuo's eyes, Yun Xiao quickly explained.

Although the little fox agreed to this matter, the real owner was Chen Nuo. It was really rude for them to open a cave world at home without Chen Nuo's permission.

"It's a good thing, I've been feeling inconvenient for a long time."

Chen Nuo nodded approvingly after hearing this. He knew that the original courtyard was inconvenient for cultivation, but he didn't grasp the mysteries of gravitational space-time and the method of opening subspace.

"Your master is here?"

Chen Nuo asked about Yun Xiao, since the concentration of the aura of heaven and earth has increased to the ancient times, then the saint no longer needs to be an otaku and otaku, and can come out for a stroll.

"Yes, Master has left Shangqingtian and went out just now. Mr. Wang is probably coming back when he wakes up now."

"Hahaha, Mr. Chen Nuo, you really slept for a long time."

After Yun Xiao finished explaining, before Chen Nuo could reply, a hearty voice came from outside.

A young man stepped in from the outside, his every move was in harmony with the heaven and the earth, causing the resonance and fluctuation of the heaven and the earth.

Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun is a sage who reaches the sky.

"Tongtian Dao." Out of basic respect for the strong, Chen Nuo greeted.

"No, you can't do it."

Before the Dao brother behind Chen Nuo could say anything, Tong Tian quickly shook his head and refused, saying: "The Tao is endless, and those who have mastered it are teachers. You are the founder of the practice of this world's material rule system. I am ready to switch to the basic rules." , it would be more appropriate to call you Mr.

After Tong Tian finished speaking, he bowed to Chen Nuo sincerely.

"This. Let's still be considered equals."

Chen Nuo froze for a moment, then shook his head helplessly.

A sage bows down to himself, it’s cool, it’s cool, and it breaks through the sky. The problem is that we grew up studying Lu Xun’s articles. We are not such vulgar people.

"this is OK."

Tong Tian is also a free and easy person, seeing that Chen Nuo is not used to it, he also agrees to be equal to his peers.

"The concentration of spiritual energy in this world is a bit exaggerated. How many immortals, gods and Buddhist soldiers have been transformed into cultivation?"

Chen Nuo walked to the courtyard that had expanded into a cave world, and asked Tong Tian and the others to sit down. He swept his mind outside and asked curiously.

The fog in the air is no longer water vapor, it is all spiritual mist liquefied by spiritual energy. This is the level where the concentration of spiritual energy has reached an astonishing level, and the spiritual energy is also penetrating into the body without cultivation.

"The world today is much smaller than it was in ancient times. Judging from the total amount of aura, it is only one-thousandth of that in ancient times."

Tong Tian explained, and then said: "The cultivators above heaven and earth, except for Yuanyuan, Laozi, Jieyin, and a small number of their disciples, all the rest choose to switch to cultivation.

After everything is arranged, everyone will draw the aura of this world to open up the Hongjun world, and place all the creatures who cannot escape the catastrophe of destruction and those who are unwilling to convert to cultivation. "

"Almost all choose to change majors?"

Chen Nuo was surprised, and then was pleasantly surprised.

How much power does this take.

"The foundation of Hongjun Heaven and Earth is Hongjun's body and primordial spirit, with limited potential.

Entering there, it is estimated that it is impossible to go further after arriving at Daluo. Only Yuanshen and Tiandao can become saints, and they are still in the realm of saints with moisture.

On one side is a hopeless world, and on the other side is recreating the universe world with infinite possibilities and infinite pursuits. It is not surprising that almost everyone chooses the latter. "

Tongtian simply explained that they are all cultivators, and a path of cultivation with infinite possibilities and pursuits is their choice.

"Fellow Daoist Tongtian, there should be no immortality in cultivation based on the basic rules."

Chen Nuo reminded me that this group of people would not know the situation and switch to cultivation with a bang, and then find out that there is no eternal life and scold their mothers behind their backs.

"Sir, in the beginning, there were millions of gods and demons and hundreds of millions of creatures. They all lived forever, but who survived?

There were three thousand Zixiao guests in ancient times and tens of millions of cultivators. They can all live forever. How many are still alive today?
Our sage soul is in harmony with the way of heaven, immortal, but without your preaching, we sages can only fall into an eternal sleep with the destruction of heaven and earth, and eventually our thinking consciousness will become rigid and die in the deep sleep.

The Taoist ancestor who is known as Hongjun Tiandao, the Taoist ancestor who is equal to the heavenly way, what about him?
Before the world is destroyed, the thinking consciousness has been consumed by the endless information of the laws of heaven. The body is still there, and the soul is eternal, but the thinking consciousness is gone. What is the difference between this and death. "

Tong Tian shook his head and sighed: "The demise of Daozu's thinking consciousness has touched me a lot. We have been thinking about whether there is immortality or eternity in this world for several years.

However, the answer is frustrating, there is no eternity, the world has enough energy to be eternal, and the thinking consciousness of creatures can never be eternal.

Because living beings have intelligence is not a program without thinking consciousness.

As we survive, our memory information will increase.

In order to carry this information, we also need more and more powerful thinking consciousness.

Otherwise, every day we live, we will forget one day. After hundreds of millions of years, will you who completely forget the past still be you?

Memory is the foundation of self. Without memory or completely changed memory, it is actually another person.

To carry more and more memory information, the thinking consciousness is either strong, that is, concise, or huge, that is, large.

There is no limit to being strong, but the more powerful you are, the more condensed the energy you need, the harder it is to improve and even go backwards.

According to Mr., this is because the energy penetration gap with the environment is getting bigger and bigger, and it is more difficult to condense energy, and it may even leak out.

That is to say, unless there is an environment with infinitely high energy concentration, there is a limit to the energy condensation we practice.

There is a limit to being powerful, so in order to carry more and more memory information, you can only choose to be huge, that is, to have a large amount.

However, we all understand that there is speed in information transmission, and there is also speed in thinking response.

When the thinking consciousness is huge to a certain extent, and the huge memory information is scattered in the huge thinking consciousness, then it takes 8000 years to recall a thing, and it takes 80 years to make a thinking reaction.

If we reach this point, are we still immortal, are we still considered to have extraordinary power?

No, this is not eternal life, nor is it a fairy Buddha with extraordinary power, this is a pig, a giant so bloated that it is difficult to even react with a thought.

The body can be eternal, and the primordial spirit can also be immortal, but if the self-consciousness does not exist eternally, then the soul does not have eternal life.

Since there is no eternal life, what we pursue should be a magnificent life with infinite pursuit and infinite possibilities!
As long as my life is bright, even if I only live for thousands of years, it will be more magnificent and meaningful than sitting for hundreds of millions of years. "

Speaking of the latter, Tongtian's eyes are full of fighting spirit, he is still young, and he can fight for another [-] million years!

"Sir, Master, Yun Xiao has a guess."

Before Chen Nuo could reply, Yun Xiao, who was sitting quietly next to him, suddenly said.

"What guess?"

Tong Tian glanced at his apprentice, who has only been out for a few years now, and they are always called Mr. first and Master after.

This made Tongtian feel a bit tasted.

(End of this chapter)

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