Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 223 Ari has grown up

Chapter 223 Ari has grown up

"Our heaven and earth, our world, even chaos, including the infinite world outside the territory, could it be the giant that Master said?

This giant has cultivated for countless years, and his body and thinking consciousness are so huge that it cannot be described. It takes countless billions of years to make a thinking reaction, and even his thinking consciousness has disappeared like the Taoist ancestor, leaving only an indestructible body. Instinct grows stronger.

Our world may be a cell of his body, and the chaotic energy is the blood flowing between the cells. "

Yun Xiao put forward her own bold guess, which was a sudden flash of inspiration in her mind.


Tong Tian was stunned, he had never thought of such a bold idea.

"It's a real possibility."

Chen Nuo looked at Yun Xiao in surprise.

For scientific research, logic is the foundation, and brain holes must also be possessed. Only in this way can we continue to develop and develop new theories.

This little girl is talented.

"Since it is a body, there must be energy circulation. In the future, detachment can survive in chaos. Yunxiao, you can study and observe the flow of chaotic energy, and observe the destruction and rebirth of the world. Maybe you can research and verify this conjecture."

Chen Nuo proposed a goal for Yun Xiao and a rough verification method, and then asked Tong Tian curiously:

"Fellow Daoist Tongtian, since you, Zhunti, and Nuwa all chose to switch cultivation, what about the transformation of Hongjun Heaven and Earth's aura?
Um, no, how could the good friends Jieyin and Zhunti be separated? "

"Sir, it's not good to talk behind your back."

Without waiting for Tongtian to answer, a Taoist suddenly came outside the door, bowed and said: "I have met Taoist Brother Tongtian."

"Zhunti? Or Bodhi?"

Chen Nuo asked.

"It's Zhunti, and it's also Bodhi."

The sage turned himself into Bodhi and bowed to salute, explaining: "Before the sage turns to practice, his aura and the origin of the sage will be left in Hongjun Tiandi, and Hongjun Tiandi can use this to increase the foundation and give birth to a new sage.

As for the separation between my senior brother and me, Buddhism must be preached in both worlds. "

"I see. It seems that your ambitions of the Second Saint of the West are still good."

Chen Nuo nodded, and pointed to the monkey's room: "Aren't you going to see your apprentice?"

"Journey to the West is over, and there will be no more Journey to the West in the future. Wukong is free and has his own way to go. It is meaningless to see or not to see."

Bodhi shook his head, reached out and took out a box and put it on the table: "Please pass it on, sir. If Bodhi has something to do, please leave first."

After the words fell, Bodhi bowed again and disappeared into the courtyard.

Chen Nuo opened it, and the eyes of the little fox in his arms lit up immediately, wanting to eat it.

"3 golden lotus seeds, not too bad."

Angrily knocking on the little foodie fox, Chen Nuo casually closed the box and threw it into a corner of the yard.

"Monkey, take it. If you eat it and switch to cultivation or go to Hongjun Heaven and Earth, it will have a good effect."

The box Chen Nuo threw was caught by the monkey, and the monkey who had come over just now walked into the yard with a hesitant expression.

"Sir, I want to go back to Huaguo Mountain, so I may not be able to say goodbye to you."

"Go, practice hard, we can meet again after transcending." Chen Nuo nodded, telling a white lie.


The corner of the monkey's mouth twitched, did he think he was Ari?
"Thank you sir for teaching me these years, Wukong is very grateful."

After being silent for a while, the monkey knelt down and kowtowed three times in front of him, and then his figure turned into golden light and disappeared into the sky.

After so many years, it's time to go home and have a look.

"The monkey is crying." The little fox suddenly said.

"Don't laugh at the monkey, you'll cry too after a while."

Rubbing the little fox's head, Chen Nuo insulted her.

"Why would I cry, Daxian, don't underestimate the fox."

The little fox has a very stubborn mouth and doesn't admit defeat at all.
"Would you like to go with the Great Immortal?" Chen Nuo chuckled, rubbing the little fox's head and asking.

"do not want!"

The little fox shook his head resolutely: "Daxian must have a lot of big things to do. Ari has grown up and can't always be cute by Daxian's side. I have to work hard!"

"You can work hard if you stay by your side."

"No, no, Ahri will be very lazy when he is with Daxian. He doesn't think about anything, doesn't do anything, and can't work hard."

The little fox shook his head one after another.

For her, who has the full level of Fox Fake Nuowei's skills, when Chen Nuo is by her side, she is just like a salty fish and fox.

Ari doesn't want to be a salted fish by Chen Nuo's side, she also wants to be a useful fox by Chen Nuo's side.


Chen Nuo was speechless, rubbed the little fox's head and said nothing.

Why is it that the people he wants to take away are either very independent and unwilling to go together, or the world refuses to let them go.

"Sir, Yunxiao practiced the basic cultivation method, and found that in addition to the supernatural means of the basic rules, some of the previous supernatural means can also be used."

Seeing the end of the chat between Chen Nuo and the little fox, Yun Xiao raised the problems he encountered in his cultivation.

"Soul, oh no, it's the supernatural powers of the primordial spirit, right?"

Hearing this question, Chen Nuo guessed which aspect of magical means Yun Xiao was talking about.

"Yes, the power is not as strong as before." Yun Xiao nodded and asked: "Sir, what is the principle?"

"It's the power of the mind."

Chen Nuo explained patiently: "As long as the spiritual power exists, as long as it is a living being, if you practice the laws of heaven, spiritual energy and spiritual power are naturally compatible. A practitioner can choose the soul to use the body as the foundation. This is similar to the witch clan, and spiritual power can also be fused with spiritual energy. Forming an independent soul, this is your previous cultivation method.

Now that you switch to the basic rules, the mind can only be based on the body, and the power of the blessing of spiritual energy will naturally be reduced by a part.

When the heavens and the earth are shattered and the world officially enters the period of the material universe, the power of the mind can still be used, but at that time the power of the environment will be reduced if there is no aura.

These methods are no problem against enemies weaker than oneself, but they are almost ineffective against people of the same level or even stronger than oneself. "

The mind is based on the body, and the energy of the body can support it, so the extraordinary means related to the mind can definitely be used.

In addition to the basic rule methods such as electromagnetic control, temperature control, and material decay, Chen Nuo can also use such methods as mind hypnosis, mind interference with reality, and mind impact.

It's just that the supernatural means of the mind are suppressed by the environment in the material world. It is very effective against enemies with low strength, but it is ridiculous to face enemies of the same level or even stronger than oneself.

The attack needs energy support, there is no bonus to the body energy, and the environment is also suppressed, no matter how awesome the meta-mystery method and the spiritual attack method are, it will not work.

This is the same as a V12 engine. If you want to burn 98 gasoline and use 92 ethanol gasoline, it will definitely not be able to exert its full power, or simply move it to outer space without air and oxygen, and it will be useless to add 100 gasoline for racing.

"Yunxiao, Taoism is infinite, so one must specialize in one and minor in others in cultivation.

The four basic forces of the basic rules already contain countless ways of attack, which is enough for you to study for a lifetime.

Specialize in the one that suits you, and understand the attack that doesn't suit the environment and doesn't suit you, and don't disperse too much energy.

I think the gamma rays formed by the electromagnetic force through electromagnetic conversion should be quite suitable for your personality. In addition, the space-time distortion of gravity and the further engulfment of black holes are not bad. "

Seeing Yun Xiao's appearance, Tong Tian reprimanded him, and then put forward his own suggestions based on his understanding of Yun Xiao's character.

"Master, I am more inclined to electromagnetic mass cannon and curvature FTL attack."

Yun Xiao proposed his own choice.

Chen Nuo next to him also nodded in agreement. Gamma ray bursts sound good, but it is difficult to match the curvature to achieve faster than light speed. The black hole space-time looks awesome but consumes a lot of energy.

The speed of light is insurmountable, the energy of the mass bomb can be superimposed infinitely, and with the addition of a curvature to attack at the speed of light, this cannon is so powerful that it will not be a problem to bomb the central black hole of the Milky Way.

Very nice idea.

Ahri, who was staying in Chen Nuo's arms, flickered his eyes and flicked his tail, as if he was thinking about something.

"Great Immortal, is Ahri better than the Immortal if he masters the disintegration of matter?" The little fox raised his head and asked.

"Yes, better than Daxian now."

Chen Nuo patted the little fox on the head, mastering the disintegration of matter is better than him now, but it may not be so when he goes back to buy a hang with the boss.

"Then Ari will soon be able to beat Daxian to the ground."

The little fox was immediately happy, humming and looking very proud.

"Let's talk about it after you master the disintegration of matter."

Chen Nuo rolled his eyes, this little fox has been shouting similar words for hundreds of years, and every time he is unhappy with her homework assignment, he almost has to shout it again.

"Fellow Daoist Tongtian, if you have time, please invite Saint Nuwa to come over. I need to talk to her about the monster race."

Chen Nuo looked back at Tongtian.

The monkey left, Jiang Liu'er went to be an official, and although the little fox could not repay his kindness in the future, he was obedient and did not make trouble.

In this way, he will complete the affairs of the Yaozu, solve the brain problem of the Yaozu's lack of aura in the era of the material universe, and appease a group of Yaozu bosses, then this journey to the west will be successfully concluded, and it is time to go back.

As for the human race?All the gods and gods in the sky have switched to the basic rules, and they will safeguard the interests of the human race.

Not for faith, nor for luck, but for the study of basic rules.

A problem that one person can't figure out, and thousands of scientists in a civilization combine insights that can almost have no dead ends.

The objectivity of the basic rules and the blind spots in the thinking of intelligent life determine the individual research ability, which is far inferior to the group research ability of the team.

For the sake of research and profit, the human race didn't need Chen Nuo to order and arrange, and this group of immortals, gods and Buddhas who transferred to cultivation would be more attentive than him.

After the catastrophe of the destruction of the world, no matter how the human race develops and evolves afterwards, whether it will split again, whether there will be a new three-clan war between the Lich people, he doesn't care about it.

He is a revolutionary boss, not a nanny boss.

"This is not a problem, but how do you solve the inheritance of the spiritual wisdom of the descendants after the Yaozu has no spiritual energy?"

Tong Tian nodded, then asked curiously.

Monsters like Ari and Yunxiao who are born with spiritual wisdom and then switch to cultivation, even if they lose their spiritual energy in the future, their own energy level can support their thinking consciousness.

However, if there are offspring, the newly born ones have no cultivation base and no aura energy to enlighten the spirit, so they are animals and plants without wisdom.

Let animals and plants without intelligence learn mathematics and physics, practice and study basic rules, um, let’s forget about the explosion of the universe.

"It's simple, just teach them what is heredity, what is evolution, and what is biological gene research."

Chen Nuo shrugged, he had already made up his mind about the monster's brain problem.

 On this special date, only updates can comfort the hearts of single dogs, and there will be another update later

(End of this chapter)

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