Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 224 Little Fox: I'm going to beat up Daxian

Chapter 224 Little Fox: I'm going to beat up Daxian

"Energy disintegration, strong interaction force"

The next day, the little fox got up early, squatted in the yard and held a stone to meditate.

Her cell transformation is stronger than Meier's previous six transformations. The ability brought about by body transformation can actually sense the binding energy inside the hadron, but she can't open it, or dare not open it.

Yes, dare not open it.

The strong interaction force inside the hadron is really too strong, accounting for 70% of the mass. Simply put, the energy released by the disintegration of any 1 gram of matter is equivalent to 15000 tons of TNT equivalent.

The little fox has not yet fully grasped the strong interaction force, so hastily disintegrating matter may not be able to control the energy, losing control and injuring himself.

dong dong dong.

While the little fox was thinking deeply, there was a sudden knock on the courtyard door.

"Come in."

The little fox yelled, the creaking door opened, and the little fox was stunned for a moment.

"Hey, what are you doing here, Golden Retriever?"

Golden Retriever?
Jin Feng's face froze, and she was almost about to have a fit with an angry expression.

"Golden Phoenix."

Before Jinfeng could get mad, a clear and warm voice came from outside the door, and Nu Wa stepped in.


This woman seemed a little familiar.

The little fox's eyes flickered, and he jumped under the table and took out a picture scroll and opened it for a look.

Lady Nuwa?

"I don't know what Empress Nuwa is doing here? Daxian is still sleeping late and hasn't gotten up yet."

After confirming that it was Empress Nuwa, the little fox took the teapot and poured a cup of tea for Nuwa and Jinfeng.

She is also a polite fox and knows how to treat guests. Of course, if Jinfeng comes here alone, let alone tea, it would be nice if she doesn't chase people away.

The little fox still remembers the situation where Jinfeng targeted the great immortal when he was in Wuzhuangguan.

"It's okay, it's the same as we wait here for Mr. Chen Nuo to wake up."

Nu Wa, who received the message from Tongtian, nodded with a smile, not annoyed at having to wait.


The little fox nodded, rolled his eyes, and then asked Nuwa, "Nuwa, it may be dangerous for me to practice later. Can Nuwa help me stabilize my energy?"

"Shall I help you stabilize your energy?" Nuwa was taken aback.

"Yeah." The little fox nodded.

"You are so assured of me?" Nuwa was a little surprised.

"Of course, you are the Nuwa Empress of the Monster Race."

The little fox took it for granted, but he was muttering in his heart, if you ask the great fairy to do things, then the cute little bearded fox beside me, the great fairy, will definitely be very interested.

Fox fake Nuowei's skills are at the full level, and there is a saint watching the cultivation by the side, which is very safe.

"That can."

Nuwa didn't know if she saw through the little fox's tricks, or because she felt good about the words "Nvwa Empress of the Monster Race", so she nodded in agreement.

"Then I have practiced. I want to practice the disintegration of matter. Daxian said that the level of the instantaneous burst of energy has reached the realm of Daluo."

The energy efficiency of matter decay is 43%, and the energy efficiency of matter disintegration is 70%. Although it seems that the energy efficiency is only increased by 27%, the energy explosion is several orders of magnitude worse.

One decays, one disintegrates, one takes time to convert 43% of its mass into energy, and one can only disintegrate into energy in an instant with 70% of mass. This is completely different.

"Material disintegration?"

Nuwa was also a sage who had listened to Chen Nuo's sermon. She glanced at the little fox and said doubtfully, "You have just mastered the decay of matter and it is at the level of the Golden Immortal. It is too early to practice the disintegration of matter so soon."

"It's getting late, I'm going to overtake Daxian before he leaves, and give him a good beating!"

The little fox waved his paw, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

"Then you practice."

Empress Nuwa nodded: "I'll help you watch, unless the world is shattered, you will be fine."

"Then Ari thanked Empress Nuwa."

The little fox took out a small stone, preparing to practice precise control externally first, and then use it intracellularly.

The spiritual power swept across, and the stone held by the little fox instantly turned into a ball of fire, and the violent energy was released, but before it could spread, Nuwa next to him glanced at it, and the energy dissipated into nothingness.

The concentration of heaven and earth aura is restored, and the mighty power of the saint is so terrifying.

"Not yet, it cannot be precisely controlled."

The little fox pondered for a while, then took out a stone again, and disintegrated matter according to his improved understanding.

Another fireball dissipated before it could spread, and the little fox was thinking.

She needs to precisely control the amount of material disintegration, so that she can get as much as she wants, and as little as she wants, so that she will not be injured by precise control, and she can disintegrate matter in the cells.

After mastering this step, the next step is to increase the energy power of nerve cells, enhance the strength of the mind, and then reverse transformation to increase the strength of the cells, and gradually to completely control the disintegration of matter.

It can be said that this is a practice method without bottlenecks, oh no, there are bottlenecks, and the bottleneck is to understand the mysteries of basic rules and master the mysteries of strong interaction forces.

There is no bottleneck in the cultivation process, but there is a bottleneck in the prerequisites for cultivation.

This is the same as the premise of reading and writing is to be literate first.

Rumbling material explosions sounded in the yard from time to time, but with a saint here, the energy did not dissipate, and the sound did not spread to affect Chen Nuo's sleep.

"It seems to be fine."

After groping and practicing hundreds of times, the little fox did not use the stone outside this time. A trace of tenacity flashed in his eyes, his heart shook, and a little substance inside the extremely powerful cell disintegrated.


The little fox snorted, and azure blue plasma flames suddenly burst out from his body.

This is a plasma phenomenon formed by the disintegration of cells in the body and the release of extremely huge energy.

Under the flames, the white hair was soaked and turned blood-colored.

This is the blood-colored tissue fluid that flowed out after the cells collapsed. It has undergone many transformations, and even after the collapse, it can temporarily maintain its original shape under the high temperature of the plasma flame.

A supernatural power fell on the little fox, repairing the wounds on her body and lowering her body temperature.

"Your current cell strength cultivation is too reluctant to use matter disintegration. You have mastered the mystery of the strong interaction force. Wait a few more years, and when the spiritual power improves the cell strength transformation, you will naturally be able to master matter disintegration. untie."

Nuwa looked at the little fox and dissuaded him.

The level of strength is poor, and she saw through the little fox's physical condition at a glance.

The strength of the cells is not enough, and they cannot withstand the energy of material disintegration.

"It's okay, it's very simple. I feel like I can master it after practicing a few more times. If I don't beat up Daxian this time, it will be difficult to beat him up after he leaves."

The little fox shook his head, regardless of the pain that his body seemed to be completely collapsed just now, the power of his mind continued to integrate into the cell transformation.

After waiting for a while, the little fox summed up the experience just now and took a deep breath.

Boom!The azure blue plasma flames bloomed again.

However, compared to the first time, the flame this time was significantly weaker, which indicated that the little fox had better control and less energy leakage.

Once, twice, ten times, a hundred times. Three poles on the same day, except for the use of substances to disintegrate the body temperature will increase, the little fox has no abnormalities, and will not explode a mass of plasma flames.


The sound of the door opening came from the courtyard. The little fox, who was trying to master the disintegration of matter, the transformation of his body and the improvement of spiritual power, heard this sound, his eyes lit up, and he jumped into a white light, rushed out of the atom and ran to Chen Nuo. .

"Daxian, I have mastered the disintegration of matter, I am better than you!"

The little fox shouted happily, with an inexplicable brilliance in his eyes.

"Really? Didn't the cell strength increase much?"

Chen Nuo looked at the little fox suspiciously. The strength of this cell is not as strong as his own, so how could he possibly withstand the instantaneous burst of energy from the disintegration of matter.

"Precise control is enough, Daxian, you are so stupid, let me show you a demonstration."

The little fox cast a contemptuous look, and with a thought, the cells in his body went from a standby state to a berserk state, and the matter disintegrated inside the cells.

The higher energy efficiency made her mental strength significantly higher, which made Chen Nuo feel it.

"Well, the increase in cell energy efficiency is stronger than that of Daxian, and the fluctuation of strong interaction force is indeed mastered."

Chen Nuo was a little surprised, holding the little fox and asked curiously: "But how did you become a warm baby? Your body temperature is so high."


With a thought in his mind, the little fox intervened with the power of his mind to cool down the reality, and muttered: "I just broke through and I'm not yet proficient in controlling it, and the energy is a little out of control and leaking out, so I can't fully convert it and use it."

"Don't worry, practice slowly." Chen Nuo was speechless, and knocked the little fox on the head.

"Ari is not in a hurry."

The little fox shook his head in denial, and suddenly said: "Great Immortal, Empress Nuwa is here, she is in the yard."

"Well, I see it."

Chen Nuo nodded, as soon as he woke up, he realized that someone was coming, otherwise he would probably hang around for a while after waking up.

 Make up one chapter of last month’s leave, and still owe another chapter, last month’s monthly ticket plus change also owes a chapter, all of which are in my heart, mantis slowly make up, if the update is not enough, I don’t even dare to ask for a monthly ticket (﹏ )
(End of this chapter)

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