Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 225 The monster race will no longer be a monster, and the era of ten thousand races is comin

Chapter 225 The monster race will no longer be a monster, and the era of ten thousand races is coming

"Miss Nuwa."

Chen Nuo walked into the yard with the little fox, greeted Nuwa, and then nodded to Jinfeng next to him.

"Meet sir."

Facing Chen Nuo, Nuwa was not at all casual, she stood up and gave a slight salute to Chen Nuo.

I have to say that although this group of bosses are high above the ground, using the world as the chessboard and all living beings as the chess pieces, they still abide by the concept of those who are masters as teachers. Facing Chen Nuo who created the basic cultivation method for this world, they all kept a Respectfully.

"I already know the purpose of Empress Nuwa's coming here, and the solution to the demon clan's spiritual wisdom you want is here."

Chen Nuo didn't procrastinate at all, and didn't find topics to talk about because she was one of the best beauties in the world or a sage-level beauty. She reached out and took out a jade slip of information and handed it over.

"Thank you sir."

Nuwa thanked her first, and then picked up the jade slip on the table with her white and jade-like slender hands. The power of the primordial spirit flashed, and the information in the jade slip was obtained in an instant, and the saint's powerful thinking speed quickly understood the mystery .

"Genetic inheritance, life evolution?" Nuwa pondered carefully, her eyes flickering.


Chen Nuo nodded: "Genes can also be called bloodlines, or information imprints.

In the past, there were no genes in the world, and the inheritance of life was based on bloodline information and race information.

In the era of the material universe, there is no aura, and life information is passed on in another way, which is called genes. "

Before ancient times, in the ancient times, the heaven and the earth were all aura without matter, the soil under the feet, flowers and plants on the roadside, the sky, the sun, etc. were all composed of aura.

Without matter, naturally there would be no genes, but at that time it did not mean that there would be no life inheritance information.

The inheritance information at that time was called the bloodline, which was a kind of inheritance information carried on the aura, and there was also the imprint of the information related to the primordial spirit, which constituted the information of life inheritance.

In ancient times, spiritual energy began to turn into matter, and only then did genetic inheritance begin to replace the original blood and information imprints.

The essence of the two is the same thing, both are the inheritance information of life, but the change of the carrier is caused by the change of the environment.

"Promote the evolution of life through genetic adjustment, and evolve the thinking organs in it. When the thinking organs can also carry the existence of thinking consciousness in the state of ordinary creatures, then solidify this gene, and the problem of the inheritance of the monster race will be solved."

Chen Nuo explained the general idea and explained: "The genes of each species are different, that is, the genetic adjustment of each monster race will be different. It depends on how you implement it."

The solution to the monster race's spiritual wisdom is a huge project.

The Yaozu is a general term, and there are thousands of species in it. Even the bristle-tailed grass on the roadside has a dog-tailed monster. This can only allow the Yaozu to evolve their own internal genes and slowly grow a qualified brain for themselves.

If you really want Chen Nuo to solve it, one or two species are okay, but if you want to completely solve it, then Marshal Chen may become bald Chen.

He didn't even solve his own fox, ah no, what did the fox want to solve this.

"Nuwa understands, thank you sir for your guidance."

Nuwa thanked, and then sighed: "It's just that every species is independent, and there will be no bloodline evolution. Snakes can never transform into dragons, and dragons can never transform into dragons."

In the past, life information was passed down through bloodlines, and life through the evolution of bloodlines could continue to transform.

Now it is genes that pass on life information, and the genes of each species are independent, and there is no transformation from one species to another.

"Isn't this very good, it's a blessing for the monsters in the world."

Chen Nuo shook his head. In the era of the material universe, there is no such thing as innate supernatural power, and there is no such thing as an innate fit with the world. Everyone is on the same starting line, and the competition is learning, research, and technology.

There is no essential difference between the sparrow in the woods and the phoenix flying in the sky.

I will no longer think about the period of heaven and earth, when the dragon clan was born as the ancestor of the Linjia, the phoenix was born as the head of all birds, and the unicorn was born as the king of all beasts.

Only birth does not represent destiny, then such a world is fair.

"The demon clan will split."

Nuwa was silent for a while, and expressed her concern.

There is no essential difference between the sparrows in the woods and the phoenix flying in the sky. Each species is independent, so there is no such thing as a demon clan or not.

At that time, the Yaozu will probably evolve into a monster.

Toad Clan: That three-legged Golden Crow Lu Ya wants to order me?Brothers, come on, instead of eating swans today, eat tripods!

Crow: Toad, what do you mean by comparing us with a three-legged bird?

Lark: Who said that our singing is not as good as Phoenix?Whoever said that, stand up!If I don't call you daddy, I'm not a bird.

Goldfish: Goldfish jumping over the dragon's gate?Who said such nonsense, it's obviously Longyue Jinyumen, oh, that little female dragon, uncle will show you the little goldfish!
Totally messed up.

"This lady makes her own choice."

Chen Nuo chuckled and ignored Nuwa's entanglement.

It's a mess, birth does not determine fate, this is the real resonance.

I didn't expect to come here, in addition to completing the characters who unlocked the restrictions of the world and completed the reform of the human race, it seems that now it also led the revolution within the monster race.

If the world awareness of Journey to the West does not reward [-] billion this time, then he will definitely encourage the boss to launch a cross-world war and beat up this world that secretly deducts rewards.

"Forget it, the development of the monster race has its own destiny. The most important thing right now is to pass on the race. Too much other interference will be useless."

Nuwa was silent for a long time, and finally sighed with a dull expression, and tapped her finger on the jade slip, and there was a bang, and the sky and the earth shook.

The information on the jade slip plus her sage's comprehension notes were instantly imprinted between the heavens and the earth, and this information emerged in the minds of all the monster races who had awakened their spiritual wisdom.

With the understanding and annotations of the sage Nuwa, this originally esoteric information on genetic inheritance and biological evolution has become very easy to understand.


Between heaven and earth, there was a voice of grief and indignation suddenly, and the anger of grief and anger in the voice almost flooded the entire heaven and earth.

This was Lu Ya's voice. Nuwa was worried about the split of the monster clan, and he could see it.

From today onwards, the three-legged Golden Crow will no longer be a royal family!
"Thank you, Empress Nuwa, thank you sir!"

"Thank you, Empress Nuwa, thank you sir!"

After Lu Ya's mournful and indignant voice, there were excited shouts of big monsters in the world.

The little demon was also agitated, but they forcibly restrained themselves from yelling, for fear that they would be killed by Lu Ya as an example.

"Hahaha, the demon clan is no longer a demon! Nuwa has done a good job. We, the witch clan, welcome the coming of the era of all races, and wait for brothers from all races to come and drink together!"

There was a burst of bold voices from the sky and the earth, and the rough men of the Wu clan cheered.

The three-legged Golden Crow no longer belonged to the royal family, the demon clan no longer became demons, and hundreds of millions of species independently entered the era of ten thousand races. Among them, apart from the major species, the rest were the witch race who benefited the most.

The monster clan split into ten thousand clans independently, and it can be said that the situation of the lich and the demon has completely collapsed.

Originally it was necessary to unite to fight against their witch clan, but now they are divided and independent, so there is no doubt that their witch clan is the most powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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